The Measure of
Amenability to
Planetary Vibrations
Part II
To primitive man, driven by the whiplash of saturnine necessity when not by the animal lust and passions of Mars and the Moon, the world looks gloomy. Fear is the keynote of his existence — fear of animals, fear of other men, fear of the nature forces, fear of everything around him. He must ever be watchful and on the alert; vigilance is eternally the price of safety. But when evolution makes him amenable to the influence of Venus and Mercury, they soften his emotions and brighten the mentality. He begins to feel love and reason as factors in life.
The Sun also begins to brighten his outlook upon life, and sunshine in the nature of man during this phase of his evolution partially dispels the cloud of Saturn. Thus, by degrees, as he evolves and becomes responsive to the music of the spheres, one string after another of the celestial harp strikes a kindred chord in the human soul and makes man amenable to its vibrations. Thus as a tuning fork which is struck awakens the music in other tuning forks of even pitch within reasonable distance, so the planets in our solar system have in evolutionary succession struck various chords that have found an echo in the human heart.
But the strings on the celestial Lyre of Apollo are not all in harmony; some are in actual discord. While man responds to certain cries, he must necessarily remain at least partially unresponsive to others. In fact, before it is possible to respond perfectly to the rays of Venus it is necessary for man to conquer Mars to a considerable degree and bring him under control, so that certain undesirable martial traits in his nature are kept in the background while others, which may be valuable, are retained. The Venus love which is willing to give all for the loved ones cannot dwell side by side in the heart with the Mars ray which demands all for self. Therefore the savage must learn to conquer himself in a certain measure ere he may become the more civilized family man of modern times.
Under the unrestrained rays of Mars and the Moon parents bring children into the world and leave them to take care of themselves almost as animals do, for they are products of animal passion. The females are bought and sold as a horse or a cow, or else taken by force and carried away. Even as late as the medieval Dark Ages, the knight often carried away his bride by force of arms, practically in the same manner that the male animals battle for possession of the female at mating time.
Thus we see that the first step toward civilization requires that a man conquer one or more of the planets to a certain degree at least. Unbridled passion such as is generated by the primitive Mars ray is no longer permissible under the regime of modern civilization. Neither is the tenant that "might is right" any longer admissible, save in wars when we return to barbarism. The Mars quality of physical prowess that at one time made it a virtue to attack others and take away property, is no longer admired in the individual. It is punished by various means according to the law, though it is still effective as far as nations are concerned, who go to war under this primitive impulse for territorial aggrandizement. However, as said, Mars has been conquered to a great degree in civil and social life in order that the Venus love might take the place of the Mars passion.
As previously noted, the children of primitive man were left to their own resources as soon as they had been taught to defend themselves in physical warfare. With the advent of Mercury another method is observable. The battle of life nowadays is no longer fought with physical weapons alone. Brain rather than brawn determines success. Therefore the period of education has been lengthened as mankind has advanced. Education now aims principally at mental accomplishments because of the Mercury rays which accompany the Venus development of modern civilization. Man sees nature from a more sunny side when he has learned to respond to the Sun, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Moon and Saturn, even if only in a very slight measure.
But although the various stages of evolution have gradually brought man under the dominance of a number of planetary rays, the development has been one-sided, for it has aimed to foster interest solely in things in which he has a proprietary right: his business, his house, his family, his cattle, farm, etc., are all vitally important and must be taken care of. His possessions must be increased, if possible, no matter what happens to the possessions, family, etc., of anyone else; those are not his concern. But before he can reach a higher stage of evolution, it is necessary that this desire to appropriate the earth and retain it for himself if possible, give way to a desire to benefit his fellow men. In other words, egotism must give way to altruism. Just as Saturn by wielding the whiplash of necessity over him in his primitive days brought him up to his present point of civilization, so also Jupiter, the planet of benevolence, is destined to raise him from the estate of man to that of superman, where he will come under the Uranian ray with respect to his emotional nature, where passion generated by Mars will be replaced by compassion, and where the childlike consciousness of lunar origin will be replaced by the cosmic consciousness of the Neptunian ray.
Therefore the advent into our lives of the Jupiterian ray marks a very distinct advance in human development. As taught in The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, we are to advance from our present Earth Period into the Jupiter Period, and therefore the Jupiterian ray marks that high stage of altruism which will then be a prominent factor in our relations, one with the other. It will be easily understood that before we can readily respond to the rays of Jupiter, we must in a measure cultivate altruism and conquer the Egotism that comes through the Mercurial reasoning power.
We have learned to conquer some of the phases of Mars and the Moon and we may have also learned to conquer some of the lower phases of Mercury and Venus. The more we have overcome these the better we are able to respond to the highest vibratory forces emanating from these planets. Yes, if we strive earnestly we shall some day be able to overcome even the highest stage of the Venus love, which love always attaches itself to an object owned by us. We love our children because they are ours; we love our husband or wife because he or she belongs to us; we take pride, Venusian pride, in their moral characteristics, or Mercurial pride in their accomplishments.
But Christ set a higher standard: "Unless a man leave his father and mother, he cannot be my disciple." The idea that we should neglect our father or mother or that we must hate them in order to follow Him was far from His mind, of course. But father and mother are only bodies; the soul that inhabits the body of the father or mother is to be loved, not the mere physical garment. Our love should be the same whether a person is old or young, ugly or beautiful. We should look for beauty of the soul, for the universal relationship of all souls, and not mind so much the relationship of the bodies. "Who is my mother and my brother?" asked Christ, and pointed to His disciples, those who were at one with Him in His great work. They were closer to Him that anyone else could be through mere physical relationship. This attitude constitutes an upward step from the Venus love, which places the emphasis on the physical garments of the loved ones and leaves out of consideration the soul that is within.
The Jupiterian love on the other hand, takes cognizance only of the soul, regardless of the body it wears. The Mercurial or reasoning phase of mentality is also changed by response to the altruistic Jupiter. Cold calculation is then out of the question. One who feels the expansive ray of Jupiter is big-hearted where his emotions are concerned, also big-hearted where the things of the world are concerned. "A jovial fellow" is an apt expression to describe such a man. He is welcomed and loved by everyone he meets, because he radiates not the common selfishness, but a desire to benefit others that breed in us a feeling of trust, diametrically different from the sense of distrust we instinctively have when we come in contact with a Saturn-Mercury man.
It is a matter of actual experience with astrologers endowed with spiritual sight that every man's planetary rays produce certain colors in his aura. The man with the thin, sickly blue of a commingled Saturn and Mercury is to be pitied rather than censured for the avarice and gloom which are his constant attitude of mind. He sees everything in the world through that auric mirror which he has created around himself; he feels that the world is cold, hard, and selfish, and therefore that it is necessary for him to be more selfish and more cold in order that he may protect himself.
On the other hand, when we see the divine blue ray of Jupiter tinted perhaps with the refined gold of the Uranian nature, we realize how differently such an exalted individual must view the world from the usual sordid way of seeing and judging things. Even those who have the faintest Jupiterian tinge are in a world filled with sunshine and blooming flowers; everything in nature is gay and glad. And by looking at the world through such an atmosphere they call forth from other sources a similar response, as the tuning fork previously mentioned generates a similar vibration in another of even pitch.
Work for
the Student
(You are welcome to e-mail your answers and/or comments
to us. Please be sure to include the course name and self-study module number in your e-mail to us. You will find the answers to the questions below in the next Astrology Independent Study Module.)
1. When you have studied this Astrology Independent Study Module, please set up the practice horoscope below [Birth Place: Stockton, CA, USA; Lat.: 38 deg. N.; Long.: 121 deg. W.; Birth Date: January 22, 1912; Birth Time: 0:50 A.M.]. (Optional)
Horoscope Data Sheet:
Name: Astrology Independent Study Module No. 24
Place: Stockton, CA, USA
Lat.: 38 deg. N.
Long.: 121 deg. W.
Birth Date: January 22, 1912
Birth Time: 0:50 A.M.
(Std. Time)
Std Time:
(Choose One:
True Local Time:
Calc. Sid. Time:
Nearest Sid. Time:
Greenwich Mean Time:
Adj. Calc. Date:
Dragon's Head:
Dragon's Tail:
Part of Fortune:
Dragon's Head:
Dragon's Tail:
Part of Fortune:
True Local Time:
Birth Hour
according to Standard Time:
(if Daylight Saving Time
in effect, subtract
one hour):
Degrees birthplace is East
or West of Standard Time
Meridian in use at birth :
Multiply this number of
degrees by 4 minutes,
(Add if birthplace is
East of this Meridian.
Subtract if birthplace
is West of this Meridian)
Gives True Local Time
(T.L.T.) of Birth:
Sidereal Time:
Sidereal Time (S.T.) at
Greenwich for noon
previous to T.L.T.
of birth:
Correction of 10 seconds
for each 15 degrees of
Longitude (10/15 or
2/3 x Long.):
(Add if West Longitude.
Deduct if East Longitude)
Interval between previous
noon and true local time
of birth:
Add correction of 10
seconds per hour of
Gives Sidereal Time (S.T.)
at birthplace at
birth hour:
Nearest S. T. in Tables
of Houses:
Greenwich Mean Time:
True Local Time of Birth :
Degrees East or West of
Multiply this number of
degrees by 4 minutes
(Add, if West Longitude.
Deduct if East Longitude)
Gives Greenwich Mean Time
Interval to nearest noon :
Logarithm for this interval
(Permanent Logarithm):
Position of Planets:
Coming Noon Position
(after G.M.T.):
Previous Noon Position
(before G.M.T.):
Travel in 24 hours:
Logarithm of Travel:
Permanent Logarithm:
Sum of Logarithms:
Travel During Interval:
(Direct planets: add to
previous noon position if
G.M.T. is P.M.; deduct
from coming noon position
if G.M.T. is A.M.
Retrograde Planets,
reverse this rule.)
Position of Sun:
House Location of Sun:
Coming Noon Position
(after G.M.T.):
Previous Noon Position
(before G.M.T.):
Travel in 24 hours:
Logarithm of Travel:
Permanent Logarithm:
Sum of Logarithms:
Travel During Interval:
(Direct planets: add to
previous noon position if
G.M.T. is P.M.; deduct
from coming noon position
if G.M.T. is A.M.
Retrograde Planets,
reverse this rule.)
Position of Venus:
House Location of Venus:
Coming Noon Position
(after G.M.T.):
Previous Noon Position
(before G.M.T.):
Travel in 24 hours:
Logarithm of Travel:
Permanent Logarithm:
Sum of Logarithms:
Travel During Interval:
(Direct planets: add to
previous noon position if
G.M.T. is P.M.;
from coming noon position
if G.M.T. is A.M.
Retrograde Planets,
reverse this rule.)
Position of Mercury:
House Location of Mercury :
Coming Noon Position
(after G.M.T.):
Previous Noon Position
(before G.M.T.):
Travel in 24 hours:
Logarithm of Travel:
Permanent Logarithm:
Sum of Logarithms:
Travel During Interval:
(Direct planets: add to
previous noon position if
G.M.T. is P.M.; deduct
from coming noon position
if G.M.T. is A.M.
Retrograde Planets,
reverse this rule.)
Position of Moon:
House Location of Moon:
Coming Noon Position
(after G.M.T.):
Previous Noon Position
(before G.M.T.):
Travel in 24 hours:
Logarithm of Travel:
Permanent Logarithm:
Sum of Logarithms:
Travel During Interval:
(Direct planets: add to
previous noon position if
G.M.T. is P.M.; deduct
from coming noon position
if G.M.T. is A.M.
Retrograde Planets,
reverse this rule.)
Position of Mars:
House Location of Mars:
Position of Saturn:
House Location of Saturn:
Position of Jupiter:
House Location of Jupiter:
Position of Uranus:
House Location of Uranus:
Position of Neptune:
House Location of Neptune:
Position of Pluto:
House Location of Pluto:
Position of Dragon's Head:
House Location of
Dragon's Head:
[End of Chart]
Calculating Declination
of the Moon
for Astrology
Independent Study
Module No. 23:
Declination of Moon on July 3, 1912, G.M.T:
S 17.14
Declination of Moon on July 4, 1912, G.M.T:
Logarithm for 4.53 is:
Permanent logarithm:
This total (1.4696) converted into time is 49 minutes, declination travel from 8:00 A.M., G.M.T. , to Noon, G.M.T. 12.21 (declination of Moon at noon July 4, G.M.,) plus 49 minutes equals 13.10, declination of Moon at time at birth. (The Moon's declination in ephemeris at noon, July 4, is 12.21, and as the declination movement is toward the equator, we add the 49 minutes to this noon declination. Thus the 49 minutes is the movement of declination from 8:00 A.M., G.M.T., to Noon, G.M.T.)
Astrology, at its simplest, is complexity piled upon
complexity. In the minds of many students, however, the problems of
interceptions proves to be a complication of back-breaking quality. This
material is offered as food for thought in an attempt to clarify the purpose
and meaning of signs and planets being placed in such a way that their
vibratory "area" does not touch house-cusps. "Interceptions" can mean "woe is
us" until we perceive the possibility of a philosophical meaning behind this
particular pattern. When we do, we are well on our way to achieving an
organized approach to its interpretation.
First a break-down of horoscopical structure. Use
a twelve-housed wheel; connect by straight lines the pairs of cusps as
Four horizontals — parallel to the horizontal
diameter: cusps of 11th-9th, 12th-8th, 2nd-6th and 3rd-5th.
Four verticals — parallel lo the vertical diameter:
cusps of 12th-2nd, 11th-3rd, 9th-5th and 8th-6th.
The mandala as it now appears symbolizes the
symmetry of astrological structure. These lines connect points of the
circumference of the wheel that are equidistant from the arch-structure lines
of the horizontal and vertical diameters. These, in turn, form the composite
of the lines of force that are basic to the contents of the wheel. These two
diameters symbolize the cross of incarnation. Now create a symmetrical square
by connecting these "cardinal points" by straight lines. This square is the
abstraction of relationship-structure, our "field of experiences" by which we
unfold our potentials in incarnation. Create another symmetrical square by
connecting the mid-points of the 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th houses. This forms
the symbol of the static square — the arch-symbol of congestion of spiritual
potentials. This congestion is decrystallized by the symbol comprised of the
diameters of 1st-7th, 3rd-9th, and 5th-11th. This symbol — the sextile aspect —
is a symmetrical open symbol representing the "lines of force" inherent in the
composite of two closed equilateral triangles; these two triangles are formed
by straight lines connecting (1) cusps of the 1st, 5th, and 9th and (2) 7th,
11th, and 3rd.
All of these designs are balanced, symmetrical
figures inherent in the interior essence of the wheel. Since they are
structure designs they apply to all horoscopes, because the structure of any
horoscope is a twelvefold division of the wheel's interior into equal
sections — "houses" — of thirty degrees each. The composite of these designs
illustrates, by symmetry, the equal importance of all houses. No one house is
more important than another; every house is a channeling for the releasement
of potentials and the unfoldment of consciousness toward the realization of
ideals in incarnation. It also serves, by its symmetry, to illustrate the
equi-importance of both sexes since the symmetry of these figures is
continually evident no matter which of the four cardinal-house structure-points is placed at the Ascendant.
To complete the "symmetricalness" we now add the
symbols of the zodiacal signs outside the wheel, starting with Aries on the
cusp of the first house and continuing around the wheel in regular sequence.
The result is the Great Astrological Mandala — the abstraction from which all
horoscopes are derived. This addition of the zodiacal signs integrates
vibration with structure. We now recognize that the application of thirty
degrees of each sign to the thirty degrees of each house represents a charging
of structure with vibratory life just as a house becomes a home when it is
used as a habitation by people and a violin becomes a musical instrument when
it is played.
In a horoscope that has no intercepted signs the
symmetrical parallel of signs with houses is everywhere evident. The three
structure-crosses: cardinal, fixed, and mutable, and the four generic trines:
fire, earth, air, and water, appear in regular sequence and in geometrical
formation; the six structural diameters parallel the six vibrational
polarities, the house-quadrants parallel the zodiacal quadrants and the
outline of planetary rulership of the twelve houses is concise and clear. The
trine-pattern represented by the vibrational generic element covering the
cusps of the 1st, 5th, and 9th houses represents the arch-resource of creative
spiritualization for this incarnation. The "structure-sign-pattern"
represented by the sign-vibrations covering the cusps of the 1st, 4th, 7th,
and 10th cusps represent the arch-resource of Relationship-Consciousness and
Before we go into a detailed approach to
intercepted patterns, we will consider the pattern of the twelfth house — in
relationship by sequence — of any house in a horoscope.
Let us remember that every house is the twelfth
house of the house which follows it; every sign is the twelfth sign of the
sign which follows it; in horoscopes, signs are correlated to houses so (for
Leo on the twelfth cusp is the twelfth house-sign
of the Virgo Ascendant; Gemini on the eighth cusp is the twelfth house-sign of
Cancer on the ninth cusp, etc.
Twelfth house is "that from which something
emanates." The Ascendant itself "emanates" from the twelfth house as the
diameter of Ascendant-7th cusp emanates from the diameter of 4th cusp-10th cusp
or as the trine of Aries-Leo emanates from the trine of Sagittarius-Aries or
as the quadrant of Libra-Capricorn emanates from the quadrant of Cancer-Libra.
And so on. In the Great mandala, the fire trine of Aries-Leo-Sagittarius,
initiated by the cardinal Aries, emanates from the water-trine
Pisces-Cancer-Scorpio; the latter trine is initiated in the past by the cardinal Cancer
"root" of the vertical line of "vibrational heredity." This vertical
diameter — abstractly Cancer-Capricorn — out of which Aries-Libra is emanated — is
astrology's symbolic picturing of what most people call "heredity."
The processes of Life as evolution are a
continual emergence from that which was (the past) into that which now is (the
present) and thence into that which is to be (the future). Nothing "just
appears;" that which was conditioned that which is; that which is is
conditioning that which is to be. The sequence of houses correlated with the
sequence of signs is astrology's way of picturing the sequence of life's
ever-becomingness as continual releasement of potentials. In other words the
horoscope is a static symbol of the eternally rhythmic (the symmetry of time)
emergence of potentials from octave to octave in perpetual unfoldingness.
Therefore, when the unfoldingness of an
individual human is thrown out of rhythmic timing a defect results in the
synchronization of sign with house. For whatever karmic reason or
consciousness-conditioning, the emphasis of one level of unfoldment at the
expense of another has the effect of intercepted signs appearing in the natal
horoscope as a picturing of structural-vibratory defect.
To illustrate: use any chart you have available
that has an intercepted diameter. Apply the approach explained in the
foregoing by connecting the "points" that represent the structure of the
crosses and trines. Somewhere along the line you will see a defect in the
symmetry of these designs because somewhere a cross-point or a trine-point
will not coincide with a house-cusp. Thus the vibrational-content of the wheel
is thrown out of symmetry and the sequence-content of the wheel is thrown out
of rhythm. There are varying degrees of complexity and difficulty in
interpreting "intercepted charts" as in anything else. Let us see if we can
organize an outline of approach, starting with the easiest:
Type 1-A: The horoscope has the cusps of the
first, fourth, seventh, and tenth houses covered by a perfect vibrational
cross — cardinal, fixed or mutable. In this pattern the composite "generator"
(fourth-tenth) and the composite "generated" (first-seventh) coincide with
four quadrants of the zodiac and the clarity of basic relationship-structure
is pictured.
Type 1-B: The above requirements are depicted in
the Basic Generic Chart. This is a variation of the natal chart by which the
sign containing the natal planetary ruler is used as Ascendant. This variation
focuses the power of the vibratory ruler of the chart — the planet that rules
that sign.
Type 2 — three possibilities: A — a perfect generic
trine covers the cusps of the first, fifth, and ninth houses; B — a perfect
generic trine covers the cusps of the seventh, eleventh, and third houses; C —
a perfect generic trine focused structurally at either the cusp of the fourth
house or the cusp of the tenth. In all of these classifications, the problem
of intercepted signs is comparatively minimized because the arch-symbols of
cross and/or trine are synchronized with the basic structure-points of the
wheel. When the placement of intercepted signs "creates a disturbance" in the
relationship of sign-sequence with house-sequence of the structure-points, the
interpretation problem becomes more complex. Study your intercepted-sign
charts with an eye as to the relationship of a complete cross or a complete
trine by sequence from the Ascendant. In other words, find out how close the
intercepted-sign chart comes to fulfilling the requirements of symmetrical
design; in so doing, you mentally reduce to a minimum the "hazards" presented
by the complexities of "irregularity" in the wheel.
"Past evil impelling the present incarnation" is
pictured abstractly by a mandala as follows: a twelve-housed wheel with Aries
on the Ascendant; the symbols for the mutable signs are placed appropriately
on the cusps of the mutable houses. In other words the modulation for further
regeneration is shown by the square of the mutable houses focalized by the
most mutable of those four signs-Pisces — as the "end of the previous cycle"
out of which the present one emanates. Apply this thought to any horoscope:
which cross appears as the composite of modulations from each quadrant of the
wheel into the next quadrant? This cross has much to say about the needed
redemptions required for the quadrants initiated by the cardinal houses — as
the entire horoscope is initiated from the twelfth house into the first house.
Each mutable house is the karmic background for the ensuing quadrant; the
signs covering these cusps represent the four-fold congestion of consciousness
which is focalized in the chart by the planets ruling those signs.
As a result of an intercepted diameter in a chart
there will be two pairs of houses covered by the same diameter. Wherever this
"phenomenon" occurs, you will know that the houses concerned in this
"duplication" represent experience-patterns on which the person concerned is
"making up for past defaults;" in other words the two houses having the lower
degree of the sign of their cusps will portray the past; the two houses having
the higher degree on the cusps will portray the unfulfilled past projected
into the present. Such a pattern tells us also that the influence of the
planets ruling the intercepted signs is to a degree, "held in abeyance" until
a certain degree of redemption has been made. The planets ruling the
duplicated cusps are, correspondingly "made to work overtime;" in the ease of
Venus and Mercury — each of whom normally rules two signs -their influence can
extend to three houses and their significance in the sum-total of the wheel is
increased. Just as — in human terms — if Johnny ''flunks an exam" in school,
he has to study with added application to make up his work in that subject.
It is very interesting to study charts that have
the same sign on twelfth as is on the Ascendant. These charts have two
principal classifications: (1) those with the succeeding sign intercepted in
the first house; (2) those with the succeeding sign on the second cusp. The
first classification tells us that the person may have been out of incarnation
for an unusually long time; he has to "tie in" with his past in this
incarnation, recapitulate something of his past mistakes — if the ruler of the
twelfth house and Ascendant is congested, learn from his mistakes, apply more
constructive measures and then move in sequence to the progressive vibration
represented by the sign intercepted in the first house. This pattern promises
progress in this incarnation but it also promises that the person,
subconsciously tending to live this incarnation in terms of his past, will
bring himself to a "blank wall" — the power of congestion representing that the
resources from the past have become depleted; his natural urge to progress
will be timed for awareness to the potentials represented by the intercepted
sign in the first house, and, tuning in with this vibration will represent a
"new life" in consciousness. He then, largely, will feel the urge to "leave
the past" and throw in his lot with the "vibratory companion" represented by
the planetary influence of the intercepted sign in the first house. This
pattern also qualifies his marital consciousness since the first house
interception has its complement intercepted in the seventh. It is a twofold
awareness of new life and his complementary-relationship consciousness must
unfold and progress if he is really to transcend the gravitational or
congested pull of past negatives. If the second cusp is covered by the next
sign in sequence, then we know that the person is destined in this incarnation
to express a higher octave of quality of his past, and if the interception in
his chart indicates that the cusp of his fourth or tenth house is in the same
generic trine that his Ascendant-sign is in, we know that that parent —
father or mother — represents an outpicturing of the best of the person's past
as a contribution to the best of his development in this incarnation. No one
ever exactly repeats a level from one incarnation to the next — upwardness is
always a factor to be considered in karmic interpretation.
From a practical standpoint, there is not much
more that can be said here as interpretation of the various possible
placements of intercepted diameters. You as an astrological student, thinker,
and philosopher must exercise the capacity of your own awareness of structure
principles in application to the charts you analyze.
Structure-structure-structure is your key to
finding the significance of intercepted signs and the planets they contain.
Find as many "regularities" and "symmetries" as you can in each chart of this
type — by reference to patterns of cross and trine — and then study sequence so
that you can determine the possibilities of why one diameter may represent a
"holding back" or a "promise of future development" in this incarnation. The
duplicated diameters — when they are lined up with structure-sequence — will
indicate which pair of houses represents a condition from the past that must
be repeated — for complete fulfillment — in the present.
Elasticize your awareness of horoscopical
structure. You will — or can — be thrilled by this stimulus of your intellect
and your resource of esthetic sensitivity and understanding. The rhythm,
sequence, design and drama that are pictured in the Astrological Mandala are
archetypal of all artistic principles; and in a more specific philosophical
sense, they picture the magnificent flow of Life-Principles as it outpictures
the great Universal laws of Cause and Effect, Polarity, and Divine Harmony.
As food for thought, we suggest consideration of
this statement, as introduction to a discussion of relationship-patterns:
There are only two basic qualities of relationship: (1) Measurement — "Time-
Space" (which does not concern this study); (2) Vibration — which is our
subject. Of the vibratory quality there are only two basic types: (1) That of
macrocosm and microcosm to each other; (2) the fraternity of microcosms to
each other.
The first type is so considered because the
Unknowable has no fraternity with anything else; it encloses all that is — "all
that is" is its expression. However, on every lower octave the Unknowable
expresses itself in myriads of types of microcosms, each of which is fraternal
to the others and each of which is "macrocosm" to the octaves lower than
themselves; i.e., "their own microcosms."
We will consider a hypothetical "line-up" in order
to picture these myriads of microcosms. First, the Unknowable Itself. Its
picture will be a dot — of theoretically no dimension — placed in the
exact center of a piece of paper. We have no simpler way of out-picturing the
Source of All. Then, the central dot is enclosed by the circumference of a
perfect circle. The circle is then seen to represent the perfect, existence of
the Unknowable: Life and Nature; Creativity and Manifestation; Positive and
Negative; Cause and Effect. Polarity, then, can be thought of as the "Life-
action," the "Being-ness," of the Unknowable. It is the macrocosmic dimension;
all other dimensions are its microcosms. It is the essential bi-unity by which
unity expresses its potentials.
The mandala, so far, pictures with utmost clarity
and simplicity the ALL-ness of Life, in composite. Now we will consider the
mandala in its essential picturing of "Macrocosm-to-Microcosm."
From the central dot, draw a horizontal radius to
the left. This radius is the Unknowable's expression of its potentials to the
extreme octave of physical manifestation. This radius represents, by its point
on the circumference, the "farthest from the Source that the Unknowable can
project itself." From that point, the travel around the circle's
circumference (counter-clockwise) is the delineation of evolutionary processes
by the releasement of potential. The radius, in short, is "the mandala of
microcosm" — the composite of all possible expressions of the Unknowable.
(There is only one radius in each circle, all
other radii are emanations of the one. Prove this by creating a circle with a
compass; the instant you place the pencil-point on the paper you have
established the radius of the circle. The circle is created (emanated) by
moving the pencil-point through space and time to make the complete picture;
you have used no other radius but the one you started with.)
We have no way of knowing what the extent of the
Unknowable's first octave of expression can possibly be. But, since we must
use specific words to convey ideas we will simply think of this octave as "The
Universe." Then, referring to the mandala, the point of the radius is seen to
be the body of the Unknowable — the totality of the circle will represent the
fulfillment of all potentials inherent in the Unknowable.
Since this mandala is archetypal, we can — and
will — use it as the symbol of Life-expression on all lower octaves, the first
of which we will designate as "arch-galaxy." The radius of the circle now
pictures the composite potentials of every individual arch-galaxy — which is
"fraternal" to every other arch-galaxy. The microcosm of the arch-galaxy we
will think of as "galaxy" and the radius is then the potential of each galaxy,
all galaxies being fraternal to each other. Then we consider the radius as the
potential of, shall we say, all solar-systems which are microcosmic
expressions of the galaxies, all solar-systems, by their archetypal pattern
being fraternal to each other; then the composite of all planetary bodies
which are microcosmic to the solar Logos of each solar system. All planets of
each system being fraternal to each other.
Now because we are primarily concerned with human
beings, the radius is seen to be the picturing of the potentials inherent in
the logoic idea we call "Humanity" — the highest octave of evolutionary
potential on this particular planet. The radius is now seen to represent all
human beings manifesting within the etheric envelope of, and on the surface of
the Earth. Every other radius which might be pictured in the circle is an
emanation from the arch-point of consciousness which we refer to as "I AM" —
the recognition of beingness as an expression of a perfect idea in the mind of
our Father-Mother God.
The "fraternity of microcosms" is now pictured by
this mandala as the arch-symbol of humanity incarnate; its design is the same
for all human beings, who, by Law, incarnate in the bi-une dimension of
measurement (time-space) and polarity (masculine-feminine vibration). Each of
these factors is inter-dependent upon the other one: incarnation is not made —
nor can it be made — without both.
So far, we have the vibratory fulfillment-
potential of each human being as an expression of his/her macrocosm — the
Ascendant of his/ her horoscope.
The idea we call humanity carries out the bi-une
vibratory relationship-pattern in this way: The relationship of macrocosm to
microcosm is evidenced in the relationship, to each other, of parent and
child. In other words by polarity: the relationship, to each other, of
father/mother to son/daughter. This pattern is "type one" as the arch-
relationship structure of all human beings to each other; all other
relationships are fraternal derivations of this one.
Since physical sex is a specialization of the
composite we call "gender," we recognize that every human being, in his/her
inner nature functions in the universal dimension of bi-polarity. Every male
and every female composites the masculine/feminine vibratory qualities. To be
"masculine" is to impregnate, to project, to express, to stimulate; to be
feminine, is to be impregnated, to serve as object for the projection, to
embody the expression, to be stimulated, to reflect that which was cast forth.
We will now amplify our mandate to outpicture,
astrologically, this "arch-relationship-pattern."
Extend the radius to the right, creating the
horizontal diameter; draw the vertical diameter, creating the "cross of
incarnation." Place the symbol for Aries at what is now the Ascendant-point,
Libra opposite, Cancer at the bottom of the wheel, and Capricorn at the top.
We now have the circle quadrated by the cardinal signs — the new-direction
points; the radii are the four basic ways of saying "I AM;" the diameters are
the two basic ways of saying "We Are;" and the total structural design
depicts the composite of "that which generates and that which is generated"
the fourfold representation of polarity-in-action in the life-expression of
the idea, "Humanity. "
Draw a vertical line and concentrate on it for a
moment as the essential symbol of the generative action of polarity. It is
the action of begetting, the composite function of parentage, the form-
building process by which the male parent and the female parent fuse their
energies and substances as a contribution to the incarnating Ego; i.e. the
specializations of "male and female" composite the dynamic expression of
Now draw a horizontal line of approximately the
same length as the vertical; this line is the objective of the vertical, the
"negative pole" of the parentage line, that which was begotten by the parents,
that which was given form (incarnated) by the parents. Since every "begotten"
is bi-polar, we now recognize that the extremes of this horizontal line
represents the masculine and feminine — either one or the other — of the
horoscope's subject; each is generic counterpart of. the other (just as the
father and the mother are generic counterparts of each other). The horizontal
is, then the son/daughter of father/mother.
To consider the generic quality of the twelve
zodiacal signs: meditate on a "generic spectrum" of four basic qualities which
we will designate as: (1) masculine-male; (2) feminine-male; (3) masculine-
female; (4) feminine-female.
This grouping combines, effectively, the two aspects of sex with the two
aspects of generic vibrators quality — the "two-fold expression of two-fold
Returning to the mandala with the cardinal signs
we recognize that each of these four signs represents the "initiating" of one
of the four factors in the "generic spectrum;" each one "initiates" a quadrant
of the wheel and one of the elemental trines. Each one is, then, the Being-
ness aspect of its particular element, the other two aspects of each trine
represent the idealities of Love and Wisdom. The "trining" of the elements
represents the essential goals of our unfoldments, the recovery of our "lost
Edens" through transmutations and idealized releasements of our generic
Hence, the two cardinal signs which refer to
basic male quality of polarity are seen to be Aries and Capricorn. The other
two depict basic female quality of polarity — Cancer and Libra.
Create four mandalas representing the trines of the
elements. Since these trines are the symbols of the "Being-ness, love and
Wisdom" attributes, they represent the ideality of the four generic
variations. The fire and air signs are masculine gender, the earth and water
are feminine gender.
Now, two more mandalas, each one a combination of
the six masculine signs and the six feminine signs, respectively. The
masculine mandala contains two verticals, the feminine one contains two
horizontals. When we connect the points of the masculine mandala to the center
by straight lines we get the arch-symbol of alchemy — the sextile aspect-
symbol: the dynamic decrystallization of congested energies through transmuted
expressions. The horizontals of the feminine mandala convey a "static
quality" — "something upon which something else can rest;" a clear picture of
the establishment of ideal society on the base of ideal parentage. On what
other base does Society (in its higher expressions) rest except on the
expressions of Love-Wisdom of those who parent it, personally or impersonally?
The sextile aspect-symbol which is involved in the masculine mandala portrays
the dynamic potential of every male and every female to regenerate his/her
vibratory patterns and to release his/her potentials, evolutionarily in higher
octaves of consciousness.
Mars, ruler of Aries, the "male begotten," finds
his exaltation in Saturn's sign, Capricorn: the fulfilllment of the
impregnative male principle in fatherhood. "Fatherhood" is the male version of
"form-begetting." We cannot remain "Life-takers" forever — we must become
"Life-givers" if we are to find fulfillment. Is not planetary exaltation
simply another way of saying "vibratory (or generic) maturity
Taurus, the Principle of "steward-ship of Form,"
is the second, or love, aspect of the Earth-trine initiated by Capricorn.
"Breadwinning" has been (for the most part) the principal way that the male
has expressed his Love-potential for ages. His responsibility, as father, was
to earn and to work so that his "beloved" and his "begotten" could be
materially sustained. Since woman has moved into free exercise of her positive
qualities since the re-polarization process went into effect with the last
century and a half or so, we are now recognizing that the male has higher
octaves to fulfill as father; psychology has refuted the old "saw" that child-
raising is principally the mother's task; we now know, from our recognition of
the principles of parentage, that the Love-Wisdom of the father is every bit
as important and as necessary for the fulfillment of parentage-responsibility.
Sagittarius, the third fire-sign and Wisdom-aspect of the masculine-male
trine, is the twelfth house-sign of Capricorn: the Wisdom aspect of the male
is then seen to be the redemption through which the male exercises his
spiritual potentials in the experience-pattern of fatherhood. "Making money"
is seen to be only one factor by which a male expresses his love for his
children; "making minds, making hearts, making spirit and understanding" is
seen to be the ideal of father as a factor in his children's experience.
Venus, as ruler of Libra and the complement of
Mars-Aries, is the "feminine-begotten" of father-mother Saturn/Moon. Her
fulfillment in motherhood is shown by Cancer as her tenth house sign — as
Capricorn is for Mars; but in the feminine patterns the exaltations are
carried out differently than the masculine one. ( Incidentally, in a woman 's
horoscope her Venus gives us the basic vibratory clue as to how she tends to
feel about herself as a wife. In a male chart, Mars will designate how the man
feel about himself as a husband.)
Venus' sign, Libra is exaltation point of the
father-symbol, Saturn, and Libra is Saturn's own tenth house sign. The
"maturity" of the father-vibration is found in the refinement and delicacy of
the Venus vibration, plus the quality of balance that is implied by the
harmonizing vibration of the "lovely" planet. Father as male, must recognize
the value of the cultivated feminine vibration as an "equilibration" of his
own quality; when his own feminine potential is utilized in his parentage
experience he perceives with understanding the feminine requirements of "her
whom he has be-gotten;" to utilize only his masculine qualities of feeling and
perception would represent too total a "complementation" with the feminine
begotten; there would be a lack of balanced perception.
The Moon finds her vibratory maturity in Venus'
other sign, Taurus, her own eleventh house sign. The pattern of "eleventh
sign" conveys the quality of Aquarius (the eleventh zodiacal sign) and the
key-words "individuality" and "liberation" represent the exaltation of the
mother-principle when she recognizes and appreciates the individuality of that
which she has begotten and liberates the begotten to its unique fulfillment.
"Mother" who congests on nurture and protection of the begotten does not
recognize its need for its own unfoldment, development and exercise of its
potentials. But, with appreciation and perspective of the begotten's
individuality, she fulfills her task of nature, guidance and protection by
loving liberation of the begotten to find its own levels of ideality and
fulfillment. As Saturn finds his vibratory maturity through the refining
influence of Libra, so does Jupiter — as the ruler of Saturn's "redemption-
sign" Sagittarius — find his maturity in the sympathetic response quality of
his exaltation-sign, Cancer, the mother-sign. Here the male nature expresses
its potential for protective tenderness and sympathy for — and toward — the
begotten. The father's inner wisdom is here amplified and rounded out by the
sensitive emotional awareness and responsiveness of the maternal potential and
his essential maleness is complemented by his own need to express the
composite of his wisdom and feeling.
Venus finds her maturity in an octave that is
much higher than merely acting as a complement and reflectress of the Mars-
vibration of Aries. Her exaltation is Pisces — the inspired Wisdom-aspect of
the water-trine which is initiated by the mother-principle, the Moon, through
the Sign Cancer. Pisces is the home of Neptune, the principle of ideality
itself, the "super-mother," the "all-embracing, all-protecting, all-redeeming"
octave of the maternal principle. Pisces, the twelfth house sign of the
zodiacal belt is the residue of unfulfilled ideals that makes necessary the
new incarnation. It is the symbol of mankind's redemption by the highest
octave of his consciousness and, since Venus' cardinal dignity is the house of
complementation and the sign of equilibrium, Libra, we see that perfect
fulfillment of human relationship patterns and ideal expression of the generic
qualities of our vibratory nature is the redemption of the world. When we
perceive the perfect potential of the masculine and feminine elements in every
human being it means that we have purged our consciousness of dark pictures of
sin, crime, disease, fear, and ugliness. Venus through her maturity in Pisces,
is the perfect realization of the perfect reflection of father-mother God in
every human being.
Evolutionary processes bring all human beings
into fraternity sooner or later, with persons functioning in all other
patterns; the "son" becomes "husband and father" — fraternal with all other
husbands and fathers; the kind of father he has now represents his "picture of
fatherhood" in the past; the kind of father he will reincarnate through next
time will depend on how he fulfills his responsibility-pattern in this life.
In short, we, each of us, carry within ourselves an ideal of each basic
relationship-pattern; everyone is his own and her own husband/wife,
father/mother, brother/sister and son/daughter. Our experiences in our cycles
of incarnations are for the purpose of making real — realizing — these ideal
pictures by means of expressing our ideal quality of generic powers; the end
in view is the realization of the human ideal — the manifestation of the
perfect human idea.
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