
Simplified Scientific


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Questions Concerning

What is the difference between a clairvoyant, an Initiate and an Adept? »

Why is it that trained clairvoyants do not offer to lend themselves to some simple but conclusive tests conducted by men of science which would convince everybody of the reality of faculties transcending the physical senses? »

If clairvoyance is such an accurate means of investigation, such a high spiritual faculty, why do we usually see it in possession of people of little education and coarse breeding, who have seemingly very little spirituality and who often tell lies? »

What do you mean by initiation, and why are only men Initiates? »

Is it not the duty of one who is informed on subjects concerned with the higher life to give information and help to the less informed? »

What qualifications are necessary to become an Invisible Helper? Must the whole life be given over to spiritual endeavor? »

What purpose has the person in going out of his body? »

Is it absolutely necessary to live a life of asceticism in order to become spiritual and endowed with psychic powers? »

Are all children clairvoyant up to a certain age? »

What is the difference between white and black magic, and what is the effect of the practice of black magic upon the soul? »

What is the difference between etheric sight, clairvoyance, and the sight pertaining to the World of Thought? »

Is it safe for a person in a greatly debilitated nervous condition to take esoteric training given by the Rosicrucians, or is it necessary for such a person to first recover? Is health regained by esoteric training? »

A sound body being necessary for spiritual unfoldment, what does the Rosicrucian teaching hold out to one not at present in the best physical condition? Will perfect health be one result of the study of this philosophy, and if the teaching is practiced, will it tend to keep a person in good health? »

In what way will it help us in the life after death if we have cultivated clairvoyance in the present life? »

Would the contemplation of the God within, if persistently carried on, aid one in spiritual growth and bring one to adeptship? »

Has it not been recorded that certain individuals have developed spiritual power, clairvoyance, sixth sense, or whatever we wish to call it, by living a clean life in harmony with nature's laws, and does not the teachings of modern esotericists with so many terms of technicality have a tendency to create confusion rather than bring the desired results? »

Is it possible to cultivate clairvoyance by the use of drugs, by crystal gazing or breathing exercises, and do these methods not bring results quicker than the methods you advocate? »

What time in the morning is best for concentration? »

It is difficult for me to review the events of the day in reverse order when doing my evening exercises. Is this absolutely necessary, and if so, why? »

What value are breathing exercises in developing body and mind? »

Is not the Invisible World of which you speak very unreal and shadowy in comparison to this world in which we now live? »

The Kabbalah »

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