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Philosophical Encyclopedia

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These questions are found in Max Heindel's "The Rosicrucian Philosophy in Questions and Answers", initially printed as a two-volume set.


"Question: If we were pure spirit and a part of an all-knowing God, why was it necessary for us to take this long pilgrimage of sin and sorrow through matter?

Answer: In the beginning of manifestation, God differentiated within Himself a multitude of potential spiritual intelligences as sparks are emitted by a fire. These spiritual intelligences were thus potential flames or fires, but they were not yet fires, for, though endowed with the all-consciousness of God, they lacked self-consciousness; being potentially omnipotent as God, they lacked dynamic power available for use at any moment according to their will; and in order that these qualities might be evolved it was imperative that they should go through matter. Therefore, during Involution each Divine Spark was encased in various vehicles of sufficient density to shut off the outer world from its consciousness. Then the spirit within, no longer able to contact the without, turns and finds Itself. With wakening self-consciousness comes the spirit's struggle to free itself from its prison, and during evolution the various vehicles which the spirit possess will be spiritualized into soul, so that, at the end of manifestation, the spirit will not only have gained self-consciousness but also soul-power." ...MORE »

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