"In terms of conventional, orthodox viewpoint we may say that Scorpio represents or symbolizes the 'source of evil.' The devil is the eternal tempter, the eternal push-in-the-wrong-direction, the eternal trap
for the unwary, the arch-destroyer, the enemy of good, the foe of Man and a
'stench in the nostrils of the Most High.' We do not quarrel with orthodoxy
but these phrases represent the attitudes of people who see life — and its
chapters — as 'black or white,' 'essentially good or essentially evil,' the
'high or the low,' 'day or night,' and so on. These levels of concept have
been — and still are — necessary because they serve as guideposts for the conduct of evolving humanity."
This material is presented in the hope that it will
assist those astrological students who are sincerely interested in psychology
to clarify their approach to patterns pertaining to the desire-aspects of
human consciousness. We fail our task as "enlighteners" unless we make inner
agreement to search for solutions to those complex and devious emotionalities
that result from confusions and frustrations of the sexual consciousness of
people. Evolution is generation and regeneration; phobia, psychosis, fixation,
and the like are terms used to indicate levels of emotional consciousness
which, because of lack of constructive releasement, have been permitted to
stagnate, crystallize, congest, and "back track."
In the application of astrological interpretations to the findings of modern psychology there is no single symbol more significant than the sign Scorpio in its placement as vibratory significator of the eighth house of the abstract wheel.
As a fixed water sign, it may be likened to ice,
compressed and immobile. As an emotional significator it is feeling in its
most intense form. It is the great ocean of desire-power from which al1
humanity derives its emotional pabulum, to be transmuted through love for the
regeneration of Life. (Physiologically, Scorpio represents all excretory
functions of the body — the releasements of materials, in fluidic states, which for health must be "let out" so that the body's regenerative and transmutative processes may be carried on.)
The above reference to Love might be better clarified
if we use a design to illustrate. On a blank wheel put Aries on the cusp of
the first house, Taurus on the cusp of the second house. This is the picture
of "I am" — the statement of conscious being — and "I have" — the recognition of
relationship with the things of Life through the consciousness of possession.
Taurus — Venusian, earthy, and fruitful — symbolizes the maintenance and
sustenance of physical life; it is our "roots in Earth" by which we, through
the sense of having, maintain our hold in life-experience. In primitive levels
the second house does not — nor need not — necessarily imply the consciousness
of relationship with another person; but it is a state of "feeling" or
"emotion" of ownership by which we carve our destiny according to our
consciousness of "evaluating the things of Earth."
To this design we now add Libra on the cusp of the
seventh house. The "I am" of first-house Aries now finds its fulfillment, or
transcendence, in the "we are" of partnership, marriage, or relationship of
any kind. The isolative awareness of the first house is amplified through the
mutuality of experience in "togetherness."
The seventh house is the first house of the upper
hemisphere, the initiation into soul-consciousness levels by the experience of
love-recognition or love-distillation through the mechanics of relationship.
The maintenance or sustenance of the seventh house is found in the eighth
house, the "soul-consciousness polarity" of the second house. It is, as has
been said, the "desire-resource," the "fires of polarity-exchange."
We now place the symbol of Scorpio on the cusp of the
eighth house, thus completing the picture of the individual thrust into the
evolutionary levels of experience through the power of love for the
transmutation and regeneration of his consciousness. (Suggest that all
astrological students meditate on this design; it is the symbolic picture of
the biblical account of the Garden of Eden, the birth of sex consciousness and
the initiation of marriage. The perverted interpretation of this allegory,
through ages of human experience, has been the cause of more tragedy and
suffering than can be ascribed to any other one factor. "Eve" is the soul-
consciousness, or the upper half of the wheel. "She" is derived from the need
of each individual to transcend the states of the first house — isolative self-maintenance, innocence and/or ignorance. Each human being is a vibratory
composite of "Adam and Eve;" physical sex is merely a specialization of
polarity expressed in physical terms during a given incarnation for specific
generative and evolutionary needs. There can be no such thing as superiority
of the male over the female — we are all, in consciousness and
subconsciousness, inherently both. Astrologers must understand this.)
We will now create another design in our study of the sign Scorpio.
In a blank wheel connect the mid-points of the fixed
houses — second, fifth, eighth, and eleventh — by straight lines. The result is
the perfect geometric form of a "static square" resting on its base. (This is
the symbol we use for the "square aspect" — a relationship between two planets that are within orb of ninety degrees from each other.) Since the vibratory significators of these houses are all signs of emotional power we must study the polarity-relationship of these signs by pairs. We connect the midpoint of the second with the midpoint of the eighth and the midpoint of the fifth with
the midpoint of the eleventh. The Leo-Aquarius polarity is the power of
personal creative love, expressed in relationship of parent to child, being
spiritually fulfilled in the Aquarian vibration of impersonal love-power which
includes all relationship patterns as they are fulfilled in friendship or
brotherhood. These two signs are love-power as radiations. The Taurus-Scorpio
pattern represents resources of love-power through the evolutionary agencies
of "desire for possession of things" and "desire for possession of
The "static square" here depicted gives us the clue
to the real meaning of the "square aspect" that we use in astrology.
Frictional patterns shown in a horoscope symbolize potentials for suffering —
"problems" — due to the frustrations and/or unspiritualized expressions of
desire-power. To explain:
Our problems are ignited in our consciousness — as
pain — by the contact we make with other people and through our vibratory
reaction to their patterns of consciousness. This can be possible only through
the experiences delineated by the seventh and eighth house sector of the
wheel, which is the sector of "vibrational exchange." Our states of
unregenerate consciousness, unexpressed or unfulfilled desires, synchronize
with a complementary pattern of the other person and our relationship-
experience is objectified. Since this phase of life is brought to us through
the other fellow, let us consider the design of the static square as starting
with Scorpio.
The wheel, as we know, is an abstract picturing of evolutionary processes through successive incarnations. Physical birth is
symbolized in each incarnation by the ascendant, the cusp of the first house.
However, in each incarnation, a "second birth" is initiated by the first
reaction to sex-awareness: the recognition of one's complement, one's "other
self," one's living symbol of desired and needed fulfillment. So, we may think
of the wheel as having started its revolutions from the moment that
humanity —
in the abstract (Adam and Eve) — became aware of the desire for fulfillment
through the processes of polarity-exchange, starting with the vibratory
exchange of physical sex experience on through all stages of development on
mental and creative exchanges and in biological and unbiological
Scorpio, then, is seen as the vibratory resource of
desire-power for that entity we call humanity, and from which all living
things derive their creative expression and perpetuation. Because we are
backed up by many, many incarnations of having expressed this power in certain
ways we may think of each human being as resembling, symbolically, an iceberg
which shows above the surface only a small fraction of its entire bulk. Each
one of us has a "great area" of submerged or unrecognized desire-potentials
which stem directly from our affiliation to this resource. Thus mutual
affiliation has been referred to by many thinkers as the "collective
unconscious." Every human being, at any given moment of any stage of his
evolution, vibrates to a certain level of this "elective desire body."
(Similar — or shall we say analogous — to the relationship of any specific
vibration of color to the entire spectrum, or to that of any tone to the "body
of tonal vibration.")
In terms of conventional, orthodox viewpoint we may
say that Scorpio represents or symbolizes the "source of evil." The devil is
the eternal tempter, the eternal push-in-the-wrong-direction, the eternal trap
for the unwary, the arch-destroyer, the enemy of good, the foe of Man and a
"stench in the nostrils of the Most High." We do not quarrel with orthodoxy
but these phrases represent the attitudes of people who see life — and its
chapters — as "black or white," "essentially good or essentially evil," the
"high or the low," "day or night," and so on. These levels of concept have
been — and still are — necessary because they serve as guideposts for the
conduct of evolving humanity. There must be molds of some kind into which man
pours his expressions of himself, else all evolving life would be chaotic and
pointless. Desire, itself, would have no evolutionary purposes to assist
beyond the satisfaction of the most primitive needs.
However, an alchemical process works throughout the evolution of any individual or pair or group of individuals by the
spiritualization of the love-consciousness and the development and expression
of intelligence. Self-love becomes love of mate and progeny; self-protection
becomes devotion to family, tribe, and state; the forces of sexuality are
raised in vibratory quality to extend into levels of creativity and mental
power. Through it all the consciousness of the individual ripens and matures
into desire for improvement, expansion into wider and wider acquaintance with
the universe of other people and, ultimately, for wisdom and realization of
ideals. Thus Scorpio, through the eighth house patterns, makes possible the
extension of experience into the transcendent expressions of the ninth, tenth,
eleventh, and twelfth houses. Scorpio is evil only to the mind that sees evil
as a "static entity." However, from the approaches made by dynamic
realization, Scorpio is the source of all love, all aspiration, and, through
the fulfillment of relationship-experience, the source of all wisdom.
Since Scorpio is a fixed sign of great potential
power, planetary placements or patterns involving its vibration may be
interpreted as being backed up by intense resource, the result of a
"long-time-compression" of desire force at that point. Scorpio patterns — and Scorpio
types — are never superficial or insignificant. Give careful attention to any
natal aspects pertaining to this sign because its potentials are very great
for "great good or great ungood." Desire is concentrated there and its
constructive releasement and expression is a "must" in this incarnation.
Failing, painful destiny is assured for the future. No emotional inhibition
can compare with Saturn in Scorpio for intensity of fear or fixation; no
purpose-potential is more unwavering than Sun in Scorpio. Mars in Scorpio may
represent sex desire at its most shrill need for expression. Mercury in
Scorpio must watch its expressions — backed up by unregenerate impulses of
jealousy, frustration, fear, etc. its words can have a devastating effect on
the minds and feelings of other people. Moon and Venus in Scorpio intensify to
a high degree those patterns which pertain specifically to the levels of
feminine consciousness of anyone, male or female. There is, or can be, a
certain implacability, ruthlessness, or tendencies to "express through
domination" when these factors are not satisfactorily released. All of these
planetary positions demand transmuted expression through releasements made
possible by the love-consciousness of mutuality in relationship, satisfactory
sex-exchange and fruitful generation or, on impersonal levels, in loving work-
service or creativity of some kind. These are fires which cannot,
indefinitely, remain in a state of suppressed shouldering; they must be
allowed to "blaze with the Fires of Living."
Since we are searching for understanding there is a
psychological factor involved in the Scorpio vibration which we must consider,
unpleasant though it is. That factor, and it is an individual and collective
emotional state, is the essential result of the failure to release
constructively those necessarily intense desire urges. Because the physical
body is an outer expression of the inner let us consider how this problem
manifests on the physical plane.
As we said before, Scorpio represents all excretory
functions of the physical body. Failure to make these needed releasements
insures the condition of congestion with all its attendant possibilities of
physical inharmony.
In comparison then, how much more difficult it is to
remedy the congestion of the desire nature. Any student can, by a few moments
of reflection, recognize conditions of desire congestion in himself or in the
natures of those he knows well. These congestions take very tragic forms
sometimes and we must learn to recognize them.
The essential basic tragedy of unreleased Scorpio is
the frustration of the generative urge. From this particular congestion stems
a myriad of emotional, nervous, and mental ills that may afflict humanity in
almost every phase of development. True that there are a few persons in
incarnation at any time who do not require this particular form of releasement
but these people are few and far between. It is natural and healthy that
people, generally speaking, experience the fulfillment of the mating urge in
the companionship of love-relationship. Failing this fulfillment, when its
need is deeply felt, there is presented a horrible picture of suffering and
perpetuation of wrongs on others. Unfulfilled Scorpio — wherever it is placed
in the chart — gives us a picture of possibility that the person may yield to
expression of cruelty, dishonesty, murder, and all manner of destruction as a
substitute satisfaction for this thing which, in his desire nature, screams
for gratification.
As the physical body may erupt with boils due to
unreleased toxic conditions, so the consciousness may erupt with all kinds of
black urges to get some form of releasement. The history of humanity's
development as a sexual organism is riddled with chapters of fear, perversion,
disease, and madness because so many human beings "agreed" to live,
emotionally, by standards completely removed from the processes of natural
experience and healthy, loving fulfillments.
Marriage, which should be a natural response of two
people to each other in terms of emotional rapport, has been made a tool to
serve family interests, property acquisition, fortune, temporal power,
dynasty, and heaven knows what else. An entire religious form was based on the
attitude that man, being a worm and fit for nothing but eternal punishment,
had no right to spontaneous enjoyment and fulfillment of his urges and his
life. This "philosophy" has tainted the minds and emotions of millions of
people for many hundreds of years. We are, in these times, beginning to get at
the roots of these emotional diseases and, in studying them, we are forced to
the conclusion that life cannot be well lived unless it is based on a
philosophy of healthy, constructive, loving, and happy releasements.
Some of the results of having been instrumental in
deflecting the emotional life and happiness of others:
People whose lives seem to be consecrated to
suffering because of the lack of love experience; marriages which seem to be
an eternal friction between the partners concerned — old enmity; children
brought in who are sources of continual anxiety and care because of illness of
mind or body — or deficient in essential character; women who are persuaded to
marry men who keep them in continual enslavement to their desire urges without
fruitful results; men who cannot free themselves from psycho-emotional bondage
to their mothers; children who come in to parents who cannot — who will not —
treat them with reasonable affection or consideration; people who live an
entire incarnation in fear of their own sexuality and shame at the thought of
trying to "do anything about it."
So it goes — the torment, pain, fear, inferiority
feelings, cruelty, domination, enslavement, self-destruction, and madness —
evidences of the congestion of the desire nature. The remedy is found in
enlightened, spiritualized education plus the vitalized determination to live
healthily, expressively, beautifully, and lovingly in relationship with
oneself and with other people. Thus the desire resource is transmuted and
expressed in terms that make for evolution, as well as the redemption of
karmic patterns into spiritualized consciousness.
We find meditation on a sign or a planet as it relates
to the "abstract horoscope" to be a reliable foundation for all study of
interpretative astrological science. By "abstract horoscope" is meant a wheel
with Aries on the cusp of the first house, Taurus on the second cusp, and so
on around the wheel. This applies the thirty degrees of each sign to its
related house. The placement of the planets in the signs and houses of their
dignity complete the picture.
In Part I of this series we considered the sign
Scorpio in its "square relationship" to the other three fixed signs — the signs
of "resource of emotional power," which are the sustenance of the cardinal
signs preceding them.
Now we must consider Scorpio in its relationship to
the other two signs of its element — water. Our design will be a blank wheel
with Cancer on the cusp of the fourth house, Scorpio on the cusp of the
eighth, and Pisces on the cusp of the twelfth. These cusps are connected by
straight lines forming an equilateral triangle. Of the three water signs and
houses, one — the fourth — is in the lower, or "ego-consciousness," hemisphere;
the other two are in the "soul-consciousness" hemisphere. To consider the
This is the second aspect of cardinal "I am"
consciousness; it is the "I am" in terms of the Ego's relationship with
heritage, family background, racial consciousness, and identification with the
streams of Life. Cancer, cardinal-water, is generative in the sense that it is
our "home-building" consciousness; it is our base (the lowest point of the
wheel) from which we rise up through the succeeding evolutionary patterns.
Scorpio and the eighth house sustain the seventh
house, which is our focal point of most intensified relationship consciousness
in marriage (love) or in enmity (unfulfilled love). Consequently the intense,
concentrated emotional power of Scorpio — through sex-impulse and its
derivations — is needed here. Scorpio is generation and its spiritualizations
through regeneration in love.
Pisces and the twelfth house symbolize water as an
enveloping agency. Abstractly considered it is the essence of the past brought
over into the present. All the mutable signs and houses are "modulations" from
one vibrational or environmental quadrant to the one following. The twelfth
house is the modulation from one incarnation to the next — or, considered
conversely, it is the essential key to understanding what, in the past,
impelled the present incarnation. It symbolizes the emotionality of the water
signs in its most transcendent and impersonal aspects of universality of Love,
Sympathy, and Compassion-Understanding. Cancer is emotional identification
with family; Scorpio is emotional identification in partnership; Pisces is
emotional identification with world causes, universal welfare, and
evolutionary progress as expressions of the most spiritualized faculties and
The water signs in composite, symbolize our faculties
as "sounding-boards;" our "vibrational responsiveness to other people's
vibrational patterns;" "subconscious instinctive family feelings;"
"sub-conscious desire-impulses;" and "subconscious memories from past
Since the foundation of all astrological
interpretation is "Know Thyself," suggest acquaintance with the water-sign
pattern by turning the design we have created so that your Ascendant sign
falls on the cusp of the first house. Even if your natal chart has intercepted
signs, this turning of the wheel will give you a picture of how, in general,
the water-sign consciousness applies to your individual astrological
variation. Study it carefully, with emphasis on the cusp carrying Scorpio, for
pursuance of this discussion. Approach it in this way: "Scorpio indicates the
concentration of my desire-consciousness in such-and-such house in such-and-
such quadrant of my chart." Meditate retrospectively on your past experiences
pertaining to this pattern. Apply this technique by placing Scorpio on all
cusps of an otherwise blank wheel. Elasticize your mental approach by applying
the water-sign trine and the fixed-sign square to the twelve possible abstract
Our next consideration of the sign Scorpio will be in
its relationship to Libra, the cardinal sign preceding it. On a blank wheel
put Libra on the seventh cusp and Scorpio on the eighth. From the center of
the wheel darken the lines representing the seventh and eight cusps and then
shade in the seventh and eighth houses so that they stand out from the other
houses. This is for the purpose of alerting you to the intense emotional
signification of this two-house and two-sign sector of the wheel.
Libra, cardinal-air, is the vibratory correspondence
of the first house of the soul-consciousness hemisphere; it initiates the
third sector of the wheel by the dynamic action of the magnetic attraction of
two people to each other. The egotistic individualistic "I am" — Adam — of the
first house extended into "I am a unit in family relationship" of the fourth
house, becomes, in the seventh, "I am one of the two complementary factors of
an intensely focused emotional experience pattern." Venus, as ruler of Libra,
is the abstract symbol of the "Eve-consciousness" of every human being, the
agency of redemption for the isolative egoism inherent in all of us and the
essential channel by which we all find the source of our cultivations and
refinements through exchanges in mutuality — in all phases and levels.
Scorpio, succeeding Libra, is the desire-food by
which this redemptive experience is sustained and the eighth house is the
process of generation, regeneration, renewal, and transmutation by which is
distilled Understanding — leading from the eighth house into the
transcendencies of the remaining four houses of the wheel. Add to our design a
straight line from the ninth cusp to the Ascendant, enclosing the last four
houses. This four-house sector is consciousness resulting from transmuted
expressions of the desire nature; spiritualizations made possible by love.
Apply this design to your own chart in meditation. Elasticize by studying it
as it applies to the twelve possible positions in the abstract wheel. Utilize
the basic key word approach to the sectors and to the individual houses,
keeping in mind that Scorpio conveys the intensity of the desire nature; the
focal point of sex consciousness; the chapter of experience which requires the
utmost of your regenerative and transmutative powers; the levels of your
emotional awareness that demand the improvement of vibratory quality by love;
and the improvement of expression by constructive action.
The viewpoint is maintained here that Pluto is the
ruler of Scorpio; Mars is the co-ruler as the active expression of Pluto. And
for these reasons:
The essential qualities of a planet's "spiritual
nature" must coincide with the essential qualities of the sign it rules. Mars
is not only the Principle of Energy but it is the expression of that energy in
action. Its sign is Aries — the initial step of the wheel, the "new life," the
consciousness of Being and Doing. Its essence is dynamic in every way:
thrusting, energizing, impregnating, stimulating, and vitalizing. It is the
abstraction of individual selfhood contending with Life and its component
parts as things to be overcome through the urges of self-maintenance and
Pluto, remote and slow moving, is the abstracted
essence of the fixed, congealed, and compressed nature of Scorpio — the most
rigid of all the signs (Leo, fixed-fire, glows with power and radiance;
Taurus, fixed-earth, is fruitful and expressive; Aquarius, fixed-air, is a
vibration of genius — transcendent and inventive; of the water signs, Cancer is
responsive and moody; Pisces is extremely impressionable and subtle). Scorpio,
smoldering with the compression of its inner fires of intense feelings,
expresses its utmost infrequently, but then with great and telling effect.
Volcano-like, these expressions are made when the urge to express exceeds the
capacity to withhold and the energy-releases are made for far-reaching effects
and results. Let us refer again to the design of Libra-Scorpio with the line
drawn from the ninth cusp to the Ascendant. What does this design essentially
In periodic recurrence — revolution after revolution
of the wheel — it symbolizes the need for reincarnation for the greater
spiritualizations of the consciousness due to failures or unfulfillments of
the partnership-regeneration patterns of the previous incarnation or cycle of
incarnations. The Ascendant carries on its back the whole sector of four
houses which include the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth. Pluto, as ruler
of Scorpio, stands at the portal of spiritual life — on any phase — from
relationship to relationship and — and this is significant — the relationship-
essence of the past to the present and from the present into the future. The
last four houses of the wheel represent the "Wine of Spirit" distilled from
all fulfilled relationships.
Now if, at the commencement of incarnation, the Ego
is unable to say "I am," of what use is incarnation? The fact that incarnation
is made is proof that the Spark of eternal, indestructible Consciousness is
seeking further spiritualizing, no matter how limited the capacity for self-
expression may be. The congenitally crippled, the blind, the mentally
deficient, and all such defective persons are personifications of the
expression of the lower hemisphere of the wheel — consider this carefully —
loveless releasements of the generative and regenerative factors. The on-going
of life is regeneration; those lives that seem to be back-going are themselves
objects of devotion, sacrifice, and love for parents, or others, who need
extreme measures to release their resources of knowledge, compassion, and
sympathy; thus the processes of improvement and regeneration are maintained
and perpetuated. The ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth houses not only
represent people who live in spiritualized consciousness, but they also
represent the patterns of work or service that are extended to those who
personify evil destiny in their afflictions of suffering and ignorance. In
other words, those who have learned the lessons of the eighth house distill,
for service to all, those spiritualized powers by which afflictions and
suffering can be, and are, redeemed. Therefore, enlightened people regard
every incarnation as significant and of value; their viewpoint extends beyond
the superficial and transitory; they perceive the Laws of Life in expressions
and recognize that there is the possibility for the regeneration of any and
all phases of human existence.
The approach made by modern corrective psychology —
let us refer again to our design — is to help the person who is physically,
emotionally, or mentally-psychically afflicted to re-establish his ability to
say "I am" in terms of (1) physical healing and improvement of the physical
capacities; (2) the understanding of his emotional patterns of fixation, fear,
frustrations, or inhibitions, so that the inner complexes and compressions may
be released and an upsurgence of self-confidence, sexual-emotional health,
relationship realignment, optimism, joy, and love be established; (3)
disciplines and directives for stronger and more efficient mental awareness so
that the person may bring himself into clearer alignment with things and
people around him. All of these factors point directly to a higher level of "I
AM" consciousness. There is no other basis for living life in constructive and
fruitful terms.
Now we must consider that from incarnation to
incarnation an inner life starts with each emergence into sex awareness and
the recognition of partnership experience. More destiny can be created from
the pattern of one marital experience than from any other single factor in
human development. All of the essential factors are involved: sexual exchange,
rearing of children, economic problems, relationship entanglements, etc.,
making a composite of very complex emotional reaction patterns. Since we all
are individuals, regardless of how close or bound we may feel to our partners,
we cannot, ultimately, and should not try to, get away from the consciousness
of "I am." Even to try to effect this inner cleavage is to ensure, to a
degree, the wreckage of integrity, the undermining of self-confidence, and the
depletion of ability-expressions. The "I am" of Mars-Aries should be — and
eventually must be — a thing of honest self-awareness, integrity, and emotional
health. Until this springboard is made the basis of our "leap into life" we
risk floundering in swamps of indecision, falsity, and all manner of tragic
complications. Pluto, as ruler of our intense desire-capacity, is released
through Mars either as an agency of destruction, domination, greed, crime,
perversion, and disease, or it is an expression of courage, self-reliance,
constructive activity and work, the ardency of true love-impulse, the health
of rewarding sexua1-mutuality, and the luminous spark by which life is
expressed with warmth and light, joy, and progress.
When your life seems to reach a point of stagnation
and, through a feeling of inertia or depletion, you feel unaware of neW
directions and new paths of growth, but you do want to continue progressively,
look to your chart and point your attention at the cusp carrying Scorpio to
alert yourself to your resources. Then by consideration of the house carrying
Aries and the potential indicated by your Mars, find out how you can say "I
AM" in bigger and better terms than ever before. This is the process on the
inner planes:
You are aware of a strong desire to move ahead with
your life in some way. Desire, unreleased and unexpressed, banks up until
congestion sets in; this congestion results in envies and jealousies of
others, self-pities and a diminishing of self-respect and self-confidence.
Futilities and superficialities are resorted to in order to fill up the
"aching void" and your life goes wandering off into all kinds of (really
unwanted) byways and detours.
So — you know you must do something with yourself from
your own center of awareness. Your start of anything is made with your Aries
and/or first house consciousness; an enlarged or extended consciousness of
your Aries-Mars potential is the key for greater releasement of your desire
for on-going. Not what someone else thinks you might do, should or should not
do, but what your horoscope says is your pattern for progress.
Without reneging on legitimate responsibilities or
trampling unjustly on anyone you will respond to the first opportunity that
synchronizes with your progressive purpose. Your response will be in terms of
"good Mars" — eagerly, enthusiastically, courageously, and positively. You say,
in effect, "I wish to release something of the best that I have to offer to my
own life and to my relations with other people — something from the deep,
hidden resources of my consciousness and abilities. I am determined to make
this a worthy and constructive contribution to be expressed and fulfilled with
honesty, integrity, and courage."
By such an attitude, and inner feeling, the resources
of Pluto, the collective desire body, are released into life through you and
serve to feed the spiritual vibrations and consciousness of all who contact
you. This, in short, is the redemption of relationship, the essence of
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