The health of the physical body should be the concern of every
aspirant to the higher life. Spiritual evolution requires refinement
of man's vehicles. In order to attain purification of the physical
organism, the body must be provided with proper nutrition.
More and more people are discovering the benefits that can be
received by adding to the diet the condensed energy hidden within
the seed and released in the form of sprouts. The Western Wisdom
Teachings stress the importance of nutrition, not only for the
health of the physical body, but also as an aid to one's spiritual
sensitivity. Therefore, anyone aspiring to the higher life should
be aware of the healthful benefits to be obtained by the use of
The sprouting of seeds is rapidly taking its place in the home
as the housewife learns that the sprouted seeds contain vital
nourishment needed by our bodies. Sprouts are very nutritious
because they contain all elements a plant needs for life and growth.
The endosperm of the seed is the storehouse of carbohydrates,
protein, and oil. When the seed germinates, these become predigested
amino acids and natural sugars upon which the plant embryo feeds
as it grows to maturity. When used as food, the life force is
released and supplies the energy which is capable of generating
healthy cells in the body and supplying us with new vigor and
life. Used as an adjunct to the diet, sprouts can retard the aging
process, since they contain ample amounts of male and female hormones,
available in their most assimilable form. Processed foods often
lack the vitamins and minerals necessary to a balanced diet.
Research shows that sprouts are one of the foods highest in vitamin
and mineral content. Sprouts should, therefore, occupy a prominent
place in the diet. Among their other virtues is the fact that
the seeds are low in cost, can be stored indefinitely, and are
easy to grow, and, when sprouted, increase their nutritional value
many times.
Equipment Needed
Very little is needed in the way of equipment for sprouting seeds:
several two-quart, wide-mouth jars and enough cheesecloth or nylon
to serve as covers for the jars. Rubber bands may be used to attach
the cloth to the open end of the jar. The number of jars needed
will be determined by the amount and frequency of the fresh sprouts
desired. Preferably one kind of seed at a time should be sprouted
in a jar.
With the equipment at hand, we now consider the sprouting procedures
required for the three major classifications of sprouts: seeds,
grains, and legumes.
How to Sprout
1. Seeds include alfalfa, celery, clover, oats, radish, fenugreek,
and sunflower. Soak the desired amount of seeds, about one to
two tablespoonsful, in a two-quart jar by filling the jar half-way
with tepid water and covering it with cheesecloth or nylon, securing
the cloth with a rubber band. Place the jar in a dark area, at
room temperature, for about five hours. After five hours, drain,
rinse, and let the seeds stand without water for about eight to
twelve hours. Rinse again and drain well to prevent rotting. For
the next six days, the seeds should be rinsed and drained twice
a day using lukewarm water. They should be kept at room temperature
in a dark place. After the sixth day, place them in the light
for one more day to increase their chlorophyll content. When determining
the desired amount of seeds for each container, consider that
seeds will expand to about eight times their original size. One
jar may be used as a starter and others added as the need arises.
2. Grains include rye, wheat, buckwheat, barley, millet, and rice.
Their preparation is the same as for the seeds.
3. Legumes include lentils, mung beans, and soy beans. Due to
their hardness, they require an initial soaking of about fifteen
hours. They should be rinsed twice a day and given three days
for adequate germination. One cup of beans may be used for each
two-quart jar, since expansion in their case is not as great as
in the case of seeds and grains.
It should be noted that sunflower and lentil sprouts should not
be larger than the original seed itself in order to be palatable.
The time required for these seeds to sprout is about two or three
How to Obtain Seeds
Seeds, grains, and lentils for sprouting may be obtained in most
natural food stores or grain outlets and provide an inexpensive,
as well as healthful, way to provide food for the family table.
Caution should be used so that only untreated seeds are purchased.
In case of a drastic food shortage, war, or natural catastrophe,
a quantity of them stored away could be utilized as a survival
Nutritional Value
One of the many benefits of sprouts is their high energy content.
The following is a brief outline of the nutritional value of some
of the more popular sprouts.
1. All legumes such as those mentioned above have high concentrations
of both protein and starch and are acid-forming unless sprouted.
When a proper diet of greens, seeds, nuts, vegetables, and fruit
is followed, a proper balance of acid vs. alkaline foods is maintained.
When the diet is heavy on the protein side, acidity results and
then it is necessary to eliminate as many acid-forming foods as
possible. Sprouting helps to reduce the acid-alkaline imbalance
which might occur when grains, legumes, and other proteins are
Mung beans, similar in composition to fruits, are rich in vitamins
A, C, and B complex.
2. Most seeds contain a great deal of phosphorous, an important
mineral for spiritual aspirants who want to increase their alertness
and mental abilities. Phosphorous is also necessary for healthy
bones and teeth, a fact which makes sprouted seeds desirable for
babies and children.
Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamins B and D and all the essential
amino acids.
Sesame seeds are a rich source of calcium, iron, phosphorous,
niacin, and protein.
Alfalfa, probably the most popular sprouted seed, contains much
chlorophyll, as well as vitamins A, B complex, C, D, E, G, K,
and U. It also has large amounts of iron, calcium, phosphorous,
and sulphur.
3. Grains. Sprouted wheat has become a favorite with many who
try to follow a natural diet. These sprouts contain vitamins C,
E, B complex, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, sodium, potassium,
protein, enzymes, chlorophyll and possibly B-17 (laetrile). In
its cooked form, wheat is unacceptable to some individuals, causing
mucus congestion, allergic reaction, and constipation. In its
sprouted form, a large portion of starch is converted to simple
sugars, making it a wholesome food acceptable to many who would
otherwise need to eliminate wheat as a food source.
Another way to use wheat is to grow the whole wheat berries as
grass. The chlorophyll and laetrile content of wheat grass is
very high. The wheat grass should be chewed to obtain the juice,
discarding the pulp. Special juicers for wheat grass are now on
the market.
Another grain we may mention is buckwheat, a food rich in lecithin
and rutin.
Sprouts in the Diet
For most people, sprouts would be an excellent addition to their
diet. However, as no set dietary rules can be estsblished to encompass
the case of every individual, we suggest thet the reader use proper
discretion in their use.
Sprouts are best because cooking always destroys a large part
of the nutritional content. The entire sprout is eaten, including
leaves and roots. Sprouts are good eaten by themselves, but can
also be added to salads, sandwiches, or soups. They can also be
blended for baby food, sauces, and dressings. They can be stored
in the refrigerator in a jar or plastic bag for up to two weeks.
It is preferable, however, to make small amounts at frequent intervals
since seeds and sprouts tend to become rancid when held too long
a time. Since harmful chemicals are created when foods become
rancid, every effort should be made to provide fresh foods in
the diet.
There are both physical and spiritual benefits when we try to
purify our bodies by providing them with wholesome foods. Sprouts
are an excellent adjunct to other pure foods in their natural
state. Proper diet can help us in our efforts to raise our sensitivity
to higher vibrations. As we become more sensitive individuals,
we become better enabled to use our purified bodies in the service
of humanity.
— Rays from the Rose Cross Magazine, September/October, 1995
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