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Simplified Scientific Christianity |
"If one word were required to sum up the virtues of Jupiter, that word must certainly be benevolence. Jupiter is our capacity to give — sincerely, abundantly, and wisely. It is through Jupiter that we blend with the lives of others from a motive of assisting them, by a radiation to them of our best of heart, mind, and material resources." |
When we analyze the symbol of Jupiter, we see a semicircle surmounting, or overshadowing, the cross of material manifestation. This semicircle may be interpreted as the Moon — the function of nurture — or as a general symbol of spirit. In either case, the essence of Jupiter's purpose is conveyed.
In the case of the former, we see the "principle of nurture" permeating all physical manifestation — preserving, healing, and amplifying the component parts of experience-as-incarnation; in the second, it identifies Jupiter as the agency by which spiritual forces are made manifest to earth consciousness.
Jupiter must always work through form; his scope is definitely conditioned by the dictates and requirements of Saturn. He is not transcendent, as are Uranus and Neptune;he is a "fore-shadowing" of them, since he provides a channel for the exoteric presentation of spiritual truths. In psychological application, he is those qualities of mind and heart which provide an invigoration and uplift to the evolving consciousness. He is the arterial blood in the physical body — the fresh, clean, nourishing fluid which in its course carries out a work of renewal and sustainment. He is the ninth house of the horoscope — the true judgment and understanding which are distilled from experience, and which provide pabulum for constructive progress in life.
There is always a plus quality to Jupiter's vibration. He is "more than just enough." He is bigness and amplitude in any form. His is not specifically an aesthetic vibration, but his "personality" is certainly clearly evident in the complexity, magnificence, and splendor of pageant, ballet, and grand opera. His is the extension of Mars energy which we call "play;" he is the enthusiastic, laughing, progressive, generous lover of life.
If one word were required to sum up the virtues of Jupiter, that word must certainly be benevolence. Jupiter is our capacity to give — sincerely, abundantly, and wisely. It is through Jupiter that we blend with the lives of others from a motive of assisting them, by a radiation to them of our best of heart, mind, and material resources. Jupiter is philanthropy, he is the beneficence of religion. He is any means by which we, individually or collectively, improve conditions on this plane. Jupiter can be expressed, of course, in terms of "self and self alone," but this is not his ultimate capacity. No matter how much wealth an individual acquires, how large his home, how elaborate his wardrobe, how vast his inheritance, or how extensive his education, he does not live up to his Jupiter until he gives something of his abundance to improve something outside of himself. It is through this extension that Jupiter counteracts possible difficulties caused by Saturn crystallization due to fear of loss. Jupiter and Saturn work hand in hand when intake is accompanied by a beneficent output.
Psychiatrists, psychologists, and astro-analysts — attention! Jupiter never demonstrates his power more specifically than when "output" has been made as an expression of gratitude for the receiving of "intake." Sincere gratitude — to a person or to God — provides a quality of "openness" for the consciousness, making it more and more attuned to growth and to abundance of expression. No aspiring person lets a single day of his life go by without feeling and/or expressing gratitude to someone for something. This is a sincere, joyous, positive gratitude; it is not a servile crawling by which the receiver debases himself and insults the giver. Jupiter's psychology — thanks for the gift and a willingness to share it — is a profound and a far-reaching one. It is a nourishment to the mind, body, and soul, infusing, as it does, a stream of renewing energies into conditions that have been allowed to become crystallized, morbid, and unhealthy. Our national festival of Thanksgiving is enjoyed when the Sun is in the sign Sagittarius — ruled by Jupiter!
There are some who contend that Jupiter is well taken as a symbol of the father — carrying out the masculine version of the nurture urge. Be that as it may, of one thing we can be sure; Jupiter is the symbol of the teacher, or "spiritual father." Jupiter nurtures the spiritual mentality, and as such he is represented by the clergyman. Any teacher is a spiritual parent — his work and purpose is to guide the younger, or undeveloped person, along the lines of unfoldment that do not pertain specifically to physical needs. Saturn is the principle of Jaw, in the esoteric sense; but the 9th house is the profession of law, as a protection of the people. The 9th house is also the Church, as a protective and instructive institution. Thus the 9th house, through Jupiter's rulership, seems to sum up the " consciousness of right and wrong," not in the abstract or absolute sense, but in terms of the person's cycle of development his racial background, and the religious mold in which he is manifesting.
Jupiter is our direct outward expression of this consciousness and his position and aspects in the horoscope show how and by which means, if any, we feel the urge to teach people the way (we think)they should go. A 9th house unafflicted by either planet of occupancy or planet of rulership is indicative that the person, in this incarnation, will have no difficulty, by and large, in finding the religion that he really needs and wants. He will be brought in contact with the teachers that are best fitted to feed his spiritual longings. Afflicted, the obstacles are shown to be the attainment of religious or philosophical satisfactions. Long delays, confusions, disillusionments, and disappointments are indicated by afflictions to the 9th house, and afflictions to Jupiter himself indicate how we, individually, need to discipline and train ourselves in order to express our fullest capacities as teachers or moral leaders. Much karma can be read from 9th house afflictions, by deducing from Cause and Effect; they are the"detours" which the person has made on his path towards spiritual unfoldment. This unfoldment of spiritual consciousness and understanding certainly bears out Jupiter's function as the "Principle of Improvement."
One of the most fascinating phases of astrological interpretation is to be found in the "negative" or "karmic" aspects of Jupiter. Benevolence, higher understanding, protection, abundance, generosity — how can such a planet represent "evil"? Plenty, my friends, plenty!
In so far as Jupiter is a "dynamic," his evils are to be found, as in the case of Sun, Mars, and Uranus, through unbalance, uncontrol, and uncultivation. When the urge to improve is perverted, Jupiter manifests in many unpleasant ways, the chief inner one is:
False Pride: This is the person whose urges to self-approval are so strong that he cannot listen to advice or sincere criticism. Thus, he can't — and usually doesn't — improve himself by some processor other, but he keeps himself going by maintaining a disjointed evaluation of his own worth. The astro-analyst who reads for a person with this aspect must be tactful — you can not help him by "spot lighting" his defects because he will resist and resent your observations. You must maintain an attitude of approval, and without being untruthful, you must sugarcoat the medicine. If he asks for the "unvarnished truth" remember that for him the "varnish" makes the truth palatable. Analyze the chart carefully so that you find something in which he may justifiably feel proud of himself. At the same time you must ascertain what snag in his life causes him to wear the mask of false superiority as a compensation. His pride may center on family, position, nationality, background, the possession of money, or of a genuine talent. No matter; whatever is valuable to his inner self must become usable and objectifiable to have any real value.
Arrogance: This is a variation of the above, caused by a mixture of Mars with afflicted Jupiter; a noticeably unlovely quality that causes the person to "force his pretensions." The arrogant person is essentially unkind — his attitudes toward other people seem to comprise condescension, unjustified superiority and snobbishness, with a certain cruelty by which he expresses his false pride, no matter who is hurt in the process.
Wealth: Financial abundance is one of the devil's favorite traps. Since money is a medium of exchange, no more, no less, it is only the persons who can use it without being either bound by it or fooled by it who possess a well-integrated money consciousness. Wealth, to certain types of people, is synonymous with character, virtue, spirituality, and what not. They say that the success of a marriage is insured if the husband to be has "plenty of dough." To them, financial return justifies the perpetration of any manner of dishonesty, injustice, or perversion of responsibility. A "lucky man," they say, is a rich man, one who has so much money he doesn't have to work. He can buy anything he desires, his children can have anything they want and his wife is smothered in luxurious idleness. They say, occasionally, that the possession of wealth would compensate them for any suffering or problem in their lives. They are people who cannot learn from their suffering, nor can they understand or handle their problems. Such persons coming into an inheritance of millions, would embark on the shortest possible journey to disaster. They give to money a power that it does not possess — and thereby deplete their own powers. The scion of a fabulously wealthy family, some years ago, inherited something like ten million dollars on his twenty-first birthday. He had been surrounded by luxury since his babyhood — he knew nothing else. At the age of thirty-five he committed suicide leaving a note for a friend saying, "I have only fifteen thousand dollars left — I have nothing to live for." This is symbolic of a Jupiter, possibly afflicted by Neptune, ruling the twelfth house — the illusion of the power of wealth as a source of self-undoing. Let wealthy people with afflicted Jupiters take care how they use money and how much power they give it over themselves. Wealth implies great scope of usability — and, since we "can't take it with us," we might as well learn to apply it as an expression of constructive and productive living.
Generosity: On certain cycles of evolution, people are tested as to the sincerity with which they express their urges to give. One would think, superficially, that if a man has an urge to give something — how can there be impediments? But there are, and here is a hypothetical example: During the past incarnation, the person lived meanly and acquisitively — gave only when it was absolutely necessary, or with an ulterior motive of getting something in return. Toward the latter part of the life, he was the recipient of a generous, unselfish deed performed by another. He was moved with deep gratitude and as he passed out of incarnation, he impressed his subconscious with the desire to live longer that he might, in his turn, express his gratitude. He comes into this incarnation with that urge very close to the surface but the sincerity of that urge, because it was late in developing, has to be tested in order that its reality may become part of his consciousness. So he may have a parent who is overindulgent toward him and who doesn't want him to give to anyone — and the person finds himself involved in a frictional circumstance. If he really wants to express his subconscious feeling of gratefulness he must take his stand against the parent's overindulgence. If he allows the parent's influence to push him off his path of expression, he has failed his test. To the degree that he allows other influences to smother his generous impulses he will again become enmeshed, not only in self-concern, but in a very painful frustration complex. His " urge to give" is representative of an impulse of his higher nature — the frustration of it causes a distinct reaction of self-contempt and feelings of unworthiness and self-abasement. If in the example cited above of the person with the overindulgent parent, he realizes that resentment and friction are growing in his attitude toward the parent, he can, with philosophical approach, counteract that tendency and transmute it by feeling grateful toward the parent for providing, even though unconsciously, a much needed test. His attitude should grow more and more "outgoing" in keeping with his purposes of growth. Great religious leaders, or any persons who "give to the race," are tested in this way. They give of their best, no matter what the immediate result may be.
Church-Experience: Many people in their processes of growth toward the unfoldment of spiritual understanding, find that their lessons come from distinguishing the "real from the unreal" through contacts with other persons in church activities. This type of karma-afflicted Jupiter ruling or occupying the 12th house — seems to pertain to people who have come into the present incarnation with a strong "religious urge." Much of their transmutations will be stimulated by contact with hypocrites, fanatics, and those whose spiritual pretensions do not match their development. These persons members of the same church — are the objectification of the afflicted Jupiter aspects, and their "performances" are certainly a source of deep testing for the aspirant. He loves his church, believes and has faith in the teaching, seeks in every way possible to establish cooperation and harmony with the others so that the church may stand as a credit to the community and as a standard of spiritual conduct — and what does he get? Everyone pushing and fighting to be the head of this or that "committee;" backbiting criticism going on all the time; the minister who makes his religious teaching a scourge and a punishment; the well-to-do man who threatens to withdraw his financial support any time his personal wishes — and prejudices — seem to be ignored; and so forth — you've met them, at some time or another. These are all representations of false pride, arrogance, presumption and pretension, bluff and false front. They are not very pretty pictures, but they are Jupiter-unregenerate. The person with the afflicted Jupiter vibration who is hurt and disillusioned (tested) by such persons is seeing his own past experiences reflected. He is now sincere and aspiring, but in this incarnation his sincerity, faith, and trust in spiritual principle are being given a chance to see what is real and what is unreal and spurious. He will fail his test if he allows the "shadows" to turn him from his progress. He must learn from the shadows, not be overcome by them.
In psychological parlance, the term "mechanism" is used to identify certain deep-rooted subconscious drives. Correlating with astrology, we identify the "defense mechanism" as Mars the "escape mechanism" as Neptune. Jupiter certainly identifies the "compensation mechanism." We all, every single one of us, are seeking fulfillment, and wheel karmic patterns create disorder, incompleteness, frustration, and lack, we automatically feel the urge to "compensate ourselves" for what we feel to be our most deeply felt deprivation. In other words, we are driven to establish "improvement" and "beneficence" even if we must do so vicariously. The aspect in the chart indicating the most strongly felt "lack" or "frustration" may, certainly, involve Jupiter — but it is not necessarily so. However, because of the very nature of Jupiter himself, is it not reasonable to suppose that the "positive" expression of Jupiter will provide the most direct and satisfactory "compensation"! It is through Jupiter that we give; when we give we open ourselves, in consciousness, to receive. We cannot receive the fulfillment of our deepest needs, unless, and until, we put into action our willingness to make that thing possible for another. We then "contact" our Jupiter by direct expression in terms of his house position (environmental factor), benefit aspects (scope of constructive expression), and the planets to which he is related by benefit aspect (relationships, activities). An unaspected Jupiter indicates that "the time has come to begin giving." As long as we think of life in terms of "self-isolation" we stagnate — and Jupiter becomes more and more choked up by the crystallizations of Saturn. A multi-aspected, but afflicted, Jupiter, needs various kinds of control and direction; such a Jupiter may represent many psychological complexities which the person must, for clear understanding, approach with reason, fact, discrimination, and analysis. Mercury-Saturn is the corrective that most closely applies to the disorders of Jupiter.
In synthesizing the patterns of Jupiter in a chart we not only observe his aspects and houses of occupancy and rulership; we must also study the conditions of the 9th house in co-relationship to get the picture of Jupiter as a spiritual significator. Jupiter is the level of Spirit in the lives of the people who are manifesting in the consciousness of forms. As such, and for them, he parallels the vibrations of Uranus and Neptune in the lives of people who have attained, to a degree, a consciousness of transcendence.
Jupiter amplifies whatever he touches. Unless he is dignified — in Sagittarius — it is important to analyze with care the conditions of the planet which disposits him. An entirely afflicted, or variable Jupiter disposited by an unafflicted planet indicates that the constructive qualities of the dispositing planet may be used to help Jupiter control and discipline himself. An afflicted planet dispositing an unafflicted Jupiter is indicative that the planet may, to a large degree, be redeemed from its afflictions through the expression of Jupiter qualities at their best. In this case, Jupiter must "clean the house where he lives" — the constructive expression of his vibration provides a channel of transmutation for the afflicted planet.
The afflicted conjunction of Jupiter with another planet indicates the tendency of that planet to express excessively — a quality of "too-muchness" is simplified. The expressions of the person toward the conditions and experiences of the conjuncted planet are misdirected because Jupiter afflicted, is "poor judgment;" "judgment" being defined as "soul-knowledge," the distillment of experience — not the result of factual study. However, in the case of such an afflicted conjunction, the power of Jupiter promises a rich return if the planet concerned is expressed constructively; the constructive expression of such a planet can only be made as a result of detached observation coupled with extensive self-discipline. The continued negative expression of such a conjunction — undirected energies — indicates an inevitable depletion of resources.
The "graduations" of Jupiter show that his vibration expresses most purely in Sagittarius, Cancer, and Pisces. He is at a disadvantage in the Mercurial signs, Gemini and Virgo, and, in the opinion of the writer, Jupiter is most perfectly un-Jupiterian in Virgo and Capricorn. Virgo is analytical and detailed, persnickety and faultfinding — the opposite of big, generous Jupiter. In Capricorn, Jupiter is "opportunistic" — he tends to give, but with an eye to what he will get in return. The religious urge, mixed with the vibration of Saturn, tends to formalism and dogmatism. If Jupiter in Capricorn is multi-aspected and has some direct connection with the 9th house of the chart, then the religious urge — is seen to be extensive, but the person should study religions with the purpose of understanding them so he can understand other people and not for the purpose of contention, argument, or forcing his opinions on others. If the person is a teacher, of any kind, his Jupiter in Capricorn emphasizes the tendency to ambition and display. He must learn, somehow, to"get into the minds of his students" so that in his teaching he may be better able to unfold their latent capacities. His tendency will be to try to make them conform to his particular molds of thought. Jupiter in Capricorn needs to learn how to give — and to give without consideration of possible return.
In Leo, Jupiter shines gorgeously, but when afflicted, self-justification and self-esteem are strong. This is a "noble aspect" but perverted and stunted it can manifest a blazing arrogance and mountainous superiority. In Taurus, blending with the Venus vibration, Jupiter takes on a coloring of "financial abundance" — he expresses his qualities in terms of things of earth. In Aquarius he is very social and humane; he seeks to establish and maintain abundance in his relationships with friends — he is a beneficial influence in group activities. And so with other signs.
Jupiter in the 12th house: the benefit aspects describe Jupiter as a "guardian angel " — a deep, subconscious awareness of protection. This is evidence of having "given secretly" in the past and the promise of "eleventh hour luck" in this incarnation. All seems to be lost and someone appears just in the nick of time to preserve the situation. This is the person who should not make a display of his giving — doing so is the corruption of the pure expression of and depletes his power for doing good. Regardless of Jupiter's sign, the 12th house is affiliated with the sign Pisces, and Jupiter's position here is indicative, to a degree, of the possession of a radiation of healing power to those who are sick and confined. No person with this position need feel that there is no one who needs him — there are plenty of them in hospitals, orphanages, and asylums, to whom he can give of his utmost and best for the alleviating of their suffering and the improvement of their conditions. To give money for good purpose is fine, but when Jupiter is at his best, he urges the giving of one's self — in time, work, and interest.
Jupiter, afflicted in the 12th house is "self undoing through false pride " — a subconscious condition which "blacks out" perspective of one's self .It also shows the karma that may be experienced by — or through — the possession of wealth and how the misuse of that abundance may lead to inner deterioration. The house of Jupiter's rulership, in terms of experience and/or relationship, is here seen to indicate a condition of limitation which can be redeemed, if unoccupied, by the expression of constructive Jupiter qualities. Twelfth house Jupiter throws a "mantle of secrecy" over the house that has Sagittarius on the cusp, and afflictions to Jupiter from other planets indicate a tendency toward furtiveness, hypocrisy, and false front. Jupiter, to live at all, "must out" — and if his outer expressions must be experienced in secret or behind the scenes then, for his best, he must he expressed with the utmost sincerity and genuineness possible, or corruption can result.
Jupiter in the 2nd house: Financial abundance, with benefit aspects, is assured by this position if the person is doing the work he is meant to do, the work he most loves to do, and the work through which he can give the most of his best. In other words, Jupiter can only " bring in the bacon. " if he is expressed in such a way that he is able to radiate of his best. Which brings up this question: What about the man with Jupiter in the 2nd who is only capable of doing a "routine, over and over" kind of work? He is not aware of loving his work — he does it to make enough money to live by. He can assure himself of increased return if he makes the effort to improve his ability and scope of work expression, even within the limitations of a routine job. There is always room for making improvement — and the man who makes this effort thereby, even unconsciously, makes a contribution to the job at large. To the degree that he improves, the work, as a whole, improves. Jupiter not only "loveth a cheerful giver" but he takes the hand in assistance of anyone who improves in some way.
Jupiter in the 6th house: Unafflicted, this is a preservative of the health. If the general patterns of the chart show a tendency to disease or physical inharmony, this position of Jupiter promises alleviation if the person himself does what he can to establish correct and constructive habits and health processes. He must try to improve his own physical conditions. Applying to work, this position of Jupiter seems to point to the assurance that the person will "do the work that he loves to do;" he has a clear channel for throwing into his work experiences his enthusiasm, determination to progress and to succeed. afflicted, Jupiter shows the tendencies to physical disharmonies through overindulgencies, and, in work, the inclination to do the kind of work that will assure the most return for the least effort. If the person doesn't give through his work, he lessens his opportunities and depletes his capacities for progress.
Jupiter in the 10th house: Afflicted this is a subtle condition that warrants careful study. In the consciousness of such a person, "reputation" is seen to be a source of protection and beneficence, no matter how illusory. The "urge to improve" is here seen to he expressed as the "urge to improve in the eyes of other people, or of society at large." This position is the essence of pretension, a forced, contrived, artificial veneer which is applied to hide any manner of deficiency and unworthiness. This is the worldly ecclesiastic who glorifies God by the biggest cathedral, and the wealthiest congregation, to whom religion is a matter of publicity, renown, and fame. This is the "society hanger-on" who feels happy and comfortable only when being seen With the right people, who "preserves herself" by living in the good impression she makes in the eyes of those she admires and considers "superior," Jupiter afflicted in the 10th house or conjunct the ruler of it and afflicted, brings out much the same quality. Reputation seems to be the focus of Jupiter expression in either case. Renown, the actual attainment of it or the "way down deep" desire for it, is an extension of "reputation." A great person may have it conferred on him without his having any particular desire for it; another person may find that his capacity to improve himself may grow in the proportion that he is acclaimed for his achievements; still another has so strong a desire for a kind of self-approval that comes with recognition by the world that he has no scruples about attaining it, in some way. With this pattern of afflicted Jupiter, study the chart carefully to find the possible deficiencies that the person tries to cover up, those things which urge him to compensate for by pretension. If the person is going to be put on a constructive path of living, the debris that clutters up his mind and reactions must be cleared away, and his possibilities of attaining real attainment must be brought to his attention.
Jupiter in the 4th house: Jupiter creates a condition of abundance in the house he occupies. This position, supported by benefice, promises affluence in the latter part of life, and a sort of "flowering" of higher impulses comes as a result of constructive activity during the years of growth. Anyone may have to deal with all kinds of difficulties during the course of incarnation but Jupiter in the 4th house makes of his home-life a sanctuary. Afflictions to Jupiter in the 4th show how depletion may be caused by wastages of opportunities for growth and improvement, thus causing a condition in the later years of turning to the home-circle as the only refuge for peace and comfort. This is an indication of affluent, or at least generous parentage. The domestic pattern is stamped with a coloring of plenty. The person finds in home life an enrichment of heart and spirit — and whatever he may be in the eyes of the world, or in professional activities, he radiates his best to his family. When he establishes his own home, he tunes in on something in his nature that represents his best. Jupiter's vibration expressing through 4th house conditions paints a picture of a devoted husband, a generous, loving father, an/or respected honored matron.
Jupiter in the 5th house: an abundant love capacity — the children are regarded as the blessings of life. Afflictions may indicate the experiences by which the person, as a parent, must develop understanding and judgment but, on the whole, this person finds his or her life expanding with amplitude through contact with his children. Because Jupiter is basically masculine his position in the 5th house of a man's chart indicates the joy he finds in fatherhood. His love of children is unlimited — he would like to do everything for all of them. Mr. Heindel had Jupiter in Sagittarius in the fifth — he was truly a "spiritual father," his capacity for devoted love was unbounded. Afflicted Jupiter in the fifth needs the discipline of discrimination. This is the parent who could so easily spoil his children by overindulgence, or whose excessive concerns for them could move him to overprotect them. He must find some means of developing a more detached, impersonal attitude toward them. Unregenerate Jupiter in, or ruling, the fifth, shows as a "compensation-mechanism" through excessive addiction to pleasure. This is the man who does not know how to turn his abilities to much practical account, so he improves his financial conditions by gambling and easy speculation. Mixed with a Mars vibration, sex pleasure can be the means used to "compensate" for unfulfilled love urges. Negative Jupiter-Neptune patterns involving the 5th house can be very bad — since Neptune is the essence of the escape mechanism, and if the desires for pleasure and "joy" are excessive, a jaded appetite may turn to the lurid compensations of drugs or excessive drinking. This pattern throws an influence of perversity into the pleasure experiences — artificiality, luxuriousness, and the morbidly sensational can take the place of those things which are healthy and truly "recreative." An afflicted Jupiter vibration expressing through the 5th house can do nothing better than establish, if possible, a response to pleasure activities that are conducive to improving health along natural lines. The out-doors, hiking, swimming, gardening, etc., could be employed, to a degree at least, with good results.
Jupiter in the 3rd: this is a mental expression of Jupiter. Study becomes the channel for improvement, and education a necessity. Fluency of expression is indicated, but, if afflicted, Jupiter needs method and routine. Benefit aspects indicate happiness through fraternal relationships, which in turn "feed" the possibilities for success in mature relationships. Generally this indicates a capacity of abundant mental resources, a mind fertile in ideas and capable of retaining much knowledge. Possibilities for public expressions are seen to be incentives for study and intellectual development.
Jupiter in the 9th: Jupiter in the ninth house, or in Sagittarius or disposited by a planet in the ninth emphasizes the "spiritual aspiration capacity." Professional patterns refer most specifically to law, the church, and teaching. Jupiter himself shows how we express our religious convictions, the planet ruling the 9th indicates our basic feelings about, and attitudes toward, religion generally. An empty 9th house — unoccupied, Jupiter unaspected and the 9th house ruler insignificant by scope — shows that the person is not yet attuned to the "understanding" side of life. He is still involved with" things as things. "To the degree that Jupiter and the 9th house have "scope," the patterns show to what degree the person has distilled understanding from his patterns of experience, and to what degree he seeks further understanding. The Jupiter mentality is the mind that is primarily interested in principles rather than dry factual knowledge. It sees the ceremonies and appurtenances of church as being symbols of inner truths and is interested in tracking down the origin of these outward symbols. The person with a strong 9th house will "seek until he finds" the religious concept which most fully satisfies his needs, and when he finds it he recognizes it almost immediately.
As seen we study a chart from a psychological standpoint, it is of some importance to get a "picture" of the person 's ability to think in terms of principles — because all corrective psychology is based on an attunement to principles of thought and action. If the 9th house is undeveloped, we must speak to the person in terms that he can understand — we must use "earth terms." In this way, the astro-analyst fulfills his purpose as an expression of 9th house faculties — as a spiritual parent he, of his understanding, leads "his children" by constructive advice that is simply presented, and always with the motive of "lifting up" and encouraging. The astrologer joins spiritually with all people in many walks of life who seek, in some way, to create improvement in the lives of others. Suggest the reader practice synthesizing the Principle of Improvement in relation to the other houses.
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Contemporary Mystic Christianity |
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