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Simplified Scientific Christianity         

The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception
by Max Heindel
(Part 21)

Alphabetical Index

- A -

Abel killed no animals 166.
  — type of, Lemurian Epoch 166.
Abraham, allegory of 319.
  — seed of 351, 352.
Absolute, boundless being 181.
  — center of earth corresponds to 507.
  — creation resolved back to 191.
  — God returns to 200.
Abstract Thought, region of, see Thought, Abstract.
  — densest dark globe in 528.
  — is separative 380.
Action, choice of, essential 282.
  — conscious soul thrives by 424.
  — desire body incentive to 464.
  — right, promotes growth of conscious soul 96.
Activity, an aspect of God 182, 323.
  — third aspect of God 324.
Adam became breathing creature 345
  — knew Eve 277.
  — the name of humanity 326.
  — number representing 500.
  — rib story of 346.
Adaptability, all progress depends upon 223, 303, 337.
Adept developed by first Great Initiation 502.
  — unused sex currents of 475.
Adm, distinguished from Adam 326.
  — the number of humanity 500.
Adoration, an aid in building inner vehicles 495, 496.
  — final steps to, seldom accomplished without teacher 495.
  — highest step toward union with God 465, 495
Aerial Region 50.
Affix of surnames, origin of 351.
Age of patriarchs 354.
Agnosticism, destructive force of 157.
Akkadians, see Atlantean races (subhead Akkadians).
Alchemists, students of esotericism 438.
  — Christian Rosenkreuz labored with 518.
Alchemy and soul growth 421-425.
Alcohol craved by desire body 105.
  — counterfeit spirit 169.
Alimentary canal begun in Sun Period 211.
All-consciousness, of virgin spirits 216.
All life is one 50.
Allegories of the Bible 319.
Altruism awakened by love of God 371.
  — compared to sound vibration 370.
  — developed by control of blood circulation 399.
  — factor in attaining initiation 404.
  — heart the home of 398.
  — latent within all 370.
  — selfishness being routed by 368.
  — superseding patriotism 355.
Alone Begotten, see Word.
Amphibians preceded birds 332.
Amputation, pain follows 64.
Analogy, one of the best helps to an understanding of
  — evolution 330.
Ancestor worship, origin of 295.
Ancient Truths in Modern Dress 515.
Anesthetics, effect of, on vital body 62.
Angels aid Lords of Form 262, 263
  — belong to different evolution 285
  — brain not used by 287
  — built by force of love 285.
  — build embryo in womb 288.
  — build vital body 222, 349.
  — builders of ether 222.
  — control propagation 283, 536.
  — cosmic wisdom flowed into 285.
  — create without desire 285.
  — direct evolution of plant kingdom 299, 349, 427.
  — directed by Jehovah 334.
  — double-sexed 285.
  — function in vital body 285.
  — guard each ego 352.
  — humanity of Moon Period 222, 240, 262-263, 333, 349, 376, 427, 446.
  — Jehovah, highest Initiate of 376.
  — love of, is unselfish 286.
  — perpetuate the race 283, 288.
  — pioneers of Moon Period 286.
  — reconstruct vital body 240.
  — teach use of vital function 222.
  — unable to communicate with brain-beings 286, 361.
Angels, Recording, allow choice of embodiment 136.
  — bring to birth at required time 161.
  — build body of incoming ego 135.
  — enforce payment of debts 136, 161.
  — impress vital body with new panorama 135.
  — Lords of Destiny 135.
  — overrule free will 136, 161.
  — watch unseen 136.
Anger, great danger of 144.
Animal group spirits govern by suggestion 78, 83.
  — send animals into re-embodiment 357.
  — sufferings of 78.
  — work through blood 350, 356.
Animal group spirits, see also Group Spirits.
Animal kingdom, classification of 416.
Animal Spirit, has reached Desire World 77.
  — not yet indwelling 69.
  — not individualized 356.
Animals aided by angels 222.
  — aided by archangels 222, 427.
  — as food undesireable 459.
  — blood infusion of 356.
  — clairvoyance of 77.
  — classification of 416.
  — cold and warm blooded 36, 37, 69.
  — color of, changes 37.
  — consciousness of 74, 83.
  — constitute physical bodies of group spirits 79.
  — desire body of 65, 68, 69.
  — domesticated 70.
  — evolution of, begun in Sun Period 224, 427.
  — free from sickness and pain 288.
  — have no will of their own 83.
  — humanity of the Jupiter Period 70, 342, 446.
  — hybrids 357.
  — instinct of 78.
  — killing of in "sport" 461.
  — man compared with 57.
  — missing link 342.
  — more advanced than man at same stage 69.
  — protection of 462.
  — reflecting ether inactive in 59.
  — seed atom of, withheld 357.
  — sent into re-embodiment 357.
  — symbolized by cross 86, 535.
  — thinking of 59, 70.
  — vehicles of, not concentric 77, 293.
  — vital body built by angels 222, 349.
  — warm blooded 36, 69.
  — younger brothers of man 45, 446.
  — wild, propagation of, regulated 288.
Anthropoid apes belong to human life wave 229, 230, 235, 342.
  — and undivided desire body 236.
  — descendants of Lemurians 289.
  — have degenerated from man 342-343.
  — may overtake our evolution 235.
Apocrypha, valuable information in 317.
Apostles symbolize Initiations 502.
Aquarian Age, Slav civilization during 305.
Archangel Michael, see Michael Archangel.
Archangels aid man from without 403.
  — aided man in Lemuria 265.
  — as race spirits still help man 349, 359.
  — as race spirits realize deficiencies of religions 383.
  — Christ highest initiate 376.
  — controlling spirits of races 334, 349, 403.
  — Enter man's body through inspired air 380.
  — expert builders of desire body 222, 243, 349.
  — function in desire body 376.
  — give desire body purely animal desires 243.
  — guide evolution of animals 349, 427.
  — humanity of the Sun Period 242, 334, 376, 427.
  — instigate wars 334.
  — lowest vehicle of the desire body 376, 403.
  — manipulate Sun forces 404.
  — man's teachers in higher worlds 126.
  — prepare man to receive solar ray 404.
  — the Sun Spirits 403.
  — work in desire body of man 243, 349.
Archetypal forces, region of 50.
  — exist in water stratum of earth 504.
  — man a part of 126.
Archetype, creative, built in second heaven 49.
  — of suicide 104.
Archetypes, creative thought molds 49.
Ariadne's thread 201.
Arterial blood, contains more earthy matter than venous blood 443.
Art, taught in ancient Initiations 281.
  — value of 516.
Ash, our food should contain very little 449.
Asiatics and ancestor worship 295.
Asteroids, fragments of moons 260.
Aspirant, accomplishes union with higher self 465.
  — continence practiced by 471, 538.
  — cultivates concentration 483, 487.
  — first work of the conquest of desire body 433.
  — highest step of, is adoration 495.
  — learns much by meditation 489.
  — impossible for teacher to overlook 495-496, 525
  — must avoid flesh 446.
  — must cultivate contemplation 494.
  — must cultivate even temper 463.
  — must have confidence in his teacher 440.
  — must practice observation 492.
  — to learn to leave body at will 484.
  — unselfishness required of 474, 476.
  — works consciously to attain 437.
Assimilation, all sustenance overcome by 457.
  — carried on by positive forces of chemical ether 35.
  — forces of, the so-called dead 457.
  — in childhood by macrocosmic vital body 139.
  — law of 457-460.
  — of animal food, injurious 458.
  — of mineral, by plant 458.
  — of mineral leaves injurious waste product 457.
  — osmosis of Hyperborean Epoch 263.
  — of vegetables, easy and nourishing 458.
Astral Body, see Desire Body
Astral World, see Desire World.
Astrology, and rulership of day of week 411.
  — based upon law of causation 161.
Astronomy, different theories of 514.
Atlantean Epoch 291, 332-333.
  — clearing of atmosphere of, and loss of clairvoyance 294.
  — cunning of 298.
  — desire body divided 394.
  — desire nature strong in 298.
  — education in 296.
  — ego very weak in 298.
  — eye evolved during 276.
  — foggy condition of atmosphere in 291.
  — Fourth Epoch 165.
  — man had spiritual perception in 293.
  — man involuntarily clairvoyant in 241.
  — man of, moved by flying leaps 292.
  — man of, the Adam of the Bible 332.
  — meat the food of 166.
  — mind unfolded by man 165, 298.
  — Nimrod, type of man of 166.
  — sixth day of creation 332.
  — spirit enters vehicles middle of third of 309.
  — water of, less dense 291.
Atlantean Races.
Akkadian, (sixth race) 303.
  — evolved faculty of thought 303.
  — unadaptable to new conditions 303.
Mongolians (seventh race) 297.
  — evolved faculty of thought along orthodox lines 303.
Original Semites (fifth race) 297.
  — become subject to law of consequence 301.
  — chosen people of Jehovah 334.
  — developed cunning 299, 309.
  — evolved corrective quality of thought 297.
  — first race given free will 302.
  — first race to discover brain superior to brawn 299.
  — imbued with racial characteristics 334.
  — led from Atlantis by great entity 301.
  — not led out of Egypt 335.
  — seed race of Fifth Epoch races 298, 334.
  — used faculty of thought 299.
Original Turanians (fourth race) 297.
  — black magicians 297.
  — oppressed poor 297.
  — selfish 297.
  — vain and ostentatious display of 297.
  — worshiped kings 297.
Rmoahals (first race) 294.
  — developed feelings 294.
  — developed rudimentary language 294.
  — feelings as spirits inspired them 295.
  — harmless character of 295.
  — possessed words of power 295.
  — powers, resembled powers of nature 294.
Tlavatlis (second race) 295.
  — developed germ of royalty 295.
  — developed memory 295.
  — felt separate selfhood 295.
  — instituted ancestor worship 295.
Toltec (third race) 295.
  — bestowed qualities upon offspring 295.
  — education of 295.
  — evolved memory 296.
  — inaugurated hereditary succession 295.
  — kings of Initiates 297.
  — tended to divide into nations 296.
  — valued experience 296.
Atlantis, atmosphere of, foggy 291.
  — beginning of separate nations in middle third of 296.
  — clearing atmosphere of 300.
  — conditions existing in 291.
  — destroyed by flood 168, 304.
  — educators appeal to instinct 296.
  — memory of man greater than now 296.
Atmosphere, clearing of 300.
Atom, grouping of, true 521.
Atomic weights, and valences 410.
Atoms float in sea of ether 58.
  — in cosmic root substance 375.
  — vibrated by vital points 61.
Atonement, vicarious, objections to 400.
  — reason for its inclusion in Christian religion 373.
  — reconciled to law of Consequence 402.
Attraction, battle of, with repulsion causes suffering 47.
  — builds virtue 47.
  — illustration of working of 46.
  — involved in mental processes 89.
  — law of, heredity explained by 156.
  — one of two twin forces in Desire World 42.
  — operative in third region of desire world 44.
  — roused by interest 46.
  — second aspect of Supreme Being manifests as 375.
Aurora Borealis, and Martian "canals" 259.
Aura becomes distinctive on completion of silver cord 10.
  — brightness of, attracts Teacher 525.
  — of earth 406.
  — unselfishness increases luminosity of 525.

- B -

Bacchus, significance of 169.
Bacon, Sir Francis, works of, mutilated 518.
  — and Shakespeare controversy 251.
Baldus, Jacobus, first poem of 251.
Bathing, benefit from 445.
Beast, number of 498, 514.
Beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks 389.
Belief and knowledge 147.
Bethlehem, Star of 389, 391.
Bible, allegorical significance of 319, 320.
  — agrees and differs with science 330.
  — hidden meaning in 319, 320.
  — Jewish and Christian doctrines of 316.
  — King James 318.
  — limitations of 317-321.
  — mutilated 314, 336.
  — names of God in 333.
  — not an "open" book 319, 322.
  — revisions have not greatly improved 318.
  — esoteric analysis of Genesis 317-364.
  — esoteric key to 319.
  — original text lost 320.
  — Talmud 320.
  — Thorah 319.
  — translators, forty seven in all 318.
  — Hebrew 320.
  — Martin Luther 318.
  — Masoretic 320.
  — Septuagint 320.
  — writers of, great esotericists 319.
Birth, each gives new chance 363.
  — of desire body and puberty 142.
  — of mind and maturity 142.
  — of vital body and growth 141.
  — stages of 139.
  — result of ego's desire for experience 129.
Birth place chosen by ego 136.
Blavatsky and earth's third motion 512.
Blind man of gospels and rebirth 170.
Blood, absorbs vital energy 239, 353.
  — action of Mars in 268, 274.
  — acts directly on stomach 239.
  — carries the feelings and emotions 91.
  — changes of temperature affect 144.
  — channel of expression for vital body 455.
  — children unable to generate 143.
  — circulation controlled by life spirit 399.
  — circulation due to light ether 36.
  — circulation in health and disease 445.
  — common, and longevity of Patriarchs 354.
  — common, carries pictures of outside world 398.
  — common, carries pictures from ancestors to descendants 397.
  — common, caused by tribal marriages 352.
  — common, destroyed by marriage outside family, tribe or race 355
  — control of, develops altruism 399.
  — corpuscles given by parents 143.
  — currents developed in Moon Period 217.
  — deposits earthy matter in system 443-444.
  — different in warm and cold blooded animals 69.
  — driven to field of greatest activity 239, 353.
  — ego, controls dense body through 238.
  — etches pictures on seed atom 398.
  — excess of, produced by positive vital body 60.
  — haemolysis of 353, 356.
  — highest expression of vital body 91, 239, 353, 397.
  — influence of, recognized by Scots 145.
  — infusion in animals 356.
  — iron in 268, 274.
  — Jews forbidden to eat 349.
  — man does not recognize himself as ego in common 354.
  — medium for ego's work on nervous system 238.
  — mediates for the soul 350.
  — mixing of, destroys negative clairvoyance 355.
  — "most peculiar essence" 145.
  — normal heat regulated by birth of mind 145.
  — esoteric significance of 145.
  — of Christ bore Sun Spirit into earth 407.
  — passes through heart in every cycle 397-398.
  — production of 143.
  — purified from desire 538.
  — race spirit in 353, 406.
  — relation of, to life spirit 398.
  — relation to Memory of Nature 354, 397.
  — soul of all flesh in 350.
  — storehouse of subconscious memory 91, 353, 397.
  — vantage ground of spirit 356.
  — vehicle of ego 91, 143-146, 238, 350, 356.
  — white corpuscles in 455.
Blood, Cleansing, see Cleansing Blood.
Blood, lacked by our humanity in animal stage 69.
  — recent acquisition of man 218.
  — red, iron an essential constituent of 268, 274.
  — requisite to a separate desire body 69.
  — warm, requisite of indwelling spirit 86, 348.
Bodies, father and mother are 307.
  — interpenetration of 58.
  — necessary for functioning in various worlds 57.
  — suited to purpose they serve 255.
  — transmuted into threefold soul 424.
  — work on different bodies carried on simultaneously 440.
Body, dense see Dense Body.
Body, Desire see Desire Body.
Body of Christ, pierced in six places 406.
Body, pituitary see Pituitary Body.
Body, affected by esoteric development 440, 441.
  — evolved at end of Moon Period 217.
  — has individual will 394.
  — instrument of ego 156.
  — lower part of threefold, controlled by desire nature 394.
  — man learns to build 126.
  — method of spiritualization 123.
  — prayer spiritualizes threefold body 435.
  — quintessence of, built into threefold spirit 123.
  — shape of changes 255.
  — vehicle of ego 94.
  — worked on simultaneously 440.
Body vital, see Vital Body.
Bones formed in Lemurian Epoch 346.
  — necessary for ego's functioning 456.
Borderland between heaven and purgatory 112.
  — inhabitants of 112.
Boundless being the essence of the Absolute 181.
  — should be controlled through mind 394.
Brain, activities of certain areas of 399.
  — activity of, caused by Lucifer 288.
  — and cerebro-spinal nervous system, secondary vantage of human spirit 397.
  — angels aid in construction of 286.
  — areas of, to be controlled by life spirit 399.
  — blood driven to, in thinking 145, 353.
  — building uses half creative power 270, 284.
  — built by thought 18, 267.
  — built in Earth Period 236, 239.
  — calls up pictures of outside world 353.
  — centers, manipulation of 89.
  — drained by blood after heavy meal 239.
  — drained of blood in sleep 239.
  — expression of desire body 353.
  — indirect way of gaining knowledge 363.
  — knowledge bought with pain and death 363.
  — location of, inefficient 256.
  — Lucifer spirits use 287, 361.
  — man's link between spirit and matter 285.
  — organ to co-ordinate impulses 285.
  — phosphorus required by 452.
  — pineal gland, position of in 473, 475.
  — pituitary body, position of 473, 475.
  — separation of sexes step in building 267.
Breath, Jehovah blew, into man's nostrils 345, 350.
  — (or life-breath) Hebrew "nephesh" 332.
Bridge to inner worlds 479.
Brotherhood, creation of, object of Christ's second coming 352.
Brotherhood, Rosicrucian see Rosicrucian Brotherhood.
Brotherhood, Universal, method of consummating, 355, 360, 384, 385, 388, 393, 399, 400, 406, 435, 437, 463.
Brothers, Elder, see Elder Brothers.
Brothers of the Rose Cross see Rosicrucian Brotherhood.
Brothers of the same ray 438.
Buddha, Light of Asia 17.
  — body becomes alight at death 406.
  — is reborn at Shankaracharya 405-406.
  — religion of 515.
  — sayings of 150.
Building inner vehicles 480-485.

- C -

C.R.C., see Christian Rosenkreuz.
Caduceus 410, 412-414.
Cain, agriculturist 166.
  — functioned in vital body 166.
  — sustained by plants 166.
  — symbolized man of second epoch 166.
Candidate, for initiation, usually unaware of his selection 524.
  — hailed as "first born" 527.
  — shown how to utilize stored up powers 524.
Caste, system crumbling in 436.
Catastrophes, liquidation of collective destinies 508.
Causation, see Consequence.
Cause and effect, see Consequence.
Celibacy not always a virtue 471.
  — only necessary to Initiate 467, 472.
  — vow of 467, 472.
Cell, soul of permeated by desire 458.
Cells, consciousness of 81.
Centers, three spiritual in head 397.
Centers, six vital in body 406.
Cerebro-spinal nervous system, see Nervous system.
Chaos, see Cosmic night.
Chaos, an holy name 251.
Character and possessions result of past 154.
Chastity, necessity for 471.
Cheerfulness affects digestion 456.
Chemical elements 410.
Chemical ether assimilates nutriment 35.
  — excretes waste products 35.
  — positive and negative in manifestation 35.
  — restoration in sleep processes 94.
  — ripe at seventh year 143.
Chemical force moves matter 121.
  — in mineral, due to planetary ether 58.
Chemical Region, basis of dense form 29-30.
  — densest state contacted by man 222.
  — inertia law of matter in 40.
  — mineral stratum of earth corresponds to 503.
Chemical Region, see also Physical World.
Cherubim, aided man voluntarily 211, 215.
  — awakened germinal life spirit 212.
  — did not aid in creating form 326.
  — helped man to penetrate veil of matter 216.
  — in Moon Period 215, 229.
  — in Sun Period 212, 221, 225.
  — leave our evolution 220-221, 326.
  — not mentioned in Creation Story 326.
Child, latent faculties of 139, 140.
Childbirth, ignorance of spiritual laws causes pain in 278, 283, 362.
Children, birth of 139.
  — all eyes and ears 140.
  — carry memory of previous life through 117, 172.
  — clairvoyance of 140, 281.
  — desire body of, impressed with pictures 118.
  — do not produce individual blood 143.
  — dying previous to fourteenth year 117, 172.
  — education of, in Atlantis 296.
  — education of, in Lemuria 278, 279, 361.
  — emotions of 140-141.
  — forced to lie 140.
  — given by Jehovah 334.
  — growth of vital body 141.
  — life in first heaven 116, 117.
  — negative clairvoyance of 140.
Chocolate, high nutritive value of 452.
Chosen people, of future will "willingly" follow a leader 315.
  — past, present and future 298, 305, 311, 334.
  — rebellion of 310.
Chosen People, see also Atlantean Races (subhead Original Semites)
Christ after crucifixion, appeared to disciples in vital body 381.
  — aids seekers of truth 400.
  — brings relief to humanity 382.
  — brought sun force to earth 403.
  — carried into earth 406.
  — cleansed earth from race spirits 407.
  — coming of, loosened connection man's dense and etheric bodies 482.
  — composite being 374, 381, 388.
  — could not be "born" in dense body 380.
Christ (cont.) crucifixion of 407.
  — customary vehicle of, the life spirit 376.
  — demands sacrifice of personal love 307.
  — desire body of, diffused over earth 407.
  — did not take away individual sin 482.
  — distinguished from Christ Jesus 374, 381.
  — distinguished from the Word 181, 374-375.
  — divine compassion of 382.
  — Elder Brother of humanity 384.
  — emancipates from race and family spirits 313, 352.
  — entered earth at crucifixion 403, 407.
  — explained inner teachings to disciples 520.
  — feels every act on planet 65.
  — formed in individual 389.
  — founder of universal religion of future 374.
  — gives prayer to humanity 435.
  — has had only one physical embodiment 378.
  — has loosened connections of our vehicles 482.
  — highest Initiate of Sun Period 376, 383, 403.
  — influences our desire bodies from within 380, 403.
  — knowledge of, by meditation 489.
  — leader of coming race 313.
  — leader of sixth epoch 306.
  — Light of the world 17.
  — Lord of love 393.
  — lowest vehicle desire body 378, 381.
  — method of salvation 403.
  — miraculous appearance of, contrary to evolution 383.
  — mission of 352, 360, 384, 405.
  — necessary to unify races 380.
  — older Brother of Sun Spirits 403.
  — only being spanning gap between God and man 382.
  — only partially confined to earth 408.
  — opens initiation to all 390, 400, 401, 405, 482.
  — possesses twelve vehicles 382.
  — purifies desire body of earth 482.
  — purpose of, in taking Jesus' body 313.
  — regent of earth 408.
  — regent of sun 408.
  — salvation of, illustrated 402.
  — saves stragglers 401, 405.
  — second coming of 361, 386.
  — sent out impulse used by Jehovah 404.
  — spirit in the sun 391.
  — spiritual Savior 391.
  — suffers from earth's limitations 408.
  — symbolizes Initiation of Vulcan Period 502.
  — time since coming only a moment in cosmic day 388.
  — to use vital body at second coming 381.
  — unifying influence of 388.
  — union with 433.
  — unique among Beings in seven worlds 382.
  — used lower vehicles of Jesus 381, 383.
  — worked upon earth previous to advent 404.
  — world Savior 389.
Christ, see also Christ Jesus, Jesus.
Christ Jesus acknowledged law of prophets 405.
  — age of that of humanity 501.
  — and bringing the sword 387.
  — and story of dead dog 44.
  — and Star of Bethlehem 389.
  — appeared as man among men 383.
  — atonement of, necessary 373.
  — atonement of, reconciled law of consequence 401.
  — changed water into wine 169.
  — cleansing blood of 400, 406-410.
  — compared to Buddha 17.
  — crucifixion of 406.
  — distinguished from Christ 378.
  — imposed secrecy for esoteric teaching 320.
  — pierced in six places 406.
  — real work after transfiguration 406.
  — taught law of rebirth 169.
  — taught love must supersede law 405.
  — taught of God within 352.
  — understands humanity's life 382.
  — vehicles of 377, 406.
  — violent death necessary 406.
  — wounds of, esoteric meaning 406.
  — wrought Philosopher's Stone 520.
Christ Jesus, see also Christ and Jesus.
Christian doctrines:
  — atonement 373, 400-411.
  — cleansing blood 406-411.
  — creation of 321-333.
  — fall of man 360-364.
  — forgiveness of sin 91, 111.
  — immaculate conception 379, 471.
  — salvation and damnation 229.
  — trinity of God 87, 253.
Christian Rosenkreuz, achieved union with Holy Spirit 433.
  — and Philosopher's Stone 519.
  — appeared in Europe 518.
  — birth of, marked new era 518.
  — founded order of Rosicrucians 518.
  — incarnate at time of Christ 379.
  — in continuous embodiment 379, 518.
  — initiate of high degree 379, 518.
  — inspired writers 518, 519.
  — labored with alchemists 518.
  — sent to combat materialism 518.
  — speaks all languages 433.
  — symbolical name 519.
Christian Rosenkreuz, see also Saint-Germain.
Christianity being implanted in U.S. 315.
  — culmination of previous religions 164.
  — earned by pioneers of west 315.
  — fundamentally unifying 384.
  — has reached third step 303.
  — ideals too high for masses 384.
  — looks for one to come again 386.
  — malpractice of 392.
  — purpose of 352, 373, 433, 435.
  — religion of future 367.
  — shadow of true Christ religion 360.
  — to cross to Asia 516.
  — to culminate on Pacific coast 516.
  — travels westward 516.
  — true esoteric 17, 164.
Christians have ever present Savior 408.
  — striving to love right 303.
Church and state, necessary separation of 386.
Circulation of blood, control of 399.
Clairvoyance, among Lemurians 281.
  — aspirant must control 476.
  — caused by pineal gland 473, 477, 479.
  — caused by sense centers 67.
  — contact with inner worlds 477.
  — destroyed by mixing blood 355.
  — developed by study of mathematics 203.
  — disbelief in 26.
  — four conditions destroyed 359.
  — inherent in all 19.
  — involuntary in animals 77.
  — involuntary in children 140, 241.
  — involuntary in mediums 140, 241.
  — must be sought unselfishly 476.
  — not universal knowledge 25.
  — of Hindus and Indians 241.
  — produced by intermarriage 354.
  — purity of desire for 476.
  — training for 19, 25, 41, 470-497.
  — undesirable development of 531-532.
  — use of 476.
  — value of information obtained by 20.
  — various versions result of 25.
  — vital body loosened in 241.
Clairvoyants trained, accept no money 68, 400, 476.
Clairvoyants, voluntary, control own body 242.
  — caused by sense centers 473-474.
  — differ in observation 26.
  — have no "off days" 474.
  — Lemurians were 281.
  — positive sense centers revolve clockwise 474.
  — to distinguish true 68, 400.
Clan, Scots cling to 353.
  — spirit of 351.
Clan, see also race spirits.
Cleansing Blood 400, 406-408.
  — bore Sun Spirit 407.
  — Christian doctrine of 406-411.
  — doctrine of, saves from despair 402.
  — necessity for 406.
Climate altered by man 125.
Clock of Destiny 163.
Coal degenerated plant forms 343, 504.
Cocoa undesirable food 452.
Cohesion manifestation of Supreme Being 375.
Coincidence defense of skeptic 113.
Color, changes with season 37.
  — deposited in all kingdoms by light ether 37.
  — in Second Heaven from sound 124.
  — produced by tone 123.
  — realm of 119.
  — relation of, to tone 123.
  — Seven Spirits before the Throne related to 253.
  — Trinity represented by 253.
Colors, in spectrum 253.
  — invisible 253.
  — of days and periods 413.
  — of seven rays 439.
  — three primary 253.
  — true thought pictures of, in Jupiter Period 418, 419.
Comenius and discovery of gas 250.
Compassionate Ones 118.
  — Elder Brothers are among 529.
Comte de St. Germain see Saint-Germain, and Christian Rosencreuz.
Concentration aid in building inner vehicle 486, 489.
  — compared to sleep 483.
  — conquers desire body 463.
  — deals thoroughly with things 494.
  — favorable time for 485.
  — must be cultivated 483, 487, 489.
Concentration (cont.) striking instance of 488.
  — suggested subjects for 487.
  — upon sense centers 484.
Conception, and mold of vital body 137.
  — depends upon presence of seed atom 137.
Concord discovered by open mind 7.
Concrete Thought, region of, see Thought Concrete.
Confidence favorable effects of 440.
Confucius religion of 515.
Conscience, battle of, with desires in thought process 89.
  — etched into desire body 109.
  — feeling extracted from life panorama 109.
  — fruitage of purgatorial experience 109, 120.
Conscious soul, extract of dense body 96.
  — grows by experience 424.
  — increases consciousness of divine spirit 96.
  — to be absorbed by divine spirit 425.
Consciousness, common, involuntary clairvoyance of 355.
  — enlarged by soul growth 96.
  — expanded by study of mathematics 203.
  — etheric sight, next step in 190.
  — evolved in different periods 201, 415-421.
  — fifth chapter of Genesis deals with 336, 354.
  — from Fall of man, results 362.
  — full waking, attained by man 189.
  — future expansion of 414, 417.
  — object of 417.
  — of animal 74, 83.
  — of body cells 81.
  — of different vehicles 74, 75.
  — of ego depends on bony structure 456.
  — of four kingdoms 70-86.
  — of God, by virgin spirits 216.
  — of man during Sun Period 213.
  — of man in Atlantis 300.
  — of man in Earth Period 418.
  — of man in Hyperborea 263.
  — of man in Jupiter Period 418.
  — of man in Lemuria 279.
  — of man in Moon Period 418.
  — of man in Polaria 261.
  — of man in Saturn Period 212.
  — of minerals 85.
  — of mollusks 456.
  — of patriarchs 355.
  — of plants 74, 85.
  — of self 216.
  — of virgin spirits 189.
  — of woman before Fall 361.
  — of world periods 417-421.
  — one common, for all in earlier periods 347-348.
  — produced by war of desire and vital bodies 456.
  — survives after death 149.
  — unbroken in life and death 496-497.
Consequence, law of, adjustments 157.
  — and eating of fruit by Eve 362.
  — and life panorama 130.
  — and vicarious atonement 373, 400, 402.
  — cause of heredity 156.
  — compatible with forgiveness of sin 373.
  — complexity of 136.
  — connected with planetary movements 160.
  — determined by present actions 163.
  — determines moment of birth 161.
  — disaster result of 507.
  — draws ego to rebirth 357.
  — each person responsible to 471.
  — every act seed ground 282, 507, 508.
  — explains life 154.
  — impersonal 106.
  — may not be evaded 157, 130, 161.
  — national debt of 290
  — produces purgatorial suffering 106.
  — reaches beyond physical cause 125.
  — related to planetary movements 160.
  — rules in all realms 106.
  — works with stars 161.
Consequence, see also Rebirth.
Consumption, see Tuberculosis.
Contemplation, aid in building inner vehicles 494.
  — deals with soul of things 494.
  — holding an object in inner vision 494.
  — teaches life side of object 494.
  — union of higher and lower natures accomplished by 465.
Continental region of World of Thought 49.
Contradictions, apparent 227.
Co-operation, a growing desire for 436-437.
Copernican theory, not altogether correct 514.
Coral, crystallized animal forms 504.
Corpuscles, white 455.
Correspondences, law of 415.
  — red 456.
Corti, fibers of 126.
Cosmic forces, milk puts man in touch with 447.
Cosmic lines, mystery orders formed on 521.
Cosmic night, around us 249.
  — basis for progress 249.
  — compared to death 196, 244.
  — contains germ of manifestation 252.
  — distinction ceases between form and life 247.
  — everything dissolved but nuclei during 247.
  — gives birth to new forms 249.
  — homogenous state 244, 247.
  — important in evolution 250.
  — life of, based on work of active manifestation 249.
  — necessary for stragglers 250.
  — period of activity 196, 207.
  — related to gas 251.
  — root substance 322, 325.
  — seed ground of cosmos 252.
  — significance of different names 247.
  — spirit of God 252.
  — takes place between revolutions and periods 207, 243, 250.
  — unifying in effect 250.
  — wedding with cosmos 252.
  — work of Hierarchies gain greatest efficiency in 207.
  — work of revolution most powerful in 207.
Cosmic planes of, solar systems 179, 182.
  — varying rates of vibration in the different 375-376.
Cosmic Root Substance crystallizes 186.
  — molded by Word 375.
  — negative pole of universal spirit 186.
Cosmic sound first uttered in Moon Period 219.
Cosmos merges into chaos 244.
Cosmogony, importance of 191.
Craters 507.
Creation, accomplished in Lemuria 364.
  — attained by evolution 189.
  — Christian doctrine 321-333.
  — described in Bible 321, 346.
  — groaning and travailing of 506.
  — lost word of 363.
  — of form 332, 344, 426-427.
  — of life 299, 344, 427.
  — of new bodies 361.
  — seven days of 327, 333, 411-425.
Creation stories, contradiction of 344.
Creative act gave physical consciousness 283, 537.
Creative Fiat 181, 375.
Creative Force, see Sex Force.
Creative Hierarchies, see Hierarchies.
Creative Word, manifestation of 425-429.
  — molds root substance 375.
  — of early peoples 278, 281, 295.
  — to be spoken by larynx 363, 425.
Creator, heaven experience aids man to become 28, 126, 338, 363.
  — nebular theory requires 323.
  — of universe, necessity for 129.
Cremation, premature 98.
  — rationality of 103.
Crimes against dying 101.
Critical point in evolution 229, 231, 235, 401.
Criticism and esoteric training 439-440.
  — should be constructive 493.
  — must be impersonal 493.
  — to be turned upon oneself 493.
Cross stripes of heart 396.
Cross symbolizes four kingdoms 86.
  — symbolizes man's development 534.
Crucifixion, of Savior 406-407.
Crystallization, and planetary evolution 263.
  — begins at pole of planet 263.
  — moon forces produce 265.
  — of spirit causes matter 72, 248.
Cunning developed by original Semites 299.
  — first form of reason 299.
  — produced by union of mind with desire body 298.
  — transmuted to reason 309.
Currents, flowing through moon beings 217.
Cycle of life 146.

- D -

Damnation, Christian doctrine of 229.
  — state of inertia 231.
Dark ages, spiritually bright 409.
  — volcanic eruptions during 510.
Dark Globes 208.
Days of creation 327-333, 411-425.
Days of week 411.
Dead, disposition of 103.
  — help the living 126.
  — work with man 126, 457.
Death, accompanied by loss of weight 99.
  — and purgatory 96-112.
  — beneficial 244.
  — by drowning 61, 102.
  — by freezing 61.
  — by suicide 104.
  — cost of free will 363.
  — habits unchanged by 103, 104.
  — in early epochs 167, 278.
  — knowledge concerning, desirable 27.
  — necessitated by crystallization 244.
  — of children 118.
  — of races 281.
  — oftener we die 249, 363.
  — on battlefield 118.
  — only certainty 27.
  — produced by rupture of silver cord 98.
  — releases chemical forces of body 61.
  — riddle of 19.
  — separation of vehicles 97.
  — sometimes unperceived by ego 121.
  — symbols of 96.
  — value of peaceful 101, 109.
Decay, chemical activity of matter 31.
  — of dense an vital bodies 102.
  — result or particles escaping 458.
Degeneration, from lack of epigenesis 344.
  — of form 289, 291, 341-343.
Deity, no avenging 106.
Denderah, zodiac of 512.
Dense atoms, surrounded by ether 58.
  — vibrated by vital body 61.
Dense body, abandoned at death 97.
  — acquired eyes in Atlantean Epoch 276.
  — affected by food 440-441, 445-457.
  — affect by mode of living 441.
  — and vital body not always congruent 293.
  — archetype built in Second Heaven 126.
  — atoms of, replaced every seven years 97, 149.
  — birth of 139-141.
  — built by ego 128.
  — chemical composition of 456.
  — chemical furnace 448.
  — Christ never to use again 381.
  — commits no sin 171.
  — congruent with vital body 293.
  — connection with vital body loosened 482.
  — control by ego 394.
  — counterpart of divine spirit 96.
  — desirability of retaining 444.
  — destroyed by higher vehicles 92.
  — disintegrates at death 511.
  — dulls suffering 105.
  — during sleep, ego outside of 482.
  — dwelling of God 171.
  — each step increases hardness 442.
  — ear first acquired by 206.
  — earliest composition of 261.
  — efficiency of, result of ego's building 128.
  — ego learns to build 126.
  — ego's correlative to physical world 57, 252.
  — ego's first vehicle 75.
  — ego's most valuable vehicle 76, 237.
  — evolution of 261.
  — finer part saved by divine spirit 124.
  — formed under influence of Moon 346.
  — future development of 262.
  — future shape of 256.
  — germ of, given 206.
  — higher vehicles concentric with 292.
  — increases in density 442.
  — in four kingdoms 56.
  — in fourth stage of evolution 75, 76.
  — in involution 255.
  — instrument of spiritual intelligence 156.
  — interlocked with vital body 62.
  — interpenetrated by higher vehicles 88.
  — interpenetrated by planetary aura 58.
  — keynote of 369.
  — law of survival 368.
  — never craves alcohol 105.
  — nourishment of 441-460.
  — of future no localized sense organs 262.
  — organization of, shows ego's development 128.
  — organs of, evolved by necessity 276.
  — ossification of 443, 453.
  — perfection of 76, 236.
  — prayer for 462.
  — premature loss of, in suicide 104.
  — propagation of, controlled by Jehovah 346.
  — proper activity gives soul growth 96.
  — quintessence of, in earth's strata 511.
  — reaches highest development in Earth Period 421-422.
  — reconstructed in Earth Period 236, 237.
  — reconstructed in Sun Period 211.
  — replacement of atoms 97.
  — requires will and imagination 284.
  — seed atom of, in heart 97.
  — sense centers of 211.
  — shape of, determined by vital body 60.
  — silver cord, one part sprouts from seed atom 10.
  — spiritualization of 124, 435.
  — temple of living God 171.
  — vehicle of life dwelling in 235.
  — will be absorbed by divine spirit 424.
  — wonderful mechanism of 76, 237.
Density, different worlds vary in 29.
Desert of Gobi 335.
Desire battles with conscience 89.
  — binds disembodied to earth 103.
  — detains ego in post-mortem progress 163.
  — exists as archetype 50.
  — incentive to action 464.
  — not altered after death 103.
Desire body, abandoned by ego in First Heaven 120.
  — absence of, denies emotion 64.
  — activities of, during waking hours 92.
  — apparent expansion of, after death 108.
  — archangels expert builders of 349.
  — archangels work in 243.
  — assumes body's shape after death 66.
  — birth of, marks puberty 142.
  — brain and nervous system highest expressions of 353.
  — can be conquered by concentration 463.
  — capable of separation 482.
  — centers of 483.
  — changes wrought by spirit 66.
  — checks excessive growth 142.
  — coalesces with mind in Atlantis 298.
  — conscience etched into 109.
  — constitution of 66.
  — controls generation of white corpuscles 455.
  — counterpart of emotional soul 96.
  — counterpart of human spirit 404.
  — craves alcohol 105.
  — currents of, forced through liver 69.
  — currents of, in cold-blooded animals 69.
  — currents of, in individualized spirit 68
  — destroys dense body 92.
  — difference in animals 65, 69, 77.
  — dissolves when seed atom is removed 120.
  — dissolves in First Heaven 120.
  — division into parts 235, 242, 394, 482.
  — division of, causes change of posture 236.
  — division of, checks passion 236.
  — effect of purgation upon 105, 108, 114.
  — ego gathers material for 134.
  — ego has great scope in molding 138.
  — eventually to contain other bodies 423.
  — evolved by milk 166.
  — extends beyond dense body 67.
  — field of operation of 353, 455.
  — finer part, the emotional soul 424, 482.
  — first work of aspirant to overcome 433.
  — functions of 66.
  — future organization of 68.
  — gained possession of spleen 455.
  — generated in Moon Period 215.
  — germ of, from Lords of Individuality 215.
  — growth of 66.
  — higher part forms animal soul 235, 394.
  — higher part "lower will" 394.
  — holds dense body in center 243.
  — importance of etching 109.
  — impressed by law 404.
  — impresses revenge on vital body 463.
  — in cold-blooded animals 69.
  — in future, interpenetrated by mind 243.
  — in second stage of evolution 75.
  — in different kingdoms 65, 235.
  — individual personality in higher part of 243.
  — induces development of languages 433.
  — links to mind 243.
  — liver central vortex of 10.
  — lowest vehicle of Christ 378.
  — lower part remains with dense body during sleep 482.
  — macrocosmic 140.
  — muscles and cerebro-spinal nervous system stronghold of 395, 455.
  — must be organized before vital body can divide 484.
  — must be conquered 381, 463.
  — of animals different from man 65.
  — of anthropoids 236.
  — of animals, not concentric 77.
  — of child dying before fourteenth year 117, 172.
  — of earth, evolutionary changes of 404.
  — of earth has feeling 65.
  — of earth permeates all form 65.
  — of mother 138.
  — of saint 66.
  — of suicide 104.
  — only separate feels emotion 64.
  — organized sometimes before vital body 484.
  — overcome by race religions 433.
  — ovoidal in shape 66.
  — panorama of 109.
  — partial withdrawal of 94.
  — perfected in Venus Period 422.
  — permanently leaves dense body at death 97.
  — perverted expression of ego 397.
  — prayer for 434-435, 463.
  — purgatorial experience through 109.
  — purified extract welded into human spirit 124.
  — purification of, aids in union of Holy Spirit 433.
  — race religions overcome by 433.
  — reconstructed 236, 242.
  — record etched upon 109.
  — reflection of human spirit 226.
  — rooted in liver 10, 68.
  — seed atom in greater vortex of liver 10.
  — seed atom of, persists 120.
  — seed atom repository of experience 114.
  — sense centers of 67, 243, 473, 474, 483, 484.
  — separate requires red blood 69.
  — shape of, after death 66.
  — shape of, during life 66.
  — silver cord, one sprouts from seed atom 10.
  — spiritualization of 463.
  — stamped by life record 109.
  — stronghold of 455.
  — tendency to harden 455.
  — to be absorbed 424.
  — to be organized 68.
  — transmuted into soul 424.
  — undivided requires group spirit 236, 243.
  — unorganized still 243, 481.
  — vital body must conquer 463.
  — war with vital body produces consciousness 455, 456.
  — withdrawn in sleep 404.
  — worked upon by Jehovah 404.
Desire stuff, currents of, in animals 69.
  — currents of, in man 68.
  — expert builders of, the archangels 349.
  — matter of desire world 39.
  — not finer physical matter 39.
  — pulsates through physical forms 64.
  — purification of 408.
Desire World, 38-40, 54, 104-121.
  — action of, attraction 42-48.
  — action of, interest 45.
  — activity of forces of 39.
  — all forms of, from emotion 39.
  — borderland of 112.
  — bridge to 479.
  — color in 40, 118, 119.
  — composed of life and color 40.
  — consists of material for embodying desire 38.
  — difficult to understand 41.
  — distance and time almost non-existent in 29.
  — effect of lie in 43.
  — elixir of life in 93.
  — evil self-destructive in 43.
  — existence of art, altruism, and philosophy in 47.
  — existence of feeling in 45.
  — existence of passion in 44.
  — extends beyond etheric region 53, 179.
  — first heaven 113.
  — force and matter 39.
  — forces of animal and man mingle 40.
  — forces of, cause incentive to action 39.
  — forms of levitate in 29.
  — furthers moral growth and evolution 39.
  — glimpsed by aspirant 489.
  — has four dimensions 203.
  — has neither heat nor cold 29.
  — hierarchies of, spiritual beings in 41.
  — impressionability, second region 44.
  — matter of, changing 41.
  — music in 119.
  — ocean of wisdom and harmony 93.
  — old and infirm pass through quickly 103.
  — one degree less dense than physical 39.
  — pictures of previous life roll backwards 108-114.
  — Purgatory three lower regions of 112.
  — purgative effect of 104-107.
  — puzzling changes of form in 480.
  — realm of color 119.
  — realm of feeling 42.
  — regions of 47.
  — repulsion, disintegrating force in 42.
  — time passes rapidly in 107.
  — training children in 118.
  — twin feelings in 42.
  — twin forces in 42.
  — vapor stratum of earth corresponds to 503-504.
  — vitalizes body 39.
Desires, chain disembodied to desire body 105.
Desires, highest, cause growth of Emotional Soul 96.
Destiny, clock of 163.
  — evasion of, impossible 161.
  — of man, to become creative 126.
  — recording angels, Lords of 161.
  — ripe 136, 163.
  — unavoidability of 161.
  — works in harmony with stars 161.
Destiny, Lords of, see Angels, recording. Development, future and Initiation 411-429.
  — of animals 69.
  — one-sided, not desirable 305.
Diagrams, (in this work) must be spiritually conceived 194.
Die, oftener we, better we live 249, 363.
Diet see Food, also Nutrition.
Diet, individual needs of 84.
  — fruit an ideal 448.
  — important in esoteric training 440-441.
  — milk as a factor 447.
Digestion, accomplished by chemical forces 35.
  — different gastric juices of 237-238.
  — effect of temper upon 456.
Dimensions of space 151-152.
Dimensions of space, seven 194.
  — the "fourth" 203.
Discipleship, application for 532.
Discrimination, aid in building inner vehicle 493.
  — distinguishing good most important 493.
  — faculty of, logical reasoning 493.
  — to be practiced by aspirant 493.
Disasters, great, show trend of evolution 310-311.
Disease, consumption, cause of 113.
  — lack of vitality in vital body 63.
  — paralysis, cause of 63.
Disease germs, eliminated by vital body 63.
Dispensation, old, limited Initiation 390-440.
Distillation of water 446.
Divine Rulers, explanation of 272-273.
Divine Spirit, awakened by Lords of Flame 207, 221, 225.
  — cared for by Lords of Wisdom 220.
  — counterpart of dense body 266.
  — first veil of spirit 216.
  — germ of, linked to that of life spirit
  — linked to human spirit 216.
  — man's highest spiritual principle 207.
  — seat of, root of nose 397.
  — stronghold at root of nose 397.
  — strongest influence in Vulcan Period 423.
  — to absorb lower aspect of ego 428.
  — world of, reflecting stratum of earth corresponds to 506.
Doctrines, Christian, see Christian Doctrines.
Dog, incident of 44, 46.
Dream pictures of animals 217.
Dreamless sleep consciousness 74, 85, 213, 415, 421.
Dreams, cause of 94.
  — based in reality 484, 526.
Drowning, action on vital body 61.
  — and life panorama 149.
Drug habit, inhibits memory of invisible helpers 524.
Druids, Initiates under Jesus 409.
Drunkard, keeps vice after death 105.
  — purgation of 105.
Dual creative force 324.
Duty, incentive of 46.
Dying, and bringing to birth 249.
  — crime against 101.
Dynasties, how founded 272.

- E -

Ear, accuracy of 206.
  — given in Saturn Period 206.
  — most highly developed sense organ 127, 206.
  — muscles of atrophying 473.
  — semi-circular canals of 126.
Earth, aura of, penetrated by Mars 268.
  — as affected by solidification and disintegration 505.
  — Blavatsky's theory of motion 512.
  — body of Great Spirit 506.
  — center of, corresponds to Absolute 507.
  — center of, ultimate seed ground 507.
  — changes of 49, 125.
  — Christ Jesus regent of 408.
  — Christ Spirit permeates 406.
  — cleansed by Christ 407.
  — climate of, altered by man 125.
  — command to replenish 332.
  — constitution of 498-514.
  — core of, gained by first Great Initiation 502.
  — created from "ever-existing essence" 322.
  — dead work upon 125.
  — density of coming epoch 311.
  — density of present epoch 410.
  — densest globe is 233.
  — desire body of, penetrated by Mars 268.
  — development of 165.
  — effect of harvest upon 505.
  — effect of sun and moon upon 265.
  — entered by Christ 403, 407.
  — evolution of 361, 404.
  — flooded with spiritual light at crucifixion 407.
  — flora and fauna of, worked upon by dead 125.
  — generated by heat and moisture 330.
  — group spirits ruled 351.
  — in fourth stage of consolidation 410.
  — investigation of, difficult 498.
  — iron of, released from Martian control 268.
  — keynote of 123.
  — knowledge of, from initiation 498, 502.
  — lesser regents of 182.
  — man inhabited, before Adam 332.
  — man's evolution, beginning of 263.
  — models of, in Region of Concrete Thought 125.
  — moon expelled from 264.
  — not "without form and void" in the beginning 327.
  — only partially confines Christ 408.
  — only planet of man's evolution 275.
  — rebirths of 190, 412.
  — regent of 408.
  — school of experience 132.
  — seismic disturbances of 125.
  — seismic phenomena of 498.
  — sensations in sixth stratum 506.
  — slow vibrations of, pain Christ Spirit 408.
  — soft in Polarian Epoch 166.
  — strata of 503-511.
  — surface of, reconstructed by man 125.
  — third movement of 512-513.
  — thrown off from sun 259, 263, 403.
  — vehicles diffused with Christ's 406.
  — vehicles have feeling 65, 210, 505.
  — volcanic eruptions 498-514.
  — will become more ethereal 199.
  — with present moon expelled from sun 259.
  — worked upon by Christ from within 407.
  — worked upon by Christ previous to advent 404.
Earth Period, account of 329-333.
  — acme of density 246.
  — acme of diversification 246.
  — and recapitulations 245, 329-333.
  — classes of beings at beginning of 234-236.
  — dense body reaches highest development in 421-422.
  — density of globes 233.
  — earth densest globe of 197, 199.
  — epochs of 261-307.
  — failures of, sent to moon 264.
  — four elements of 234.
  — influence of Mercury during 273-275.
  — involution becomes evolution in 267.
  — life streams in 246.
  — Lords of Form most active in 220, 240.
  — mental activity combined with form 426.
  — mind acquired in 222, 239, 426.
  — mind in mineral stage during 426.
  — mineral life started in 428.
  — most critical time for humanity 231, 401.
  — nadir of materiality 199, 401.
  — esoterically called Mars-Mercury 274, 411.
  — present, the fourth revolution 199, 209, 245.
  — races first evolved in 271.
  — revolution, (fourth) real work on earth period 209, 245.
  — spirit most helpless in 240.
  — vehicles of man reconstructed 236, 240, 242.
  — voluntary nervous system added in 239-240.
  — work of hierarchies in 220, 222, 240.
Earthquakes, changing theories of 498.
Earthquakes, spiritual cause of 125.
  — man responsible for 507.
Earthy matter, injurious in food 444.
  — needed by children 445.
  — present in water 444.
Efforts of individual 225.
Ego, active in blood 145, 396.
  — active in sleep 93-96.
  — all vehicles destroyed by materialism 231.
  — allowed limited choice of environment 136.
  — and epigenesis 135, 138.
  — and Mars action in blood 268.
  — assimilates past experience 96-139.
  — assumes upright position 236, 269.
  — attraction to parents heredity 156.
  — becomes indwelling 269.
  — benefit from post-mortem interval 250.
  — birth of, determined by expediency 161.
  — birth of, when spirit takes possession of its vehicles 143, 266.
  — bi-sexual 267.
  — blood the direct vehicle of 91, 143, 238, 350.
  — born ahead of schedule 161.
  — born at intervals 129.
  — born twice during precession of sign 160.
  — builds archetypes in Heaven 128.
  — claims of past lives upon 136.
  — consciousness developed by work of desire body 456.
  — connected with threefold body by link of mind 95.
  — controls dense body by means of blood 239, 350.
  — controlled by race spirit 350.
  — definition of 216.
  — demands birth to gain experience 129.
  — deprived of birth 469.
  — drawn to birth 357.
  — drives blood into brain 239.
  — effect of wine upon 168.
  — effected by change of temperature 144.
  — emancipation from Race Spirit 313, 352.
  — enters dense body 236, 269, 294.
  — enters mother's womb 138.
  — evolution depends on vehicles 289, 363.
  — evolving free will 357.
  — extracts quintessence of bodies 124.
  — for proper functioning normal blood 144.
  — functions in world of Abstract Thought 88.
  — gained illusion of separateness 216.
  — gaining control of heart 396.
  — gathers material for new bodies 138.
  — guide of body 156.
  — has reached into physical world 74.
  — has state of waking consciousness 75.
  — helped by international marriage 359.
  — highly individualized 71, 357.
  — in Atlantis, not indwelling 292, 294.
  — incarnates in alternate sex 160, 280.
  — individual spirit 352.
  — learns construction of body 126.
  — liberation from family spirit 351.
  — limited by descent into matter 81.
  — lower nature an illusory reflection of 398.
  — manner of collecting materials for bodies 135.
  — material of bodies previous to birth 134, 138.
  — must cleanse its vehicles 432.
  — must complete divine plan 423.
  — operates by heat of blood 350, 356.
  — outside of vehicles when enraged 144.
  — outside of bodies during sleep 482.
  — part played by parents 137.
  — positive pole of, manifests as life 248.
  — powerless to avoid destiny 136.
  — prayers to, prepare reception for threefold soul 435.
  — prepares for rebirth 133-139.
  — previous to birth has only seed atoms 133.
  — primordial state of 216.
  — real home second Heaven 124, 127.
  — refracted into three aspects 398.
  — relation of, to other vehicles 88, 95.
  — selection of gastric juices 237.
  — should control body 394.
  — three aspects of 95, 397.
  — threefold veil of spirit 216.
  — three points in head 397.
  — three requirements of 86.
  — unindividualized before Christ 351.
  — uses of blood 143.
  — vehicle of virgin spirit 88, 216.
  — vehicles of, interpenetrated after birth 139.
  — when first indwelling very weak 348.
  — wisdom of, working subconsciously 237.
  — work of, to achieve union with Higher Self 432.
  — work of, upon vehicles negligible 138.
  — works outward through seven orifices 522.
Ego, see also Divine Spirit, human spirit, life spirit.
Egos, incoming, failure to provide suitable vehicles for 467-469.
Eighth Sphere, the Moon 264.
Elder Brothers, among the Compassionate Ones 529.
  — and books not written directly by 270.
  — combat materialism 113, 409, 529.
  — concerned for safety of Western World 113, 529.
  — educate few to receive teachings 510.
  — guard secrets of creation of life 299.
  — guide humanity 327.
  — mediators between man and gods 304, 327.
  — sent Mesmer 512.
  — work for humanity 409, 510, 529.
Elder Brothers, see also Rosicrucian Brotherhood.
Electricity movement in ether 34.
Elements in Earth Period 234, 410.
  — In Jupiter Period 234.
  — In Moon Period 234.
  — In Saturn Period 234.
  — In Sun Period 234.
Elijah and John the Baptist 169, 405.
Elixir of life, Desire World 93.
  — second heaven 124.
Elohim, co-workers with God 325.
  — creative hierarchies 325.
  — double-sexed 325.
  — evolved man's body 326.
  — rest during our age 333.
  — saw work was good 326.
Elohim, see also Hierarchies, creative.
Emancipation, key to 137.
Embryo, human, first state of 441.
  — and gill-like breathing organs 346.
  — recapitulates past stages of evolution 228, 255.
Embryology, science of, corroborates esoteric teaching 343-344.
Embodiments, repeated, necessity for 132-133.
Emotional Soul, finest extract of desire body 424, 482.
  — grows by feeling 424.
  — to be absorbed by human spirit 425, 429.
Emotions improve vehicles 441.
Enemies, in same family 157.
Energy, twofold 321, 324, 325.
  — for building vehicles 189-190.
  — of ego turned inwards, for cognition of self 216.
Energy, see also Forces.
Environment, choice of 136.
Epigenesis, force of genius 185, 252.
  — degeneration from lack of 344.
  — free will 135.
  — improvement over parents 138.
  — influx of, causes 135.
  — involution and evolution 336-344.
  — lever turning involution to evolution 366.
  — modifies causation 135.
  — original creation 128, 135, 185, 338.
  — prenatal building 128, 138.
  — proved by science 338.
Epigenesis, see also Genius.
Epochs, described in Bible 327.
  — figurative days of creation 327.
  — five to present 165.
  — germinal mind given in fourth 245.
  — seven in human life wave 271.
Equinoxes, precession of, governs rebirth 159.
  — Esoteric Christians, ideal of 303.
  — Esoteric information, real, never sold 485.
Esoteric discovery of earth's third motion 512.
  — exercises, warning concentration 399-400.
  — key to Bible 319.
  — knowledge, acquirement of, without proper motive dangerous 22.
Esoteric schools, correlated to seven rays 438.
  — rites of initiation vary in 502.
  — seven orders of 438.
  — six steps of "Preparation" in 502.
  — teachings of, not definite about periods preceding and following Earth Period 503.
Esoteric science, first law of 460.
  — seven secrets of 506.
  — teaching of, respecting sex function 471.
Esoteric scientist, does not merely "believe" 147.
  — finds answer to heart anomaly in memory of nature 396.
  — food of 505.
  — investigates earth 498.
  — sees one life in all 495.
  — uses concentration as prayer 463.
Esoteric student learns by observation 131, 132.
Esoteric, and science 99.
  — valuable books of, reconciled 270, 274-275.
Esoteric, sees twelve colors in spectrum 253.
  — test of true 400.
  — unused sex currents of 475, 478.
Esoteric training, of vital body 381.
  — diet and hygiene in 440-441.
  — effective when doubt is stilled 439-440.
  — teaches neophyte to distinguish life from form in desire world 480.
  — teaches neophyte to function consciously in inner worlds 480.
Essenes, cared for Jesus' body 382.
  — educated Jesus 379.
  — Jewish sect 379.
Ether, density of, in Southern California 532.
  — forms an envelope for dense atoms 58.
  — four states of 16, 30, 58.
  — permeability of 34.
  — physical matter 30, 34.
  — transmitter of electric vibrations 34.
Ether, planetary, interpenetrates physical atoms 58.
  — imparts vitality to dense forms 30.
Etheric body see Vital Body.
Etheric region, extends beyond earth 53, 179.
  — fluidic stratum of, earth corresponds to 503.
  — physical but invisible 34.
  — reflection of world of life spirit 51, 397.
  — unexplored by material science 34.
  — unrolling of life panorama in 102.
  — vital body of a planet 59.
Ethers, four in man 59.
  — supply vital forces 35, 39.
Ethers four, see also Chemical ether, Life ether, Light ether, and Reflecting ether.
Evening Exercises 697.
Ever-existing essence 322.
Everlasting salvation or damnation 151, 229.
Evil, destruction of 43.
  — first among Lemurians 280.
  — obliterated by good 111.
  — tending towards good 42.
  — transmuted to good 282.
Evolution, and birth and death 401.
  — and caduceus 412.
  — and end of races 289, 291, 341.
  — and fall of man 190, 363.
  — Ariadne's thread 201.
  — comprehension of, elevates mind 202.
  — deals with qualified and unqualified 224.
  — depends on soul growth 425.
  — end of, gaining experience 158.
  — end of human, is godhood 185.
  — epigenesis, backbone of 135.
  — exactness of 166.
  — four stages of 416.
  — hastened by Christ's advent 407-408.
  — history of spirit's progression in time 151.
  — impulse of, toward perfection 401.
  — Initiation hastens 526-527.
  — involution and epigenesis 336-344.
  — man's began after expulsion from Mars 263.
  — method of man's 87-146.
  — never repeats 135, 227.
  — now most critical 231, 401.
  — of earth 261-307.
  — of life waves 184.
  — of lower organisms 416.
  — of man and planet 404.
  — of man only on earth 275.
  — of scientist, form side only 185, 342.
  — path of 151, 194-200, 227.
  — period following involution 185, 201.
  — period of gaining omniscience 185.
  — power developed by 415.
  — prevents degeneration 344.
  — progress or retrogression 341.
  — purpose of 201, 282, 338.
  — rendered original 185.
  — revolutions and cosmic nights 195-200.
  — scheme of 183-192, 245.
  — seven stages of 188-192, 411.
  — speed and adaptability 223.
  — stage of, in man's bodies 77.
  — stage indicated by perfection of skeleton 456.
  — steps of, passed by embryo 344.
  — well ordered gradual process 184, 226, 267.
  — wine a factor in 165-172.
Evolutions of future 200.
  — adjustment of visual focus in evolution 81.
  — apparent contradiction of Christ's words and woman cleaning house 387-388.
  — astronomer and refractory telescope 394, 399.
  — astronomer's experiment and need of God 323.
   — blind man denies light 24.
  — body in childhood and old age 44, 445.
  — Boston physician weighs vital body 99.
  — chaos and body decay 208.
  — Christ and dog's carcass 44.
  — concretion of man's bodies and snail's shell 73.
  — control of church by state 386-387.
  — demolition of buildings and Universal Brotherhood 355.
  — desire body likened to part of egg 67, 243.
  — divine and human principles like color 253.
  — dulling of consciousness like donning gloves 80.
  — experiments in living and inventor's machine 33.
  — experiments of science with gastric juices 237-238.
  — group spirit and manipulation of unseen fingers 78.
  — hate succumbing to love 419.
  — hatching of egg and crystallization of spirit 248.
  — heredity and carpenter's building 138.
  — ice crystals and etheric matrix 137.
  — lines of force and interpenetrating worlds 27.
  — man with spiritual sight and babe learning to see 41.
  — mature destiny and paying debts 161.
  — necessity for creator as for typesetter 129.
  — esoteric and modern science, a comparison 499.
  — of density, aluminum and mercury 233.
  — of plantlike animals 234-235.
  — pain, a hot stove 131.
  — past life remembered by a child 172-174.
  — personality reflection of ego as water image 266.
  — plate, powder, and violin bow produce geometrical figures 369.
  — power of concentration of Indian fakirs 488.
  — rapid vibrations of sun and early maturity in tropics 265.
  — reality of the higher worlds and architect's plan, etc. 28.
  — religion of the Father and facets of diamond 436.
  — rhythmic vibration and walls of Jericho 122.
  — rich grain of experience in life of cur 431, 432.
  — rudimentary sight organs of Lemurian and animals born with eyes closed 276.
  — scientist's experiment and God as first cause 323.
  — seed atoms and magnetic attraction 133.
  — seven esoteric schools and spectrum 439.
  — snail illustrates relation of force and matter 121.
  — spirit buried in matter as seed in soil 87.
  — spirit working in matter and power-drill 244.
  — spiritual cause knocks man down 125.
sponge, sand, and water and interpenetrating worlds 53.
  — story of young man seeking wisdom 21.
  — sympathy for sick dog, shows operating laws 46.
  — telegraph and operation of vital fluids 63.
  — tools of artisan and vehicles of ego 430.
  — tuning forks and power of sound vibrations 369.
  — unconscious body building and intra-uterine development 261.
  — vicarious atonement and drowning man refusing help 402.
  — world soul and cross 86.
  — young cling to life as seed to unripe fruit 103.
Excretion by chemical ether 35.
  — adoration 495-497.
  — concentration 486-489.
  — contemplation 494.
  — discrimination 493.
  — meditation 489-492.
  — observation 492.
  — retrospection 111.
Experiment, necessity for 33, 426.
Experience, acquisition of 158, 432.
  — and development of will 131.
  — conscious soul grows by 424.
  — dependent on forces of Desire World 39.
  — hard, value of 392, 431.
  — knowledge of, effects which follow causes 131.
  — without memory useless 424.
  — works on vital body 434.
Eye, built by light ether 36, 276.
  — evolved in Atlantis 276.
  — for an eye 384.
Eye, third, the pineal gland 262.
  — window of the soul 173.
Eyes were opened 190, 283, 337, 361-362, 465.
  — city life hard on 492.

- F -

Faculties brought over from past 132.
  — lost by admixture of strange blood 357-358.
  — of esoteric scientist 34.
Failure, ceasing to try 408.
Failures, stragglers differentiated from 264.
  — have opportunities in later scheme 501.
Faith, advantages of, in medicine 63.
Faith, childlike, advantage of 5.
Fall of man, doctrine of 360-364.
  — a temporary state 282.
  — gave consciousness of death and pain 362.
Family, integrity of, fostered by spirit of 353.
Family names, much honored 351.
Family spirit, lives in hemoglobin of blood 354.
Family spirits liberation from 351.
Fate, ripe, cannot be avoided 136, 163.
Father differs from other two of Trinity 179.
  — highest Initiate of Saturn Period 376, 377.
Father, religion of, for future 435.
  — not of earth 435.
  — to eliminate separateness 435.
  — to spiritualize dense body 435.
Fauna, changes in archetype of 49.
  — worked upon by man 125.
Fear of God, origin of 310, 371, 395.
Feeling, action in Desire World 46.
  — archetype of, exists in aerial region 50.
  — aroused by torture 279.
  — creates interest or indifference 45.
  — deepened by purgatorial suffering 109.
  — distinct from motor response 32.
  — earth has 505-506.
  — evolved by Rmoahals 294.
  — emotional soul grows by 424.
  — expression of self-consciousness 32
  — importance of 109.
  — is "still small voice" 109.
  — mathematics liberates from 203.
  — sensory, localized in pineal gland 262.
  — separate desire body for true expression of 57.
  — region of 45-47.
Fertilization depends on seed atom 137, 461.
  — prevented by group spirit 137, 461.
Fiery nebula is spirit 249.
Fifth Epoch 304-306.
  — chosen people of 311-315.
  — fire first used in 304.
  — food of man modified in 168.
  — highest Initiate of, to appear 304.
  — human spirit unfolded in 165.
  — nucleus for last race to be formed in 305.
  — people of, made blind to higher worlds 169.
  — pioneers of humanity in, initiated in 304.
  — present Epoch 165.
  — seventh day of creation 333.
  — thought and reason developed by man in 298, 309.
  — two classes in 304.
  — wine given to man in 168.
  — work of man begins in 333.
  — descendants of Original Semites 304.
  — names of 305.
  — pioneers of human life wave 342.
  — seven 307.
  — two more to come 311.
Fire, divine origin of 304.
First Heaven, see Heaven, first.
Fission, reproductive method in Polaria and Hyperborea 262-263.
Five dark globes 208.
Flame, Lords of, see Lords of Flame.
Flesh-eater, must replenish body cells more often than fruitarian 459.
Flesh food see also Food.
Flood, destroyed Atlantis 304.
Flora, changes in archetypes of 49.
  — worked upon by man 125.
Flowers, suitable subject of concentration 487.
  — plucking of, gives pleasure to Earth Spirit 65, 505.
Fluid, solar 10, 62.
Fetus, human, bi-sexual at first 347.
  — formation of 441, 442.
Food as factor in involution 166.
  — assimilation of 457-460.
  — chemical, of future 458, 454.
  — chocolate, importance of 452.
  — cocoa, undesirable 452.
  — earthy matter in 444.
  — flesh food, inferior nutritive value of 458, 459.
  — importance of sugar 447.
  — individual needs of 84, 448.
  — influence upon various epochs 165-168.
  — life in every particle 457.
  — nutritive value of 450, 451.
  — of future made in laboratories 458.
  — phosphorous valuable as 452.
  — plant, seed, and eggs 461.
  — pure, envelopes vital and desire bodies with purer substance 440-441.
  — table of food values 450.
  — wine as 168.
Food, see also Nutrition.
Force, chemical, moves matter 121.
  — dual creative 324.
  — related to matter 120.
  — uncrystallized spirit 120, 127.
  — within, altruistic 386.
  — within, genius 185.
Force, vital, see Vital force.
Forces, archetypal, work on matter 49, 51.
  — negative in children and mediums 140-141.
  — of attraction and repulsion 42-47.
  — of nature great intelligences 49.
  — only two active in formation of universe 324.
  — positive, manipulate individual vehicles 141.
  — transference of, on period globes 198.
Forgiveness of sin compatible with law 373.
  — doctrine of 91, 111, 373.
  — eradicates memory of sin 91.
  — obtained by prayer 463.
  — shortens purgatory 111.
  — through retrospection 111.
Form, archetypes of 123.
  — basic substance of 30.
  — built by Jehovah 334, 348.
  — built by tone 123.
  — built for purpose 235, 255.
  — crystallized thought 72.
  — crystallizes around negative pole of spirit 186.
  — crystallizes when life goes 504.
  — death and decay of 19, 31.
  — destroyed by strange blood 357.
  — devoid of feeling 31.
  — evolution of 31, 289, 337, 341, 343, 416.
  — expression of one life 31.
  — first chapter of Genesis deals with 336.
  — forces of, stored in earth's strata 511.
  — independent of life 31.
  — man's creations confined to 426-427.
  — man's future 255.
  — merges into life in chaos 247.
  — multiplicity of 31, 511.
  — mutability of, in Desire World 40.
  — negative pole of spirit 186, 247.
  — origin of 504.
  — perpetually dissolves into space 249.
  — physical, composed of chemical material 48.
  — physical degeneration of, due to stragglers 289, 342.
  — physical, endowed with life by etheric forces 48.
  — physical, fashioned by archetype 49, 50.
  — related to life and consciousness 223, 416.
  — transformed into force 511.
Form, Lords of, see Lords of Form.
Formula, separate ethers 482.
Fossils, stragglers from vegetables 343.
Fourfold, steps to God 302-303.
Four Kingdoms 16, 56, 86.
  — assimilation in 458.
  — consciousness of 458.
  — degeneration from 342.
  — desire body in 65, 235.
  — forms of 31.
  — made of chemical matter 31, 298.
  — man compared with 56.
  — progress in 226.
  — remain confined to own life waves 342.
  — symbolized by cross 85.
  — vital body in 58.
Freedom, industrial, yet to be gained 436.
Free will, bought with pain and death 288, 363.
  — consists in making new causes 135.
  — develops with evolution 83.
  — given in all acts 110, 130, 163.
  — given to original Semites 303.
Fruit, forbidden, symbol of generative act 362.
  — nutritive value of 446, 448, 452, 458-460.
Fruit trees, pioneers of Moon Period 342.
Fungi, and Moon Period plants 227.

- G -

Gas, mineral composition of 166.
  — original meaning of term 250.
Gastric juices, operation of 237.
  — selected by ego 237.
  — various kinds of 237.
Geology, deals only with first stratum of earth 503.
Generation, present mode of, to be superseded 538.
Genesis, Book of, and nebular theory 322.
  — esoteric significance of 317-364.
  — two creation stories 336, 344.
Genesis, Book of, see also Bible.
Genius, appears in all kingdoms 252.
  — born ahead of schedule 161.
  — cause of epigenesis 185, 252.
  — developed by hard work 155.
  — evidence of rebirth 155.
  — fashions vehicles pre-natally 138.
  — force within 185.
  — hall mark of advanced soul 155.
  — in future common possession of all 155.
  — manifests as epigenesis 185.
  — reconciled to heredity 155, 161.
Genius, see also Epigenesis.
Germain, Saint, see Saint-Germain.
Germs, expelled by vital body 63.
Giant fern-forests of Lemuria 275.
Giants, traditions of 142.
Giants, in days of Lemuria and Atlantis 275, 292.
Gills, man once possessed organs similar to 346.
Gimle, regenerated earth of Norse mythology 383.
Ginnungagap, the Norse Chaos 247.
Giving, the ethics of 114.
Glands, acquired by man in Sun Period 211.
  — ductless (endocrine), little known concerning 473.
  — expression of vital body 395, 455.
Globes, five dark 208, 528.
  — and corresponding periods 245.
  — densest is chaos 528.
  — Earth, densest of 233.
  — passage of life wave through 196-200, 245.
  — we inhabit during cosmic nights 528.
Globes, seven, evolution and involution in 195.
  — dissolution of 200.
  — evolutionary impulses travel through 195-200.
  — fields of evolution 264.
  — interpenetration of 195.
  — passage of life wave through 196-200.
Gobi Desert 301, 310.
God, aggregate of hierarchies 183, 253, 325.
  — and creation of solar system 187.
  — architect of solar system 177, 180.
  — ascription of numbers to 253.
  — collectively the planetary spirits 253.
  — co-workers of 325.
  — differentiated from Trinity 179.
  — distinguished from Supreme Being 179.
  — dual in manifestation 325.
  — dwells in highest world 182.
  — Elder Brother mediators of 327.
  — expression of Absolute Spirit 186.
  — in whom we live 87, 179.
  — logically necessary 129, 323.
  — love of, to awaken altruism 371.
  — man exists in 179.
  — merges into Absolute 200.
  — mysteries of, open to man 154.
  — only object of man's worship 302.
  — powers of, in man 430.
  — relation of, to man 177-182.
  — sun visible symbol of 181.
  — symbolized by nature 129.
  — temple of, within man 171.
  — those born of 538.
  — three attributes of 323.
  — tribal, work of 372.
  — various stages in worship 302, 371.
  — within man as ego 171.
  — word of 374.
God, see also Father, Son, Jehovah.
God, World of, ninth stratum of earth corresponds to 507.
Gods, we are 171.
Golgotha, mystery of 374, 400-406.
Good, spirit's assimilation of 47, 95, 123.
  — in everything, our aim to seek 493.
Good and Evil, comprehension of, necessary 282.
  — distinguished by man 287, 465.
  — in Jupiter Period 418.
  — Lemurian's conception of 280.
Governments, inevitable changes of 437.
Grail Cup 409.
  — search for 114, 115.
Grail Knight Initiates helped by Jesus 409.
Grape juice, wonderful solvent 448.
Gratitude, important factor in soul growth 114.
Great silence 122.
Grief, effect of 109.
Group Spirit, one common, before Jehovah 351.
Group Spirits, archangels are 349.
  — cause reproduction 357.
  — cause similarity of appearance 71.
  — contrasted with ego 74, 78, 82, 350.
  — control rebirth of animals 357.
  — crystallize bodies from themselves 72.
  — currents of encircle Earth 86.
  — denizens of Desire World 74, 78, 82, 350.
  — direct desire currents inward 69.
  — ego must free itself from 82.
  — evolutionary progress of 82.
  — influence their charges from without 72.
  — ingenuity of 78.
  — instinct from 78.
  — lowest vehicle in Desire World 74.
  — of animals 81-85, 158, 350.
  — of trees 494-495.
  — oppose marriage into other species 356.
  — promptings of 78.
  — similar to Jehovistic rule 349.
  — suffer when charges suffer 78.
  — unwilling to relinquish hold on blood 356.
  — vehicles of aggregation of virgin spirits 82.
  — work through blood 350.
Group Spirits, of plants, currents of flow from earth's center 85.
lowest vehicle in region of Concrete Thought 74.
Group Spirits of minerals, lowest vehicle in Region of Abstract Thought 74.
Growth, spiritual 431.
Guardian angels 352.
Gypsies, clairvoyance of 354.

- H -

Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich, correct theories of 339.
  — evolutionary theory of 343.
Haemolysis, spiritual effects of 353.
  — produced by international marriage 358.
  — result of in lower animals 355, 357.
Hand of God, Law of Consequence 507.
Hands, of musician 126.
  — value of 57, 80.
Half-steps, transitional states 227, 234.
Happiness, and sheltered environment 431.
Head of animals not concentric 77.
Healing, faith a factor in 63.
Health, action of vital body in 63.
  — milk as a factor 447.
  — not to be judged always by appearance 449.
Heart and mind, contention of 17, 393.
  — all blood in every cycle passes through 397-398.
  — anomaly of 393-400.
  — becoming voluntary muscle 399, 473.
  — cross-stripes of 396, 399-400.
  — education of 393, 530.
  — home of altruistic love 398.
  — impulses of 398.
  — involuntary muscle in ordinary person 396.
  — muscles of 396.
  — perfect construction of 77.
  — secondary vantage of life spirit 397.
  — seed atom of dense body in 97, 396, 398.
  — sex currents flow through 477.
  — silver cord fastened to 98.
  — stopping, caused by rupture of seed atom 98.
  — the thought that a man thinks in his 398.
  — union with mind 18.
Heathen, conversion of 163.
Heaven, consciousness of, lost 359.
  — eternal, would have no "raison d'etre" 133.
Heaven, first, earned by good action 114, 116.
  — in higher Desire World 118.
  — music of 119.
  — place of unalloyed joy 116.
  — training school 118.
  — waiting place for children 117.
  — world of color 119.
Heaven, new, to be realized 311.
  — activities of 121-129.
  — assimilation of soul power in 123.
  — desire body discarded on entering 122.
  — good of past life assimilated in 116, 124.
  — Great Silence upon entering 122.
  — in Region of Concrete Thought 22.
  — man alters earth in 125.
  — man learns to build new body 126, 340.
  — preparing new earthly environment in 124-128.
  — real home of thinker 124.
Heaven, Second, realm of tone 119, 123.
Heaven, Third, ego enters without mind sheath 129.
  — ego enters without mind sheath 129.
  — harmony of 129.
  — highest division of tone world 119.
  — in Region of Abstract Thought 146.
  — panorama of coming life seen in 129.
  — thought and feeling built into ego in 146.
Hebrew alphabet, significance of 500.
  — language, old style 318.
  — words and vowel points 321.
Help given to man by leaders 433, 437.
Helpers of humanity, the self-sufficient 358.
Helps, three, given to man 433, 437.
Herculaneum and Pompeii, destruction of 510.
Heredity Succession, in Atlantis 295-296.
Heredity the effect, consequence the cause 157.
  — hard to counteract 138.
  — unable to account for genius 155.
  — usually law of attraction 156.
Hermaphrodite of Lemuria 268.
Hermes, see Mercury.
Hermetic axiom 183, 410, 412, 523.
Hidden meaning in Christ's teachings 320.
Hierarchies, creative, aid man during Saturn Period 206.
  — aid man in heaven 126.
  — composed group spirit of humanity 351.
  — composite being 325.
  — co-workers with God 325.
  — Elohim of the Bible 325.
  — five have withdrawn 220, 522.
  — have left humanity to care of Elder Brothers 327.
  — have withdrawn from creation 327.
  — included in God's own being 183.
  — man contacts during involution 526.
  — most active between revolutions and periods 207.
  — of various cosmic planes 182.
  — seven still active 522.
  — status of 325.
  — symbolized by Rose Cross 522.
  — two nameless 220-221, 326.
  — twelve 221.
  — work of 326.
Hierarchies, see also Elohim, and diagram 9.
Hierophants, aim to teach man self-mastery 273.
  — initiate at holy night 391.
  — initiated the chosen few 390, 404, 481.
  — in past chose families 404.
  — of lesser mysteries, Elder Brothers are 520.
Higher life, worldly obligations to be met before seeking 469, 470-471.
Higher self, union with 432, 437.
Higher Vehicles, see Vehicles Higher.
  — must shine to attract teacher 525.
Hindu exercises 437.
Holy Night, night of Initiation 390.
Holy of Holies 293.
Holy Spirit, see Jehovah.
Homesickness from race spirit 351.
Honeymoon relic of Moon Period 219.
Hope being destroyed 517.
Horoscope, accidents foreshown by 162.
Horse, projection of bodies of 77.
Human spirit, awakened by Seraphim 215.
  — in charge of Lords of Form 220.
  — in pineal gland and brain and cerebro-spinal nervous system 397.
  — linked to divine spirit 216.
  — linked to life spirit 215.
  — most prominent in Jupiter Period 423.
  — reflected in desire body 206.
  — third aspect of spirit 215.
  — to be absorbed by divine spirit 428.
  — vivified by Lords of Form 265.
Humanity, acquired free will 288, 363.
  — acquired language 278.
  — aided by Venus and Mercury 271.
  — becoming expert body builders in chemical matter 222.
  — bodies of, slowly purified 437.
  — conduct of reflected in earth strata 506.
  — creative Hierarchies 423.
  — desire bodies of, purer since crucifixion 408.
  — development of, and Initiation 416.
  — divisible into seven rays 439.
  — division of desire body 394.
  — Elder Brothers have worked in secret for 529.
  — enlightened by Lucifers 287.
  — escape from disasters 113.
  — first aided by reflected solar forces 403.
  — four great steps of 302.
  — given freedom under different race religions 383.
  — in great need of invisible helpers 496.
  — in past governed by group spirit 351.
  — in past ignored opportunities 167.
  — institute prayer 434.
  — leaders of, creative hierarchies 271, 325.
  — learns to appreciate unselfish life 392.
  — must know good and evil through experience 383.
  — never lived on Mercury or Venus 275.
  — nine the number of 500.
  — past unconsciousness of 185.
  — progress through Periods 189-191.
  — segregated into races 306, 352, 401.
  — separate personality implanted in 243.
  — seventh creative hierarchy 326, 327.
  — sixteen paths to destruction 306, 401.
  — steps of 202.
  — still enslaved by race spirit 384.
  — three steps of 432.
  — three helps given 433.
  — to form spiritual fellowship 305, 312.
  — unconsciously directed 436.
  — will be saved as a whole 501.
  — works with mineral life wave 427-428.
Humanity, see also Man, Races.
Hybrid, sterility of 357.
Hygiene, effect on vital and desire bodies 440-441.
Hyperborean Epoch, land of fire and crust islands 262, 331.
  — Lords of Form (with Angels) clothe man with vital body in 262, 263.
  — man sustained by solar forces 269.
Hyperborean Epoch (Second Epoch) 165.
Hyperborea, Cain symbolizes man of 166.
  — described by Genesis 330.
  — ethereal plant forms solidified by heat 331.
  — land of fire and crust islands 331.
  — man given vital body 165.
  — man of, agriculturalist 166.
  — man of, functioned in vital body 166.
  — man of, had dreamless sleep consciousness 263.
  — man of, hermaphrodite 268.
  — man plant-like in 165, 263.
  — one language in 433.
  — planets thrown off from Sun during 263.
  — propagation during 263.
Hynotism, injurious effect on vital body 62.
  — formerly "mesmerism" 512.

- I -

"I Am" (the Ego) was before bodies 352.
Ibbetson, Peter, story of, and dreaming true 526.
Ice crystals, formation 27.
Ideals, higher, result of allying mind to higher self 465.
Ideals in concentration 486.
Ideals, low, caused by mind, united to desire nature 465.
Ideas become thought forms 49.
  — future evolution of 417-418.
Illusion of separateness 217, 401.
Imagination, builds new body within womb 284.
  — cultivation of true 488.
  — cultivation of, in Lemuria 281.
  — female power from Moon force 267.
  — force first manifests as 324.
  — importance of 425.
  — in future to direct creation 425.
  — process of image making 353.
  — requires concentration 486.
Imbecile wastes sex force that builds brain 467.
Immaculate conception 278, 378.
Immortality of body 363.
Impressionability, region of 44.
Inbreathing 350.
Inbreeding and pictures in blood 353-354, 397.
  — involuntary clairvoyance retained by 471.
Incarnation, object of 158.
India, people of 167.
  — caste system crumbling in 436.
  — division of life, certain tribes of 470.
  — fakirs of, and growing plant illusion 488.
Indifference and interest 45.
  — obscures truth 203.
  — withering power of 46, 90.
Individual, birth of 266-67.
  — expresses through iron in blood 268, 274.
Individualism, evils of, apparent as civilization advances 393.
  — help needed by all during stage of 401.
Individuality of children 143.
  — of man and animals compared 71.
  — taught by Christ 352.
Individuality, Lords of, see Lords of Individuality.
  — separate, acquired by Semites 355.
  — without separateness 435-436.
Indwelling spirit at root of nose 293, 478.
Indwelling spirit, see also Ego.
Inertia is damnation 229.
Initiate builds own body 128, 138.
  — does not save himself 476.
  — gains knowledge of Earth Period 502, 526.
  — makes Philosopher's Stone 519.
  — of Fifth Epoch 304.
  — of Venus Period 502.
  — sees earth strata 499.
  — Thorah written for 321.
  — vows of 414, 467, 476.
Initiates, Goethe 145.
  — have taken place of messengers of Gods 272, 304.
  — of Fifth Epoch 304.
  — of middle ages 409.
  — of three previous Periods 376.
  — test of all real 68, 400.
Initiation and bridge to inner worlds 479.
  — and Christ Star 391.
  — and future development 411-429.
  — and seven days of creation 411.
  — before Christ for chosen few only 390, 404-405, 407.
  — by Lords of Mercury 271-275.
  — cannot be accomplished until work on vital body is begun 404.
  — consciousness obtained by 417-421.
  — culmination of prolonged spiritual endeavor 525.
  — desire body awakened by 405.
  — effect of, upon vital body 381, 404, 482.
  — expansion of consciousness through 417-420.
  — first great 502.
  — higher life or 404.
  — Holy Night 391.
  — Jesus' body attuned by 381.
  — knowledge of various degrees 526.
  — lesser, given by Lemurians 413.
  — mystic term of 169.
  — not given prior to Mars half of Earth Period 413.
  — object of 381.
  — of Atlantean kings 297.
  — of Rose Cross 519.
  — opened to all 401, 405, 482.
  — path of 412, 414.
  — preparation for, aided by mathematics 203.
  — probation necessary preliminary to 478, 479.
  — puts candidates in touch with creative Hierarchies 526.
  — separates ethers 482.
  — strict celibacy not required in 472, 539.
  — symbol of 519.
  — teaches man to leave body 274.
  — ultimate achievement of all 414.
Vulcan 502.
Initiations, earlier 381.
  — four Great 416, 502.
  — give initiate access to earth strata 500.
  — neophyte reviews consciously past evolutionary stages in 500.
  — nine lesser 416, 500, 516.
  — of Fifth Epoch 304.
  — results of 414.
  — symbolizes Christ and apostles 502.
  — thirteen 414, 416, 501, 502.
Initiator helps candidate free vital body from dense body 241.
  — shows candidate how to awaken conserved forces 525.
Inner perception in Atlantis 293.
Innocence distinguished from virtue 282.
Instinct compared to wisdom of man 79, 80.
  — in Atlantis, educators appeal to 296.
  — promptings of group spirit 78.
Intellect, unselfishly used 363.
  — demands knowledge of world mystery 439.
  — in abstract, sees beauty of loving one's enemies 384.
  — misuse of, dangerous 530.
  — Rosicrucian teachings appeal to 521.
Intellectual Soul adds power to life spirit 96.
  — creates sympathy and antipathy 424.
  — links experience 424.
  — mediates between conscious and emotional souls 424.
  — product of vital body 482.
  — to be absorbed by life spirit 425.
Intensity of purpose prerequisite to first-hand knowledge 21.
Interest and Indifference 45, 89.
  — obscure truth 203.
Intermarriage 352.
International Marriages, see Marriage.
Interpenetration of worlds 58.
Interplanetary space pervaded by life spirit 55.
Intra-uterine development, recapitulates evolution 255, 343-344.
Intuition, development of 92.
  — impressions of, superconscious memory 92.
  — in woman 92.
  — true wisdom 398.
Inventors and faculty of imagination 425-426, 486.
Invisible Helpers, great need for 496.
Invisible Playmates 140.
Involution and Caduceus 412.
  — belongs to life side 186.
  — creative Hierarchies assist man during 423.
  — devoted to attaining self-consciousness 185.
  — evolution, and epigenesis 336-344.
  — on different globes 195.
  — period of time given to building vehicles 185, 425.
  — spirit's descent into matter 266.
  — unconscious development of man during 185, 201.
Iron basis of separate consciousness 268.
  — essential to warm blood 268.
  — Influence of Mars upon 268, 274.
  — polarized by Mars 274.
Isis, veil of 293.

- J -

Jehovah, aided by archangels 404.
  — assumed control of bodies 346.
  — author of race religions 334, 380, 383, 433 435.
  — blew breath into man's nostrils 345, 350.
  — builder of form 334, 346, 348.
  — concerned with Jews 334.
  — creative energy in nature 468.
  — did not put a curse on man 362, 278.
  — did not lead Jews out of Egypt 325.
  — directed formation of skeleton 346.
  — directs angels 277, 334, 352.
  — divides mankind into races 347, 352.
  — giver of children 334.
  — gives to every ego an angel 352.
  — gives to every race an archangel 352.
  — has dominion over form 348.
  — has special care of seed races 334.
  — highest Initiate of Moon Period 376.
  — instituted law 395.
  — languages expressions of 433.
  — leader of angels 333.
  — leader of Semites 334.
  — lowest vehicle of, human spirit 380, 404.
  — mission of 333, 336.
  — Most High 348.
  — nature of prayers to 434.
  — pits fear of God against desire 395.
  — put mankind to sleep during parturition 360.
  — Race God 348, 433.
  — reached man through air 380.
  — regent of Moon 333.
  — regime of, followed common group spirit 351.
  — separated sexes 346, 347.
  — unable to work through brain 361.
  — union with 433.
  — unity impossible under 380.
  — works in desire body 395, 404.
Jehovah, religions of, see Race Religions.
Jericho, falling of walls of 122.
Jesus and Christ Jesus 374-383.
  — belongs to our humanity 378.
  — body of, attuned to Christ vibration 382.
  — body of, best of earthly vehicles 378.
  — body of, treated by Essenes 382.
  — born at time stated 379.
  — born into passionless body 378.
  — consented to surrender of vehicles 382.
  — disciple of high degree 381.
  — distinguished from Christ 378.
  — educated by Essenes 379.
  — evolved body to highest efficiency 378.
  — gathered new vital body 408.
  — gave lower vehicle to Christ 381.
  — guides esoteric organizations 409.
  — had pure mind 378.
  — had trod the path for ages 378.
  — immaculate conception of 378.
  — knew his destiny 382.
  — not Egyptian Initiate 379.
  — seed atom of physical body of, returned after crucifixion 408.
  — record of incarnations of, Memory of Nature 378.
  — taught disciples after crucifixion 409.
  — "the only begotten Son of God" three distinct Beings 374.
  — worked upon Initiates of middle ages 409.
Jesus Christ, see Christ Jesus.
Jesus of Egyptian Initiation 379.
Jews -and mission of Christ 313.
  — Archangel Michael, race spirit of 334, 405.
  — as Abraham's seed 352.
  — Jehovah concerned with 334.
  — not led out of Egypt 335.
  — of pre-Christian era 351.
  — prohibited from eating blood 349.
  — wandering in wilderness 335.
John and Elijah 169, 405.
John, St., symbolizes the Venus Initiation 502.
Joseph, high Initiate 378.
Judas Iscariot 502.
Juices in vegetables 37.
Jupiter field of evolution for advanced beings 259.
  — and its "eighth sphere" moon 259.
  — retains heat 258.
  — third planet thrown off sun 258.
Jupiter Period, deception impossible in 70,418.
  — divine spirit absorbs conscious soul in 425.
  — divine spirit absorbs human spirit 428.
  — earth will become etheric in 199.
  — five elements 234.
  — forces of dense body added to vital body 422.
  — first Great Initiation gives key to 502.
  — globes of, like Moon Period 199.
  — good and evil segregated in 418.
  — humanity of the animals 70, 342.
  — human spirit most prominent in 423.
  — humanity of purer type 70.
  — lowest globe in etheric region 422.
  — man able to work with plants 299, 428.
  — man becomes highly creative in 427, 428.
  — man first works with life in 298, 427, 428.
  — man's accurate mental conceptions in 418, 419.
  — mind vivified 422, 427.
  — picture consciousness 418.
  — superphysical beings at man's service in 419.
  — thoughts seen in 418.
  — vital body densest vehicle in 240, 242.
  — vital body reaches perfection 422.
Jupiter Revolution (fifth) of Earth Period, critical point of 229, 231, 235.
Juvenile court 385.

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