As we walk the Path of spiritual development, we find that our
prayers are changing. In former times we thought it proper to
ask God for all manner of things, material gifts as well as spiritual.
Gradually, as we learn and grow, we find that we ask less and
less. Instead we are filled with praise and adoration for the
Beauty, Glory, and Love of which we are becoming aware. The joy
of communion with the highest we know supersedes any request for
favors and we no longer wish to use the Divine in this manner.
In Web of Destiny we read: ". . .when we offer thanksgiving
and praise we put ourselves in a favorable position to the law
of attraction, a receptive state where we may receive a new down-pouring
of the Spirit of Love and Light, and which thus brings us nearer
to our adored ideal."
We see the importance, then, of being truly grateful and expressing
our gratitude. This attitude of appreciation opens the way for
further inflowing of the Love and Light which guide us along the
Way on which we have set our feet.The pilgrims and founding fathers
were, perhaps, wiser than they knew when they declared a time
to give thanks for blessings received. In our personal lives we,
too, should be alert to giving thanks, for, as St. Paul said:
"I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be
content" (Phil. 4:11).
As we retrospect at the close of day we may find cause to be thankful,
not only for the pleasing things we discover, but also for those
we find not so pleasing. Often it is through these mistakes and
shortcomings that we learn our most important lessons and make
our greatest growth.
In our daily living we find that the habit of giving thanks to
those who are helpful is a fundamental condition for gracious
living. Actually it is an act of thoughtfulness and love to be
appreciative of others. If we cultivate the habit of concern and
appreciation for those with whom we come in contact it will be
only natural to extend this feeling to God, to Whom we owe all
we have. The daily inclusion of appreciation and thanksgiving
in our retrospection will help us develop this valuable aid to
spiritual growth.
— Rays from the Rose Cross Magazine, November/December, 1995
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