Female: Born January 9, 1963, 7:00AM, Lat. 44N, Long. 89W.
Signs on Cusps of Houses: ASC/Capricorn 9:10; 2nd/Aquarius 22:45; Pisces
intercepted in 2nd; 3rd/Aries 5:30; 4th/Taurus 6:40; 5th/Taurus 29:39;
6th/Gemini 19:09.
Positions of the Planets: Sun/Capricorn 18:33; Dragon's Tail/Capricorn 29:36;
Mercury/Aquarius 6:21; Saturn/Aquarius 10:58; Jupiter/Pisces 10:30; Part Of
Fortune/Cancer 3:54; Moon/Cancer 13:16; Mars/Leo 23:26R; Uranus/Virgo 4:47R;
Pluto/Virgo 11:57R; Neptune/Scorpio 15:13; Venus/Sagittarius 2:29.
Enuresis, or bed wetting, has been found to occur most frequently among weak
and undernourished children (a state actually and astrologically descriptive
of this individual as an infant). Capricorn is rising with the Sun in the ASC
sign in the first house opposite a strong Moon whose emotionality and drawing
power saps the Sun of its life-giving power, while Saturn, lord of the
Ascendant, rises conjoined to Mercury and square to the highly elevated
Neptune. Thus all the major health points (Sun, Moon, and Ascendant) are
afflicted as well as the lords of both the constitution but none-the- less
lovable for the singularity of her character, as is often the case with the
Before analyzing the spiritual character problems responsible for the
present materialized conditions, let us briefly tabulate the significant
technical data relative to the health problems. Capricorn, rising, is the
first of the signs of short ascension, so the ascendant moves faster than the
Midheaven and will continue to do so with proportionately increasing relative
velocity throughout the life span. Four significators are in the 1st house,
five in the materially objectified 1st quadrant, seven angular and six in
negative signs. Hence the character will have to be read from a more material
than spiritual point of view. It also seems that the conditions are acute in
intensity (angular stress) and founded in material and emotional causes
because of the negative sign accentuation.
Clearly the Ego has been striving for material accomplishment, object-
conscious success, and externalization and materialization of all inner forces
to the exclusion of almost everything else as symbolized by the Sun, the life
ruler, and the other significant planets gathered in the east. In the
resulting imbalance something had to suffer. Moreover, the great number of
strong planets in the 1st house indicate that the lesson is ripe from
childhood on, rather than at some particular phase or attitude of development,
or after a lifetime of abuse of natural laws.
Water or fluid, a designation which must also include the urine, has always
spiritually symbolized emotion. Thus from the chart it becomes clear that the
materially selfish, mastering demands of the Capricorn Sun have almost
completely suppressed and subjugated the natural feminine, nurturing and
regulating tendencies, and the emotions, to the extent that the body fluids
(the urine most specifically) and the emotions they signify are often only
released and expressed when the body has released its death lock on the Spirit
and its higher vehicles during sleep. From another point of view this aspect
shows that the Sun has spent its energy satisfying and impregnating the ever-
feminine, receptive and crystallizing demands of the Moon to bring it to its
state of fullness or complete retention for the purpose of fructification,
which promise is shown in the trine to Jupiter in the 2nd house. The
Ascendant-Saturn-Neptune configuration shows that she mentally concentrates
(or mis-concentrates) her security drive on material things rather than on
Spirit where the only true security is to be found. As a result she is
tortured by intense anxieties relative to the transient, insecure conditions
of the material world, and is almost constantly (fixed sign) in a tightened
strain of worry, fear, and nervousness. As she matures, this strain may be
intensified as she (being so strongly marked by Capricorn) stakes her entire
self-conscious identity upon successful completion of personal, material
The basically saturnine strength and flavor of the 1st house, and the entire
nativity for that matter, indicates a relatively slow material development of
the body. Gradually, at the age of five, in the spring of 1968 as the
progressed Moon trined the natal Sun and the Pisces lunation conjoined the
natal Jupiter (trine the radical Moon), she acquired greater inner strength,
confidence, and spiritual optimism to overcome the involuntary retention
tendencies. Also at this time she was probably undergoing the first beginnings
of the birth of the vital body which gave her greater individual control in
the evolutionary struggle with the uncontrolled, and at this age, subconscious
desires and instincts signified by the afflicted Moon.
It seems that the key to the problem is to be found in Mercury and the Moon,
the mental planets, both of which are afflicted. The Moon does form some very
fine aspects with Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto but they are separating and
directed to intercepted signs; hence, they are weak and latent; not to be
realized until well on in life and then conditional to her ability to realize
the more philosophical potentials of her character. The more significant key
seems to be Mercury, which symbolizes our connection to the World of Thought
where the archetype for the body is constructed by the thought process between
lives. In this chart the emphasis of the character development and
manifestation was clearly and emphatically material. Bearing this fact in mind
with our question and the key, another side of the Saturn-Mercury-Neptune
configuration and the solution to our problem becomes clear.
In the course of evolution she has become almost one-pointedly fascinated
and focused upon the material world and its fruits as an end in itself. With
the glimmer of material objects and their possession dazzling her eyes and the
prospect of power, wealth, luxury, and eminence before her mental eye, she has
driven on relentlessly in her ambitions. However, she has not been concerned
with the means as much as the ends. Saturn and Mercury conjoined show that she
has a tendency to use any power within her wiles to attain such an end. She
has great cunning and a self-centered, penetrating concentration equal to
almost any resistance, and will not hesitate for a moment to lie, cheat or
practice any form of deceit to attain her personal ends. Neptune's force adds
a knack and flair for deception and fraud and greatly amplifies the secretive
bent. Thus the mind, persistently inverted from its true purpose (spiritual
service) wherein it grows keen and strong, and channeled into devious means
and ends becomes generally distorted so that it cannot see the truth clearly
and efficiently to perform the task of developing a new archetype, and she is
reborn with a weak, sickly body with many faults and ailments.
This understanding of her mind clearly helps us to understand two other,
more serious childhood afflictions. Within the spectrum of illness, which
extends from the more completely "material" afflictions such as broken bones
or leprosy to the more spiritual such as hysteria and most forms of insanity,
there are some illnesses which fall into a borderland where the effects are as
much mental and psychosomatic as material. Among these seem to be allergies
and asthma, both of which are afflictions here.
Astrological research seems to indicate that asthma very frequently occurs
under Saturnine afflictions to the Moon or Mercury which are, of course,
smothering or suffocating aspects. It also occurs under health significant
afflictions in common signs (all of which react on Gemini, the bronchial
tubes), earthy signs, and negative signs in general. When it is the type of
asthma connected with valvular heart afflictions the "asthma-aspects" are
accompanied by afflictions of planets in Leo or Aquarius, often the Sun. The
type of asthma where attacks are provoked by overeating occurs with
afflictions to Taurus and Cancer, usually to Jupiter or to the Moon. When more
psychosomatic in nature, it occurs with afflictions to significators in Virgo,
Pisces, or the earthy signs. When accompanied with skin diseases and hyper-
sensitivities, it is usually connected with Capricorn or Saturn. When
stimulated by allergies, it is associated with afflictions to Neptune and
Uranus, and spasms are almost always traceable to Uranus.
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