The Effect of Death
on Jesus' Dense
and Vital Bodies
Question: What became of the dense body of Jesus which was placed in the
tomb, but was not found Easter morning? If the vital body of Jesus
is preserved to be used again by Christ, what does Jesus do in
the meantime for a vital body? Why should it not have been more
practical to have obtained a new vital body for Christ at the
Second Coming?
Answer: The answers to these questions are taken verbatim from Max Heindel's
Study of the scriptures reveals the fact that it was the custom
of Christ to draw apart from His disciples, and they knew not
whither He went-or if they did, no mention has been made of it.
However, the reason was that, being so glorious a Spirit, His
vibrations were too high for even the best and purest of physical
It was therefore necessary to leave it frequently for a period
of complete rest so that the atoms might be slowed down to their
customary pitch. Consequently, the Christ was wont to go the Essenes
and leave the body in their care. They were experts, and the Christ
knew nothing about handling such vehicles as He had received from
Jesus. Had not this rest and care been given, the dense body of
Jesus would have disintegrated long before the three years' ministry
was ended, and Golgotha would never have been reached.
When the time was ripe, and the earthly ministry was ended, the
Essenes ceased to interfere. Then things took their natural course,
and the tremendous vibratory force imparted to the atoms scattered
them to the four winds, with the result that when the grave was
opened a few days later no trace of the body was found.
This is in perfect harmony with natural laws known to us by their
operation in the physical world. Electric currents of low potential
burn and kill, while the voltage of many times the strength passes
through the body without harmful effect.
Light, which has a tremendous vibratory rate, is pleasant and
beneficial to the body, but when focused through a lens, the vibratory
rate is lowered and we have force which destroys. Likewise, when
Christ, the great Sun Spirit, came into the dense body of Jesus,
the vibratory rate, being lowered by the resistance of the dense
matter, must burn up the body, as in cremation, if not interfered
with. The force was the same, the result identical-save that as
it was true, invisible fire which burned up the body of Jesus,
and not fire clothed in flame, as in ordinary manifestation of
fire, there were no ashes.
In this connection it is well to remember that fire sleeps invisibly
in everything. We do not see it in the plant or the animal, nor
in the stone, yet it is there, visible to the inner vision and
capable of manifesting at any time when it takes a garment of
flame from physical substance.
Upon the death of the dense body of Jesus, the seed atom was
returned to the original owner.
During the three years' interval between the Baptism, when he
gave up his vehicles, and the Crucifixion, which brought the return
of the seed atoms, Jesus gathered a vehicle of ether, as an Invisible
Helper gathers physical matter whenever it is necessary to materialize
all or part of the body. However, material not matched with the
seed atom cannot be permanently appropriated. It disintegrates
as soon as the will power assembled in it is withdrawn, and this
was, therefore, only a makeshift. When the seed atom of the vital
body was returned, a new body was formed, and in that vehicle
Jesus has been functioning since, working with the churches. He
has never taken a dense body since, though perfectly able to do
so. This is presumably because his work is entirely unconnected
with material things.
The reason why the vital body of Jesus is preserved for the Second
Coming of Christ, instead of a new vehicle being provided, is
because, as Lucifer admits in Faust: "For ghosts and spirits
it is the law, that where we enter we must withdraw."
When in the natural course of events, the Spirit comes to birth,
it enters its dense body by way of the head, bringing with it
the higher vehicles. On leaving the body at night, it leaves the
same way, to re-enter in the morning in like manner. The Invisible
Helper also withdraws and re-enters his body by way of the head,
and when at length our life on Earth has been lived, we soar out
of the body for the last time by way of the head, which is thus
seen to be the natural gateway of the body.
Therefore the pentagram with one point up is the symbol of white
magic, which works in harmony with the law of progression. The
black magician, who works against nature, subverts the life force
and turns it downward through the lower organs. The gate of the
head is closed to him, but he withdraws by way of the feet, the
silver cord protruding through the lower organs. Therefore it
was easy for Lucifer (in Faust) to enter the study of Faust, for
the pentagram turned with two horns toward him represented the
symbol of black magic. However, on trying to leave, he finds
the one point facing him, and cringes before the sign of white
magic. He can leave only by the door because he entered that way,
and thus he is caught when he finds the way is blocked.
Similarly, Christ was free to choose his vehicle of entrance into
the Earth where He is now confined, but once having chosen the
vehicle of Jesus, He is bound to leave by the same way. Were that
vehicle destroyed, Christ must remain in the cramping surroundings
till Chaos dissolves the Earth. This would be a great calamity,
and therefore the vehicle He once used is most carefully guarded
by the Elder Brothers.
In the meantime Jesus has been the loser of all the soul growth
accomplished during his thirty years on Earth prior to the Baptism
and contained in the vehicle given the Christ. This was and is
a great sacrifice made for us, but like all good deeds, it will
redound to a greater glory in the future. This vehicle will be
used by Christ when He comes to establish and perfect His Kingdom,
and it will be so spiritualized and glorified that when it is
again restored to Jesus at the time when Christ turns the Kingdom
over to the Father, it will be the most wonderful of all human
vehicles. Although it has not been taught, the writer believes
that Jesus will be the highest fruitage of the Earth Period on
that account, and that Christian Rosenkreuz will come next. "Greater
love hath no man than that he lay down his life," and giving
not only the dense body but also the vital body, and for so long
a time, is surely the ultimate sacrifice.
The Elder Brothers have placed the vital body of Jesus in a sarcophagus
of glass to protect it from the gaze of the curious or profane.
They keep this receptacle in a cavern deep in the Earth, where
no uninitiated can penetrate. To make assurance doubly sure, however,
vigilant watchers keep constant guard over their precious charge.
— Max Heindel
— Rays from the Rose Cross Magazine, November/December, 1995
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