Early in the Old Testament is the account of how man was led astray by the
false light of the Lucifer Spirits, thus giving birth to all the sorrows and
suffering in the world. Near the end is the promise that the "Sun of
righteousness shall rise, with healing in its wings." The Rosicrucian
Fellowship Healing Service states that: "Disease is really a fire, the
invisible fire which is the Father." Disease is a manifestation of ignorance,
the only sin, and healing is a demonstration of applied knowledge, which is
the only salvation. Christ is an embodiment of the Love/Wisdom Principle, and
in proportion as the Christ is formed in us, we attain to health.
At no time does humanity so readily turn to divine Power for help as when
health fails and death threatens; therefore, the office of spiritual advisor
always has been associated closely with healing. Even among primitive peoples,
the priest also is the medicine man. In Christian denominations, the priest
calls on the sick as a representative of our Father in Heaven. Often his love
and sympathy engender great faith — sufficient to heal. The gratitude of the
patient toward the physician is added to the veneration felt for the spiritual
advisor, and in consequence the power of this individual to help and uplift
the patient is increased enormously and the tie between them is much closer.
To be healed, we must have faith; we must be humble to the point of
obedience. In every case in which Christ Jesus healed, the suffering one had
to cooperate actively with the Great Healer before His cure could be
accomplished. Christ Jesus said: "Stretch forth thy hand," and when the man
did so the hand was healed. To another He said, "Take up thy bed and walk,"
and when he did so the malady disappeared. Many are the cases recorded,
including those of the blind man and the leper. The requirements were simple,
but such as they were, they had to be compiled with so that the spirit of
obedience could aid the Healer's work. This is a Law of Nature that is
absolutely sure. Disobedience to the Law of Nature brings disease. Obedience,
no matter whether that involves washing in the river Jordan or stretching
forth a hand, shows a change of mind. The sufferer therefore is in a position
to receive the healing balm. This may come through the Christ or through a
healer of one kind or another but primarily, in all cases, the healing Force
comes from our heavenly Father, Who is the Great Physician.
There are three factors in healing: first, the power from our Father in
Heaven; next, the healer; third, the obedient mind of the patient upon which
the power of the Father can act through the healer in such a way as to dispel
illness. The fact that the whole universe is pervaded with the Power of the
Father, always available to cure our ills of whatever nature, is reason enough
for us to give thanks daily. The healer is the focus — the vehicle through
which the Power is infused into the patient's body. If he is a proper
instrument, consecrated and harmonious, there is no limit to the wonderful
works of the Father which can be performed through him for a patient of
properly receptive and obedient mind. A truly spiritual healer will endeavor
to instill the highest ideals in his patients, so that they eventually may
learn to conform to God's Laws and thus attain permanent health in future
lives as well as now.
Members of The Rosicrucian Fellowship aim to heal the sick and have
superior means of accomplishing this benevolent purpose. Earlier religious
groups sought to advance spiritually by abusing the body, but Rosicrucian
students are taught to exhibit the tenderest care for this instrument. The
nature of the sickness and the temperament of the patient determine the form
of healing to be used. If the patient is strong in faith, a spiritually-
minded healer or a broadminded physician in whom the patient has confidence
may be called, for, as a tuning fork of the same pitch is struck, so will the
person who is filled with faith and confidence respond.
Whatever good there is in any system of healing, the effects upon a
patient will be beneficial or the reverse in exact proportion to that person
will be beneficial or the reverse in exact proportion to that person's faith
in its healing power. Generally speaking, the study of the higher philosophy
will tend to better one's health, because "knowledge is power," and the more
we know, the better we are able to cope with all conditions, provided, of
course, that we bring our knowledge into practice and live the life. No
teaching is of benefit to us unless it is carried into our lives and lived
from day to day. The person who lives a clean and upright life, endeavoring to
obey the Laws of God, striving earnestly for truth and righteousness, will
create thought forms about himself of a corresponding nature. His or her mind
will run in grooves that harmonize with truth, and when the time comes in the
Second Heaven to create the archetype for his or her coming life, he or she
will readily, intuitively, by force of habit from the past life, align him or
herself with the forces of light and truth. These lines, built into his body,
will create harmony in his future vehicles, and health therefore will be his
normal portion in the coming life.
The spiritual force generated all through our lives, after we have passed
the stage of childhood, may be used for three purposes: generation,
degeneration, or regeneration. It depends upon us which of the three methods
we choose, but the choice we make will have an important bearing upon our
whole life. It overshadows each moment of our existence and determines our
attitude in each and every phase of life along our fellow men: how we meet the
various trials of life, whether we are able to grasp our opportunities or let
them slip by, whether we are healthy or sick, whether or not we live our lives
according to a satisfactory purpose. All of this depends upon the way in which
we use the spiritual force.
There are higher Laws pertaining to the spiritual realms which may be made
to supersede those governing the lower realms. The Christ, being the Lord of
the Sun, embodied within Himself the synthesis of the stellar vibrations, as
the octave embodies all of the tones of the scale. He therefore could emit
from Himself the true, corrective planetary influence required in each case.
He sensed the inharmony and, by virtue of His exalted development, knew at
once how to offset it. He had no need for any further preparation, but
obtained results immediately by substituting harmony for the planetary discord
which caused the disease with which He was dealing.
None among our present humanity can exercise the Power of the Christ, but
the need of that Power in active manifestation exists today as much as it did
two thousand years ago. Spirit pervades everything in and upon our planet in
various measures. An emanation from the Christ Principle, the Universal Spirit
composing the World of Life Spirit, restores the synthetic harmony of the
body. We may use it to heal the sick according to our abilities, which in turn
depend upon our development.
— L.L
Christ has no body now on Earth but yours,
No hands but yours, no feet but yours,
Yours are the eyes through which is to look out Christ's
compassion to the world;
Yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good,
And yours are the hands with which He is to bless us now.
— St. Teresa
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