With the arrival of 1995, we find Jupiter — the planet of expansion — returning
to his own sign Sagittarius for the rest of the year (Jupiter
stays about one year in each sign.), spreading his conservative
influence over the nations. (This was foreshadowed by the flamboyant
return of the conservative GOP to the House and the Senate at
the last elections.) This influence will be felt in the sphere
of religion, medicine, law, governmental administration, foreign
policy, philosophy, abstract thinking, spiritual aspiration, higher
knowledge and education, publishing, travel, exploration in faraway
lands and space, the expansion of virtual reality and inner space.
We can expect a return of moral and spiritual values, a resurgence
of spiritual quests and crusades, the renewed search for the meaning
of life, the beginning of a religious revival, more philanthropic
activities, an overall greater feeling of optimism, and a sense
that we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with unlimited
possibilities and opportunities.
As Jupiter returned home to Sagittarius, his brother Hades
(Pluto) also joined him on January 15, 1995, to stay through January
26, 2008. But while Jupiter is a conservative who upholds tradition,
his brother Pluto — the planet of transformation — plows through tradition
like a bulldozer, or rather explodes it like an earthquake or
volcano. So look forward to earth-shaking changes in the Sagittarian
House with each passing year. Pluto's purpose is to cut the dead
wood and eliminate what is old and outdated so that we may erect
higher and more splendid structures to the Glory of the Universal
Spirit, the Inner or Higher Self, "the Light that lighteth
every man and woman" from within. An era of great spiritual
transformation and revival lies ahead. And because we will not
voluntarily let go of old belief systems and crystallizing practices,
Pluto is here to give us a hand in order to "let go and let
God." Remember to remain flexible and adaptable, because
"he who resists change will be destroyed by it."
Now Uranus, quick and unpredictable — the awakener — has returned,
on April 2, 1995 through March 11, 2003, to his home sign of Aquarius,
where he will raise issues that concern society at large, promote
humanitarian endeavors, and contribute to positive changes on
the planet. This progressive combination is bound to spur much
scientific, technological, social and intellectual advancement.
It will encourage quick and radical changes, design a revolutionary
model of the global society, and bring us one step closer to the
New Age of Aquarius (yet another 500 years hence). In order for
each individual to express his creative originality, intuitive
genius, and love of freedom, we will need to learn to express
appreciation and respect for each other. We will need to replace
competition with cooperation in order to realize our hopes and
wishes for a better world in which to live. We will also need
to transcend selfishness and greed with altruism, compassion and
love and strive to develop the highest form of friendship, the
kind that gives and unites soul to soul and asks nothing in return.
Chiron — the wounded healer — is a homeless planetoid which
moves in an elliptic orbit between Saturn and Uranus in a
50 year cycle. He helps us learn from our wounds and failures
by creating a bridge between the visible and invisible dimensions
of consciousness and guides us to discover higher knowledge to
heal our souls. He will be entering Libra — the
sign of association — on September 10, 1995, and for 15 months
he will teach us what we need to know in order to keep our sacred
promises, heal the many wounds we both recieved and inflicted
on others, and find liberation in the fulfillment of all our
commitments. Expect much interaction with and through others
in order to heal the relationship between your inner man and inner
woman, which will bring about the rebirth of your inner child
during this healing period.
The Ascending Lunar Node (North Node or Dragon's Head), which
runs backward around the zodiac in a 19-year cycle, will be leaving
Scorpio to enter Libra on August 1, 1995, where it will stay for
about 18 months through January 26, 1997. Both the Ascending
Lunar Node and its opposite, the Descending Lunar Node (South
Node or Dragon's Tail), are indicators of spiritual opportunities
for soul growth. The South Node offers opportunities to tie up
loose ends and wrap up unfinished business, thereby enriching
our souls by paying our karmic debts. The North Node, on the
other hand, offers more possibilities and opportunities to apply
our acquired skills to new ventures so we may further refine our
spiritual faculties, increase our experience and knowledge, and
strengthen our soul power. South Node in Aries indicates the
need to reform ourselves, curb bad habits, and acquire new skills.
North Node in Libra opens new opportunities for solid associations
and true commitments to others — to talk the talk and walk the walk.
Finally, Mars — the fiery planet of action — goes retrograde for
three months once every two years. The three months retrograde
period between January 2, 1995 and March 24, 1995 in Virgo (practical
organization) and Leo (creative expression) offered us the opportunity
to evaluate our past actions, redirect our passion, and focus
our energy in a new direction. As we set our game plan on a new
goal, we will work hard to reach it during the next two years
(1995-1997), before Mars becomes retrograde again on February
7, 1997. At that time we will re-evaluate how successful we have
been at reaching the goal we had selected in 1995, and hopefully
learn from it so we may be more successful at reaching the next
goal in the following cycle (1997-1999).
As Jupiter, Pluto, Uranus, Chiron, and the Lunar Nodes all
move from imaginative, receptive, feminine signs to active, dynamic,
masculine signs, the paradigm is shifting drastically from creative
imagination to dynamic application, from immaterial dream to tangible
action, activating change and transformation leading to a new
world order.
— Jean de Galzain
— Rays from the Rose Cross Magazine, September/October, 1995
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