
Simplified Scientific

 Core Concepts »


Collected Works
Max Heindel
and Others

Ancient and Modern Initiation »

Astro-Diagnosis—A Guide to Healing »

Astrological Keywords »

Blavatsky and the
Secret Doctrine

Etheric Vision and What It Reveals »

Freemasonry & Catholicism »

Gleanings of a Mystic »

How Shall We Know Christ at His Coming? »

Letters To Students »

Simplified Scientific Astrology »

Message of the Stars »

Mysteries of Great Operas »

The Mystical Interpretation of Christmas »

The Mystical Interpretation of Easter »

Nature Spirits and
Nature Forces »

The Passing –
And Life Afterward »

Principles Health & Healing »

The Rosicrucian Philosophy in Questions and Answers, Vol. 1 »

The Rosicrucian Philosophy in Questions and Answers, Vol. 2 »

Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures »

The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception »

The Rosicrucian Mysteries »

The Rosicrucian Principles
of Child Training »

Teachings of An Initiate »

The Desire Body »

The Vital Body »

The Web of Destiny »

Index of Max Heindel Books »

Independent Study Guides »


Aquarian Age Stories
for Children »

Astrology and the Ductless
(Endocrine) Glands
by Augusta Foss Heindel »

The Aquarian Age,
by Elsa M. Glover »

Archetypes »

KJV Bible »

The Birth of the
Rosicrucian Fellowship
by Mrs. Max Heindel »

The Bible:
Wonder Book of the Ages
by Corinne Heline »

Christ or Buddha?
by Annet C. Rich »

In the Land
of the Living Dead
by Prentiss Tucker »

The Mystery of the
Ductless (Endocrine) Glands
by A Student »

The Adventures of Rex
and Zendah In
The Zodiac
by Esme Swainson »

Rosicrucian Fellowship
Devotional Services »

Science and Religion
by Elsa M. Glover »

The Silver Cord
and Seed Atoms
by A Student »

Studies in Astrology
by Elman Bacher »

The Work of
Invisible Helpers
by Amber M. Tuttle »

Invisible Helpers
by C.W. Leadbeater
(single PDF) »

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by Edwin Abbott (PDF) »

God, Love, Mind & the Evolution of Earth Consciousness
by Charles Weber (PDF) »

Intelligent Design
by Charles Weber (PDF) »

The Heindel-Steiner Connection
by Charles Weber (PDF) »

Vibration, Mind & Consciousness
by Charles Weber (PDF) »

The Birth and Growth of Mount Ecclesia;
The Rosicrucian Method of Healing the Sick;
The Work of Invisible Helpers
by Charles Weber (PDF) »

The Physics and Metaphysics of Water,
Blood and the Human Heart
Considered in the Context of
Secular and Sacred Geometry
and Interpreted in Light of
The Rosicrucian Teachings
by Charles Weber (PDF) »

Human Evolution In Light of
The Twin Laws of Rebirth
and Consequence
by Charles Weber (PDF) »

Memoirs about Max Heindel and
The Rosicrucian Fellowship
by Augusta Foss Heindel (PDF) »

of a
Rosicrucian Aspirant,
by Richard Koepsel »

Spanish Version »

The Musical Scale
and the
Scheme of Evolution
PDF 1/5 »
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 PDF 5/5 »

The Imitation of Christ
Thomas à Kempis

 PDF Ver. 1 »  PDF Ver. 2 »

Plato's Allegory of the Cave
(PDF) »

Peter Ibbetson
George du Maurier
(PDF) »  Video »

The Grand Inquisitor
Fyodor Dostoevsky
(PDF) »

The Kabbalah »

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