"Basically, the house with Leo on the cusp shows which
department of life contains your source of Power experience or 'lesson of
Power.' Whatever afflicted conditions are indicated in that house — and there
may be many — express your power and authority in the affairs of that house to
the best of your ability. The planets there show what you want to
express, but Leo on the cusp shows how you can best express those urges. Where
the Sun is placed shows where we seek to dominate directly and rule our
conditions. It is, then, our 'center' for this incarnation."
Considering the simplicity of the structure of a
horoscope we cannot fail to be impressed by the profundity of its symbolism. A
center, twelve radiations bounded by a Circle — that's all. And yet it serves
as a picture of Cosmos. Nothing in symbology represents so much, by such
economy of means.
The structure of a horoscope symbolizes the basis of
manifestation of any thing — a human being, an event, a nation, or a
solar system. Every objectification has its own pattern or vibratory rate, and
the simple drawing of a circle with radiations from its center can be used to
represent the "body" of this objectification.
Let us consider a solar system: We are told that the
Logos, having selected a spherical area of space at the dawn of manifestation
pours its energies into the center, thus objectifying a Sun — or center of
manifestation. The Will of the Logos interpenetrates this immense sphere
in every part. From the center — or Sun — various fields for evolutionary
activity are radiated. These "fields" we call the planets and each one
provides a home for the development of various types of beings. Each planet
stands in much the same relationship to the Creator as each color stands in
relationship to the Principle of Light, or each tone to the Principle of
Sound. The Sun, as central body, is the Logoic Will objectified, and the
bodies of the system are the expressions of that Will in manifestation.
The horoscope, as a map of the heavens, should
actually show the Sun in the center. However, in relationship to the Earth,
which is our field of evolution, and for astrological purposes, we include the
Sun in the family of planets for this reason: in human terms, the expression
of Will is yet to be developed by evolutionary processes. Humanity, for the
most part, lives in its negatives, its feelings, fears, and desires.
Consequently, domination from experience is inevitable. Living in the "Sun
consciousness" would imply a complete identity with the Source, complete
detachment from the claims of feeling, complete control and direction of all
faculties expressed by a human being. This, in our terms, is Mastership. In
other words, a Master, even in the flesh, determines his experiences by
radiation from his own center, not by response to the urges and drives
of his planets. He then, as far as is possible, is truly a creator — he lives
in his Sun consciousness.
From the standpoint of even the most mundane approach
to astrology, the same drawing is used. The birthplace is the center from
which radiates the variety of life experiences, in terms of people, places,
and things. The same drawing is used to represent the "objectified Ego;" the
Higher Self — or "God-potential" is the center of the circle, and the varying
states, or expressions, of that potential are the planetary positions and
aspects. The horoscope is thus seen,in whatever application, as the symbol of
a manifestation of God.
Since the Sun represents the highest state of
consciousness known to man, the principle implied is that of Power — the first
Logoic aspect. We, as astro-analysts, must give very careful attention to the
Sun aspects in the horoscope because these represent the "degrees of God
consciousness" that the person has thus far attained in his present cycle
of development. Every benefit Sun aspect, indicating a harmonious or
constructive application of the Power principle, is a redemption. Every
malefic is thus seen to be a hindrance or perversion of Power. The Sun is the
synthesis of all the planets, and any planet identified with the Sun by
aspect, dispositorship, etc., gains thereby in power and scope of expression,
both spiritually and mundanely. Planets, particularly the dynamic ones, placed
in Leo, indicate that their constructive expression must be based on the right
use of power; afflictions indicate the tendency to pervert it.
An interesting study is to be found in the charts
having the Sun unaspected. Such a pattern tells us that, on this cycle,
the person concerned is initiating his power consciousness. Sign position of
the Sun tells us the spiritual or esoteric path of this development. House
position tells us where, in this incarnation, he makes his start. Planets in
Leo, and their aspects, tell us through which agencies he is seeking to
express the Principle of Power, and by them through which channels his Power
consciousness will express in the future. The Sun, however aspected, placed in
the fourth house, shows the possibilities of power expression in the maturity
of life. The negative aspects to this position show the people or experiences
and reactions that will threaten this fulfillment during years of growth.
Let us impress on our minds the thought that afflicted
aspects involving the Sun are serious problems. The other planets may
be in conflict with each other and many problems result thereby, but when the
consciousness of power and purpose is stunted, the ability of the person to
deal with his planetary difficulties is greatly limited. Solutions are thus
much harder to find and apply. In other words, the entire horoscope is
weakened to the degree that the Sun consciousness is inhibited or depleted.
And, consequently, the dynamic afflictions in the chart have just that much
more power to "afflict dynamically." Force, or energy of any kind, must, in
the final analysis, be controlled by power radiating from the center.
Clarify this thought by imagining the Sun position as the center of activity
in the chart, radiating its energies in all directions. The squares and
oppositions to the Sun will thus be seen as lines of force from the planets
intersecting, or interrupting, these radiations at right angles or head-on
from the opposite side of the circle.
Basically, the house with Leo on the cusp shows which
department of life contains your source of Power experience or "lesson of
Power." Whatever afflicted conditions are indicated in that house — and there
may be many — express your power and authority in the affairs of that house to
the best of your ability. The planets there show what you want to
express, but Leo on the cusp shows how you can best express those urges. Where
the Sun is placed shows where we seek to dominate directly and rule our
conditions. It is, then, our "center" for this incarnation. A great variety of
"Sun conditions" are, of course, possible. However, any planet in favorable
aspect to the Sun — thus integrated to a degree with power — may be utilized as
a counteractive to negatives in other parts of the chart. Any such planet is
automatically very influential in the chart and may assist in the working out
of disharmonies.
A consideration of the negative aspects to the Sun: Charge the afflicted planet with power, read it negatively; thus is found the
essence of such aspects.
Sun-Mars: Power-Desire: Power is expressed through
conflict, competition, domination, sex conquest, ruthlessness, and cruelty.
Mars is basic, or primitive, self-expression, and when power is abused through
it, its vibration releases tremendous energy that tends to result in some form
of destruction, pain to others, or "domination at all costs." Power is here
seen to express as egotism. This aspect is symbolic of the unregenerate
masculine polarity. To a degree, the Sun, afflicted in Aries or Scorpio,
carries much the same coloring; also, any affliction to the Sun conjunct Mars,
in any sign. Since this aspect is so basically masculine in quality, its
redemption may be found in some constructive application of the feminine
polarity: Moon, Venus, or Neptune.
Sun-Jupiter: Power-Pride: In this aspect, power is
expressed in various forms of negative, or false self-approval. These forms of
"patting oneself on the back" may be traced to the kind of consciousness
which gives undue value to financial abundance, social or professional
position, family background, egotistical reference to talents and abilities,
and the kind of benevolence which is usually expressed with an eye to
recognition or acclaim. An aspect of "false aristocracy," symbol of snobbery
and pretension. The person so conditioned tends to exaggerate that which he
deems worthy in his own nature and conditions, and reacts with anger or hurt
at any implication that he is not all he pretends to be. Open, frank criticism
and he closes his ears and consciousness to retire into his ivory tower of
lofty, offended dignity; but let him hear, indirectly, that certain fine
things are expected of him and he will bend over backwards to uphold the fine
opinion which he values. In other words, he will "pour his power" into
improvement if he feels it is worth the effort, but, in reverse, he will pour
the same streams of power into his pride if he is belittled. He must
maintain his good opinion of himself! Such a person could do nothing better to
harmonize his inner disharmonies than to create a regular pattern of
benevolent deeds — and not talk about them.
Sun-Saturn: Power-Unfulfillment: This is, perhaps,
the most "painful" of all the afflictions to the Sun. An area of experience is
thus shown to be so lacking in fulfillment that the energies of the very
Center itself are needed to redeem karma. In a horoscope that is predominantly
dynamic, this aspect throws a heavy emphasis on ambition and achievement in
some form. The "urge to climb" is intensely felt, and power is utilized to a
large degree in overcoming obstacles. It would appear that this pattern
represents a past in which opportunities for development were neglected or
wasted. In this incarnation lost time must be redeemed. In a predominantly
passive chart, this aspect is heavily gravitational in effect; the
requirements of Saturn hold the person to Earth. In such a case, check
carefully for any dynamic urge in the chart which may provide a possible
release of power into channels of growth. The persons represented by Saturn in
this aspect are those who tend to repress or inhibit the person concerned.
They threaten his very individuality, and though he may have to redeem a much
needed experience of responsibility, he must, for the sake of his own
constructive and healthy living, not allow himself to become so influenced by
other people that he becomes subject to despair, depletion of self-confidence,
or other possible psychological negatives.
Sun-Uranus: Power-Lawlessness: This is the aspect of
the anarchist. Because of the nature and purpose of Uranus, its square to the
Sun, or conjunction afflicted, is a potential for terrific destruction in some
form. So great are the possibilities of energy release indicated by this
combination that every agency of control must be found and carefully analyzed.
A heavy tendency to crystallization in some form is automatically implied as
an accompanying factor to this aspect — check the Saturn conditions carefully
and thereby determine in which part of his experience the person tends to
rebel with such intensity — and possibly even violence. An aspect of potential
genius is indicated by any aspect of Uranus to Sun, but the square or
opposition seems to indicate the possibility of considerable destruction
attending its expression. If "harnessed," this aspect pours into the other
planets involved tremendous magnetic and dynamic charges, and, consequently,
when directed constructively, it can make for great achievements and
Sun-Neptune: Power-Illusion: This is a very subtle
and difficult aspect. The power to visualize — and dream — is intense, but since
this aspect indicates the perpetration of illusion in the past, it shows a
pattern of disillusionment in the present incarnation. The dramatic instinct
is pronounced; in fact, so much so that at times the person lives in his dream
of "things as they might be" rather than realizing things as they are.
In an artistic person, particularly those arts ruled
by Neptune — music and drama — this is a very inspirational aspect; but it is
inspiration without control. When stimulated the person can, with no effort,
"tune in" on subtle influences and become, himself an instrument. However, the
price that is paid for too much of this "tuning in" is physical, psychical,
and nervous depletion — loss of power, vitality, and health generally. The
people represented by Neptune in this pattern — in its negative phases — are
those who may lead him into weakening habits, and thus deplete his retention
of purpose.
If the chart is mainly passive in quality with little
source of stimulus or "urge," this aspect, if strongly marked may indicate a
person whose life is dreamed away to no purpose or fulfillment. He must,
sooner or later, come to grips with reality, and unite his efforts to some
degree, with the channels of constructive living. When his dreams shatter into
bits and his ivory tower crashes, and those he loved and admired turn out to
be the greatest source of his pain, then he must meet these experiences with a
constructive application of Neptune-faith, spiritual knowledge, purified love,
and above all, learn from his disillusioners. They only reflected that
which has been false in him in the past. This aspect shows an attunement with
higher forces, or at least unseen forces, which in negative expression brings
the person experiences with the lower astral ray. He must, to reconstruct his
pattern, purify and cleanse his "inner pictures" through constructive
meditation or prayer — and put his inspirations and dreams into reality by some
form of work or toward the fulfillment of self-directed purposes of realizing
truly high ideals.
Sun-Moon: Power-Feeling: The astrologically inclined
parents of a child with Sun and Moon in conflict must try to adopt an
impersonal attitude toward it. This aspect shows that its subconscious mind is
very easily impressed and "pictures" of negative feelings taken in childhood
may obscure its self-awareness and create confusion for the rest of its life.
A study of such a child's chart will reveal to the parents the directions it
will want to go, but, if in their over-concern for every moment of its
existence they impress it with their worries, fears, and anxieties, they will
render it a great harm — that of clouding its sub-conscious with their own
negative states and insure its inability to "carve its own course" as it grows
up. A child with this aspect should be guided constructively to make
its own decisions, never forced against its will. This applies, of course, to
relatively unimportant things. Naturally a child cannot just run wild, but
those little things that are of personal concern to it should be let alone by
others so that it can establish, to a degree at least, its awareness of its
little world. It has been found that some influence in childhood, impinged
upon the sub-conscious of the child, has resulted in an inner conflict that
resulted in disharmony and failure in adult life. When a child learns to
know its own power without undue, or negative, influences on its
subconscious it is so much better able to foresee, plan, create, and fulfill
its purposes. After all is said and done, the Sun does represent the flowering
of personality and ability, and the awareness of self as a creator of good can
best be stimulated right in the beginning. If an adult person with Sun square
or opposition the Moon consults for a solution to a disintegrative tendency in
his life, do what can be done to urge him to psychoanalyze in some form and
bring to the surface of his conscious mind the compulsions which may have been
impressed on him when he was little. He must get them up and out in
order to clear his channels for a more constructive expression of life.
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