Of the thirty years devoted by the undersigned to research and the study
of astrology and astro-diagnosis, a large part was spent with Max Heindel,
first as co-student and companion and later as his wife. A portion of the
astro-diagnosis in this book have been taken from Mr. Heindel's former
monthly lessons to esoteric students, and this fact together with our
association in astrological research in the reason why this volume goes out
under both our names, even though he passed into the larger life in 1919.
book may differ in a few instances from other books which deal
with the science of diagnosis from the planets. The authors of this volume,
however, have had opportunities such as few other writers on this subject
have had. The Rosicrucian Fellowship, of which they were the founders, has
a very successful healing department. A description of the method used in
this department may be found here. Of the thousands of patients who
have written to us for healing since the department started, each one has
sent in data describing the disease from which he suffered, its symptoms and
peculiarities, the doctor's diagnosis, etc. This information was in every
case carefully compared with the patient's horoscope, and a detailed study
made of both. The most striking as well as typical cases were used as
monthly lessons for the esoteric students of the Fellowship. From these
lessons we have chosen the best to print in this book. At no time have we
diagnosed direct to the patient. His horoscope, however, has given us a
wonderful key to the disease from which he was suffering and its causes, and
it has been used as a guide in giving advice regarding diet, exercise,
environment, and similar matters.
do not claim that this book is the last word on the subject,
neither do we claim that it is infallible. The knowledge which we have
gained by years of unceasing labor we are sharing with the world. We give
it freely, and if others can add to it, we shall rejoice.
— Augusta Foss Heindel
is the science and art of obtaining scientific knowledge
regarding disease and its causes as shown by the planets, as well as the
means of overcoming it. This new science of diagnosis and healing is slowly
permeating the medical world. It is a science which will not set aside the
old school of medicine and diagnosis, but it is an addition to the old
school The latter, we feel, will in time accept this newer method. At
present many physicians are willing to cooperate with the newer schools of
osteopathy, nature-cure, chiropractic, etc., and these open-minded men are
ready to accept a more advanced method of diagnosis when it has been
demonstrated to them as reliable.
entirely upon outward symptoms in locating disease and
relying wholly upon the action of medicine have cost millions of lives in the
ages past. But man is now becoming too enlightened, too broadminded to
stick stubbornly to old methods which have been proved by many mistakes, by
the sacrifice of many lives, to be inadequate. Medical science with its
improved instruments, the X-ray, iri-diagnosis, blood tests, etc., has made
great strides toward better methods of diagnosis. But the time is not far
hence when it will be generally conceded that to know in advance where human
chain is weakest, to understand by the science of the stars where the
practitioner may look for trouble, is by far the best way. Doctors will
then arrive very quickly at the cause of disease, and they will also know
what methods will be best to effect a cure. When they can use the key to
the soul, the horoscope, they will find the treatment to which the patient
will respond. They will also know the character of the patient, whether his
will is weak, and whether he is negative or emotional. They will then be
guided in their methods of treatment according to the information thus
may be classed under two heads, latent and active. "Symptoms"
give indication of disease which is in process of materializing. Latent
tendencies to disease are shown by the planetary afflictions in the
horoscope of birth. In some instances these tendencies may remain latent
during the entire life because the native has lived in such a manner that no
strain was put on the body which would give the planets a chance to develop
their latent weakness. If there is a weak link in a chain but no strain is
put upon it, the chain will remain whole. So in the case of planetary
afflictions, they too may remain latent. But let the native abuse his body
and at once these weak spots will appear. This gives us the second class of
disease, the active type. When the planetary aspects have been stirred
into action and disease has appeared, the progressed planetary positions give
the diagnostician the key to it.
the medical men, the scientists, the esoteric scientists, and
the astrologers have reached a friendly understanding, when the budding
discoveries and the broader thoughts of man are no longer at variance with
each other, then humanity will know that the terrors and the pain of the
operating room are things of the past. Then buoyant health will be
universally enjoyed, for mankind will be taught how to live in order to avoid
suffering. The doctors will be just as anxious to keep people well as they
now are to help them to recover from disease. The time is not far hence,
we believe, when the government will feel the necessity of paying doctors a
yearly salary to teach the people how to avoid the pitfalls which lead to
Chapter I
The Anatomical and
Physiological Properties
of the Signs
When Aries, which has rule over the head, is on the Ascendant, we have
a person whose actions are impulsive and aggressive. He acts and speaks
quickly. An excess of life force is generated by these people. This is
intensified when the dynamic Mars, which is the ruler of Aries, is also in
Aries on the Ascendant, or when the life-giving Sun is there. When these
planets add their vital energies to the Ascendant, we have a person who is
very apt to dissipate his forces. people who express Aries very strongly
are apt to be quick of temper of an explosive kind, but will not hold spite.
Those with Aries on the Ascendant, or with the Sun or Mars there, are quick
to anger but also ready to forgive.
Aries rules the head, the cerebral hemispheres of the brain, the
upper jaw, the eyes, and the face. The nose, however, is ruled by the
martial sign of Scorpio.
Aries is hot, dry, and inflammatory. Aries people with a slight cold
or disturbance of health may have a very high temperature. In illness
their fever will often be from three to four degrees higher than that of the
persons born under the watery of airy signs. Under planetary afflictions
these people are subject to brain fever, dizziness, nosebleed, neuralgia,
inflammation of the cerebral hemispheres, and diseases of the brain and
face. They frequently suffer from a rush of blood to the head.
The will of the patient plays a great part in the success of
healing. People under positive signs are most likely to respond, for they
make personal effort to help the healer, while negative-sign people are
prone to follow the line of least resistance and to be neglectful in
following the instructions of the healer.
Taurus has rule over the region of the neck, the ears, palate,
larynx, tonsils, thyroid gland, lower jaw, occipital region, cerebellum,
atlas, and cervical vertebrae, vocal chords, carotid arteries, jugular
vein, and the pharynx.
The Taurian is very stubborn and tenacious. Taurus being a
negative sign, when a Taurian contracts a disease, he holds on to it
tenaciously. He has great fear of sickness, and on account of this fear he
makes a poor doctor or nurse, whereas the Arian, being under Aires which is a
positive sign, will go into a sick room without fear and quickly throw off the
disease. If you have a patient who has Taurus rising or the Sun in Taurus,
never let him think he is much ill, for his fear of sickness will often bring
on a spell of it. The Taurian has a tendency to take on flesh in middle
life. Being short and thickest as a rule, he becomes very fleshy about the
neck and base of the skull. This has a tendency to cause the swelling of
glands, tonsillitis, quinsy, and various diseases of the organs of the neck;
also polypi.
Gemini has rule over the arms, hands, shoulders, lungs, thymus gland, upper
ribs, trachea, bronchi, capillaries, breath, and oxygenation of the
The Gemini person is subject to nervous troubles. Gemini being one
of the common signs, a person born with this sign rising is often very
careless of his health and habits, and on this account we find more
tubercular patients among Gemini people than among people of any one of the
other eleven signs. Gemini being classed among the positive signs, the
Gemini person can, if he is given the least bit of help, often throw off a
disease. The diseases to which Gemini is most subject are pulmonary
troubles, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, consumption, pleurisy, and nervous
When we have a horoscope to diagnose for one who has the watery
and negative Cancer rising, we may look for one who is low in vitality; one
who is very timid yet loath to follow the advice of others. Cancer people
are apt to do the opposite from that which they are advised to do. They
are also full of suspicion, and on account of lack of faith in others they
are difficult to reach; but when their faith has once been established, they
are most loyal and ready to cooperate. A little praise or appreciation will
often win them over. They are unduly sensitive, and when hurt do not forget
it readily. When the Sun is in this watery sign, the native has more vitality
than when it is rising, for the Sun is the giver of life and energy.
Cancer has rule over the stomach, diaphragm, the mammae, upper lobes
of the liver, thoracic duct, chymification, peristalsis, the pancreas,
gastric vein, and the serum of the blood.
The afflictions which may be classed under the sign of Cancer are
indigestion, hiccup, flatulency, dropsy, and sclerosis. Cancer people
are very fond of food and are usually hearty eaters. Consequently they are
often afflicted with diseases which originate in wrong diet; especially do we
find this so with the people have Saturn in Cancer. This planet has a
restricting influence, and wherever he is found he robs the corresponding
organ of its fluids. When in Cancer he gives a desire for pastry and sweets.
When we have to deal with a patient with Leo on the Ascendant, we have
one with great vital energy, one who will not readily succumb to disease.
The Leo usually puts up a brave fight to overcome without calling upon others
for help, but when he gives up, he is usually very sick; he recovers
rapidly from illness, however. His pride will not permit him as a rule to
become a charge upon others. Being a positive sign the greatest handicap to
the Leo is impulse. He feels he must do everything with a very great amount
of energy, which is detrimental to the health of the parts of the body ruled
by this vital sign: the heart, aorta, vena cava, dorsal region of the
spine, and the spinal cord.
The Sun, which is the life giver, rules this sign of Leo and also
has rule over the vital etheric fluid coming through the spleen, which is
the gateway of the solar forces. Through the spleen the sign of Leo draws
its strength largely. We find those born with this sign rising very vital
and full of force, especially if the Sun is also in Leo; but by the
destructive use of their surplus energy they are often afflicted with heart
trouble of various kinds, also spinal troubles. They suffer frequently
with disturbance of the spleen, which has an effect upon the activities of
the blood, causing an excess of white blood corpuscles, which are
destroyers and not policemen of the blood stream as medical science claims.
Virgo is a feminine and negative sign, the second of the earthy
triplicity, and has less power of resistance that the fixed sign of Leo.
Virgo may stand considerable strain, however, being of a nervous and wiry
temperament; still when the Virgoan gives up, he finds it very hard to rise
and shake off an illness. Being of a negative disposition he is apt to let
circumstances rule him, and does not assert his will power to overcome.
Virgo is the natural sixth house sign, the house which has rule over
sickness; hence when Virgo people once get into the clutches of sickness,
they are apt to become chronic invalids. Therefore though such people make
excellent nurses, they should be advised against this vocation and avoid sick
rooms and hospitals, for they are like sponges and every ready to take on
the disease of their patients.
Virgo rules the abdominal region, intestines, the lower lobes of
the liver, the spleen, the duodenum, and the sympathetic nervous system.
The afflictions which may be classed under the sign of Virgo are
determined largely by the planets which may be afflicted in this sign. Cramps
in the intestines, wind, colic, malnutrition, diarrhea, constipation,
peritonitis, cholera, dysentery, worms, catarrh of the bowels, and
appendicitis may result from afflictions in Virgo.
Libra is one of the signs wherein the Sun is weak. The Sun is
symbolized by Sampson, who is minus his strength, for Delilah, who is the
feminine Virgo, has shorn him of his power, which was in his hair,
representing the Sun's rays. As the Sun enters Libra, it changes from
north to south declination; and as Libra is the sign of Saturn's exaltation,
the Sun's rays at this point, the crossing of the equator, are weakest.
Libra people on this account are not always able to rise above physical
conditions. Their moods waver like the symbol which represents the sign,
the scales. At one time Librans are up in the seventh heaven of happiness
and optimism, but at the least mental disturbance they may drop to the very
bottom of pessimism and despair. Idealism is well developed in the Libran.
The Libran patient should, if possible, never be discouraged in whatever he
has set his heart upon doing, for shatter his ideals and down goes one side of
the scales into the very deepest discouragement, which often causes ill
health. The Libran should cultivate equilibrium.
Physiologically this sign rules the kidneys, the lumbar region of
the spine, the skin, the ureters, which are the tiny ducts running between
the kidneys and the bladder, and the vaso-motor system. The afflictions
from with the Libran is most likely to suffer are Brights's disease,
lumbago, disturbed urine. The disease depends greatly upon the planets
afflicting: if Saturn, there is a scarcity of urine; if Jupiter, an
excess, etc. Nephritis, eczema, and diabetes are also diseases from which
the Libran is likely to suffer.
The martial, watery sign of Scorpio is one of the least understood
signs of the entire twelve. Scorpio produces a number of types. Usually
the Scorpio person is of a secretive, timid, retiring nature, one who does
not talk of his affairs. But there is another type of Scorpio who is ready
to argue at "the drop of the hat," holding our for his point, and he can
become very cruel. He usually has an explosive temper, which may, if the
horoscope has afflictions, undermine the health. The greatest danger to the
health of the Scorpio, however, comes from the generative organs and the ducts
through which the excretions of the body pass, such as the urethra (the small
canal through which the urine passes from the bladder outward) and the
colon, including the anus.
The bladder, the sigmoid flexure, prostate gland, pubic bone, the
red coloring matter of the blood, and the nasal bones are also under the rule
of Scorpio.
People born under this sign make good healers, surgeons, doctors,
and nurses. But there is often a cruel and tyrannical streak in the
Scorpio, and the desire nature is strong, sometimes sensual. Low desires
often bring excesses, which may cause the following diseases, expressing
themselves according to the planets and the afflicting aspects:
syphilis, hernia, scurvy, fistula, piles, inflammation and falling of
the womb, uterine troubles, stricture of the prostate gland, and nasal
The Sagittarian is usually the most gentle and easily cured of all
patients, for with his frank and kindly nature he is most trusting and ever
ready to follow all the instructions of the healer; but he will also respond
to every negative suggestion. The healer may have given constructive advice
and left the patient feeling encouraged, but should one of his many friends
(for the Sagittarian is usually very popular and good mixer and therefore
attracts many friends to him) suggest sickness or tell him that he is looking
bad or give him some other remedy to follow he is very apt to accept the
suggestion. The result is that he often retards his recovery. Therefore it
is necessary for the Sagittarian patient to be placed under the care of
someone who will protect him from adverse suggestions.
Sagittarius rules the region of the body directly surrounding the
hips, the sacral region of the spine, the coccygeal vertebrae, the femur,
the ilium, the iliac arteries, the sciatic nerves, and the ischium.
The Sagittarian diseases are locomotor ataxia, sciatica, rheumatism, and hip disease.
The sign of Capricorn is an earthy sign and ruled by the planet
Saturn. Capricorn people do not yield to disease very readily. They are of a
wiry, persistent, and stolid nature, and will suffer considerable pain before
they will succumb to illness. But once they have given in to sickness then
they are just as slow and stubborn in holding on to it. They sometimes
become hypochondriacs, and the healer must use most diplomatic methods to
break up the crystallized condition with which these Saturnian people clothe
themselves. The most unfortunate part of it is that if a Capricorn who is
in this mental and physical state is aware that anyone is endeavoring to
help him, he will resist help and close up against the friend who thus
approaches him. Capricorn people ae super-sensitive and very retiring.
They often form habits of entertaining gloom and despondency, which have a
deteriorating effect upon the health.
The sign of Capricorn has rule over the knees, the skin, the joints,
and the hair. The skin of a Capricorn person is often sallow and dry.
The diseases to which Capricorn is subject are exzema, syphilis,
leprosy; also dislocation of the bones.
The fixed and airy sign of Aquarius is under the rule of two planets,
the melancholy, fearful, and overanxious Saturn, which is ordinarily termed
the planet of obstruction, and the impulsive, heedless, emotional, and
hysterical Uranus. While Aquarius is a fixed sign which endows the native
with a strong will, still when the Aquarian is afflicted by adverse aspects
between certain planets, especially Saturn or Uranus when they are strongly
placed in the horoscope, he is prone to develop extreme gloom, pessimism,
and sensitiveness, or he is rash and responds to the emotional Uranus.
These varying moods frequently result in ill health, which too often takes
the form of nervousness. Aquarius being a mental and airy sign, its natives
are wiry and ambitious, and are prone to overdo. They can never measure
their strength until the body is strained to its very limit, therefore when
they do give up they are usually in a critical state; but they will give the
healer every opportunity to help them, for they are ever ready to cooperate.
Physiologically the sign of Aquarius rules the lower limbs and ankles.
The diseases with which the Aquarian may be afflicted are varicose
veins, swelling of the legs, and nervous diseases of various kinds. One
indication that the Aquarian has when the nerves begin to get weak is
extreme sensitiveness of the skin. There is a crawling sensation felt all
over the body, as if little insects were crawling on the skin.
Pisces is a watery and common sign, and the people born under it are of
a lymphatic and negative nature very fond of luxuries, which too often lead
them to seek a life of ease; in later life they are prone to take on an
excess of soft, flabby flesh, which leads to ill health. The Pisces people
respond very readily to suggestions, whether they are good or evil, and they
will also respond just as quickly to the influence of the healer. Do not
allow anyone who is of a too sympathetic nature to visit the Piscean while
he is ill. Of the over-sympathetic type there are too many in the world
today, who think it a social duty to call upon every sick friends and
encourage the ailing one to talk about his disease, and then extend to him,
oh, so much sympathy! The Piscean person will enjoy the visit of the
sympathizer, but when the latter has gone, he usually has a relapse and
must quickly send for the doctor or healer. He should be placed in a very
cheerful room, with a cheerful attendant, and a sign on the door, "No
sympathetic visitors allowed."
The Piscean is prone to drift into the habit of drink and the use of
narcotics, especially if we find an affliction of the Moon and Neptune in
the horoscope.
Pisces rules the feet, the toes, and the fibrin of the blood. On
account of their fondness for good food and an easy life. Piscean people are
subject to gout and the swelling of the feet.
Cancer — stomach, esophagus, diaphragm, the mammae, lacteals, upper lobes of
liver, thoracic duct, pancreas, serum of blood, peristalisis of the
stomach, chymification.
Leo — Heart, dorsal region of spine, spinal cord, aorta, superior
and inferior vena cava.
Virgo — Abdominal region, large and small intestines, lower lobe of liver,
spleen, duodenum, chylification, peristalsis of the bowels.
Pythagoras taught that the solar system is one mighty musical
instrument, that the twelve signs of the zodiac may be compared to the
semitones of the chromatic scale, and that the planets constitute the seven
white keys of the cosmic key board. Each sign responds to a certain tone;
some tones blend and are harmonious, while others clash. As we find
disharmony and conflict between certain notes of a piano and between certain
strings of a harp, so do we find similar inharmony between various signs of
the zodiac and various planets in their effect on man.
The symbol of the trine is the triangle. In astrology the trine is
considered harmonious and benefic. Then we have the signs which represent
the four elements, forming the fiery, earthy, airy, and watery triangles.
The fiery and airy signs are in harmony with each other, and the
earthy and watery triplicities are friendly; but the fiery and watery will not
harmonize, neither will the earthy and the fiery signs. Planets in
these various groups of signs will express the same sympathy or antipathy as
the signs themselves. The sign triplicities express themselves through
harmony in the temperaments and personalities of people, while the squares
express their afflictions through physical discomforts.
Disease is really a lack of harmony between the spirit and the
personality, a conflict between the lower and the higher man. The trines or
triplicities act as peacemakers, while the squares and oppositions
place limitations upon the spirit. The latter pair bring the lessons which
are to be learned. They exact payment of the debts of destiny from a person
for the mistakes made and the selfishness expressed in past lives. The
squares and oppositions are most vital in their action. The squares operate
through three groups of signs which constitute —
Doctors have for years been studying the strange sympathy between
different parts of the body which they have found manifested in the
diseases of various patients. When they find a disease in one organ, they
are in the habit of looking for the cause in another organ which is in
sympathy with the first. For instance, in glaucoma or certain kinds of eye
trouble they have invariably found that the real cause or seat of the trouble
was in the stomach or the kidneys. In certain types of throat trouble and
in goitre a weakened heart has frequently been found to be the cause.
The four points of the circle of the cardinal or equinoctial
signs, namely, Aries the eyes, Libra the kidneys, Cancer the stomach, and
Capricorn the knees, are closely in sympathy with one another, and trouble in
one will frequently manifest in one of the other signs of this circle. For
instance, if we find Saturn in the sign of its fall, Cancer, and afflicted,
digestive troubles ensue and invariably the kidneys will be disturbed;
sometimes stiff knee joints are the result. Eye troubles are frequently
developed as a result of wrong eating. People with Saturn in Cancer are
extremists in their selection of food. They have strange likes and dislikes.
The second vicious circle is that of the fixed signs: Taurus the
throat; Scorpio the generative organs, rectum, urethra, and nose; Leo the
heart and spine; Aquarius the legs, below the knees. When the organs of
voice or the tonsils are operated upon in childhood there will be disturbances
at puberty and later troubles in childbirth. Great sympathy is found
between the sex organs and the organs of speech. The removal of parts of
the sex organs causes change of voice, the male voice becoming feminine,
and the female voice masculine. Valvular heart trouble often causes the
swelling of the ankles.
The third group of squares we find composed of the common or
mutable signs, corresponding to the cadent houses. The 6th house, which is
correlated to Virgo, and the 12th house, correlated to Pisces, are especially
vital in the horoscope, for they are respectively the house of sickness and
the house of confinement and hospitals. We find great sympathy between
these two signs and houses. Common signs are the most productive of
sickness, and more hopeless invalids are found among common-sign people than
in any other group for the reason that their will power is not overly strong.
Two common signs are ruled by Mercury, which has dominion over
the breath, nerves, and sense perception; and one by Jupiter, which has
rule over the fibrin of the blood, the arterial circulation, and the
liver. Gemini rules the lungs, and through these organs the blood is
oxidized. Virgo has rule over the intestines, sympathetic nervous system, and
spleen. How often we hear the remark, "I caught cold (or pneumonia) due
to wet feet," involving Gemini and Pisces. Many more examples could be
cited of the action of the vicious circles.
In the previous sections we studied the properties of the signs of
the zodiac, and had the anatomical groupings so arranged as to make it easy
for the student of astro-diagnosis to study them. It is very necessary that
he become familiar with the basic properties of the signs as well as of
the planets. It is impossible to make any headway in the art of diagnosing
a chart unless the student has considerable knowledge of the zodiac and the
properties of the signs and planets. He should also familiarize himself
with the science of progression. All these different phases he will have to
make use of before he can become proficient in diagnosis so that he may tell
what certain positions, aspects, and planets indicate. It is essential that
he understand the temperament and character of the patient before he can
really be sure of his diagnosis of disease.
To find the key to a disease and the reason why a man or woman has
become an invalid, whether the disease is organic, and whether the patient has
broken the laws of nature, is just as necessary as the diagnosis itself.
What is the good of knowing what kind of a disease is shown in the horoscope
if you cannot show the patient where he is breaking the laws of nature?
Disease in ninety-five cases out of every hundred is due to wrong methods
of living, and to be able to point these out to the patient leads to the
cure. First, you must remove the cause, and then the cure will follow as a
natural result.
The secret of the success of the progressive doctor lies in the fact
that he will never, if he can possibly avoid it, diagnose the disease to his
patient directly. He will only give advice and prescribe, and sometimes he
may give a hint regarding the cause of disease; he will also give directions
as to food and methods of living, and tell why the patient should
discontinue certain habits. From this diplomatic handling of the patient
comes the doctor's greatest success. He will never express a discouraging
word. He never robs the patient of his hope, and when he leaves the home of
the patient, he leaves with a smile and an encouraging word.
There are exceptions, however, for there are doctors, and they are not
in the minority by any means, who are posing under the name of physician
but who will predict death or the necessity of operations of various kinds
before they have really and truly diagnosed the disease. Under the care of
such a physician the poor patient is frequently doomed, for the one from
whom he has expected relief has really robbed him of hope. So we want to
impress it very strongly upon our students that never at any time should
they predict death; also never at any time tell the patient that he has
heart trouble, that he is in danger of insanity, or that he is afflicted
with the dread disease of tuberculosis; from such statements he would get
the thought of fear. Fear is usually worse in its effect upon the mind of
the negative one than the disease itself. Ninety patients out of every
hundred are ill because of wrong and dangerous methods of eating, ill
because of fear, or ill because of the lack of will power to resist
temptations; in fact, all disease is the result of ignorant violation of the
laws of nature. This may not have occurred in this life alone. It may have
been brought over from a life previous, and thus the patient has latent
So we may realize that to be of real help in the healing of the sick
the healer or the diagnostician must have sufficient knowledge to be able
to give the suffering one instruction in right living. Our advice to
the reader would be to study carefully and memorize if possible the lessons
in astro-diagnosis which have just preceded; also to familiarize himself
with the properties of the various foods and their combinations, for you may
expect if you tell a patient to change his diet that he will ask you what he
should eat. One may see from all these considerations how very necessary it
is to get a sane and safe knowledge of the science of right living.
Our first thought when judging the mental qualities of a patient is
to find the position of Mercury. First note the sign in which it is
placed, then the house, and thirdly the aspects which this planet of reason
is making.
To save time and space in these lessons we will not give the effects
of Mercury in the different signs of the zodiac, but will refer the reader
to The Message of the Stars,click/touch here, also click/touch here, where
he or she will find the basic qualities of Mercury in the twelve signs. These
should be studied very carefully, and this study will give a foundation upon
which to base the judgment.
The next planet to consider is the Moon. If there is a good aspect
between the Moon and Mercury, especially if these two planets are well placed
in the angles and in signs in which they can express their best qualities,
we may expect the patient will be able to cooperate with the healer. If
Mercury, however, is conjunct Saturn, we find a mind which is stubborn,
slow, and subject to melancholia. When Mercury is trine or sextile to
Saturn, a well balanced mind with good reasoning qualities will develop, and a
retentive memory is shown. When Mars or Uranus is in conjunction with
Mercury, the patient is of a high-strung, emotional, erratic type with
little control over the mind; but should Mars or Uranus be sextile or trine
to Mercury, it will have a tendency to quicken the mental faculties, giving
impulse. If we find Mercury or the Moon afflicted by Neptune, the mind is
inclined toward unhealthy and unnatural conditions, obsession, religious
mania, mediumship, drink, or drugs. Observe the house and sign in which these
planets are placed to find how they tend to express themselves. Neptune being
the higher octave of Mercury, this planet has a strong influence on the
higher mind. Neptune when afflicted by Uranus or the Moon gives tendencies
towards undesirable experiences in psychism. When Neptune is afflicted by
Mars, especially when it is in conjunction with this fiery planet, the
native is often tempted to use hypnotism or black magic upon others, and is
himself prone to become the victim of those who unscrupulously use these
dreadful practices on others.
When the mental afflictions are in the eighth or the twelfth house
they have a more subtle influence than elsewhere. Afflictions in the
eighth house may give the mind suicidal tendencies, but if in the twelfth
house being the house of self-undoing, hospitals, prisons and insane asylums,
they may cause confinement in some institution.
We wish to impress it very firmly upon the mind of the reader,
never, never at any time to base a diagnosis on only one or two aspects, but
always upon the entire horoscope. To illustrate the dangers of superficial
judgment we will take the horoscope of a man who had Mercury in Capricorn in
the sixth house, making only one aspect which was a weak square to
Neptune. Judging the horoscope quickly one would say that he had a dull
mentality, but as a boy he stood at the head of his class. In spelling and
mathematics he was very bright. As a man he has reached a high status among
his associates. He is a leader in a line of work which requires executive
ability and a keen mentality. To illustrate our point we will note what the
other planets indicated. He had seven planets in airy signs, five planets
in mental signs, the Moon and Neptune both well aspected and in angles, the
Sun and Moon in fixed signs, and fixed and cardinal signs on the four angles.
When summing up the entire horoscope we can well see why this man reached such
a high position in mental work with a weak Mercury. So we want to impress it
firmly upon our readers to use their reasoning powers before giving a
judgment on a horoscope, whether it is for mental, moral, spiritual, or
physical qualities.
After we have carefully studied the mental qualities of our patient
we must try to find the strength of the will. The Ascendant as a rule gives
us a key to will and to the mentality. Now we will see what bearing the
6th house has on the matter. The 6th house is the house of sickness, and
very often gives the key to the patient's condition. We therefore first look
to the ruler of this house to see what it indicates, in what sign and house
it is placed, and what the nature of the sign is and what part of the body
is ruled by it. Next we must see what planets are aspecting the ruler of
this house of sickness.
Let us suppose that Aquarius is on the cusp of the 6th house. Then
we would look for the two planets, Uranus and Saturn, which have rule over
this sign. Naturally they will have rule over the health of the patient to
a very great extent. Now, suppose that Uranus is in the sign of Virgo and on
the Ascendant, as we find it in the horoscope of a man who was born April
22nd, 1881, at 2 P.M. Uranus rising gives the key to the nature, which is
one of great impulse. The co-ruler of the 6th house is Saturn. We find in
the greater number of horoscopes that Saturn is the afflicter. He is the
taskmaster that brings to man the needed lessons. Saturn in the horoscope
which we have under consideration is in Taurus, intercepted in the 9th house
and in conjunction with the Sun and Jupiter. Saturn is not in this case the
worst afflicter.
We now consider the planets which may be in the 6th house. Here we
find the vacillating Moon in Aquarius and square to Venus and Neptune. The
latter two planets are in the sign of Taurus in the 9th house. Here we
have the whole trouble. The Moon and Venus are both feminine, indicating
women; the Moon is the ruler of the 11th house, and thus represents women
friends, who tempted and caused this man to respond to the Uranus-Mars
impulse. So we may look for trouble through overindulgence of the desires,
which are indicated by the planets in Taurus and by Mars, the latter ruling
the sign of Scorpio, which governs sex. Hence we may expect that wine and
women will bring this man to his undoing.
Note that Mercury is in the 8th house, and aspected very weakly by
a semi-sextile of Saturn, the Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune. Mercury in Aries
works under impulse. It being practically unaspected in this sign and
Uranus being in opposition to Mars indicate a lack of forethought. With
these conditions and having a common sign on the Ascendant this man was a
perfect slave to his passions and desires. Here we may see what the, Virgo
Ascendant with Uranus in conjunction shows regarding the will. A decided
lack of will power is indicated. With Virgo, the natural 6th house sign on
the Ascendant, and the Sun in Taurus, this man was an easy victim of disease
for both Virgo and Taurus have a decided fear of sickness.
We must never base our diagnosis on one or two afflictions, but we
must study all the signs and planets very carefully. Some horoscopes show
very plainly what is the matter, and at a glance we can see from a few
aspects what the disease may be. But other horoscopes hide the symptoms,
just as the doctor often finds it to be the case with his patients. Some
tell him at once where the disease is, while others are a puzzle and the
disease may be difficult to locate. Therefore the astrologer must study and
reason to be very sure that he has the correct diagnosis.
We are now ready to begin the real work of reading and diagnosing
a chart. First we must know what the rising sign indicates, for by this we
get the key to the patient's disposition. The Ascendant indicates the
general nature of the planetary baptism which a man received at birth,
and which will influence him all through this physical life. According to
the stamp of the stellar forces at birth will a man's tendencies be.
Remember, we do not say fate, but tendencies, for man has the power within
him to change to a very great extent the influences that are shown in the
horoscope. We must admit that the horoscope is the result of his past
living and that it indicates a certain probable destiny. If he allows the
stars to rule him, why then he becomes the victim of fate; but the wise man is
he who rules his stars.
The Ascendant indicates the general characteristics and tendencies
which are latent within a man. Therefore this should be the starting point of
our diagnosis. Then we must see how the four angles are represented. If
we find common signs, namely, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces on
the cusps, we have a patient who will respond quickly to suggestions, and
while he will listen to the healer and may seemingly try to cooperate with
him, still on account of his wavering tendencies, or let us say the weakness
of will of the common sign person, he is prone to forget to follow
directions. One's instructions must be repeated often or the common sign
patient is apt to forget them.
If the Ascendant and the four angles, however, are occupied by the
four cardinal signs, namely, Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, you may
expect cooperation from your patient; but if Aries is on the Ascendant, you
must let him think that he is doing the work himself. Never order an Arian to
do anything, but diplomatically ask him if he does not think so and so would
be good for him, for Aries dislikes to follow the dictates of another. When
he does follow your instructions, however, he will do it with great force,
and impulsively. We sometimes hear of people who follow the doctor's orders
to the extent that they will take a whole box of pills at one dose. Well,
such is the Aries patient. He must have results quickly or he will lose his
interest. The cardinal sign people as a rule are willing to cooperate with
the healer, and they will also make every effort to overcome disease.
The fixed sign people, namely, those under Taurus, Leo, Scorpio,
and Aquarius, are creatures of habit; that is, they are so fixed that when
they get into a rut, or if they form a habit, they are very difficult for
the healer to handle. This habit, which may be at the very bottom of
the trouble and have caused the disease, they hold on to with tenacity.
The fixed sign people have great determination, and when once they are
aroused they cooperate fully with the healer. Taurus and Scorpio people
may at times display a stubborn nature which is hard to combat, and they are
also so full of fear that the healer must be very careful of his suggestions
in their presence. He must always be optimistic and give suggestions of hope.
The healer should be familiar with the temperament and disposition
of each sign, and realize that if the ruler of the sign is afflicted or
if malefic planets are in the sign, the response will be very different than
it will when the best sign of the sign is expressed. Remember, the
unafflicted magnanimous, jovial, and loving Leo is a very different person
from the afflicted blustering, bragging, quarrelsome, stubborn Leo.
Similarly, we may find two sides to each sign. Let us study the signs and
their rulers very carefully. Note also very carefully what aspects the ruler
of the Ascendant makes, for this plant is usually the life ruler and has a
great influence on the life of the native.
The next step is to study the mind, for if the mentality is weak,
the healer finds his work most difficult. In the mind of man lies the
power which may be used to control disease. A strong and well aspected
Mercury will guide a man into a safe and sane path of living, and such a
person is not prone to succumb to disease. But the afflicted Mercury often
leads man into temptations, and if the desire nature is strong and the mind
weak, we may expect that the patient will not have the will to cooperate
with the healer. Hence we may say that the healer must study the chart
very carefully in order to trace the latent tendencies of his patient. When
he has traced them, he is able to get to the first cause. Remember,
everything in life has a first cause, and to get an understanding of a case
we must go back to the beginning.
1. Never, never predict the time of death to your patient. Let
the reader repeat this injunction so as to impress it firmly upon his mind.
If you predict death to a patient, you may become his executioner, and
before your God you will be held accountable for a great wrong. There is an
old adage which says, "While there's life, there's hope." No matter how
strong the affliction may be in the horoscope, sometimes Divine Providence may
lend a hand, and very serious periods may be passed with the proper help.
2. The law does not permit a layman to diagnose disease for others;
only the licensed physician may do this.
3. The wise healer will never discuss disease with his patient, nor
will he ever diagnose to the patient. He will keep his knowledge for his own
use in healing.
4. At all times keep the patient's mind, if possible, from thoughts
of disease, and before leaving give him some pleasant thought to help
him along. Laugh and joke with him; always leave him with a smile,
for cheerfulness is half the cure.
5. Refrain from asking him the question, "How do you feel?" This has
a tendency to throw his thoughts back to his physical body, which in illness
is a good thing for him to forget. Let your first words of greeting be,
"What a beautiful day! I am glad to see you." Any greeting is good that
will bring cheer, and help the sufferer to forget his pain.
5A. Never discuss the patient's horoscope with him; if he insists
however, then give him encouraging hints only, but never tell him of an
impending crisis.
6. Sick people often have a morbid desire to probe into the future,
to know of any impending crisis or of possible death, especially if they
have some knowledge of astrology. The healer should request the patient to
discontinue the study of his own horoscope while he is under his care;
otherwise he will find that many adverse suggestions obtained from such
study will appear in the mind of the patient, which will hinder the healing.
6A. There are lines of force running between the two poles of a
magnet, and there is in all nature a positive and negative side. The human
body is a most powerful magnet expressing both the positive and the
negative aspects. When a man is ill, he expressed the negative side of his
nature, and therefore the healer should (and will if he is the right healer)
express the opposite aspect, namely the positive. When this is done, the
patient will respond quickly, and the healing will be successful.
Therefore it is very necessary that the healer express positiveness and
cheerfulness in the sickroom.
7. When a man is ill, his power of resistance is at its lowest ebb,
and he is very sensitive to influences from without. At that time the
currents of the vital body are turned inward, and he is apt to attract
thoughts and magnetism from others which if negative will have an adverse
effect upon him. When a man is in good health, the vital body ethers
radiate outward and thereby keep out negative elements, also throw out
8. When one is ill, his power of resistance is low, and at that time
the vibrations of the healer have a grater effect than at other times; his
influence is therefore powerful either for good or evil. If the healer's
thoughts are not pure, if his life is not clean, then his influence on the
patient is not good. Therefore it is most necessary that the healer live the life of purity, otherwise he can do more harm than good.
9. If the healer's Saturn is on the Ascendant or in the sixth house
of the patient, he will have little success in helping the latter.
10. A healer with the Sun in Scorpio or with Scorpio on the Ascendant
is usually successful.
11. The Sun in fiery signs gives good healing power, also greater
power over the diseases of those signs than is possessed by others.
12. People born with common signs on the angles or with the Sun in
a common sign make the best nurses; they have power to soothe the sick, and
they bring a quieting influence into the sick room.
13. When Saturn is the afflicter, the skin is often very dry, and
the vitality low. Rub the skin briskly with rough bath gloves to stimulate
14. People with Virgo on the Ascendant or with the Sun in Virgo
make good nurses.
15. To calm a patient who has an afflicted Mars, it is well to choose
a Saturn hour.
16. People with Saturn in the sixth house rarely make a success in
the art of healing.
17. When the patient is suffering with nervous trouble, but Mars is
not afflicted, it is well to use a Sun or a Mars hour for manipulations or
18. When the Moon is increasing in light, namely, between the new
and the full, stimulants have the greatest effect and sedatives the least.
19. When the Moon is conjunction Saturn, stimulants have very little
effect; but should the Moon be conjoined to Mars, especially if Mars is strong
in the horoscope or is in the sign of Aries, then the healer should be most
careful in administering stimulants.
1. The Moon may be regarded as the giver and the taker of life; that
is, the Moon acts as a medium in carrying the life forces from the Sun to
the earth and man, and the Moon forces also eventually produce death.
2. When the Moon is full, the tides are higher, the bones are fuller
of marrow, and oysters are fuller than at any other time. The temperature
is then also highest in fevers.
3. During the first half of life, particularly in childhood the Moon
has greatest rule, and during the latter half of life the Sun has the
strongest influence.
4. The Moon has great influence over insane people, that is,
lunatics, and over hysterical, epileptic, and nervous patients. These
patients feel the changes of the Moon very greatly; especially are they very
restless during the full of the Moon. They should never sleep with the Moon
shining on them.
5. At the new of the Moon the material forces are weakest. The
period of the waning Moon, namely between the full and the new, is strongest
for spiritual work, for at that time the influence of the Sun is greatest.
6. Do not perform an operation when the Moon is in the sign which
rules the part of the body to be operated upon. Ptolemy says, "Pierce not
with iron that part of the body which may be governed by the sign actually
occupied by the Moon."
7. Operations performed at the exact change of the Moon are rarely
successful. Choose the time for an operation when the Moon is waxing or, as
it is commonly termed, the light of the Moon. Do not operate when the Sun
is in the sign which rules the part of the body to be cut.
8. The Moon revolves around the zodiac in about twenty-eight days.
Disease reaches a turning point every seven days. Starting from the place
of the Moon at the beginning of the illness, a change may be expected in
seven days (the square), on the fourteenth day (the opposition), and on
the twenty-first day (another square).
9. The Moon rules acute disease, the Sun chronic.
10. It is well to watch the squares and the opposition of the Moon
to the transiting Sun, Mars, and Saturn when operating.
11. The Moon has greatest rule over the health of the woman while
the Sun influences the health of the man.
12. From the new to the full Moon stimulants produce the most effect
and sedatives are the weakest; decrease the dose of the one and increase
the other.
13. When the increasing Moon is in good aspect to the radical Jupiter
or Venus, cardiac stimulation produces most lasting results. Palpitation
is most efficiently treated when the Moon is decreasing and aspecting the
above planets favorably. Apply heart stimulants with extreme care when the
Moon is evilly aspected to these planets and especially when it is dark or
14. Good aspects to the radical Moon from the transiting Jupiter and
Venus are very helpful.
15. Saturn when placed in the sixth house of the horoscope at birth
has a tendency to lower the vitality.
16. The sign in which the Sun is at birth is a very vital locality
in the horoscope, its influence varying according as it is cardinal, fixed,
or common. Also the house containing the Sun, be it cadent, succedent, or
an angle is important. From the strength of the Sun you may often judge
the response which you will get from your patient.
17. Benefic aspects between the radical Sun and Mars give great
vitality and resistance to disease. An evil aspect between the Sun and Mars
is better from a health standpoint than no aspect at all.
18. Aspects to the Ascendant and the Midheaven are often unreliable
unless you are absolutely sure of the minute of birth, and as clocks are
frequently off time and there is much confusion in regard to different kinds
of time, these two points should be used with great discretion.
19. Planets that are in critical degrees (See Simplified Scientific
Astrology) have a greater influence either for good or evil than in
other degrees.
20. Certain fixed stars have a powerful influence on disease.
Especially should the three following nebular spots be watched: the
Pleiades, 29 degrees of Taurus; Ascelli, 6 degrees of Leo; and Antares, 8
degrees of Sagittarius.
21. A child with no aspect between the Sun and Mars is subject to
many child's diseases.
22. A patient with many planets in airy signs requires more air in
the sleeping apartment than others do; planets in fiery signs incline one to
require much Sunlight; and people with planets in watery or earthy signs
suffer from too much sunlight.
23. With fixed signs on the angles and afflictions in common signs,
the native overcomes disease; when common signs are on the angles and the
afflictions in fixed signs, he is more apt to succumb to disease.
24. A well aspected Sun when in the sign of Aries or Leo gives great
vitality and an ability to throw off disease.
25. When people with Aries rising or the Sun or Mars in the sign of
Aries at birth are ill, their temperature rises much higher than that of other
patients, and they suffer much more quickly from fever, for there is a
tendency of the blood to rush to the head and to the skin.
26. An affliction between the Sun and Saturn or a square between
the Moon and the Sun gives low vitality. When this condition is found in
the horoscope it is well during illness to watch the progressed Moon in
aspect to these afflicted plants, and also especially the transits of the new
and full Moons.
27. Retrograde planets give very little help in disease. Regardless
of whether they are in good or evil aspect, their influence is latent
until they turn direct; then we may look for their awakened influence.
28. Planets when they turn from retrograde to direct are slow in
motion. Their influence while in this slow motion is not as vital nor as
powerful as when they are swiftly moving.
29. Planets are strong when in signs of their own nature, also when
in aspect to planets which are in compatible signs.
30. When the hour of birth is not known a fairly accurate diagnosis
may be obtained by using a flat chart, i.e., by placing Aries on the
first house, Taurus on the second, Gemini on the third, etc.
31. Saturn's influence is contracting, while Mars' is loosening.
32. The Sun rules the vital fluid which is specialized through
the spleen. When the Sun is afflicted at birth disease frequently occurs
when progressions of the planets afflict the Sun.
33. When the radical Sun or Moon is within orb of the Pleiades in 29
degrees of Taurus, the Ascelli in Leo 6, or Antares in Sagittarius 8, trouble
with the eyes is indicated, especially if Saturn, Mars, or Uranus is also at
one of these spots.
34. Mercury in the twelfth house, afflicted by the Sun, Saturn,
Uranus or Mars, also Mercury in Capricorn, the house of Saturn, when afflicted
by a malefic will affect the hearing.
35. Watch the malefic planets when they are placed in either the
sixth or the twelfth house, the sixth being the house which has rule over
sickness, and the twelfth having rule over hospitals and places of
36. It is necessary to observe the antipathy between certain signs
and planets. For instance, the fiery Mars may be posited in the water
Pisces, or the cold, earthy Saturn in the fiery sign of Aries. When a planet
is in the sign of its detriment, it may especially become a menace to health.
37. The place where Saturn is found in the horoscope is most likely
to be a weak place in the physical body, the place most easily affected by
38. The Lucifer spirits from Mars aid in maintaining the heat of
the blood by dissolving the iron, a Mars metal, and enabling the blood to
attract oxygen, a Sun element.
39. A patient with the planet Mercury in square aspect to Saturn is
apt to suffer from gloom. A cheerful, sunny room should be chosen, with
rose colored walls.
40. The sign of Leo on the Ascendant with the Sun in its
exaltation sign, Aries, gives abundant vitality and the power to throw off
41. If a disease is caused by an affliction of Mars, we may look
for help when the progressed Moon reaches a good aspect of Venus. When the
disease is of a Saturnian nature, we may expect the greatest help when the
Moon aspects Jupiter. Note the symbol of Venus, the higher octave of Mars,
and that of Jupiter, the higher octave of Saturn; in each case the latter
symbol is the inversion of the former.
42. If the Moon is in conjunction with Saturn at the beginning of
disease, we may expect that the disease will be of long duration.
43. Disease related to the Moon is of an acute nature and may
change within twenty-eight days, but when the disease is related to the Sun,
it is of a more chronic nature and likely to be of longer duration and more
stubborn in resisting treatment.
The astrologer often finds himself at a great disadvantage in his
reading and diagnosing in that the patient is frequently mistaken in the
hour of birth or is not able to give any time. Also in seven out of every
ten cases in which the native thinks he has the right time, the
horoscope when corrected by events or rectified is found to be wrong in
this particular. People are constantly coming to the Rosicrucian Headquarters
with horoscopes which they have erected or have had some professional
astrologer set up, and in numerous cases in which they have been positive they
had the correct time of birth the rising sign does not tally with their
personal appearance and temperament.
In one instance a woman claimed to have Pisces rising, but when we
met her personally we at once concluded that she had the first degrees of
Aries on the Ascendant for she had red hair a decided ram's profile, a
prominent Roman nose, and full lips, which if you read The Message of the Stars you will find tally with Aries. Another woman came to Headquarters
claiming to have Leo on the Ascendant, but she had a slender little body, a
long face with decidedly receding chin, long slender conical fingers,
and long nails — a perfect picture of Virgo. One case came to our notice of
an extremely tall woman. The hour of birth she gave brought Taurus on the
Ascendant, but her personal appearance was very similar to that of Gemini.
The horoscope had many planets in the signs indicating height: the Sun,
Jupiter, Mercury, and Neptune were in Gemini, and the Moon and Venus in
Aries. This would —
— give her length of arm and upper body. At first appearance we doubted
her rising sign of Taurus, but when we examined her finger nails they were
found to be the perfect Taurian type. Taurus was also indicated by the heavy
jaw and full neck. A Gemini person's nails are small and the neck slender.
Diagram A will give the reader a key to the pure types of finger
nails, correlated to the signs of the zodiac. Horoscopes with many planets
in one sign will change the nails. In the time the student will be able by
using —
— this chart to detect the characteristics of any type. Note how the
types harmonize. Fixed sign nails are broad, showing great persistence and
determination. The signs ruled by Venus, Taurus and Libra, give a more
rounded nail; the fingers are well shaped and long, and the mount of Venus,
which is at the base of the thumb is quite rounded and full. We could
write much more on the hands and their characteristics as compared with the
horoscope, but as this section is especially written to help in the diagnosis
of disease, we will confine ourselves largely to this matter.
It is not very difficult to detect diseases which are latent. For
instance, look at Diagram No. 1. We see a large, broad nail. This is similar
to the pure Leo type. With heart trouble latent, as in case No. 5A, where
the impulsive Mars is on the Ascendant, square to Venus indicating poor
circulation and a weak heart, we will find that the little half-moons at
the base of the nail are blue in color, and the lines in the palms of the
hands are also blue. When heart trouble has developed to a chronic stage and
is deep-seated, we find the nails ridged lengthwise as in Diagram No. 1,
and the corners turned upward away from the flesh as in Diagram No. 2. A
horoscope which will illustrate this case may be found in The Message of the Stars,figure 3.
The nail shown in Diagram No. 3 is characteristic of cases such as
No. 10A. The nail which indicates liver trouble is usually large in size
but longer than No. 1 or 2. The nail wedges into the flesh on the sides, and
is usually of a yellowish tint. The lines of the palm are also yellow.
Remember when looking into the palm of the hand that the color of the lines is
a valuable clue to the health of the patient. If in good health the lines
should be of a soft pink; if the blood is impoverished, the lines are pale
and white; if the patient is feverish, the lines are red; if the liver is
out of order, they are yellow; and if the heart action is wrong, the color
is blue.
In Diagram No. 4, we have a nail which is generally found on the hands
of people who have common or watery signs on the angles. Many planets in
common or watery signs produce what is called the psychic type. People
with long, slender, claw-like fingers and nails are supersensitive and lacking
in strength and vitality. This type of nail is often found on the hands of
the idle rich, women who nurse a lap dog instead of a child and always have
a box of chocolates at their side. Long, slender, well shaped hands and nails
belong to the psychic type, and when the nails are ridged lengthwise and the
color of the nail is pale, it is an indication of a tendency to weakness of
the lungs. People with long, slender nails are usually susceptible to colds
and coughs.
Nail No. 5 belongs to the nervous person who is intellectually
inclined and prone to overdo.
Diagram No. 6 is that of a nail which indicates the person who
frequently bites his nails. It shows one who has little control over his
temper and whose feelings are very easily hurt. Such people are always
carrying a chip on their shoulder and always looking for slights.
The Thumb
A well balanced thumb indicates ability to control the emotions,
including anger. but where the thumb is short and the end of it is club-
shaped with a short nail, there is no control whatever over anger and things
easily turn red before the eyes.
The thumb is a wonderful indicator of character, and must be taken
into consideration when diagnosing from the hand. In Diagram B we see that
the mount of Venus and the thumb are both a little too heavy. This is a
typical Taurian thumb with the mount of Venus very large, indicating a very
strong desire nature. The thumb is short and thick, showing a lack of will
power to rule the desires. When the thumb is long and well shaped, it is an
indication of high ideals and the will to carry them out.
In a well proportioned thumb the first phalanx should occupy two-
fifths and the second phalanx three-fifths of the length of the thumb. The
tip of the thumb should reach the middle joint of the first finger. A very
long thumb indicates that a person is obstinate, headstrong; a very short one
indicates lack of logic and a constant changing from one thing to another. If
the thumb is very thick throughout its entire length, the desires and tastes
are more or less coarse and primitive, and the person is lacking in tack and
refinement. If the thumb is very wide, especially at the tip, it indicates
one who "sees red" easily, often one who has an ungovernable temper; it also
indicates stubbornness. The patient who has a normally developed thumb will
carry out the physician's orders.
If the first phalanx of the thumb is very long and the second one
is short, it indicates one who is reckless and whose actions are not
controlled by reason. If the first phalanx is short and the second very long
it indicates a talker, but not a doer. Such a person is mistrustful of
everybody and lacks self-control.
The mount of Luna is located on the little finger side of the palm
and extends from about the middle of the palm to the wrist. When large and
full it indicates excessive emotion and imaginations, but when
properly proportioned it gives a well balanced mind. It is this mount of
the Moon and lines found upon it which give the diagnostician a clue to
mental afflictions and designate the lunar person.
Indications From the Finger Nails
Long, slender nails curving inward toward the flesh: scrofulous and
impure blood, weakness of the lungs, and throat trouble.
White spots on the nails: anemia, impoverished blood, nervousness.
Long nails, thin and brittle: weak vitality, negativeness, timidity.
Black or blue spots on the half moons: poison in blood, obstructed
circulation, or restricted heart action. The shape of the nails should
be taken into consideration before making a decision; see diagrams.
Well rounded and clear cut half moons on nails indicate good
circulation; if pale pink, they indicate health; if dark blue, see above for
Nails whose top surface is concave indicate spinal weakness.
Patients who have long smooth hands, the flesh soft and smooth, the
fingers flexible, the nails white in color, and especially when the nails
wedge tightly into the side of the finger and the wedge portion is colored,
may be said to have been born tired. They will make little attempt to help
the healer; they would prefer to have the Invisible Helpers do the work
for them.
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