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Complete Index of Max Heindel's Works

— F —

Face, is an expression of the soul, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 178; Questions and Answers, Volume II 13, 479

Faculties, Cosmo-Conception 34, 132, 357-358; Gleanings of a Mystic 177; Letters to Students 171; Questions and Answers, Volume I 143; Questions and Answers, Volume II 98; The Web of Destiny 69-79, 141

Fafner, symbolizes desire, Letters to Students 71; Mysteries of the Great Operas 80, 98

Failure, is ceasing to try Cosmo-Conception 408; Gleanings of a Mystic 68; should spur us on, Teachings of an Initiate 65

Failures, have opportunities in later schemes, Cosmo-Conception 264, 501

Faintheartedness, is dangerous to aspirant, Teachings of an Initiate 64

Fainting, astrological indication of, Message of the Stars 542, 545, 549, 552, 554, 557, 562-563

Fairies, Mystical Interpretation of Christmas 34-40; Rosicrucian Mysteries 70

Faith, childlike, has advantage, Cosmo-Conception 5; expressions of, give courage, Christianity Lectures 97; has declined during materialistic age, Questions and Answers, Volume II 524; in Christ, is redemptive power, Mysteries of the Great Operas 42; in prayer, is like energy which turns switch, Christianity Lectures 300; in teacher, is necessary, Mysteries of the Great Operas 164

Faith, is essential for healing, Cosmo-Conception 63; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 192; Questions and Answers, Volume I 80; is force in man which opens channel of communication with God, Christianity Lectures 296; is required for initiation, Mysteries of the Great Operas 158; is restrained by reason in most Christians, Ancient and Modern Initiation 86-87; must be accompanied by works, Christianity Lectures 295; Freemasonry & Catholicism 28; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 100, 178; Teachings of an Initiate 31, 132; of New Age, must be rooted in reason, Teachings of an Initiate 56, 58; opens and expands our mental capacity, Christianity Lectures 298; should be cultivated, Gleanings of a Mystic 19; Letters to Students 233; was comfort to Marguerite, Letters to Students 88

Fall, The, Christianity Lectures 233-236; Cosmo-Conception 282, 360-364; Gleanings of a Mystic 62; Mysteries of the Great Operas 145; Questions and Answers, Volume I 166-167, 176-178

Fallopian tube, Gleanings of a Mystic 48; Questions and Answers, Volume I 20

Falls, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 554

Family, Christianity Lectures 224; Cosmo-Conception 353; Gleanings of a Mystic 127; The Web of Destiny 47

Family Spirits, Cosmo-Conception 351, 354; Questions and Answers, Volume I 48-50, 90-93; Rosicrucian Mysteries 81

Fasolt, was giant builder of limitation, Mysteries of the Great Operas 80

Fasting, Ancient and Modern Initiation 90; Christianity Lectures 304; Letters to Students 142; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 135-137; Questions and Answers, Volume I 81

Fate, Cosmo-Conception 136, 163; Gleanings of a Mystic 63; Message of the Stars 462; Questions and Answers, Volume II 66, 159; Rosicrucian Mysteries 184

Fates, The Three, Mysteries of the Great Operas 89; Questions & Answers, Volume II 66, 550

Father, The, differs from other two of Trinity, Cosmo-Conception 179; inhabits spiritual sun, Ancient and Modern Initiation 101; Gleanings of a Mystic 58; is highest Initiate of Saturn Period, Christianity Lectures 250, 300; Cosmo-Conception 376-377; Freemasonry & Catholicism 7; Gleanings of a Mystic 58; How Shall We Know Christ at His Coming? 7; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 103; Questions and Answers, Volume II 448; is macrocosm, Mysteries of the Great Operas 28; is one with the Son, Freemasonry & Catholicism 8; is principle of dissolution, Gleanings of a Mystic 168; is represented by color blue, Ancient and Modern Initiation 15; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 160; Rosicrucian Mysteries 188

Father, The, is represented by Shekinah glory, Ancient and Modern Initiation 57; power of, pervades universe, Letters to Students 17; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 101; religion of, Ancient and Modern Initiation 123; Cosmo-Conception 435; Mysteries of the Great Operas 20

Father Fire, Ancient and Modern Initiation 32, 40, 46; Message of the Stars 344; Questions and Answers, Volume II 499, 502

Father Star, Christianity Lectures 170; Teachings of an Initiate 158

Fats, producers of heat, Christianity Lectures 132; Cosmo-Conception 449; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 118

Fatty degeneration, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 557

Faults, correction of, Rosicrucian Mysteries 169

Fauna, of earth, Cosmo-Conception 49, 125; Questions and Answers, Volume I 17, 32

Faust, story of, How Shall We Know Christ at His Coming? 10; Letters to Students 69, 77, 81, 88-89; Mysteries of the Great Operas 5-46; Questions and Answers, Volume II 313

Fear, is injurious, Letters to Students 71, 232, 237; Mysteries of the Great Operas 93; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 24, 27, 109, 163, 175-177; The Web of Destiny 79, 90-95, 108; of God, originated with Race Spirits, Christianity Lectures 294; Cosmo-Conception 310, 371, 395; Message of the Stars 31-36; shows as gray in aura, The Web of Destiny 88

Feasts, Christian and Jewish, Christianity Lectures 151; Questions and Answers, Volume I 178-180

Fecundation, Christianity Lectures 220; Gleanings of a Mystic 48; Message of the Stars 217-220; The Web of Destiny 99

Feeling, archetypes of, exist in aerial region, Cosmo-Conception 50; creates interest or indifference, Cosmo-Conception 45; expresses only through separate desire body, Cosmo-Conception 57; differs from response to impacts, Christianity Lectures 48; for fellow men, must become universal, Questions and Answers, Volume II 79; impersonal, should be cultivated, Christianity Lectures 181; increases conscience, Rosicrucian Mysteries 172; increases growth of emotional soul, Cosmo-Conception 424; is a life process, Christianity Lectures 48; is aroused by torture, Cosmo-Conception 279; is central Region of Desire World, Christianity Lectures 53; Cosmo-Conception 45-47; is deepened by purgatorial suffering, Cosmo-Conception 109; is distinct from motor response, Cosmo-Conception 32; is expression of self-consciousness, Cosmo-Conception 32; is function of heart, Letters to Students 191

Feeling, is important, Cosmo-Conception 109; is possessed by earth, Cosmo-Conception 505-506; is still small voice, Cosmo-Conception 109; may be overcome by study of mathematics, Cosmo-Conception 203; necessity for, Letters to Students 16-18; operates in Desire World, Cosmo-Conception 46; right, is necessary for soul growth, Letters to Students 17; sensitory, is localized in pineal gland, Cosmo-Conception 262; was evolved by Rmoahals, Cosmo-Conception 294

Feelings, twin, Cosmo-Conception 46, 54

Feet, deformities of , Message of the Stars 544, 556, 559, 564

Fellowship of the Saints, Ancient and Modern Initiation 39

Fellowship teachings, contain an inner power, Letters to Students 229

Fenris, wolf, symbolizes atmosphere, Mysteries of the Great Operas 121

Ferocity, is fostered by meat and wine, Teachings of an Initiate 84

Fertilization, Cosmo-Conception 137, 461; Message of the Stars 303; Questions and Answers, Volume I 20, 64

Fever, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 558

are provoked by earthbound Spirits, The Web of Destiny 37

Creative, Cosmo-Conception 181, 375; Teachings of an Initiate 173; The Web of Destiny 121

Fiery nebula, is Spirit, Cosmo-Conception 249

Fifth Epoch, beginning of, was marked by rainbow, Message of the Stars 19; highest Initiate of, to appear, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 304; is divided into 3 ages, Message of the Stars 12, 25, 29; is present Epoch, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 165; is 7th Day of Creation, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 333; marked beginning of use of fire, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 304; marked change in man's food, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 168; Teachings of an Initiate 83; marks development of thought and reason, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 328; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 298, 309; marks formation of nucleus for last race, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 305; people of, were made blind to higher worlds, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 169

Finances, astrologically indicated, Message of the Stars 442-444

Fire, at base of brain, emits singing sound, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 127; The Web of Destiny 49; drives vital body out of plant, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 127; had divine origin, Cosmo-Conception 304; Mysteries of the Great Operas 120; Teachings of an Initiate 77; invisible, is the Father, Ancient and Modern Initiation 46-47; Freemasonry & Catholicism 7; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 55; is inherent in matter, Ancient and Modern Initiation 46; Freemasonry & Catholicism 8; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 127; Questions and Answers, Volume II 311; of passion and desire, The Web of Destiny 85; on altars, Ancient and Modern Initiation 18, 23, 55-57; spiritual, is in spinal cord, Freemasonry & Catholicism 75; was weapon of Hiram Abiff, Freemasonry & Catholicism 3

Fire mist, came from virgin substance, Teachings of an Initiate 173

Fire Spirits, strive to attain enlargement of consciousness, Freemasonry & Catholicism 9

Fire worship, Freemasonry & Catholicism 8

Fire fog, existed in Moon Period, Christianity Lectures 214; Freemasonry & Catholicism 8-9; Cosmo-Conception 228

Firmament, in past, The Web of Destiny 80

First cause, must exist, Christianity Lectures 210; Cosmo-Conception 323; Rosicrucian Mysteries 162

Fish, has esoteric meaning, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 130; Questions and Answers, Volume I 213-218; Questions and Answers, Volume II 259, 304, 338

Fission, was early reproduction method, Cosmo-Conception 262-263

Flammarion, Rosicrucian Mysteries 35

Flatland, by Edwin Abbott (PDF)

Flatulence, stellar indications of, Message of the Stars 549-550, 565

Flesh, of man, is undergoing change, Ancient and Modern Initiation 97-98

Fleta, the black magician, Teachings of an Initiate 181, 186

Flood, which destroyed Atlantis, Christianity Lectures 223, 332; Cosmo-Conception 304; Gleanings of a Mystic 78; Teachings of an Initiate 57, 75

Flora of earth, Christianity Lectures 318; Cosmo-Conception 49, 125; Questions and Answers, Volume I 32

Flower, is generative organ of plant, Ancient and Modern Initiation 51; Questions and Answers, Volume I 178; is helpful in teaching facts concerning generation, Christianity Lectures 124; pod of, signifies communion cup, 286

Flowers, suitable for concentration subject, Cosmo-Conception 487; plucking of, gives pleasure to Earth Spirit, Cosmo-Conception 65, 505

Fluid, solar, Cosmo-Conception 10; Rosicrucian Mysteries 138; volatility of, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 182

Fluids, of body, are obstructed by Saturn, Message of the Stars 553

Fetus, human, Christianity Lectures 129; Cosmo-Conception 347, 441-442; Message of the Stars 342; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 111; Questions and Answers, Volume I 67; Questions and Answers, Volume II 144; The Web of Destiny 79-80

Food, affects aging body, Christianity Lectures 131; Cosmo-Conception 441-457; Questions and Answers, Volume I 83-84; carbonaceous, gives heat and power, Christianity Lectures 132, 447; choice of, is affected by smell, Message of the Stars 573; containing phosphorus, Cosmo-Conception 452; contains earthy matter, Christianity Lectures 132; Cosmo-Conception 444; does not always form healthy tissue, Questions and Answers, Volume II 248; flesh, inferior nutritive value of, Christianity Lectures 180; Cosmo-Conception 458-459; Freemasonry & Catholicism 64; Gleanings of a Mystic 23, 86, 90, 92, 141; Letters to Students 29, 40; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 129; Questions and Answers, Volume I 216-218; Questions and Answers, Volume II 155; Teachings of an Initiate 181-187

Food, goes through process of assimilation, Christianity Lectures 133; Cosmo-Conception 457-460; has life in every particle, Cosmo-Conception 457; is a factor in evolution, Ancient and Modern Initiation 90; Christianity Lectures 288; Cosmo-Conception 165-168, 440-441; Gleanings of a Mystic 22; is affected by attitude of mind, Questions and Answers, Volume I 214-215; is best medicine, Cosmo-Conception 454; is changed into blood, Questions and Answers, Volume II 145; is given to races by leaders of humanity, Letters to Students 219; is used by Elder Brothers only at long intervals, Ancient and Modern Initiation 90; may prevent or cure disease, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 116; need of, is individual, Cosmo-Conception 84, 448; nutritive value of, Cosmo-Conception 450-451; Christianity Lectures 134-135; Freemasonry & Catholicism 64; Message of the Stars 535, 601, 543, 656; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 137; Questions and Answers, Volume I 81; of future, Cosmo-Conception 454, 458; Questions and Answers, Volume II 154; radiates particles to give index, Message of the Stars 573; should be eaten moderately, Questions and Answers, Volume I 89-90; when cooked, loses ether, Questions and Answers, Volume II 154

Foot-washing, symbology of, Ancient and Modern Initiation 19, 102-107

Force, chemical, moves matter, Cosmo-Conception 121; concentrated, is dangerous, Christianity Lectures 316; creative, is dual , Cosmo-Conception 324; is all about us, Message of the Stars 532; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 154; Questions and Answers, Volume II 33; The Web of Destiny 121; is invisible, Christianity Lectures 26; Message of the Stars 532; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 154; is related to matter, Ancient and Modern Initiation 117-118; Cosmo-Conception 120; is uncrystallized Spirit, Cosmo-Conception 120, 247; lines of, Teachings of an Initiate 158; of the future, Christianity Lectures 310-325; Questions and Answers, Volume I 12-14; vital, is selective, Questions and Answers, Volume I 89; within, is altruistic, Cosmo-Conception 368; within, manifests as genius, Cosmo-Conception 185

Forces, archetypal, work on matter, Cosmo-Conception 49, 51; are negative in children and mediums, Cosmo-Conception 140-141; are used by man, Christianity Lectures 310-325

Forces, cosmic, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 152; of attraction and repulsion, Cosmo-Conception 42-47; of nature, Cosmo-Conception 49, 506-507; Questions and Answers, Volume I 85; positive manipulate individual vehicles, Cosmo-Conception 141; spiritual Cosmo-Conception 86, 390; Gleanings of a Mystic 61; stellar, Cosmo-Conception 278, 283, 362; Mysteries of the Great Operas 146; twin, Cosmo-Conception 284; vital, Cosmo-Conception 35; work dually to form universe, Cosmo-Conception 324

Forgiveness of sin, Cosmo-Conception 91, 111, 373, 463; Gleanings of a Mystic 57; Mysteries of the Great Operas 150; Questions and Answers, Volume I 44, 223-227; Rosicrucian Mysteries 164, 169; Teachings of an Initiate 159

Form, basis of, is in Chemical Region, Christianity Lectures 47-48; Cosmo-Conception 30; crystallizes around negative pole of Spirit, Cosmo-Conception 186; dies and decays, Cosmo-Conception 19, 31, 249, 504; evolves, Cosmo-Conception 31, 289, 337, 341, 343, 416; forces of, are stored in earth's strata, Cosmo-Conception 511; function of, Cosmo-Conception 235, Mysteries of the Great Operas 50; is built by Jehovah, Cosmo-Conception 334, 348; is built by tone, Cosmo-Conception 123; is crystallized thought, Cosmo-Conception 72; is dealt with in 1st Chapter of Genesis, Cosmo-Conception 336; is destroyed by strange blood, Cosmo-Conception 357; is devoid of feeling, Cosmo-Conception 31; Rosicrucian Mysteries 60; is fashioned by archetype, Cosmo-Conception 49-50; Rosicrucian Mysteries 175; is immersed in flowing life, Christianity Lectures 56; is impelled into action by desire, Rosicrucian Mysteries 56; is mutable in Desire World, Cosmo-Conception 40; is negative pole of Spirit, Cosmo-Conception 186, 247, 460; is related to consciousness, Cosmo-Conception 186, 247, 460; is transformed into force, Cosmo-Conception 511; limits man's creations, Cosmo-Conception 424-427; merges into life in Chaos, Cosmo-Conception 247; of man, will be spherical in future, Cosmo-Conception 255; origin of, Questions and Answers, Volume I 10-12, 343; The Web of Destiny 121; physical, Christianity Lectures 46; Cosmo-Conception 48; Rosicrucian Mysteries 55; possesses color, Christianity Lectures 192

Formula, Ancient and Modern Initiation 97; Cosmo-Conception 482

Fossils, Cosmo-Conception 343

Franciscan Fathers, Letters to Students 21

Frankincense, symbology of, Ancient and Modern Initiation 29-34; Questions and Answers, Volume I 193; Questions and Answers, Volume II 514

Fraternal Orders, Christianity Lectures 189; Cosmo-Conception 530

Freedom, comes only through conquering self, Letters to Students 89; industrial, is yet to be gained Cosmo-Conception 436; is highly regarded by Rosicrucians, Letters to Students 51

Freemasonry, Ancient and Modern Initiation 13; Freemasonry & Catholicism 6, 21, 33, 87, 95; Letters to Students 58, 75-76

Freemasons, Gleanings of a Mystic 67

Free will, cannot be estimated by astrology, Christianity Lectures 166; Message of the Stars 413, 462; develops with evolution, Cosmo-Conception 83; Gleanings of a Mystic 25, 64; Rosicrucian Mysteries 184; extent of, Christianity Lectures 112-113; Cosmo-Conception 110, 130, 163; Letters to Students 206; Questions and Answers, Volume I 28; Rosicrucian Mysteries 147; Teachings of an Initiate 199; is not possessed by animals, Message of the Stars 58-60; manifests in making new causes, Cosmo-Conception 135; of mankind, may not be interfered with Letters to Students 27; was bought at cost of pain and death, Cosmo-Conception 288, 363; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 20; was given to Fifth Atlantean race, Christianity Lectures 333;Cosmo-Conception 303

Freya, was Norse goddess of beauty, Mysteries of the Great Operas 79; Questions and Answers, Volume II 550

Friction, stimulates soul growth, Questions and Answers, Volume II 454

Friday, is named for Venus, Cosmo-Conception 412; Mysteries of the Great Operas 79

Friendship, is ideal for Rosicrucian students, Letters to Students 9

Frost giants, Mysteries of the Great Operas 90

Fruit, forbidden, Cosmo-Conception 362; citrus is powerful antiseptic, Cosmo-Conception 455; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 121, 126, 135, 191; is slow to decay, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 126; nutritive value of, Cosmo-Conception 446, 448, 452, 458-460; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 116-117; seedless, The Web of Destiny 146

Fruit trees, were pioneers of Moon Period, Cosmo-Conception 342

Full Moon, Ancient and Modern Initiation 31, 34, 50, 55; Message of the Stars 522; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 144, 152-153; Questions and Answers, Volume I 75

Fulton, Robert, Christianity Lectures 36-37

Furs, should not be worn by aspirant, Letters to Students 222

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