One of the points which becomes evident after studying this chart for a
little while is the strength of the emotional nature which yearns for
expression. The ordinary powers of expression would hardly suffice to meet his
natural inclination to talk, as shown by the Moon in Virgo on the ASC and Sun
in Gemini. Instead of the fluent speech of Mercury in Taurus (which rules the
throat) the instrument is flawed — the boy stutters badly. He hesitates and
stumbles spasmodically in speaking, due to the difficulty in pronouncing
initial consonants caused by a spasm of the throat muscles. This is the result
of Mercury square to spasmodic, erratic Uranus. Many people have Mercury in
detrimental aspect to Uranus, but all do not stutter. Aquarius, which is ruled
by Uranus, is on the cusp of the health (6th) house, indicating the aspect
manifests as a physical disability.
Uranus is also square to Neptune in Scorpio, intensifying the feelings, and
when afflicted as in this case, tends to secrecy and quick temper. This
tension could also affect his heart.
Another powerful aspect which reflects his emotional reactions is Mars in
Pisces square to Saturn in Sagittarius. This aspect is the embodiment of
temper; there is no relief in his violent reactions because the native resents
anything which does not fall in with his desires (Mars).
Here is an individual with a powerful, uncontrolled energy, denied the full
ability to express it. Naturally he is terribly frustrated. How can we expect
him to become relaxed enough to learn to control the spasmodic action of the
throat muscles? Unless he realizes that his inner tensions and resentful
temper must be turned into selfless expression, he will not overcome his
Incidentally, in his case, the stuttering is not due to his parents'
attitude toward him; the Moon (mother) is trine to Mercury, and the Sun
(father) is sextile Uranus. The stuttering is innate in himself.
An interesting facet of this chart is the outstanding quality
of his
"mental" planets:
Moon (instinctual mind) is square Sun and trine Mercury;
Mercury(reasoning mind) is square Uranus and trine Moon;
Jupiter(higher mind) is opposition Venus and sextile Saturn;
Neptune(spiritual mind) is square Uranus.
All but Neptune have a good aspect. If he learns through his frustrations
how futile it is to respond so destructively and seeks to harmonize these
forces within himself, the tension will lessen and he can minimize his
Our behavior in a previous life determines the kind of experiences and
opportunities we have this life. The Lords of Destiny give us parents who will
provide the kind of body necessary to challenge the lower will of the person.
it is likely this boy has refused to acknowledge that his tempestuous emotions
should be disciplined, so he was limited in such a way that he himself
suffered most from the cauldron within.
Chart Number 10:
Hypochondria &
Male: February 21, 1952, 7:15 PM, Lat. 43N, Long. 88W.
This brave individual chose through destiny to draw his first breath in the
bitter depth of the long Korean War, when the atmosphere was permeated with
feelings of futility and depression. Consequently, it is hardly surprising
that he should manifest similar qualities in the personality during the
impressionable years of childhood and youth. Saturn rising indicates a
careful, worrisome disposition, greatly lacking in confidence, especially
during childhood. Virgo rising adds to these tendencies: a nervous tension and
personal doubt produce awkwardness and a weak, soft-spoken mien. Regarding this
phase of the character we find Mercury, the lord of the Ascendant, and the
Sun, significator of the individuality, posited in Pisces. This intensifies
the tendencies to diffidence and timorous fancy, strongly inclined toward
personal and individual self-abnegation on the positive pole, and lack of
self-respect and shameless indulgence in "martyrdom" on the negative pole. The
Spirit is probably learning objectively some very harsh lessons in this
respect through humiliation during his younger years, and he well may have
borne the brunt of the derision, unpleasant nicknames, and ridicule that youth
so freely can pour forth. The net result is that he sinks further within
himself in a protective world of imagination.
However, underneath the protective dreaminess is the potentially explosive
grand square from cardinal signs. An afflicted Moon in Capricorn can indicate
a certain melancholy and hardness, or at least some unresponsiveness; square
Saturn places restrictions upon the feeling nature, and square a fire sign
Jupiter and opposition an angular Uranus indicate poor and erratic judgment
and probably at least occasional open rebellion, perhaps manifest later in
life. Worse yet is the latent capacity for brooding over hurts (Saturn square
Moon) to the extent of dreaming subtle ways (Neptune square Moon) of wreaking
vengeance; though the boy perhaps would not, except under extreme provocation,
have the self-assurance to carry the ideas into action.
Besides the obvious lack of confidence (Mercury and Sun in Pisces and Saturn
in the 1st) the native is troubled with frequent colds and chronic congestions
and allergies. The Sun (and likely ruler) in Pisces and the 6th generally
indicate a low vitality, possibly due to voluntary non-participation and
laziness in the past, that is liable to "chronic colds" (Saturn). Virgo and
Saturn rising also indicate physical frailty and sickliness, with the latter
in its long-suffering application indicating chronic conditions. Saturn, as
part of the grand square, especially is significant because of its cardinal
and angular location, strongly afflicts the other Hyleg, the Moon, and is
blocked by a very strong opposition from its planetary opposite, Jupiter.
However, as most doctors, therapists, and healers know, attitude plays an
important role in health and healing. In this case all the 1st and 6th house
conditions indicate that much of the problem is self-protective or defensive
hypochondria, the products of a highly imaginatory mentality which also might
be the source of the allergies. The effects of the egocentric and indulgent
rationalizations (Virgo and Pisces) seem to run far deeper, for Mercury is in
its fall combust the Sun, indicating that the concentrative faculty already
had been damaged by these self-deceptive and delusive tendencies. It is
interesting to note how and where these tendencies are most manifest. Saturn's
position, or its opposite (in this case almost exactly occupied by Jupiter),
generally indicates one of the weakest parts of the body. Jupiter, which
because of elevation and the Piscean flavor of the chart possibly has a slight
edge in strength, is opposite Saturn, signifying a fundamental inability to
balance judgment between expansion and contraction, between optimism and
caution. This position from Aries, the brain and head sign, expands our
previous observations of the boy's egocentricity by showing an extreme and
almost blind pride that he is likely to hide. This tends to manifest the
positive Jupiterian quality of expansion as congestive (Saturn) swelling or
enlargement — in short, sinusitis. It also seems significant that the seed atom
of the mind and the seat of the Silent Watcher are close to the sinuses,
symbolically in the self-centered Aries.
Fortunately, as usual, destiny provides the perfect compensating factors: in
this case we find the ingenious and driving Mars-Uranus traits and the
strongly motivating drives to material and professional responsibility
indicated in the 2nd, 6th, and 10th houses.
The Scorpio Mars sextile the Capricorn Moon also gives an abundance of
energy which can be used for constructive work, and the sextile of Saturn and
Neptune to Pluto can add stable spiritual direction to the efforts. Moreover,
all the 1st and 7th house negative tendencies can be regeneratively directed
into channels of service. Humanitarian volunteer work, professional discipline
and constructive work therapy are the keys to the fulfillment of this life.
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