This lesson (of the Astrology Self-Study Course) gives final instructions in the
art of erecting a simple horoscope of birth. From such a simple figure one who
is proficient may read the very soul of a human being, its hopes, fears, and
aspirations, the faults and frailties of its mind and body. Moses was
commanded to remove his shoes in front of the burning bush in recognition of
the fact that he stood on holy ground illuminated by a Spirit Presence. If all
the calcium lights in the world were focused upon an actor, their blinding
light would be reflected from his body, but his secrets would still remain
within. But when an actor enters upon the stage of life and the starry
spotlight are focused upon him through the horoscope, they penetrate to the
very soul of his being and lay bare the lines of his life with such clearness
that he who can read the stellar script may count the pulse beats of such a
one as if they were those of his own soul. Therefore Moses stood on no holier
ground than the astrologer who holds in his hand a horoscope; and I feel that
I cannot too often reiterate that there is a very grave responsibility
connected with this wonderful privilege of the astrologer, and that it
behooves him to live a holy life so that he may be worthy to stand in the
sublime presence of the Human Spirit as it is revealed in the natal figure.
Nor should the student deceive himself; spiritual secrets and the privilege of
rendering spiritual help by spiritual interpretation of the message of the
stars are not given to one who prostitutes this most sublime science for
filthy lucre or uses it for low purposes. God is not mocked; we reap what we
sow. If we betray our trust and abuse this great privilege, the day of
retribution will dawn sometime and we shall eat the bread of sorrow for our
sacrilege. To whom much is given, of him much is required. I pray God that you
may live up to the highest possibilities of soul growth by helping others and
that the knowledge of astrology which you are now acquiring may prove your
most important aid, as it has been and is the greatest blessing in my life.
Letter Number Ten
It is wonderful to contemplate how the planetary forces balance each other
so perfectly that universal equilibrium is maintained despite the disturbances
of the 1500 millions which inhabit the Earth alone, not to speak of other
spheres. Every moment of time, our actions, individually and collectively,
interfere with terrestrial equipoise, and were not this instantly restored,
the Earth would leave its orbit, fly off at a tangent, and be destroyed. Nor
are physical disturbances most potent in disturbing or restoring balance. It
is a fallacy to confound solidity and rigidity with strength (as is most
thoroughly explained in our Lecture No. 19,
"The Coming Force.") A train has no strength itself, but must be solid
because it is operated upon by an
invisible gas called steam. There is no force in a rigid hammer, but when
driven by a column of flexible liquid, like water, backed by an elastic
cushion of compressed air, the force stored in the air drives the powerful
hydraulic ram irresistibly through whatever comes before it. Likewise subtle,
invisible stellar rays are the factors which maintain our ponderous planet in
its path, and spiritual disturbances generated by mankind are naturally the
most subtle forces which interfere with the Earth's equipoise.
Therefore each planet has its opposite, and every time we radiate the
quality of one planet, we call forth a countercurrent of corresponding force,
and by the action and reaction of those forces in and upon us and our
environment we learn the lessons of life. If we vibrate to the love ray of
Venus, instantly Mars comes to tempt, and tries to turn love to lust, but it
depends upon US whether we remain steadfast in virtue or yield to vice. If we
court the ideal of Jupiter, if we aim to elevate the standards of church or
state, instantly the saturnine forces invite to self-aggrandizement and appeal
to the passion for power. With us it lies, to remain true to the ideal and
reap laurels that last through eternity, or yield to the promise of present
gain of worthless gold which we repay in sorrow when Saturn turns and becomes
the chastiser. Each horoscope shows the tendencies in even the humblest life,
and opportunity knocks. May we all be prepared to meet it as spiritual
astrologers should.
— Max Heindel (circa 1912)
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