MOBILE »         
Simplified Scientific Christianity         

The Message of the Stars
by Max Heindel and Augusta Foss Heindel
(Part 13)

Index to Natal Astrology

Index to Medical Astrology

— A —

Abdominal cramps, Uranus in Virgo, 565
Abdominal Disorders, Moon in Pisces, 552
Abdominal Tumors, Jupiter in Pisces, 559; Moon in Virgo, 552; Venus in Pisces, 548.
Abortions, Uranus in Scorpio, 566
Abscess of kidneys, Moon in Libra, 552
Accidents, Mars predisposes to, 561
Adenoids, 646; afflictions in Scorpio, 542; Mars in Taurus, 562
Adrenals, Jupiter rules 557, 570, 571. See also Jupiter afflicted in Libra.
   — secretions of, deficient, Jupiter in Libra, 558
Afflictions. See each Sign and Planet by name.
Alcoholism, see Drunkenness.
Anemia, afflictions in Leo, 542
   — Saturn in Cancer, 555. See also Hydraemia.
Aneurism, afflictions in Leo, 542
Angels, fallen, Lucifer spirits, 569
   — present vantage point of, is the Moon, 569
Anger, writer "gets mad" and lives, 666, 667
Angina pectoris, afflictions in Leo, 542; Mars in Leo, 562
Ankles, swollen, Jupiter in Aquarius, 559; Jupiter in Leo, 558
   — weak, Saturn in Aquarius, 556
Antares, Sagittarius,8 degrees, 546
Anti-peristalsis, afflicted Saturn, 554
Antipathy, revealed in horoscopes, 537
Aphasia, loss of power of speech, Sun afflicted in Aries, 545
Apoplexy, afflicted Jupiter, 556,; afflictions in Taurus, 541; Jupiter in Leo, 558; Jupiter in Scorpio, 558; Jupiter in Taurus, 557
Appendicitis, Mars in Virgo, 563; Saturn in Virgo, 555
Aquarius, afflictions, diseases, parts of body ruled by, 543
   — passage of mystic sun through, 560
Aries, afflictions, diseases, parts of body ruled by, 541
   — Sun in, gives strong vitality, 545
Arms, accidents to, Mars in Gemini, 562, 621
Arteries, diseases of, Saturn in Aquarius, 556
Arteriosclerosis, afflictions in Leo, 542; Saturn in Leo, 555
Ascelli, Leo 6 degrees, 545
Asphyxiation, Mercury in Gemini, 549
Assimilation, poor, Sun afflicted in Virgo, 546
Asthma, afflictions in Gemini, 541; Mercury in Gemini, 549; Mercury in Sagittarius, 550; Moon in Gemini, 551; Moon in Sagittarius, 552; Saturn in Gemini, 554
Astrology, infallible but for patient's will, 530
   — judgment of astrologer fallible, 530-531
   — preferable to spiritual sight for diagnosis, 606

— B —

Back, affections of, Mars in Leo, 562; Saturn in Aquarius, 556
Backache, afflictions in Leo, 545; Mercury in Capricorn, 550; Mercury in Leo, 549; Moon in Leo, 551; Sun in Leo, 545; Venus in Leo, 547
Baptism, planetary, given with first complete breath, 536
Belching, Saturn in Cancer, 555
Bladder, inflammations, Mercury in Scorpio, 550; Moon in Scorpio, 552
Blindness, aspects indicating, 662-664
Blind spot, sensitized by Neptune, 590
Bloating, Moon in Cancer, 551. See also Dropsy.
Blood, affections of, Jupiter in Gemini, 558; Jupiter in Sagittarius, 559; Mercury in Aquarius, 550; Moon in Sagittarius, 552; Venus in Gemini, 547
   — circulation of venous, 547
   — not liquid, as supposed, 576
   — overheating of, Mars in Aquarius, 563; Mars in Leo, 562
   — stagnation and obstruction of in lower limbs, 622, 623
   — venous, ruled by Venus, 600
Blood poisoning, afflicted Jupiter, 557; Mars in Aquarius, 563
Blood vessels, rupture of, Mars causes, 561
Bodies, all are transformed mineral, 535, See also Body.
Body, etheric, desire, mental, 568
   — human, has had long period of evolution, 568
   — Mars cleanses of waste, 560
   — parts of, rulership. See each sign and planet.
   — receives death sting from Scorpio, 560
Bones, broken, caused by Sagittarius, 543
   — of skeleton hardened by Saturn, 553
Bowels, inflammation of, Mars in Pisces, 564; Mars in Virgo, 562; Moon in Pisces, 552. See also Diarrhoea.
Brain disorders, afflictions in Aries, 541; Jupiter in Libra, 558; Mars in Aries, 545
Brain, transmutes thought, 574

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Breathing exercises, harmless and dangerous, 603
Breathing, through anus, 649
Bright's disease, affliction in Libra, 542; Moon in Libra, 546; Saturn in Libra, 555; Sun in Libra, 546. See also Kidney disorders.
Broken bones, afflictions in Sagittarius, 543; Jupiter in Gemini, 558
Bronchial affections, Venus in Sagittarius, 548
Bronchitis, afflictions in Gemini, 541; Mars in Gemini, 562; Mars in Sagittarius, 563; Mercury in Gemini, 549; Moon in Gemini, 551; Saturn in Gemini, 554; Saturn in Sagittarius, 555; Sun in Gemini, 545
Bruises, afflictions of Saturn, 554
Bunions, Mars in Pisces, 564; Saturn in Pisces, 556; Venus in Pisces, 548
Burns, afflictions of Mars, 561

— C —

Cancer, afflictions, diseases, parts of body ruled by, 541
Cancer of stomach, Moon in Cancer, 551; Saturn in Cancer, 555
   — "sphere of the soul", 559
Capricorn, afflictions, diseases, parts of body ruled by, 543
   — and mystic sun of life, 560
   — Mars, exaltation ruler of, 561
Catarrh, nasal, afflictions in Scorpio, 543; Jupiter in Taurus, 557; Saturn in aries, 554; Saturn in Scorpio, 555; Venus in Aries, 547
Catarrh of Lungs, Moon afflicted in Gemini, 551
Catalepsy, Neptune causes, 566
Cerebellum, instrument of coordination, 605
Cerebral anemia, Saturn in Aries, 554; Sun afflicted in Aries, 545
Cerebral congestion, Jupiter in Aries, 557
Cerebral hemisphere, left, dominated by Lucifer spirits, 605
   — right, dominated by Mercury, 605
Cerebral hemispheres, Aries rule, 541
Cerebral hemorrhage, Mars in Aries, 561; Sun in Aries, 545
Chicken pox, Mars in Capricorn, 563
Chilblains, Venus in Pisces, 548
Child, and thymus gland, 572
   — red corpuscles in blood not made by, 572
Chills, Saturn in Aries, 554
Choking, Saturn in Taurus, 554
Cholera, afflictions in Virgo, 542; Mars in Virgo, 563
Chronic ailments, afflicted Saturn, 554
Chyle, bad absorption of, afflictions in Virgo, 542; Saturn in Virgo, 555
Circulation, arterial and venous, governed by Jupiter and Venus, respectively, 640-643
   — poor, 659; Jupiterin Leo, 558; Moon in Leo; 551; Sun in Aquarius, 546
Collar bone fractures, Mars in Gemini, 562
Colds, afflicted Saturn, 554; Saturn in Aries, 554;; Uranus in Gemini, 565;
Colic, Mercury in Virgo, 550;
Color and sunshine, value in sooting mind, 637;
Coma, afflictions in Aries, 541; Jupiter in Libra, 558;
   — Neptune causes, 566.; See also Lethargy.
Combust, any planet within three degrees of Sun, 600;
Compatibility, of patient, nurse, and healer, 538;
Congenital idiocy. See Lungs, congestion of.
Congestion, in ear, 600;
Constipation, 646;; afflictions in Taurus, 541;; Saturn in Scorpio, 555;; Saturn in Taurus, 554;
   — causative factor in hemorrhoids, 621;
Consumption. See Tuberculosis.
Corns, Mars in Pisces, 564;
Contagious diseases, Mars causes, 561;

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Correspondences, Law of, 540-568;
Coughs, Mars in Gemini, 562;; Mars in Sagittarius, 563;; Mercury in Sagittarius, 550;; Uranus in Gemini, 565;
Cramps, afflictions to Uranus, 564;; Uranus in Cancer, 565;
Croup, affliction in Taurus, 541;; Saturn in Taurus, 554;
Cretinism, caused by thyroid gland, 574;
Critical degrees, detriment, exaltation, fall, rulership, 409,; 410;
Crystals, none in pineal and pituitary glands, 576;
Crystalline appearance explained, 576;
Curvature of spine, 619;; afflictions in Leo, 542; Saturn in Aquarius, 556; Saturn in Leo, 555;

— D —

Deafness, 657; Mercury in Pisces, 550; Mercury in Scorpio, 550; Mercury in Taurus, 549; Saturn in Aries, 554
Death, time of, should not be sought in horoscope, 531
   — never, never predict, 529
Delirium, and brain fever, Mars in Aries, 562
Delirium Tremens, and Neptune, 567
Dental decay. See Teeth, decay of.
Depression, Jupiter in Aries, 557
Desire body, of unborn child, and Mars forces, 572
Detriment, exaltation, fall, 409, 410
Diabetes, afflicted Jupiter, 557; Jupiter in Aries, 557; Jupiter in Libra, 558
Diagnosis, by horoscope, superior to X-ray, 528
   — of own horoscope biased, 532
Diarrhea, Mars in Pisces, 564; Mars in Virgo, 563
Diet, cleansing, value of greens and fruits, 601-602
Dietitian, indicated by Mercury in Pisces, 207; Moon in Virgo, 227
Digestive disorders, afflictions in Capricorn, 543; Jupiter in Capricorn, 558; Moon in Cancer, 551; Moon in Capricorn, 552. See also Indigestion, Dyspepsia.
Diphtheria, afflictions in Taurus, 541; Mars in Taurus, 562; Saturn in Taurus, 554; Sun in Taurus, 545
Disease, predisposition to, if Sun or Moon in Taurus or Virgo, or these signs rising, 530
Dissection, futile for functional study, 575
Dizziness. See Vertigo.
Dormant organs, 575
Dragon's Head and Tail, article, 594-599
   — conjunction, influence of, like Sun in Aries and Saturn in Libra, 596-597
   — eastern and western nodes of Moon (geocentric), 596
   — example horoscopes of: broken bones, 597, injury to sight, 597; heart trouble, 639
Dropsy, 665; afflictions in Aquarius, 543; in Cancer, 542; Jupiter in Cancer, 558; Jupiter in Capricorn, 559; Jupiter in Scorpio, 558; afflictions in Pisces, 544; afflictions to Moon, 551; Moon in Aquarius, 552; Moon in Cancer, 551; Saturn in Pisces, 556; Sun in Aquarius, 546; Sun in Cancer, 545, Venus in Gemini, 547
Drug habits, Moon in Pisces, 552
Drunkenness, afflictions in Pisces, 544; Mercury in Cancer, 549; Moon in Pisces, 552
Ductless Glands. See article, 568-578.
   — and blood are manifestations of vital body, 569
   — effects of, mainly mental and spiritual, 578
   — future role to be prominent, 578
   — in general ruled by Sun and Jupiter, 569
   — rulers of, 570
Dysentery, Moon in Virgo, 552; Sun in Virgo, 546

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Dyspepsia, afflictions in Cancer, 545; Jupiter in Cancer, 558; Mars in Cancer, 562; Mars in Capricorn, 563; Saturn in Cancer, 555; Saturn in Capricorn, 556; Venus in Capricorn, 548

— E —

Ears, diseases of, 599, 659, See also Deafness.
Eczema, afflictions in Capricorn, 543; afflictions in Libra, 542; Saturn in Capricorn, 556
Electricity, and magnetism, 534
   — injury from, 564
Elimination, obstructed by Saturn, 553
Epilepsy, Moon in Cancer, 551
Equinoxes and equinoctial points, 595
   — precession of, 595-596
Equipoise, necessary to attain for healing, 642
Erysipelas, affliction in Capricorn, 543; Mars in Capricorn, 563; Saturn in Capricorn, 556
Ether, transmits light rays, ruled by Uranus, 564
Evolution, caused by activity of stellar rays, 540; Precession of Equinoxes, 7
   — long period of, back of human body, 568
Excretion, organs of, ruled by Scorpio, 601
Exercise, lack of, afflicted Venus, 547
Explosions, injury from, 565
Eyes, diseases of, article, 588
   — affections of, 588, 638, 657, 659, 662; Mercury in Libra, 550; Moon in Aries, 551; Moon in 6 of Leo, 545; Sun in 8 of Sagittarius, 546
Sun in 29 of Taurus, 546; Uranus influences, 564

— F —

Fainting, afflictions in Leo, 542; Jupiter in Aries, 557; Mars in Aquarius, 563; Mars in Leo, 562; Mercury in Leo, 549; Moon in Aquarius, 552; Saturn in Aries, 554; Sun in Aries, 545
Falls, Saturn causes, 554
Fatty degeneration, afflicted Jupiter, 556
Feet, deformities of, afflictions in Pisces, 544; Jupiter in Pisces, 559; Mars in Pisces, 564; Saturn in Pisces, 556
Femur, broken, Mars in Gemini, 562; Mars in Sagittarius, 563; Moon in Sagittarius, 552
Fever, Jupiter in Leo, 558
Flatulence, Mercury in Cancer, 549; Mercury in Capricorn, 550; Mercury in Virgo, 550; Uranus in Cancer, 565; Uranus in Virgo, 565
Fluids, obstructed by Saturn, 553
Foods, minerals, used as, for plant, animal, and man, 535
   — onions as nerve builders, 643
   — plants as, for animal and man, 535
   — radiate particles to give index, 573
   — raw vegetable, for goitre, 656
   — value of sour or buttermilk as, 601

— G —

Gall bladder, ruled by Saturn, 553
Gallstones, afflictions in Cancer, 542; Saturn in Cancer, 555; Saturn in Capricorn, 556
Gas, in stomach, Uranus in Cancer, 565
   — Uranus rules, 564
Gastric cancer, Moon in Cancer, 551; Saturn in Cancer, 555
Gastric fever, Sun in Cancer, 545
Gastric tumor, Venus in Cancer, 547
Gastric ulcer, Saturn in Cancer, 555
Gemini, afflictions, diseases, parts of body ruled by, 541
   — and thymus gland, 541
Genitals, pains in, Mercury in Scorpio, 550
   — ruled by Mars through Scorpio, 561
Genito-urinary diseases, Mercury in Taurus, 549; Sun in Scorpio, 546
Gestation, Mars gives hemoglobin, 560
   — Moon rules mother during, 551
   — watery signs and, 559, 560
Glands, Ductless, article on, 568
   — in general, ruled by Sun, Jupiter, 569
   — specific, ruled by specific planets, 570
Glandular swellings, Venus in Taurus, 547

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Glycogen, Jupiter rules, 556
   — of liver, adrenals, 571
Goitre, 654; afflictions in Taurus, 541; Mars in Taurus, 562; Venus in Taurus, 547
   — diet for, uncooked, vegetable diet, 656
Gourmandizing, Jupiter in Cancer, 558; Jupiter in Taurus, 557
Gout, afflictions of Jupiter, 557; afflictions of Saturn, 553; Jupiter in Sagittarius, 559; Venus in Pisces, 548
   — in head, Mercury in Gemini, 549
   — in limbs, Jupiter in Gemini, 558; Mercury in Gemini, 549; Venus in Capricorn, 548
Gravel, Mars in Scorpio, 563
Growth, abnormal, Uranus in Taurus, 565
Growth and assimilation, after puberty directed by Uranus, 572, 573
Growths, abnormal, related to Uranus, 573
   — horny, due to venereal disease, 676. See also Venereal Disease.
Guardian of the Threshold, article, 582
   — spiritual investigations of, made by author, 582
Gums, ulceration of, Jupiter in Aries, 557; Jupiter in Taurus, 557

— H —

Hemoglobin, manifests magnetic force, attracts oxygen, 535
Hemorrhoids, a Mars activity, 561; Mars in Scorpio, 563; Saturn in Scorpio, 555
   — constipation, in relation to, 621
Hallucinations, Uranus in Libra, 565
Hands, fractures of, Mars in Gemini, 562
Head, accidents to, 650; Mars in Aries, 562
Headache, afflictions in Aries, 541; Mars in Aries, 549; Mars in Libra, 563; Mercury in Libra, 550; Moon in Aries, 551; Moon in Libra, 552; Saturn in Aries, 554; Saturn in Libra, 555 Sun in Aries, 545; Uranus in Libra, 565; Venus in Libra, 548; Venus in Taurus, 547.
Healer, nurse, and patient, rising sign shows compatibility, 538-539
Hearing and sight, distribution over body, 577
Heart affections, 617, 638, 641, 665; afflictions in Aquarius, 543; afflictions in Leo, 542; afflictions to Saturn, 553; Jupiter in Leo, 558; Mars in Aquarius, 563; Mars in Leo, 562; Moon in Aquarius, 552; Saturn in Aquarius, 556; Saturn in Leo, 555; Sun in Aquarius, 546; Sun in Leo, 545; Uranus in Aquarius, 565; Uranus in Leo, 565; Venus in Aquarius, 548. See also Palpitation.
Heart, diseases of the, article, 617-619
   — enlargement, Venus in Leo, 547
   — failure, due to dropsical condition, 669
   — functional and organic weaknesses of, 617, 618
Hemorrhage, of Lungs. See Tuberculosis.
   — Mars in Aries, 561; Sun in Aries, 545

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Hernia, afflictions of Mars, 561; ventral, Mars in Pisces, 564. See also Rupture.
Hiccups, afflictions of Uranus, 564; Uranus in Cancer, 565
Hip diseases, afflictions in Sagittarius, 543; Jupiter in Gemini, 558; Mercury in Gemini, 549; Mercury in Sagittarius, 550; Moon in Sagittarius, 552; Saturn in Gemini, 554; Venus in Sagittarius, 548
Hips, contusion of, 621; Saturn in Sagittarius, 555
Hoarsness, Mercury in Scorpio, 550; Mercury in Taurus, 549; Saturn in Scorpio, 555
Horoscope, and will of Native, 531    — reveals mental, moral, physical disorders, 607
   — shows incipient disease better than X-ray, 528
Horoscopes, compare for compatibility in healing, and in matrimony, 537, example, delineated, 579-679
Hydraemia, afflictions in Leo, 542; Jupiter afflicted in Scorpio, 558
Hydrocele, Moon in Scorpio, 552
Hyperemia, or congestion of blood, due to afflictions of Jupiter, 557
Hypochondria, afflictions in Cancer, 542
Hysteria, afflictions in Cancer, 542; afflictions to Uranus, 564; Moon in Aquarius, 552

— I —

Idiocy, congenital, lack of adjustment, 610
Indigestion, afflictions in Cancer, 541, 542; Mercury in Cancer, 549; Mercury in Capricorn, 550. See also Dyspepsia, Digestive disorders.
Infantile paralysis, Uranus in Leo, 565
Inflammation, Mars lights fire of, 561
Insanity and Spirit Control, article with Chart 23, 635. See also Brain disorders.
Insanity. See Lunacy; See also The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, by Max Heindel, for explanation of origins.
   — caused by misuse of sex-force, 604
   — violent, lunation and aspects which precipitated, 637
Insomnia, Mars in Aries, 562; Moon in Aries, 551; Moon in Libra, 552
Instability,, mental, caused by afflicted Neptune, 567. See also Brain disorders.
Intestinal disorders, afflictions in Pisces, 544; Jupiter in Pisces, 559; Mars in Virgo, 562; Saturn in Virgo, 555; Sun in Pisces, 546; Venus in Pisces, 548; Venus in Virgo, 548
Intestines, large and small, ruled by Virgo, 542
Iron, in blood, Mars gives, 560
Itch, and other eruptive diseases, Mars in Capricorn, 563

— J —

Jaundice, Jupiter in Cancer, 558; Jupiter in Capricorn, 559; Jupiter in Pisces, 559; Jupiter in Virgo, 558; Saturn in Cancer, 555; Saturn in Capricorn, 556
Jupiter afflicted in the twelve signs, 557-559; parts of body ruled by, 556
   — Pathogenic Effects of, article, 556
   — rules Sagittarius, 133; arterial circulation, 599; two adrenal glands, 570

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— K —

Kidneys, disorders of, 641, 676; abscess, 552; afflictions in Libra, 542; Mars in Aries, 562; Mars in Libra, 563; Mercury in Aries, 549; Uranus in Libra, 565. See also Diabetes.

— L —

Law. See Correspondences.
   — of association, draws child to certain parents, 580
   — of compatibility, knowledge of, necessary for healer, 538
Laryngitis, Mars in Scorpio, 563; Mars in Taurus, 562
Leg, fractures of, Mars in Aquarius, 563
Leo, afflictions, diseases, parts of body ruled by, 542
   — and mystic sun of life, 559
   — ruled by Sun, 126, 545
Leprosy, affliction in Capricorn, 543
Lethargy, coma, catalepsy, trance, caused by Neptune, 566
   — Moon in Aries, 551. See also Coma.
Leucorrhea, affliction in Scorpio, 543
Libra, afflictions, diseases, parts of body ruled by, 542
   — and mystic sun of life, 559
Life, mystic Sun of, 559, 560
Likes and dislikes, found in horoscope, 536
Limbs, diseases of, illustrated in Charts 7 and 17, 622
Liquids of body, ruled by Moon, 668
Liquids, faulty elimination of, 688
Liver complaints, afflicted Jupiter, 556; Mars, Saturn, 557; Jupiter in Cancer, 558; Jupiter in Capricorn, 559; Jupiter in Pisces, 559.
   — See also Jaundice.
Liver, torpid, due to Saturn, 557
Locomotor ataxia, afflictions of Mercury, 549; afflictions in Sagittarius, 543; Saturn in Libra, 555
Lumbago, afflictions in Libra, 542; Mercury in Aries, 549; Mercury in Libra, 550
Lunacy, named from Luna, the Moon, 551, 604
Lungs, congestion of, Jupiter in Gemini, 558

— M —

Macrocosm, or great world, 540
Magnetic healing and polarity, 536
Magnetism. See article on Planetary Polarities.
   — mineral and animal, 533, 534
   — travels at right angles to electric current, 533
Malnutrition, afflictions in Virgo, 542; Saturn in Libra, 555; Mars in Cancer, 662
Marriage, compatibility in, shown by horoscope, 537, 538
Mars, afflicted in the twelve signs, 561-564; parts of body ruled by, 564
   — draws upon Jupiter for fuel, 556
   — home of Lucifer Spirits, 569
   — mission of, as aide to Sun, 560
   — Pathogenic Effects of, article, 559
   — predisposes to accidents, 561
   — rules Aries and Scorpio, 119, 131; iron in blood, 600; muscles in general, 569; vitality, 561
Measles, Mars in Capricorn, 563

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Medicine men, etc., caused by abnormal spiritual growth, 577
Mediumship indicated by square of Neptune to Uranus, 665; Neptune causes, 566
Melancholy, due to thoughts centered on self, 672
   — Jupiter in Libra, 558; Mercury in Capricorn, 550
Membranes hardening of, afflicted Saturn, 553
Meningitis, Sun afflicted in Aries, 545
Menses, afflicted Moon, 551; excessive, Mars, 561, 563
Menstruation, irregular, afflictions in Scorpio, 543; in Taurus, 541; Mars in Taurus, 562; in Scorpio, 552; Moon in Taurus, 557; Saturn in Scorpio, 555
Mentality, calibre of, to be judged first, 641
   — disturbance and temporary instability of, caused by Neptune, 567
Mercury, afflicted in the twelve signs, 549, 550; parts of body ruled by, 549, 599
   — Pathogenic Effects of, 549
   — rules Gemini and Virgo, 549; nervous system, 566; thyroid gland, 570
Microcosmic, or small world, man, 540
Milk fever, Mars in Cancer, 562
   — leg, Jupiter in Aquarius, 559
Milk, sour, its value in clearing up clogged system, 601
   — sweet, value greatest when warm and full of ether, 643
Mind, article on disorders of, 604
   — attitude of, necessary to effect cure, 665, 667
   — brain-mind and Mercury, 578
   — color and sunshine, as medicine for, 637
   — connection of, with pineal gland, 575
   — most important factor in disease, 665
   — needs secretions of thyroid gland, 574
   — vegetarian diet for, 637
Miscarriages, Uranus in Scorpio, 566
Moon, afflicted in the twelve signs, 551, 552; parts of body ruled by, 551, 599
   — collector of solar forces, 545
   — detriment, exaltation, fall, 410
   — indicator of women's health, 544
   — mother ruled by, during pregnancy, 551
   — muscles ruled by Mars and, 569
   — rules Cancer, 97
   — vantage point of angels, 569
Moon Period, angels are humanity of, 569
Mumps, Mars in Taurus, 562; Saturn in Taurus, 554; Venus in Taurus, 547
Muscles, ruled by Moon and Mars, 569
Muscular rheumatism, Mars in Leo, 562. See also Rheumatism.
Music, value in soothing mind, 637
Myxedema, caused by degeneracy of thyroid gland, 574

— N —

Nasal catarrh. See Catarrh, nasal.
Nausea, Saturn in Cancer, 555; Venus in Cancer, 547; Venus in Capricorn, 548
Neptune, afflictions from, cause delirium, other diseases, and mental instability, 567
   — article on Pathogenic Effects of, 566
   — effects of, in all twelve houses and signs not given, 568
   — effects of, in sixth and twelfth houses and signs, 567
   — indicates invisible spiritual hierarchies working with us, 586
   — influences spiritual development, 573
   — is octave of Mercury, 566. See also Section XV.
   — responsible for medicine men, witches, spirit controls, 573, 574
   — rules classical string music, 637
   — rules pineal gland, 570; spinal canal, 566
Nerve force, invisible vital fluid, 599
Nerves, rulership; Mercury, 549, 566, 599; Moon, 551, 599

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Nervous debility, Mercury in Virgo, 550
Nervous disorders, afflicted Neptune, 566
Nervous system, Neptune works upon, 566; ruled by Mercury, 566
Neuralgia, afflictions in Aries, 541; Mercury in Aries, 549
   — of heart, Mercury in Aquarius, 550
Nose bleed, Jupiter in Scorpio, 558; Jupiter in Taurus, 557; Mars in Scorpio, 563; Mars in Taurus, 562
Nose bones, Scorpio rules, 542
Nose, effect of smell on choice of foods, 573
Nutrition and growth, governed by Venus and Uranus, 472

— O —

Obesity, afflictions of Venus, 547; Moon in Cancer, 551
Obsession, 582; Neptune conjunction Moon, 567; Neptune square Uranus, 567.
   — See also Mediumship.
Obstruction and suppression, Saturn, planet of, 596
Obstruction of the ileum, caecum, Saturn in Virgo, 555
   — in throat removed by work on anus, 649
Onions, as nerve builders, 643
Operations, in relation to Moon and planetary hours, 679
Osteopathy, good for ear congestion, 600
Ovarian diseases, afflictions of Moon, 551; afflictions in Scorpio, 543; Mars in Scorpio, 563; Sun in Scorpio, 546
Oxidation, 560. See also Oxygenation.
Oxygen in blood ruled by Sun, 600
Oxygen, life-giving, attracted by magnetic force, 535
Oxygenation, insufficient, Charts 24 and 26, 638, 650

— P —

Pains, in body, Mercury in Aquarius, 550
Palpitation, afflictions in Aquarius, 543; in Leo, 542; Jupiter in Aquarius, 559; Mars in Aquarius, 563; Mars in Leo, 562; Mercury in Aquarius, 550; Mercury in Leo, 549; Sun in Aquarius, 546; Sun in Leo, 545; Uranus in Leo, 565
Paralysis, infantile. See Infantile paralysis.
   — of limbs, Sun in Sagittarius, 546
Parturition, complicated, Uranus in Scorpio, 566
Pericardium, inflamed, afflictions in Gemini, 541; Mars in Leo, 562
Peristalsis of intestines, Saturn in Virgo, 555; Saturn by reflex action in Cancer interferes with, 553
Peritonitis, afflictions in Virgo, 542; Moon in Virgo, 552
Personality, composition of, 568; evanescent, distinct from immortal spirit, 568
Perspiring feet, Mars in Pisces, 564
Phlegm, Mercury in Cancer, 549; Saturn in Scorpio, 555; Saturn in Taurus, 554
Piles. See Hemorrhoids.
Pimples, Jupiter in Cancer, 558; Mars in Capricorn, 563
Pineal gland, ruled by Neptune, 566 and 570
   — and abnormal spiritual growth of medicine men, witches, mediums, etc. 577
   — governs expression in invisible worlds, 574
Pisces, afflictions, diseases, parts of body ruled by, 544
   — mystically opens womb and launches ego, 560
Pitch, vibratory, infused into each at planetary baptism, 536
Pituitary body, and abnormal physical growth, freaks, monstrosities, 573, 577
   — and normal growth and assimilation, 572
   — in regard to alchemistry, 573
Pituitary secretion, diminished, Uranus in Taurus, 565
Planetary hours, article on, 679

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Polarities, planetary, article on, 532
Planets, See each planet by name.
Pleiades, affliction of Sun or Moon in 29 of Taurus, 545, 551
Plethora, or excessive fulness of blood vessels, Jupiter in Taurus, 557
Pleurisy, afflictions in Gemini, 541; Jupiter in Gemini, 558; Mercury in Gemini, 549; Mercury in Sagittarius, 550; Sun in Gemini, 545
Pluto, not discovered when this book was written.
Pneumogastric nerve, Saturn rules, 553
Pneumonia, afflictions in Gemini, 541; Mars in Gemini, 562; Mars in Sagittarius, 563; Moon in Gemini, 551
Polarities, planetary, article on 532-539
Polarity, and magnetic healing, 536
   — and law of compatibility, 538
   — planetary, a guide to friendship, 537
Polypi, afflictions in Scorpio, 543
Polypus, of nose, Mars in Taurus, 562; Sun in Taurus, 545
Polyuria, afflictions in Libra, 542; Venus afflicted in Libra, 548
Pons varolii, location of, 545
Poultices, when to apply, 680
Prediction, of disease, may cause sickness, 530, 531
Prostate gland, enlargement of, afflictions in Scorpio, 543; Jupiter in Scorpio, 558; Mars in Scorpio, 563; Mars in Taurus, 562
Pulmonary diseases, 613; afflictions in Gemini, 541; in Sagittarius, 543; Jupiter in Gemini, 558; Jupiter in Sagittarius, 559; Saturn in Gemini, 554; Saturn in Sagittarius, 555; Venus in Gemini, 547; Venus in Sagittarius, 548
Pulmonary diseases. See Tuberculosis, Pleurisy, Pneumonia.
Pyorrhea, Saturn in Cancer, 555

— R —

Recklessness, of Mars, predisposes to accidents by burning, scalding, etc., 561
Reflex, action. See Signs of Zodiac.
Regurgitation, afflictions in Leo, 542
   — due to leaky heart valves, 619
Renal calculus, Mars in Aries, 562; Sun in Scorpio, 546
Renal disorders, Jupiter in Libra, 558; Mars in Aries, 562; Mercury in Libra, 550; Saturn in Aries, 554
Renal stones, afflictions in Scorpio, 543; Mars in Libra, 563; Mars in Scorpio, 563; Saturn in Libra, 555
Rheumatism, afflictions in Sagittarius, 543, afflictions of Jupiter, 557; afflictions of Saturn, 553; Jupiter in Sagittarius, 559; Mercury in Capricorn, 550; Moon in Capricorn, 552; Saturn in Capricorn, 556; Saturn in Pisces, 556; Sun in Capricorn, 546
Rheumatism in arms, Moon in Gemini, 551; Saturn in Gemini, 554; muscular, Mars in Leo, 562
Ringworm, Jupiter in Taurus, 557
Roses, seven upon Cross of body are ductless glands, 570
Rubs, dry, stimulate skin, 643. See also Skin.
Rulers of Ductless Glands, 568
Rupture, afflictions in Scorpio, 543
Rupture. See Hernia.

— S —

Sagittarius, afflictions, diseases, parts of body ruled by, 543
   — mystic sun proceeds through, 560
   — afflictions in, by reflex action, caused lung trouble, 543
Saint Vitus' dance, afflictions of Uranus, 564
   — See also Idiocy, congenital.
Saturn, afflicted in the twelve signs, 554, 556; parts of body ruled by, 553
   — exalted in Libra, 410, 553
   — hurts by bruises, colds, falls, 554
   — has power to halt every bodily function, 553
   — Pathogenic Effects of, article, 553
   — rules Capricorn, 410, 553; earthly mineral matter in blood, 600; skeleton, 601; prevents insanity, 655
Saturn's diseases, gall bladder, 553

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Sciatica, afflictions in Sagittarius, 543; Mars in Gemini, 562; Mars in Sagittarius, 563; Saturn in Gemini, 554; Saturn in Sagittarius, 555; Sun in Sagittarius, 546
Sclerosis of spine, afflictions in Leo, 555
Scorpio, afflictions, diseases, parts of body ruled by, 542
   — and gestation, 560
   — gives death sting, 560
Scurvy, Saturn in Cancer, 555
Sex, as a Factor in Diseases, article, 579
Sex diseases. See Venereal Diseases.
Sex force, misuse of, causes insanity, 604
Signs of zodiac. See each sign by name.
   — each sign reacts on its opposite, 541, 543, 553, 554, 555-565
   — Pathogenic Effects of Twelve, article, 541
Sight, classes of, produced by prayer, meditation; drink, drugs, 567
   — spiritual, produced by vibrating pineal gland, 566
Silver cord, cut by Mars and Saturn, 560
Sixth sense, perceives vital, desire, and mind bodies, 568
Skeleton, built by Saturn, 553; ruled by Saturn, 601
Skin, ruled by Saturn, 553; Sun in Libra, 546
Skin diseases, afflictions in Capricorn, 543; afflictions in Libra, 542; Jupiter in Cancer, 558; Jupiter in Capricorn, 559; Jupiter in Libra, 558; Mars in Capricorn, 563; Mercury in Capricorn, 550; Moon in Capricorn, 552; Saturn in Capricorn, 556; Sun in Libra, 546
Skin, diseases of. See Ringworms, Eczema, Erysipelas.
   — stimulated by dry rubs, 643
Sleepiness, tendency to, given by Jupiter in Aries, 557
Smallpox, Mars in Capricorn, 563
Snail, body of, crystallizes from fluids, 569
Soil, mineral, sustains plant, animal, and man, 535
Solar forces, or vital fluid, ruled by Sun, 544, 571
   — specialized by each human being, 571
   — specialized through the spleen, 544
Solar plexus, vital fluid from spleen transferred to, 544
Solitary Vice, article on, 673, 676
Solvents, buttermilk, sour milk, grape juice, distilled water, as, 621
Spasms, caused by Uranus, 564
Speech disabilities of, how remedied, 603
Sphenoid bone, penetrated by particles emanated from food, 573
Sphincter muscles affect diaphragm, 649
Spinal affections, afflictions in Leo, 545; Venus in Leo, 547
   — canal, ruled by Neptune, 566; of living not filled with fluid, 576; spirit fire, in, 566
   — meningitis, afflictions in Leo, 542; Uranus in Leo, 565
Spirit control, afflictions of Neptune, 567
Spiritual essences: blood, spinal fluid, contents of pineal and pituitary, 576
Spiritual Sight, Subtitle Indications of, article on, 589
Spleen ruled by Sun as planet, 570; and Virgo as sign, 542
   — rulers, planetary, Sun 544, 570; sign, Virgo, 542
   — storer of vital fluid, 544
   — vital fluid specialized through, 544
Sprained ankles, afflictions in Capricorn, 543
Staff of Mercury, devised by ancient seers, 589
Sterility, Saturn in Scorpio, 555
Stomach cough, Uranus in Cancer, 565
   — disorders, 615; Mars in Cancer, 562; Mars in Capricorn, 563; Uranus in Capricorn, 566
   — distended, Jupiter in Cancer, 558; Venus in Cancer, 547
Strangury, Jupiter in Scorpio, 558; Mars in Scorpio, 563; Mars in Taurus, 562
Stricture, afflictions in Scorpio, 543; Mars in Scorpio, 563; Saturn in Scorpio, 555; Saturn in Taurus, 555
   — of aesophagus, Saturn in Cancer, 555
Stuttering, Mercury in Scorpio, 550; Mercury in Taurus, 549
Suffocation, Mars in Leo, 562; Mars in Taurus, 562
Sun afflicted in the twelve signs, 545, 546; parts of body ruled by, 559
   — and "first point in Aries," 595; combust, 600; mystic, 559; planetary ruler of oxygen in blood, 600; rules Leo, 126, 545; rules spleen, 544, 570; shows health for men, 644; progressed, parallel Saturn, 652
   — aspects to progressed, last three years, 668
   — Pathogenic Effects of, article, 544
Sun of life, Mystic, and entrance into Cancer, not identical with physical sun in horoscope, 6, 14, 559, 560
Symbolism of Scorpio, reason for, 560

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Sympathies and antipathies, determined by horoscope, 536
System, clogged, value of sour milk and buttermilk, 601

— T —

Tapeworm, afflictions in Virgo, 542; Venus afflicted in Virgo, 548
Tartar, Saturn in Aries, 554
Taurean or Virgoan fears sickness, 530
Taurus, afflictions, diseases, parts of body ruled by, 541
   — reacts on opposite sign, 541
Teeth, decay of, Saturn in Aries, 554; Saturn in Taurus, 554
Tetanus, afflicted Uranus, 564
Thighs, diseases of, Jupiter in gemini, 558; Mars in Sagittarius, 563; Mercury in Sagittarius, 550
Throat. See Bronchitis, Laryngitis, Tonsilitis.
Throat affections, 669; Moon in Scorpio, 552; Saturn in Scorpio, 555; Venus in Taurus, 548
   — trouble, aggravated by mouth breathing, 650; related to disorders of genital organs, 604
Thrombosis, or plugging of blood vessel by a clot, Jupiter in Aries, 557
Thymus gland, of child, atrophies after puberty, 572
   — ruled by Venus, 570
   — stores spiritual essence, 572
Thyroid gland, ruled by Mercury, 570, 574
   — secretions of, necessary for functioning of minds, 574
Tonsilitis, Mars in Scorpio, 563; Mars in Taurus, 562; Venus in Taurus, 547
Toothache, Saturn in Libra, 555
Trance, afflictions in Aries, 541
   — caused by Neptune, 566
Treatment, how and when to apply, 680
Tuberculosis, 641, 644, 673; afflictions in Pisces, 544; Mercury in Pisces, 550; Saturn in Pisces, 556; Saturn in Sagittarius, 555
   — effect of Saturn in causing, 640
Tumors, Venus in Virgo, 548. See also Abdominal Tumors.
Typhoid, afflictions in Virgo, 542; Mars in Virgo, 562; Sun in Pisces, 546; Sun in Virgo, 546

— U —

Ulcer of leg, Moon in Aquarius, 552
   — of stomach, Saturn in Cancer, 555
Uranus, afflicted in twelve signs, 565
   — association of Neptune with, 573
   — causes injury by electricity, explosions, 565
   — effect of, on physical and spiritual growth, 573
   — freaks and abnormal growths due to, 573, 577
   — Pathogenic Effects of, article, 564
   — parts of body ruled by, 564
   — rules ether and gases, 564
Urates, excess of, Jupiter in Scorpio, 558
Uremia, Moon in Libra, 552; Venus in Libra, 548
Urethral disorders, Jupiter in Scorpio, 558; Mars in Scorpio, 563
Ureters, diseases of, under Libra, 620
Urinary complications, action of Saturn, 553; Mars in Libra, 563; Mars in Scorpio, 563; Mars in Taurus, 562; Mercury in Libra, 550, Saturn in Libra, 555; square of Mercury and Moon, 563.
   — See also Polyuria.
Uterine trouble, Mars in Scorpio, 563; Sun in Scorpio, 546; Venus in Scorpio, 548

— V —

Vagina, inflammation of, Mars in Scorpio, 563
Varicocele, Mars in Scorpio, 563; Venus in Scorpio, 548
Varicose veins, afflictions in Aquarius, 543; Mars in Aquarius, 563; Mercury in Aquarius, 550; Moon in Aquarius, 552; Sun in Aquarius, 546; Venus in Aquarius, 548
Vehicles, man possesses finer than the physical, 568
Venereal disease, 579, 676; afflictions in Scorpio, 543; afflictions in Taurus, 541; afflictions of Uranus, 564; afflictions of Venus, 547; Mars in Scorpio, 563; Mars in Taurus, 562; Uranus in Libra, 565; Uranus in Scorpio, 566; Venus in Scorpio, 548; Venus in Taurus, 547
   — growths and kidney trouble, chart No. 36, 676
Ventral hernia, Mars in Pisces, 564; Cancer, 547
Venus, afflicted in the twelve signs, 547, 548; parts of body ruled by, 547
   — Pathogenic Effects of, article, 547
   — rules Taurus and Libra, 547; Thymus gland, 570; venous blood, 600; venous circulation, 547
Vernal equinox. See article entitled "The Dragon's Head and Tail."
Vertigo, Jupiter in Aries, 557; Jupiter in Libra, 558; Mercury in Aries, 549; Mercury in Libra, 550
Vibrations, of sense, due to Mercury, 592
   — two kinds of, carried by Neptune, 592
Virgo, afflictions, diseases, parts of body ruled by, 542
   — and mystic sun of life, 559
   — is sign-ruler of spleen, 542
Virgoans and Taureans fear sickness, 530
Vital fluid, electricity of body; failure to flow causes disease; invisible to most; rose color, 544
   — ruled by Sun, 664
Vivisection, futile for functional study, 575
Vocal Organs, Diseases of, article, 602
Voice changes, of certain types, due to immorality, 605
Voluntary nervous system, ruled by Mercury, 345
Vomiting, affliction of Saturn, 554; Venus in Capricorn, 548. See also Nausea.

— W —

Warning, An Important, article on, 529-532
   — about Taurus or Vigor patients, 530
   — to astrologers never to predict death or crises, 529
Warts, Venus in Gemini, 547
Weak back, Saturn in Leo, 555
Weakness, general, Mercury in Pisces, 550
Whitlows, inflammation of fingers or toes, Venus in Gemini, 547
Will, may overrule horoscope, 531; Neptune, will, 346
Womb, diseases of, afflictions in Scorpio, 543
Worms, Mars in Virgo, 562
Worry, Mercury in Pisces, 550

— X —

X-ray for diagnosis, inferior to astrology, 528

— Y —

Yellow. See colors.

— Z —

Zodiac, Pathogenic Effects of Twelve Signs, 541
   — See each sign by name.

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