MOBILE »         
Simplified Scientific Christianity         

The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception
by Max Heindel
(Part 22)

Alphabetical Index

- K -

Karma, see Consequence, law of.
Kathopanishad does not teach human rebirth in animal or plant bodies 158.
Key to Bible 319.
Keynote 123, 368-370.
Killing to eat 458-462.
Kingdom, animal, pioneers of 234.
Kingdom of God and little child 5.
Kingdom, mineral, see Mineral.
Kingdoms, four, see Four kingdoms.
King James version of Bible 318, 326.
Kings by grace of God 273, 297.
Knights of Grail, under Jesus 409.
Knights of Round Table 409.
Knowledge, first-hand 21, 430, 497, 528.
  — from concentrated thought 487.
  — higher, open to seeker 401.
  — of cause 84.
  — of cosmogony 191.
  — of self to be regained 537.
  — prerequisite of judgment 7.
  — superphysical, result of training 25, 41, 480.
  — Tree of 278, 362-363.
Krishna, Shri, sayings of 406.

- L -

Labor, distribution of products of 393.
Lamentation, injurious effect of, on dying 101, 118.
Land, Promised 310, 335.
  — our present Earth 310.
Languages, all, spoken by Initiate 433.
  — desire body gives ability for 433.
  — holiness of 295.
  — one only in future 433.
  — purpose of 295.
Larynx, built by creative force 269.
  — built when body was bag-like 269.
  — horizontal, under group spirit 236.
  — originally part of creative organs 269, 536.
  — required by ego 86, 236.
  — reproduction from in future 363, 425.
  — to speak creative word 363, 425, 537.
  — rose in place of 538.
  — traversed by currents in aspirant 477.
  — vertical, essential for speech 86, 236.
  — vertical man's high achievement 236.
Law, all sinned under 383, 407.
  — first, of esoteric science 460.
  — must be superseded by love 384.
  — purpose in establishment of 309, 310.
  — race religions based on 380, 383, 386, 392.
  — same, governs world, man, and atom 410.
Law of attraction 46.
Law of Consequence, see Consequence, law of.
  — before Christ, humanity's debt under 407.
Law of Cosmos, as to vehicles 379.
Law of Rebirth, see, Rebirth, law of.
Laws, each world has its own 29.
Laws of nature, great intelligences 49.
  — reflecting man's morals Rosicrucians 506-507.
Lay Brothers, not Rosicrucians 528.
  — leave bodies consciously 523.
  — pupils of Elder Brothers 523.
Legend of Light Elves and Night Elves 418-419.
Lemniscate of Caduceus 413.
  — currents of Earth Spirit 507, 509.
  — currents of ninth stratum 503.
  — currents of unused sex force 173.
Lemurian continent destroyed by volcanic cataclysms 291.
Lemurian Epoch 265-275, 331, 332.
  — Abel type of man of 166.
  — atmosphere of 275.
  — beings who worked in 265.
  — consciousness of body 283.
  — death first recognized 283, 362.
  — desire body added 165.
  — consciousness of body 283, 287.
  — desire body divided 394.
  — desire world real to man 287.
  — earth's crust molten 275.
  — fifth day of Bible 331.
  — man involuntarily clairvoyant in 241.
  — man's food, milk and plants 166.
  — milk as food in 166.
  — Moon thrown off from earth 264, 331.
  — red blood developed 269.
  — schools of Initiation 272, 281.
  — science and art taught in 281.
  — separation of sexes 267-268, 346.
  — soft skeleton formed 346.
  — spoken word creative 363-364.
  — (Third Epoch) 165.
Lemurian Race, acquired upright walk 269.
  — animal-like 165, 289.
  — birth and death unnoticed by 277.
  — bodies of plastic 275.
  — could hear and feel at birth 276.
  — could not see physical world 287.
  — descendants of 289, 304.
  — developed magic of best kind 281.
  — education of 278-281.
  — enlightened by Lucifers 287, 288.
  — formulated idea of good and evil 280.
  — given germ of mind 265.
  — had inner perception 277, 283, 287.
  — had sensitive spots for eyes 276.
  — inspired by feelings 295.
  — language of 276, 278.
  — lived in latter part of Lemurian Epoch 275.
  — lived upon islands 275.
  — memory developed 279, 281.
  — not distinct until end of epoch 271.
  — parturition painless 277.
  — perceived light inwardly 276.
  — physical consciousness produced by pain 277,279.
  — propagation directed by angels 277.
  — seed for Atlantean races 289.
  — spiritual perception due to purity 282.
  — unconscious of body 277.
  — word of power 278.
Lens, mind corresponds to 52, 426.
Lesser Mysteries, seven schools of 523.
  — open to man in Mercury half 413.
Levitation, forms subject to, in Desire World 29.
Liberator 523, 529.
Life, and form in Bible stories 336, 344.
  — breathing things 331.
  — creation of, beyond man's present power 427.
  — cycle of 146.
  — distinction emphasized 289.
  — ensouling animals 224.
  — ensouling man 73, 205.
  — ensouling mineral 232.
  — ensouling plants 226.
  — ensouling tree 495.
  — excellent division of 470.
  — existence of, in intangible state 210, 248.
  — experiences feeling 32.
  — four streams of 31.
  — Hebrew Nephesh 332, 345.
  — in every particle of food 457.
  — in first heaven 113.
  — in four kingdoms 85.
  — in purgatory 96-112.
  — in second heaven 121-129.
  — in third heaven 129-133.
  — limited by form 210, 247.
  — merges into form 247.
  — need for higher 469, 481.
  — not in many foods as germ 461.
  — of God in everything 495.
  — positive pole of spirit 247.
  — prevalent theories of 148.
  — primordial fount of, in earth's seed stratum 504.
  — problem of 19.
  — proceeded form 223.
  — purpose of 131.
  — related to form 223.
  — school of experience 132.
  — second chapter of Genesis deals with 336.
  — seven rays are streams of 246.
  — successful 431.
  — taking for food 446, 460.
  — tree of 363.
  — uncreated 332, 504.
  — value of, lessened by conditions at death 101.
Life, ether, avenue of procreation 36.
  — polarity of determines sex 36.
  — positive and negative 36.
  — ripens with birth of desire body 143.
Life force inward and outward manifestation of 337.
Life, higher, requirements 469.
  — evolving, improves vehicles 338-340.
Life panorama, see Panorama of life.
Life, sentient, requires desire body 57.
Life Spirit, awakened in Sun Period 212, 225.
  — cared for by Lords of Individuality 220.
  — Christ's ordinary vehicle 376.
  — contains true memory of nature 398.
  — differentiation ceases in 378.
  — interpenetration all planets 216.
  — linked to divine spirit 212.
  — linked to human spirit 215.
  — most active in Venus Period 423.
  — perception of, in world of 398.
  — receives physical world pictures through reflecting ether 398.
  — reflected in vital body 266.
  — related to blood 397.
  — seat of, in pituitary body and heart 397.
  — sixth stratum of earth corresponds to 506.
  — spirit of love 399.
  — substance of, second veil of spirit 216.
  — to be absorbed by divine spirit 428.
  — to control blood circulation 399.
  — to control brain areas 399.
  — world of, reflected in etheric region 51, 397.
Life waves.
  — angels 222, 349, 376, 427.
  — animals 70, 224.
  — archangels 22, 349, 376, 427.
  — four 74, 75.
  — Lords of Mind 222, 376, 427.
  — man 205, 426, 428.
  — minerals 230, 232.
  — must remain in borders 342.
  — plants 226.
  — reabsorbed by God 200.
  — thrown off with earth 264.
Light ether, builds eye 36.
  — circulates plant juices 37.
  — deposits color 37.
  — developed in third septenary period 144.
  — generates blood heat 36, 143.
  — positive and negative 36.
  — sense perception result of 36.
Light existed before creation of luminaries 328.
Lime phosphate, injurious 443.
  — not found in urine of children 445.
Link, missing 342.
Liver and red blood in cold blooded animals 69.
  — desire body rooted in 68.
  — great vortex of desire body 10.
  — makes the "liver" 70.
  — passing of currents through 69.
  — same meaning in different languages 70.
Lives, memory of past 171.
Lives of man on earth 275.
Logic, and semi-circular canals 126.
  — best teacher 203, 440, 493.
  — developed in Fifth Epoch 309.
  — safest guide in all worlds 493.
Logoi, seven great 178, 181.
Longevity, desirable from esoteric standpoint 444.
Lords of Destiny, see Angels, recording.
Lords of Flame, aid man 216.
  — aid man voluntarily 206, 216.
  — awakened divine spirit 207, 221, 225.
  — brilliant luminosity of 205.
  — give germ of dense body 206, 207, 221.
  — left our evolution 220-221, 326.
  — link human spirit 216.
  — most active between Saturn and Sun Periods 207-208.
  — reconstruct dense body 211.
  — the "Thrones" of Bible 206.
Lords of Form, assisted man in Lemuria 265.
  — assisted man in Polaria 262.
  — assumed charge of human spirit 220-221.
  — did actual work on bodies 220.
  — given charge of Earth Period 221, 240, 265.
  — reconstruct dense body 240, 242, 265.
  — reconstruct vital body 240.
  — used evolving life as instrument 220.
  — vivify stragglers 265.
Lords of Individuality, give germ of desire body 215.
  — given charge of life spirit 220.
  — had charge of Moon Period 214.
  — reconstruct dense body 214.
  — reconstruct vital body 215.
Lords of Mercury, aid man toward self-mastery 273.
  — communed with God 272.
  — created kings 272.
  — initiated humanity 272.
  — instruct man in leaving body 274.
  — sent to aid humanity 272.
  — stragglers 260, 272.
  — work on individual 273.
Lords of Mind, become creative 222.
  — considered evil 222.
  — expert mind builders 222.
  — Father, highest initiate of Saturn Period 376.
  — give germinal vital body 211, 215, 221.
  — human in Saturn Period 376, 427.
  — implant separate personality 243, 266.
  — work with man 222, 247.
Lords of Venus, leaders of humanity 272.
  — messengers of the Gods 272.
  — stragglers 260, 272.
  — teach sacredness of speech 278.
  — withdraw giving free will 301-304.
Lords of Wisdom, give vital body 211, 221.
  — given charge of Sun Period 211.
  — have charge of divine spirit 220.
  — highest hierarchy of Earth Period 220.
  — link divine to life spirit 214.
  — originate vital body 215.
  — reconstruct dense body 211.
Lord's Prayer 435-437, 462-466.
Lost tribes 310, 313, 335.
Lost word, see Creative word.
Love must supersede law 384.
Love, of personalities must be replaced 406.
  — to guide reason 311.
Love, universal to be desired by man 464.
  — altruistic, increases cross-stripes of heart 396.
  — creative soul-force of 285.
  — must supersede law 399, 405.
  — selfish personal use of 285.
  — transmuting hate 419.
Lower will, expression of desire body 394.
Lucifer Spirits, aim to help man to gain knowledge 287.
  — are demigods 286.
  — bring pain and suffering to man 287.
  — enlighten man 287.
  — free man from outside influence 287.
  — half way between angels and man 286.
  — instigate mental activity 288.
  — much maligned class 286.
  — nature of man's temptations from 287.
  — needed physical brain 287.
  — result of, temptation 287, 361.
  — serpents of Bible 288.
  — spoke to woman 361.
  — stragglers of angelic host 286-291, 361.
  — unable to assume dense body 286.
Lungs, air in, tribal or family spirits work by means of 350.

- M -

Macrocosmic, concrete mind 142, 145.
  — desire body prevents excessive growth 140-142.
  — vital body, wisdom of 139-141.
Magi, the three, see Wise men.
Magicians of Lemuria 280.
Man, acquired ability to make sound 219.
  — activities of Jehovah with 345-347, 352.
  — aided by beings from Venus and Mercury 271.
  — all four ethers dynamically active in 59.
  — and his evolution 87-146.
  — and his religion keep equal pace 367.
  — and origin of life 504.
  — an open book in Jupiter Period 70, 418.
  — applies himself to Earth life 167.
  — ascends to God in four steps 302-303.
  — becomes creator in three worlds 270.
  — becomes highly creative in future periods 427.
  — Biblical creation of 332.
  — body of, once round in shape 257, 536.
  — brings disorder into nature 468.
  — brotherhood of 355, 385, 393, 399.
  — builds body in heaven 128.
  — builds form to suit environment 252, 339.
  — carnivorous in Atlantis 166.
  — compared with other kingdoms 57-60, 71.
  — constantly improving vehicles 340.
  — constitution of 59, 86, 88, 95.
  — created present environment 154.
  — creative ability of, limited in Earth Period 426-427.
  — cultivation of "self" frees from family and race spirit 358.
  — danger of being enslaved by possessions 386.
  — develops superphysical faculties by training 440.
  — directs force inward to build vehicles 255, 337, 536.
  — directs force outward in building environment 337, 536.
  — disposition affects length of life 456.
  — education of, in Lemuria 279.
  — emancipation of, through love 399.
  — enlightened by Lucifers 287.
  — evolved from unconsciousness 185, 284.
  — evolution recapitulated in embryo 255, 343-344.
  — expanding consciousness of 414.
  — fall of 282-286, 360-364.
  — free will gained by 84, 287, 363, 301-303.
  — gained death from Lucifers 287.
  — gained knowledge by his functions 277, 537
  — gaze turned outward 190.
  — higher type than angels in human stage 69.
  — in animal stage lacked warm red blood 69.
  — in Atlantis, not indwelling 534.
  — individualization of 355.
  — individualized, law unto himself 72.
  — inherently a virgin spirit 398.
  — initiations of 416.
  — inverted plant 86.
  — in Moon Period fed by milk of nature 477.
  — is an indwelling spirit 367.
  — keynote of each 369.
  — know thyself 535.
  — loses half creative power on gaining brain and larynx 285, 300.
  — loses memory of spiritual existence 167.
  — loses spiritual sight 167, 287, 300.
  — loves and thinks selfishly 285.
  — must conquer race religions from within 380.
  — must expand consciousness 189.
  — must learn by experience 131, 383.
  — never inhabited bodies of present animals 341.
  — not descended from anthropoid ape 341.
  — neglects earth conditions 167.
  — never inhabited other planets 275.
  — next step in development of 190.
  — nine numbers of 500.
  — origin of faculties 59-64.
  — physical hardening of, through life 442.
  — pineal gland first sense organ of 262.
  — plantlike condition of 166.
  — power of, in Lemuria 278.
  — present power of, limited to chemical region 298-299.
  — progress of, through seven periods 189, 190.
  — relation to anthropoids 342.
  — relation to God 177-182.
  — represented in symbolism of cross 86, 534, 538.
  — response of, to solar and lunar currents 267.
  — self-generated when plant-like 535.
  — separate personality in Earth Period 243.
  — sevenfold constitution of 88.
  — seven human principles of 88, 435.
  — should follow promptings of heart 398-399.
  — sorrowed over loss of inner vision 359.
  — started evolution in Saturn Period 205, 427.
  — still under race spirit 384.
  — tenfold constitution of 95.
  — thinks in his heart 398.
  — type of, in Atlantis 292.
  — two forces work in 288.
  — will create by spoken word 364.
Man, see also Humanity, Races, ego vehicles.
Manichees, order of 418.
Manifestation, active, depends upon separateness 247.
  — day of 183-184, 190, 244, 388, 411, 495.
  — implies limitation 181.
  — progress in 249.
  — seven great periods of 188.
  — various stages of 184.
Mankind, most advanced of, initiated by Mercurians 272.
  — help needed during stage of individualism by 401.
  — nature forces aroused by anti-spiritual tendencies of 508.
Marriage, chastity of imperative 471.
  — honeymoon trips 219.
  — in clan commanded by race spirits 353.
  — in clan retains pictures in blood 355.
  — international 355, 359.
  — reproduction the duty of 469.
  — tribal 353.
Marrow, necessity for 143, 145.
Mars, action of, in blood 268, 274
  — canals of, atmospheric currents 259.
  — desire body of, interpenetrates earth 268.
  — life on, low development of 259.
  — man never lived on 275.
  — mystery of 259.
  — orbit of, has changed 268.
  — polarized iron 268, 274.
  — thrown off sun 259.
Mars-Mercury esoteric name for Earth Period 274, 411.
Mary highest type of purity 378.
Masons, have little of esoteric 501.
  — system of Initiation in past 501.
Masoretic translation of Bible 320.
Mastery of matter, purpose of evolution 201.
Material Science, and story of Atlantis 291.
  — attempts of, to "create" life 299.
  — doctrine of amphibians of 332.
  — efforts of, to discover origin of life 504.
  — gradually accepting esoteric ideas 511.
  — plays the part of God 323.
Materialism, causes volcanic disturbances 113, 510.
  — age of, dark from spiritual standpoint 529.
  — combated by Rosicrucians 113, 518, 529.
  — destroys all vehicles 231.
  — disease caused by 113.
  — effect on post-mortem progress 112, 113, 510-511.
  — effects of 409, 511.
  — hardening tendencies of 113, 511.
  — may cause ego to leave evolution 231.
  — of present, alarmed Leaders 113, 518.
  — theories of, require a Creator 323.
  — theory of death of 149.
  — theory of, regarding origin of religion 367.
Materialistic theory 149-150.
Materiality, acme of, has been passed 199, 401.
Materialization 62.
Mathematics, cultivates abstract thought 203.
  — liberation gained through 203.
  — proficiency in, due to semi-circular canals 126.
  — requires space-perception 126.
  — study of, advocated by Pythagoras 203.
Matter, all forms of, chemically the same 31.
  — crystallized spirit 120, 186, 247.
  — densest in Earth Period 199.
  — devoid of feeling 31.
  — merges into spirit in chaos 247.
  — molded by mind 149, 537.
  — of Bible 322.
  — primordial 375.
  — related to spirit 121.
  — resolved into spirit 120, 121, 247.
  — shuts spirit from consciousness 76, 216.
  — spirit's pilgrimage through 87.
  — worlds of various states of 29.
Meat, see also Food.
Meditation, an aid in building inner vehicle 489-492.
  — deals with form side 494.
  — exercise of 489-492.
  — history of object traced by 494.
  — richness of knowledge gained by 489.
  — union of higher and lower natures accomplished by 465.
Mediums, centers of desire body of, revolve counter clock-wise 473.
  — have retrograded 241.
  — lower vehicles loosely connected 62.
  — read reflecting ether 38.
  — unreliability of 41, 474.
Mediumship, development of, easy 474.
  — produced by looseness in vehicles 62.
Memory, Conscious, promotes growth of Intellectual Soul 96.
  — conscious, cultivated by Lemurians 281.
  — in Atlantis greater than now 296.
  — intellectual soul grows by exercise of 424.
  — relates to experiences of this life 91.
  — storehouse for thought forms 90.
Memory of nature, exists in three regions 38, 398.
  — candidate for initiation watches revolutions and epochs in 525-526.
  — explains heart anomaly 396.
  — man sees his ancestors in 354.
  — thought forms recoverable in 29.
Memory of past life, incident of 171.
Memory, three kinds 91-92.
Memory, sub-conscious, blood the vehicle of 353, 397.
  — expunging record from 111.
  — impressed on vital body 91, 462-463.
  — in patriarchs 354.
  — in reflecting ether 101, 526.
  — of family history 354.
  — of this life 91.
Memory, super-conscious, engraved in life spirit 92.
  — impresses reflecting ether of vital body 92.
  — not always subject to reason 92.
  — of past experience 92.
Menstruation due to positive vital body in woman 60.
Mental consciousness of Earth Period 420.
Mental pictures in blood 353, 354.
Mental types on earth strata 511.
Mercurians work to help man toward Initiation 274.
Mercury (metal), as medicine 274.
  — frees ego from dense body 274.
Mercury (planet), beings from, aid man 271.
  — beings from, far advanced 272.
  — emerging from planetary rest 275.
  — influence of, increasing 275.
  — man never inhabited 275.
  — polarized metal 274.
  — staff of 410, 412-414.
  — thrown off from sun 263, 272.
Mercury, Lords of, see Lords of Mercury.
Mercy urged by heart 393.
Mesmer sent by Elder Brothers 512.
Messengers of Gods 272, 301, 304.
Metals, significance of 499.
Michael, Archangel 405.
Microbes expelled by vital body 63.
Migrations, of birds 219.
Milk aided evolution of desire body 166.
  — as dietary factor 447.
  — correct way of drinking 454.
  — of St. Paul's simile 520.
  — special gastric juice required in digestion of 237.
Millennium, self-government, a requisite of the 273.
Mind, acquired in Earth Period 222, 426.
  — acquisition of, required change in desire body 394-395.
  — activity of, instigated by Lucifers 288.
  — aids lower will 394.
  — and heart, chasm between 17, 393.
  — arrogates rule of ego 394.
  — beneficial training of, in mathematics 202, 203.
  — birth of 142-143.
  — coalesced with desire body 298, 394.
  — concepts of, furnished by 89, 353.
  — confers separate personality 266.
  — contributes to spiritual growth 95.
  — control of matter by 149.
  — development of, at first Great Initiation as at end of Earth Period 502.
  — during sleep in Desire World 93.
  — extracted at death 97.
  — focusing point of ego 89, 95, 393, 426.
  — germinal, given by us to humanity of Vulcan Period 428.
  — given by Lords of Mind 222, 265.
  — given to man in Atlantis 298.
  — gives purpose to action 298.
  — goes with ego into Desire World 103.
  — highly creative in Jupiter Period 427.
  — in mineral stage 298, 426.
  — is not yet one-pointed 426.
  — linked to desire 395, 465.
  — macrocosmic, concrete 142, 145.
  — method of working of 89-91.
  — mirror or focus of matter and spirit 266.
  — most important instrument of spirit 425.
  — mystery of, revealed by first Great Initiation 502.
  — necessity of 57, 75, 298.
  — of child who dies, etc. 117, 172.
  — open, advantages of 7.
  — organs of, undeveloped 75.
  — prayer for 435, 464.
  — race religions given to emancipate 395.
  — resolved into threefold spirit essence 129.
  — to attain creative perfection in Vulcan Period 422.
  — to be absorbed by divine spirit 428.
  — to create living, growing forms in Jupiter Period 427.
  — to create living, growing, feeling things in Venus Period 427.
  — to create living, growing, feeling, thinking things in Vulcan Period 427.
  — unfolded by man 166.
  — union of, with heart 18.
  — unorganized 75, 76, 481.
  — use of 57, 75, 298.
  — waking activities tear down body 92.
  — wedded to desire 395.
Minds, Lords of, see Lords of Mind.
Mind stuff, basis for thought 30.
  — manner of selection of 133.
Mineral, all gases are 166.
  — becomes human in Vulcan Period 428.
  — compared to man 56.
  — consciousness is that of trance 85.
  — entered evolution in Earth Period 232, 428.
  — group spirit of, in Region of Abstract Thought 74, 85.
  — has no feelings 65.
  — inert, due to lack of finer vehicles 58.
  — lack of conscious activity in 58.
  — latest life wave in Earth Period 74, 428.
  — lowest ether only active in 58.
  — planetary ether envelops 58.
  — present humanity works with 427, 428.
  — responds to impacts without consciousness 32.
  — will reach human stage in Vulcan Period 342.
Mineral state, forms of stragglers go back to 343.
  — breaking of, gives Earth Spirit pleasure 65.
Mining operations give feeling of relief to Earth Spirit 505-506.
Missing link 342.
Mission of Christ 367-410.
Missionaries, foreign 163, 308.
Mixing Blood, ceremony of 145, 353.
Monkeys, see Anthropoid Apes.
Moon, abode of failures of life wave 264.
  — and Sun forces in propagation 283.
  — beings of, degenerate 334.
  — eighth sphere 264-265.
  — emanations of, crystallizing 265, 334, 346.
  — field of disintegration 264.
  — Jupiter's fourth 259.
Moon Forces, active in form building 265.
  — cause death 265.
  — in intra-uterine development 334.
  — work in female as imagination 267, 268.
Moon Period, all-consciousness lost in 216.
  — atmosphere of, "fire-fog" 213, 217.
  — beings of, had gill-like organs 228.
  — beings of, had horizontal animal spine 228.
  — characteristic of, moisture 213.
  — Cherubim aid man in 215, 221, 229.
  — classes evolving in 226.
  — consciousness of, internal pictures 217.
  — dense body reconstructed in 214.
  — described in Bible 328.
  — division of globe 218.
  — evolutionary status of man in 216, 217, 228.
  — flowing currents of 217, 219.
  — globes of, were water 213.
  — human spirit linked to divine spirit in 215.
  — human spirit linked to life spirit in 216.
  — humanity of, the angels 222, 349, 376.
  — Lords of Individuality took charge of 214.
  — Lucifer Spirits progress in 286.
  — man becomes able to make sound in 219.
  — man fed upon milk of nature 447.
  — man gains germinal desire body 214-215, 422.
  — man in animal stage in 217, 228.
  — man suspended by cord 217, 228.
  — migratory propagative flights in 219.
  — mineral-plant soil of 227.
  — muscles acquired in 214.
  — pictures of, seen involuntarily by man 473.
  — pioneers of, fruit trees 342.
  — plants and minerals in 227, 228.
  — satellite of 219.
  — Seraphim awakened germ of human spirit in 215, 221, 228.
  — sympathetic nerves originated in 239.
  — stragglers of 265.
  — three elements 234.
  — three kingdoms of 234.
  — vital body reconstructed 214-215.
Moon Revolution (third) of Earth Period 242, 243.
  — work on desire body in 209.
Moons, beings of, may return to parent planet 260.
  — dissolution of 260.
  — encircling planets 255.
  — purpose of 218, 259-260, 264.
Moral growth 39.
Morning Exercises 697.
Moses, face shines at death 406.
  — is reborn as Elijah 405.
Mosses, lowest degenerations of plant kingdom 343.
Motives, four admirable 464.
Motion, an aspect of Supreme Being 178, 181.
Mountain, place of initiation 169.
Muscles, atrophying 473.
  — expression of desire body 395.
  — originated in Moon Period 214.
  — operated by desire body 455.
  — operated by ego 89.
  — stronghold of desire body 455.
  — two kinds of 396.
Muscles, Involuntary, controlled by will 396.
  — heart only involuntary muscle cross striped like voluntary 396.
  — lengthwise stripes of 396.
Muscles, Voluntary, built by desire body 394.
  — stripes lengthwise and crosswise 396.
Music and color, relation of 123, 124.
  — and work upon archetype 123, 124.
  — in sounds of nature 123.
  — of heaven world produces color 123.
  — of the spheres 119, 122.
  — second heaven home world of 80, 119, 123, 124.
  — spiritual wings of new Slavic race 305.
  — vibrations of, affect form 122, 369, 375.
Musical ability 126.
Musical keynote of every ego 369.
Musician, mission of, to connect man with heaven 127.
Muspelheim, south fiery boundary of Chaos 247.
Mysteries, greater 529.
  — probed by heart and mind 18.
Mysteries, lesser, and earth's strata 499-500.
  — deal with Earth Period 525.
  — deal with Mercury half of Period 413.
  — given to Lemurians 414.
  — nine degrees in 501, 525-528.
  — religion, science, and art taught in 517.
  — schools of 438, 520, 529.
Mystic, usually devoid of intellect 520.
  — unused sex currents of 475, 478.
Mystic Cross and Star 389.

- N -

National spirit, influence of, to be transcended 393.
Nations, rise and fall of 289.
Nations, separate, originated in Atlantis 296.
  — have had their day 437.
Nature, changes of, slow 184, 226.
  — processes of, slow 226, 348, 368.
  — with acquisition of thought man loses power over 298.
Nature Forces, agents of retributive justice 506-507, 508.
Nature spirits, dead work with 126.
Nebula, fiery, is spirit 249.
Nebular theory related to esoteric science 249, 322-325.
  — fails to explain many facts 514.
  — requires a creator 323.
  — theory 205.
Nephesh, see Breath.
Neophyte must understand what he sees 480.
Neptune influences astrologers 260.
  — not of our solar system 260.
Nerve, pneumogastric 398.
Nerves, an expression of desire body 353.
  — and vital fluid 63.
Nervous system, divided in Earth Period 239.
  — expression of desire body 353.
  — originated in Moon Period 214.
Nervous system, Cerebro-spinal, built by desire body 394.
  — and brain, secondary vantage of human spirit 397.
  — under control of will 476.
Nervous system, Sympathetic, controls involuntary muscles 395.
Nervous system, voluntary, started in Earth Period 239-240.
Neshamah, Hebrew word for soul 350.
New Galilee, sixth epoch 303, 305, 311, 360.
New heaven and new earth 311.
New Jerusalem in First Heaven 116.
New Race led by highest Initiate 304, 305.
  — progenitors of 311.
  — seed of, from America 305.
New Testament, Christian Teachings of 315.
New Year, birth of 390.
Niflheim, cold foggy north boundary of Chaos 247.
Nimrod, type of Atlantean 166.
Nine, number, hidden in age of Christ 501.
  — most significant number 500.
  — number of Adam 500.
  — number of beast 499-500.
  — number of humanity 500-501.
Nine strata of earth 499-500.
Noah and wine, symbols 168
Norsemen and test of blood mixing 145, 353.
Nose, base of, stronghold of divine spirit 397.
  — vital and dense bodies congruent at 293.
Not peace but sword 383-388.
Nuclei of world globe persist in Chaos 247.
Number, an aspect of God and Man 253.
  — of Adam 500.
  — of the beast 499-500.
  — of humanity 500-501.
  — of the saved 501.
Nutrition and assimilation 457.
  — chocolate, importance of 452.
  — facilitated by cheerfulness 456.
  — importance of water in 446, 449.
  — phosphate of lime retards 443.
  — phosphorus, element of, in vegetables and fruits 453.
  — science of 441-457.
  — sugar important in 447.
  — sugar, no phosphorus in refined 453.
  — value of plants and fruits in 452, 458-460.
Nutrition, see also Food.

- O -

Objective consciousness 417, 421.
  — creative 419, 421.
Objective Consciousness, see also Waking Consciousness.
Observation, important aid to aspirant 492.
  — necessary in superphysical worlds 25, 492.
  — student should learn by 131.
Obsession, how to diagnose 173.
  — in anger 144.
Oceanic region 50.
Old Testament contains Jewish religion 308.
"On earth Peace, Goodwill toward men" 391.
Only Begotten, see Word.
Organs atrophying and developing 473.
  — dormant 473.
Original Semites, see Atlantean races (subhead Original Semites).
  — chosen people of Jehovah 309, 334.
  — dense and vital bodies become concentric in 300.
  — developed cunning 299, 309, 335.
  — difficult to guide 309.
  — lose sight in inner worlds 300.
  — married outside race 310, 335.
  — see objects clearly defined 300.
  — used faculty of thought 299, 309.
Original sin esoterically explained 278.
Original Turanians, see Atlantean races (subhead Original Turanians).
Osmosis first form of assimilation 263.
Ossification of dense body 442-443, 453.
Ova, difference in, indistinguishable between higher animals and human beings 343.
  — impregnated, worked on by mother's desire body 138.

- P -

Pain and bearing of children 278.
  — educational benefits of 131.
  — factor in developing independent thought 363.
  — factor in developing Lemurian's bodily sensibilities 279.
  — in amputated limb 64.
  — in education of Lemurian 279.
Paine, Thomas, liberation of, from race spirit 350.
Painter learns to build artistic eye 126.
Panorama of life and retrospection 111.
  — basis of pleasure and pain 109.
  — ego watches 101, 102, 114.
  — in desire world 108.
  — in etheric region 102.
  — length of 102.
  — obtained from blood 398.
  — read in reflecting ether 135, 161.
Panoramas, two 129, 130.
Paralysis from condition of vital body 63.
Parturition, painful, cause of 283.
Passion, region of 44-45.
Past lives, memory of 171.
Paternalism supersedes individualism 393.
Paths, mystic and esoteric 520.
Patriarchs, long life of 354.
Patriotism, eliminated through international marriage 355.
  — fanatical, bar to progress 307, 312.
  — from race spirit 350, 359, 360.
  — superseded by altruism 355.
Peace and a sword 387, 388.
  — on earth 387.
  — that passeth understanding 122.
Peat, mineral-plant 227.
Pentecost and gift of tongues 433.
Perception in Atlantis 293.
  — of higher worlds 24.
Periods and corresponding states of consciousness 189, 417, 421.
  — and seven days of creation 327-433.
  — comparative length of 420, 421.
  — cosmic night of rest between 196, 243.
  — man's progress through 189.
  — not related to planets 190, 412.
Periods, Seven, from man to God 188.
  — harmonize with Bible teaching 317.
  — incarnations of earth 188-193.
Perpetuation of race by angels 283, 288.
Persistence, no results without 487   — reward of 496.
Personality in desire body 243.
  — desire body seeks to rule 348.
Phallicism taught spiritual regeneration 534.
Philanthropist works in heaven 120.
Philosopher's Stone, each makes for himself 438, 519.
  — formed of concrete material 519.
  — formula of, given esoterically 438.
  — handled by many 438.
  — making of, symbolized 519.
  — wrought by Christ 520.
Philosophies recognize involution and evolution 185.
Philosophy of Rosicrucians logical 8.
Phosphorus, brain needs 452-453.
Phosphorus, found in vegetables and fruits 453.
  — necessity of, for brain in mental and spiritual work 453.
Physical world, chemical region of 29-34.
  — densest 29, 187.
  — etheric region of 34-38.
  — man must conquer 300.
  — matter and force inseparable 149.
  — occupies less space than higher worlds 180.
  — reflected in higher regions 43.
  — seven divisions of 30.
  — transformed by imagination 426.
  — valuable as experiment station 32.
  — world of form 119.
Physical world, see also Earth.
Picture consciousness of animals 83.
  — dream or internal 74, 83, 217, 415, 419, 421.
  — self-consciousness 418, 419, 421.
Pilgrimage through matter, beginning and end of 87.
  — culmination of 429.
Pillar, Him that overcometh will I make a 158.
Pineal gland and pituitary body 473-477.
  — awakened by training 477.
  — degenerated 262.
  — dormant at present time 473.
  — first sense organ 261, 262.
  — now connected with voluntary nervous system 477.
  — organ of clairvoyant sight 477.
  — third eye 262, 473.
  — vantage of human spirit 397.
  — vibratory union with pituitary body 479.
  — will again connect man with inner worlds 473, 477.
Pioneers of animal kingdom 234.
  — of Earth Period receive mind 265.
  — progress of, result of adaptability 337, 342.
  — provided for 372.
Pituitary body and pineal gland 473-477.
  — awakened by training 477.
  — dormant at present time 473.
  — now connected with voluntary nervous system 477.
  — spiritual exercises for 478-479.
  — vantage of life spirit 397.
  — will again connect man with inner worlds 473, 477.
Planes, see Cosmic Planes.
Planetary ether interpenetrates form 58.
Planetary desire world interpenetrates physical world 65.
Planetary spirits, bodies of, spherical 255.
  — collectively they are God 253.
  — differentiated hierarchies 182.
  — replaced by regents 182.
  — God's ministers 180.
  — possess vehicles 252, 253.
  — Seven Spirits before Throne 180, 252-253.
  — threefold 182.
Planetoids, see Asteroids.
Planets, birth of 258.
  — bodies of planetary spirits 255.
  — each has three worlds 53.
  — evolution of 256.
  — satellites of 255.
  — seven, circle around our sun 255.
  — thrown off from Sun 259, 271, 272.
  — unknown, in our solar system 513.
Plant as food 458, 460.
  — chaste generation of 535.
  — circulation of sap in 37.
  — compared to other kingdoms 56, 57, 86.
  — consciousness of 85, 458.
  — deposit of color in 37.
  — explanation of inertness of 58, 69.
  — extirpation of, causes pain to Earth Spirit 65, 505.
  — group spirit of, in center of earth 85.
  — group spirit of, in Region of Concrete Thought 74, 85.
  — guided by angels 349, 427.
  — life of seed of, withheld by group spirit 461.
  — of Hyperborea 331.
  — of today molded from Hyperborean 331.
  — only chemical and life ethers active in 58.
  — remains of, found in polar region 512.
  — started evolution in Moon Period 226, 427.
  — vital body of, built by angels 222, 349.
  — will reach human stage in Venus Period 342.
Plato's theory of world soul 85.
  — story of Atlantis 291.
Pliny the Elder 510, 511.
  — elder 510-511.
Pneumogastric nerve 398.
Poems (quoted).
  — Chambered Nautilus. Oliver Wendell Holmes 159.
  — Creed or Christ. Max Heindel.   — Dying and bringing to birth. Johann von Goethe 249.
  — I am the Voice of the Voiceless. Ella Wheeler Wilcox 460.
  — One Ship Sails East. Ella Wheeler Wilcox 163.
  — Sun intones his ancient song. Johann von Goethe 119.
  — Though Christ a Thousand Times Be Born. Angelus Silesius 389.
  — Vision of Sir Launfal. James Russell Lowell 115, 116.
  — When self-control he gains. Johann von Goethe 137.
  — Who is the Grail? Richard Wagner 389.
Poets inspired in Heaven World 120.
Poetry soul's expression of feeling 119-120.
Polarian Epoch (first) 261-262, 330-331.
  — dense body in 165, 263.
  — earth and man ethereal in 165.
  — evolution of earth during 261.
  — function of pineal gland in 261.
  — humanity evolves in a fiery condition 261.
  — man of, mineral-like 165, 261.
  — mankind confined to polar region of sun 261.
  — mentioned in Bible 330.
  — recapitulation of Saturn Period 263.
  — reproduction of man in 262.
Polyps, last degeneration of mammals 343.
Possessions, worldly, a source of worry 386.
Power, first aspect of Supreme Being 178, 374.
Power, in words 295.
  — an aspect of Supreme Being 178, 181.
"Powers of Darkness" 222.
Prayer and concentration 463.
  — Lord's Prayer 435, 462-466.
  — misuse of 386, 434.
  — proper use of 434.
  — saves post-mortem misery 463.
  — unceasing 434.
Precession of equinoxes and rebirth 159.
Primordial substance 321.
Prisms, vital body built of 10.
Prisoners, humane treatment of 385.
Probationers, enter service of humanity 531.
  — must sever connections with other esoteric orders 531.
  — must shun "circles" or negative gatherings 531.
  — spiritual exercises performed in private 532.
Progress in Salvation 229.
  — result of adaptability 223, 303, 337, 340.
  — three factors in 337.
  — through loss of some faculty 300.
Progression or retrogression 341.
  — spiritual or physical 515.
Promised land, present earth 310, 335.
  — our present Earth 310, 335.
Propagation in Polarian and Hyperborean Epochs 262-263.
Propagation through life ether 36.
  — duty of 472.
Proselyting 308.
Physical Research, Society for 140.
Psychometrists 38.
Ptolemaic system has points needed in physical world 514.
Puberty, changing of boy's voice at 536.
Purgatory, avarice eradicated in 105.
  — benefits from 104, 109, 114.
  — children exempt from 117.
  — drunkenness eradicated in 105.
  — experiences built into seed atom in 114, 120.
  — life is shortened in, by restitution 107.
  — method of avoiding 111.
  — occupies lower region of desire world 112.
  — purpose of 110.
  — suicide's experience in 104.
  — suffering in 107.
  — time in, usually one-third of life in physical world 107.
Pythagoras demanded study of mathematics 203.
  — and music of the spheres 119.

- Q -

Quartz, significance of 499.

- R -

Race, must not identify ourselves with 307.
Race Religions aid humanity 433.
  — based on law 380, 383, 386, 392.
  — creators of sin 380, 383.
  — enumeration of 374, 383.
  — fifth, conquering world of matter 168.
  — fundamentally separative 384.
  — influence man from without 380.
  — inspired by same spiritual impulse 515.
  — Jehovah the author of 334, 374, 380, 383, 433, 435.
  — Jewish 312.
  — peculiar to Earth Period 271.
  — point to one who is to come 386.
  — prepare for union with Jehovah 433.
  — present insufficiency of 383, 395.
  — purpose of 395, 433, 435.
  — spiritual solar impulses via moon 403.
Race spirits, the archangels 334, 349, 403.
  — considered a group before the individual 352.
  — exercise a protectorate over evolving humanity 348.
  — foster patriotism 350.
  — gain entrance to blood by means of air inspired 350, 356, 380.
  — guide the races through the blood 350.
  — instigate wars 334.
  — promote pride of race 351.
  — realize deficiencies or religion 383.
  — still work with man 359.
  — unrelenting law of 384.
  — under rule of, groups were considered before individuals 392.
Race spirits, see also Archangels.
Races and their leaders 270-273.
  — degeneration of 289, 290.
  — evanescent feature of evolution 311.
  — first evolved in Lemurian Epoch 271.
  — of Fifth Epoch 305.
  — of future aided by Mercury 275.
  — perpetuation of, controlled by angels 288.
  — progress through epigenesis 344.
  — sixteen in our evolution 271.
  — sixteen paths of destruction 306-307, 312, 401.
  — steps in evolution 312.
  — to end with coming epoch 305, 312.
  — worked upon by race spirits 350.
Ray, Brothers of same 438, 439.
Rays, seven, of humanity 439.
Reality of higher worlds 28.
Reason, cunning transmuted into 309.
  — based in desire 396.
  — frustrates designs of ego 399.
  — gained in current Fifth Epoch 298.
  — in conflict with heart 393.
  — superseded by love 311.
  — to satisfy, aim of Rosicrucians 439.
Rebirth and Law of Consequence 147-174.
  — and precession of equinoxes 159.
  — Christian doctrine 164, 170.
  — compatible with justice 153.
  — continued embodiments in perfecting vehicles 153, 338-340.
  — ego's preparation for 133-139.
  — evidenced by genius 155.
  — not adequate for stragglers 401.
  — proved by esoteric investigation 147.
  — provides purpose for living 132, 133.
  — purpose of, gaining experience 130, 131, 158.
  — reconcilable with Christ's atonement 401.
  — regulated by sun's position 159.
  — temporary suppression of truth of 167, 168.
Rebirth, Law of, allows free will in detail 129.
  — applies to evolution of earth 412.
  — brings ego back to work for self and others 133.
  — compatible with evolution 151.
  — connected with planetary movements 159, 160.
  — differs from transmigration 157.
  — explains life 157.
  — law of, not unalterable 160-161.
  — law of, secretly taught 160-169.
  — meets individual need 161.
  — public teaching of, forbidden by Christ 164, 165.
  — repeated embodiments in gradually improving vehicles 153.
  — taught in story of blind man 170.
  — taught prior to Christ 167.
Rebirth, see also Consequence, law of.
Rebirths of our Earth 190, 401.
Recapitulation always on higher spiral 208, 245.
  — and embryo 255.
  — as spirals within spirals 245, 420-421.
  — Bible refers to 329.
  — in ante-natal development shows past stages of evolution 255, 343-344.
  — necessary at beginning of each period 208.
  — of previous periods 208-209, 420-421.
  — shows past stages of evolution 343-344.
  — takes up new work 209.
Reconstruction of earth's surface 129.
Recording Angels, see Angels, Recording.
Red blood and indwelling spirit 86.
Red blood, warm, and indwelling spirit 69, 86, 268, 274.
  — outgoing current of 69.
  — cold, currents of, directed inward 69.
Redemption, see Salvation.
Reflecting ether, carries pictures to life spirit 398.
  — records of, unreliable 38.
  — records of, used by mediums 38.
  — reflects memory of nature 37, 38.
  — retains record of every happening 37.
  — transmits thought 38, 90.
Reflection of higher worlds and regions in lower 51.
Regent of earth 408.
Regents of planets 182.
Regions of physical world 30, 54.
  — of thought world 30, 54.
  — subdivisions of different 30.
Regions, see also Worlds.
Reincarnation, see Rebirth.
Relaxation preceding concentration 485.
Religion, evolution of 367.
  — evolves with man 367.
  — four steps in 302, 303.
  — proselyting objectionable 164, 308.
  — true, embodies science and art 516.
Religion of Father, see Father, religion of.
  — orthodox, fetters of 519.
  — universal, to be Christianity 367.
Religions, earlier, preliminary to Christianity 164.
  — hidden teachings in 520.
  — pre-Christian, taught rebirth 167.
  — various, necessary 371.
Repentance 107, 111.
Replenish, significance of word 332-333.
Reproduction, duty of 539.
Repulsion and attraction 42, 43.
  — dominates lower desire world 42.
  — in thought processes 46, 89, 90.
  — mainspring of, is self-assertion 45.
  — shatters vice 47.
Rest between periods and revolutions 250.
  — compared with sleep 94.
Restitution, purgative effect of 107.
Retrogression or progression 341.
Retrospection advances aspirant 111.
  — review of day's happening 111.
  — shortens purgatory 111.
Return of good for evil 393.
Revenge imprinted on vital body 463.
  — form of memory of desire body 46.
Revolution, circle of life wave 196.
  — present 199, 209, 245.
Revolutions and cosmic nights 195-200.
  — as correlated to man's vehicles 209.
  — globes and periods of 412.
  — in Bible narrative 327.
  — of Earth 199, 209, 236-245.
  — recapitulate period 208-209, 212, 245.
  — rest period between 243-245.
  — three and one-half completed 199, 209.
Rhythmic vibrations, power of 122.
Rib of Bible narrative 347.
Rmoahals, see Atlantean races (subhead Rmoahals).
Root of Nose, seat of divine spirit 292-293.
Rose Cross, aim and end of human evolution 519.
  — Initiation of 519.
  — points to man's ultimate perfection 519.
  — reveals Philosopher's Stone 519.
  — symbolism of 534-539.
Rosenkreuz, see Christian Rosenkreuz.
Rosicrucian only known by brothers 250.
Rosicrucian Brotherhood, Christian Rosenkreuz link with higher council of 523.
  — consists of thirteen 522.
  — devoted to making Philosopher's Stone 519.
  — emblem of 522.
  — five brothers of, never leave temple 523.
  — formed on cosmic lines 521.
  — founded by Christian Rosenkreuz 518.
  — guards secret of creation of life 299.
  — head of, hidden from world 523.
  — Hierophants of Lesser Mysteries 520.
  — invisible power behind governments 520.
  — lay brothers live in world 523.
  — mediators between man and Gods 304, 327.
  — one of the seven schools of Lesser Mysteries 438.
  — seven brothers go into world 523.
  — teachings correlate spiritual truths with science 521.
  — teachings for intellectual 439, 478, 521.
  — work of, for world 529.
Rosicrucian Brotherhood, see also Elder Brothers.
  — Fellowship 530-533.
  — greeting 538.
  — methods aim to make pupil self-reliant 531.
  — Bacon 251, 518.
  — Baldus 251.
  — Boehme 251, 518.
  — Comenius 250.
  — Goethe 249, 519.
  — Helmont 251.
  — Paracelsus 251.
  — Saint-Germain 433.
  — Shakespeare 251.
  — Wagner 389, 519.
  — first esoteric school giving particulars of periods preceding and following Earth Period 503.
Round table, knights of 409.
Royalty, Atlanteans institute 295.

- S -

Sacrifice, of Christ beacon of hope 373.
  — of self to Christ 372.
  — law of the spirit 368.
Saint-Germain, Comte de, incarnation of Rosenkreuz 433.
Saint-Germain, see also Christian Rosenkreuz.
Saint Paul believed in rebirth 315.
  — gives deeper teachings to qualified 320.
  — had an inner and outer teaching 520.
  — had knowledge of race spirits 350.
  — sayings of 389, 434, 506.
  — "third heaven" of 146, 528.
  — uses allegory 319.
Salt injurious 457.
Salvation, and forgiveness of sin 373, 402.
  — Christian doctrine of 400.
  — evolutionary plan 229.
  — is progression 229.
  — needed by many 402.
  — promised 315.
  — theology's plan of 150, 151.
Saturn destroys his children 206.
  — second planet thrown off sun 258.
Saturn Period, Biblical narrative of 327-328.
  — candidate consciously views evolving life in 525-526.
  — consciousness of, trance-like 206.
  — darkness and warmth prevailed in 205.
  — dense body and divine spirit gained in 207.
  — densest globe in region of Concrete Thought 204-205, 222.
  — evolution of 195-196.
  — in world of divine spirit 216.
  — life of incorporated in globe 205.
  — Lords of Flame work on globes of 206.
  — Lords of Mind humanity of 222, 376, 427.
  — man mineral-like 205, 212, 427.
  — one element of 234.
  — sense organs, ability to develop in 206.
  — stragglers of 224, 230.
  — virgin spirits in world of divine spirit in 216.
Saturn Revolution, (first), brain formed in, of Earth Period 236.
  — first work on dense body 208, 236, 239.
Savior, physical and spiritual 391.
Science and Art, corroborates esotericism 99.
  — deals only with form 185, 248, 342.
  — embodied in true religion 516.
  — erroneous conclusions of 342.
  — must become reverent 299, 410.
  — taught in initiation temples in Lemurian times 281.
Science, orthodox, fetters must be repudiated 519.
  — overlooks degeneration of form 291.
Science, esoteric, harmonizes with science 322.
  — theories of, regarding earth strata 498, 511.
Scotch, clairvoyance of 354.
Second Coming depends on separation of church and state 386.
  — in sixth epoch 360.
  — unifying effect of 384.
Second sight, see Clairvoyance.
Seed Atom, Dense, blood etches pictures upon 398.
  — fastens silver cord 98.
  — forces of, leave body at death 97.
  — forces of, retained from life to life 97.
  — forces of, retained in all vehicles 97.
  — gathers new material 134.
  — in left ventricle of heart 97, 396.
  — nucleus for next body 97.
  — of world globes persist in chaos 247.
  — placed in semen 137.
  — returned to Jesus by Christ 408.
  — withheld by group spirit 357, 461.
Seed Atom, Desire, extracted in First Heaven 120.
  — nucleus for new desire body 134.
  — seat of conscience 120.
Seed Atom, Mind, gathers new mind material 133.
  — Vital, forces of, extracted after death 103.
Seed-Race, but few of, remained faithful 310.
  — under care of Jehovah 334.
Seeing not synonymous with knowing 25.
Seer, true aim of 68.
Seismic phenomena, scientists seek physical causes of 498.
Self and Not-Self 358.
Self-assertion, mainspring of repulsion 45.
Self-consciousness, object of descent into matter 189, 216.
  — possession of, enabled man to exercise will 166.
  — until attainment of, man led by higher beings 166.
Self-cultivation necessary 384, 393-394.
Selfhood, conversion of, into selfishness 397.
Self-mastery 273, 537-538.
Selfishness routed by altruism 368.
Semi-circular canals 126.
Semites, original, see Atlantean races (subhead, Original Semites).
Sensation due to separate vital body 504.
  — of earth exists in fiery stratum 504-506.
Sense Organs, ability to develop, given in Saturn Period 206.
  — of genius 155, 161.
  — to be outgrown in future 262.
Sense perception, Lemurian had at birth 276.
  — through light ether 36.
Senses, higher, dormancy of 24.
Sensitives, stragglers or pioneers 241.
Separateness, limitation of life by form 247.
Separation of sexes, see Sex separation.
Septuagint 320.
Seraphim, aid man voluntarily 215.
  — awakened germ of human spirit 215, 221, 228.
  — did not aid in creating form 326.
  — not mentioned in Creation Story 326.
  — passed to liberation 220-221, 326.
  — worked in Moon Period 215, 221, 228.
Serpentine Path of evolution 413, 414.
Seven Spirits before Throne, see Planetary spirits.
Seven unspeakable secrets 506.
Sex, alteration of, from life to life 160.
  — current necessary to work in inner worlds 478.
  — determined by life ether 36.
  — origin and end of 364.
Sex Force, abuse of, prompted by Lucifers 287.
  — aspirant must conserve 471.
  — half of, feeding brain 285, 467.
  — manifestation of, in inner worlds 267.
  — proper use of 472.
  — reflection of Holy Spirit's creative energy 468.
  — stored in blood 144.
  — transmutation of 467.
  — used in inner growth 284, 536.
Sex Function, abuse of, causes pain 278, 283, 288, 362.
  — and opening of man's eyes 283.
  — controlled by angels 277, 283.
  — designed solely for perpetuation of species 288.
  — for propagation only 468, 469, 471.
  — mania leads to insanity 536.
  — obligation of 468-469, 472, 539.
Sex Separation, Biblical story of 347.
  — brain and larynx built by 269, 284.
  — consummated when earth was thrown off sun 268.
  — in Lemuria 267-270, 346.
Shakespeare, William, authorship of 251.
Sheep and goats, no arbitrary division of 224.
Sight gained in Atlantis 276.
Silence of Second Heaven 122.
Silent Watcher, see Divine Spirit.
Silver cord, both ends meet in vital seed atom 10.
  — completion of, ends childhood 10.
  — connects higher vehicles to dense body 97.
  — grown anew in each life 10.
  — joins heart, solar plexus, and liver 10.
  — rupture of, causes death 98, 102.
  — shape of 98.
Sin, against Holy Ghost 468.
  — natural consequence of race religions 380, 383.
  — purgation of, in purgatory 107.
  — taken away by Christ 408.
  — visited upon children 468.
Sin, forgiveness of, see Forgiveness.
Sinners, salvation of 402.
Sixteen paths to destruction 231, 306-307, 312, 401.
Sixteen races 231, 271, 306, 312, 401.
Skeleton indicates state of consciousness 456.
  — material expression of divine spirit 397.
  — originated in Moon Period 214.
  — pliability of, in Lemuria 275, 346.
Skepticism blinds to truth 6.
Skin important eliminating organ 444.
Slavs, future of 306.
Sleep, blood leaves brain when body goes to 239.
  — compared to death 102.
  — compared with rest 94.
  — fatigue of body removed in 94, 481.
  — induced by collapse of vital body 93.
  — lower ethers active during 482.
  — not an inactive state 93-94.
  — restores harmony 93.
  — similar to perfect concentration 483.
  — work of aspirant during 484, 485.
Solar energy exhausted in digestion 239.
  — energy utilized by vital body 63.
  — fluid in vital body 63.
  — forces in Hyperborea fed man 269.
  — Plexus negative center of development 241.
Solar system, coagulation of 187.
  — creation of 183, 321, 323.
  — creator of, a logical necessity 29, 323.
  — God the architect of 179-181.
  — goes through birth and death 183.
  — planetary spirits in 180, 253.
  — reason for 246.
Solar systems departments of God's kingdom 180.
  — float in world of life spirit 55.
  — purpose of creation of 183.
Son, religion of, see Christianity. Son, the creative word 181.
  — highest Initiate of Sun Period 376.
  — unifying religion of 384.
Sons of God marry daughters of men 310, 335.
Soul amalgamated with spirit 425.
  — creation, stories of 344-346.
  — intellectual, absorbed by life spirit in Venus Period 425.
  — is here to acquire experience 432.
  — of all flesh in blood 350.
  — scientific attempts to weigh 99-101.
  — spiritualized product of body 95.
  — theological doctrine of creation of 148-151.
  — transmutation of bodies into 425.
  — yearns for power 17.
Soul, animal 482.
Soul force, twofold 284.
Soul growth depends on spirit's activity 96, 424.
  — method of producing 95, 96, 424-426.
  — promoted by activity of dense body 96.
Soul Life, region of 47.
Soul Power, attained by evolution 189, 429.
  — region of 47.
Soul, Threefold, constitution of 95, 424-425.
  — evolved by spirit within 424.
  — spiritualized product of bodies 95, 96, 424, 435.
Souls, transmigration of, no basis for 158.
Sound builds climate, flora, and fauna 125.
  — in Second Heaven as color 124.
  — in Second Heaven builds bodies 124.
  — music of spheres 119, 122.
  — power of 122, 181, 369.
  — vibrations of, change form 122, 369.
Sound, harmonious, factor in amalgamation 124.
  — rhythmic, creative power of universe 181.
Sounds of Nature, Earth's "tone" 123.
  — in Lemuria 276-277.
Space, non-existent in higher worlds 29.
  — significance of 247.
  — uncrystallized spirit 249.
Spectrum, invisible colors of 253.
  — and seven rays of virgin spirit 439.
Speech in Jupiter Period 234.
  — Lemurian considered most holy 278.
Spermatozoon embodies human will 284.
Spheres, music of 119, 122.
Spinal cord, Lucifers work in 361.
Spine, vertical, required by ego 86, 236.
Spiral, evolutionary path is 151, 152, 227, 413.
  — of attainment 420.
  — prevents duplication 227, 428.
  — within spirals 245, 420.
Spirit, independent of form 31.
  — involution of 337.
  — limitations of, in matter 81.
  — matter, states of 179.
  — meets form 266.
  — one, pervading all space 31, 247.
  — positive pole of, life 248.
  — refracted divisions of 398.
  — treasures of, retained from life to life 431.
Spirit Divine, see Life Spirit.
Spirit, Threefold, see 421.
Spiritual force from Sun 86, 390.
Spiritual growth 431.
Spiritual perception, faculties of 25, 41, 480.
  — of Atlanteans 294.
Spiritual powers to be regained by man 300.
Spiritual sight, see 305, 306.
  — same wave of, inspired great religions 515.
Spleen, gate of vital body 63.
  — now controlled by desire body 455.
  — post-mortem suffering of 104.
  — specializes solar energy 238.
Sport, killing animals in 461.
Staff of Mercury 410, 412-414.
Stages, four great, of past and future 416.
Starfish, plant-animal 234.
Star of Bethlehem 389, 391.
Star of Ross Cross, symbolism of 522.
Stars, successively become pole star 160.
  — the clock of destiny 163.
Stellar forces and creative function 278, 283, 362.
Steps, thirteen, and their correlations to stages of consciousness 416.
  — thirteen in animal kingdom 416, 500.
  — three, to achieve union with higher self 432.
  — four great, to God 302.
Sterility and death of races   — produced by strange blood 357.
Sthanu, signification of word 158.
Stimulants injurious for dying 101.
Stomach, blood accumulates in, after feeding 239.
  — ego acts upon 238.
Stragglers, and newcomers 223-232.
  — Christ came to aid 401.
  — distinguished from failures 264.
  — form dark spots in sun globe 225.
  — Lucifer Spirits are 286.
  — may overtake pioneers 224.
  — of Moon Period 228.
  — of Sun Period 225.
  — promoted in Moon Period 229.
  — redemption of 265.
Strata of earth 499, 503-504.
Students of Rosicrucian Teachings are not Rosicrucians 528.
  — enrollment of 530.
Subconscious memory, see Memory subconscious.
Subjective activity, illustration of 207-208.
Success through concentrated purpose 487.
Suffix of surnames, origin of 351.
Sugar, contains no ash 447.
  — refined, no phosphorus in 453.
  — valuable in diet 447.
Suggestion, as an aid to medicine 63.
  — man becoming less amenable to 83.
Suicide, archetype of, persists after death 104.
  — post-mortem suffering of 104.
Sun, breaks up into zodiac 256.
  — central 258.
  — effect of, upon earth 265, 390.
  — emanates from central source 258.
  — exalted beings occupy 180, 181.
  — evolution of, demands expulsion of stragglers 258.
  — human evolution confined to polar region of 261.
  — light of, contains all colors 253.
  — man's highest influence from 86.
  — planets thrown off from 258-260, 264, 271, 272.
  — planet evolves into a 256.
  — symbol of spiritual power 181, 390.
  — wobbling motion of 160.
  — works in male bodies as will 267-268.
  — works in vital body 265.
Sun, spiritual, and Holy Night 391.
  — forces of 258, 390.
  — impulses of 515.
  — promotes soul growth 515.
Sun Period, alimentary canal and glands started in 211.
  — animals were mineral-like in 224.
  — Biblical mention of 328.
  — Cherubim work with man in 211, 212.
  — Christ highest Initiate in 383.
  — Christ regent of 407.
  — consciousness of, dreamless sleep 213.
  — dense body reconstructed in 211.
  — densest globe in desire world 349.
  — germ of vital body given in 211.
  — globes of, gas-like consistency 210, 213.
  — globes of, were sensitive 210.
  — highest globes in World of Life Spirit 216.
  — humanity of archangels 349, 376.
  — life spirit linked to divine spirit in 212.
  — life spirit started in 212.
  — life wave traverses globes of 198.
  — light existed before creation of sun 328.
  — Lords of Wisdom work in 211.
  — man plant-like in 213.
  — stragglers caused sun spots in 225.
  — two elements in 234.
  — virgin spirits blinded by second veil of matter in 216.
  — work on vital body begun in 210, 211.
Sun Revolution (second) of Earth Period, vital body reconstructed in 240.
Sun Spirit, Christ is 391.
Sun spirits, see Archangels.
  — name of, in ancient race religions 383.
Sun spots, atavistic remainder from stragglers 225.
Sunlight, reflected modified vibrations of 403.
  — spiritual floods earth 407.
Superconscious memory, see Memory, superconscious.
Supreme Being, architect of universe 179, 374.
  — dissolves universe at end of manifestation 375.
  — known as The One 181.
  — three aspects of 181, 375.
Surnames, origin of affix 351.
Survival of the Fittest, law for the body 368.
Sword, not peace 387.
  — perverted cross 392.
Symbols in three-dimensional world 534.
Sympathetic nerves, originated in Moon Period 239.
Sympathetic nervous system, see Nervous system, sympathetic.
Syphilis, mercurial treatment of 274.

- T -

Talmud 320.
Teacher, attracted to neophyte 495, 496, 524, 525.
  — confidence in necessary 440.
Tears, cause of 60.
Temper, injurious effect of 144, 455.
  — control of 463.
  — of youth and desire body 144.
Temperament, a factor in spiritual development 520.
  — and heredity 138.
Temples of Initiation, in Lemuria 281.
Temple, midnight services in 529.
  — no golden key to 524.
  — of Rosicrucian Order, lay brothers visit 523.
  — veil of, rent 390, 407.
Temples, face the east 383.
  — in past open only to Initiates 390.
Temptation, purpose of 110, 282.
Tenfold, Constitution of Man 95.
Terms, (in this work) best available 227.
  — relative 233.
The One is the Supreme Being 181.
Theological theory 148-151.
Theories, three, of life and death 147-148.
Third eye, pineal gland 262.
Third Heaven, see Heaven Third.
Thorah 319, 321.
Thought, abstract, beneficial effects of 203.
  — activities selfish 285.
  — acts upon brain 89.
  — breaks down nerve tissue 399.
  — burns its way through obstacles 487.
  — controlled by life spirit 399.
  — cost of 270.
  — creates image on photographic plates 537.
  — cunning first attempt at 309.
  — destined to become objectified 417, 418, 427.
  — destroying power of 92, 399.
  — determines character 398.
  — developed in current Fifth Epoch 298.
  — effect of twin forces upon 89.
  — existed before brain 18.
  — expression of, highest privilege 236.
  — function diminished after eating 239.
  — gained in Atlantis 297, 299, 309.
  — gained with sacrifice of power over Nature 298.
  — generation and projection of 89-91.
  — great power of, usually wasted 486.
  — ideas transformed into 88, 486.
  — molds body 149.
  — molds matter 537.
  — must be generated by spirit from within 486.
  — physical world trains ego to use 33, 426.
  — protects as guardian angel 47.
  — reflecting ether transmits 38.
  — related to memory 90, 91.
  — result of unchaste 472.
  — transmission of 90.
Thought, Abstract, Region of, location of 48.
  — reflected in Desire world 51.
  — seed stratum of earth corresponds to 504.
Thought force, means of gathering knowledge 487.
  — permanent 29.
  — ultimate reality 28.
Thought forms clothe ideas 49.
  — permanency of 28.
  — return to their creator 91.
Thought, Concrete, Region of, archetype in 49.
  — divisions of 49-50, 54.
  — emotion as atmosphere in 50.
  — furnishes mind stuff 48.
  — models of Earth in 125.
  — region of, clear pictures of memory of nature in 38.
  — tone apparent as color in 124.
  — water stratum of earth corresponds to 504.
Thought, logical, semi-circular canals cause 126.
Thought, World of, central position of 48.
  — ego functions directly in 88.
  — extends beyond desire world 53, 179.
  — forms of, act as balance wheels 49.
  — highest of man's present evolution 48.
  — man obtains mind stuff from 30, 49, 88.
  — realm of music 119.
  — regions and subdivisions of 48, 54.
  — relation of four kingdoms to 70.
  — second heaven in 119, 146.
  — spirit and body meet in 48.
  — third heaven in 119, 146.
Threefold Soul, see Soul, Threefold.
Threefold Soul, see Soul, Threefold.
Threefold spirit, see Ego.
Thrones, see Lords of Flame.
Thymus gland, stores blood in child's body 143.
Time non-existent in higher worlds 29.
  — amplitude of 388.
Tlavatlis, see Atlantean Races, (subhead Tlvatlis).
Toltecs, see Atlantean races, (subhead Toltecs).
Tone produces color 123, 124.
  — creator of form 123, 369.
Torah, see Thorah.
Trance 149.
Trance-like consciousness 74, 85, 212, 415, 421.
  — abeyance of recuperative forces in 94.
  — experiences in 149.
Transmigration of souls, no basis for 158.
  — retrogression 157.
Transmutation of baser metals into gold 438.
  — of bodies into soul 425.
  — of evil 43.
  — of motives 464.
  — of sex force 467.
  — work of, by Elder Brothers 529.
Tree of Knowledge 278, 362, 363.
Tree of Life 363.
Tribal Spirit, appears as a cloud to trained clairvoyant 350.
Trinity, Christian doctrine of 253, 376.
Trinity, of good, true and beautiful 517.
  — of religion, science and art 516.
Trottes worked on by Jesus 409.
Truth, higher always ahead 440.
  — is eternal 23.
  — many aspects of 321.
  — shall make you free 23.
Tuberculosis, cause of 113, 511.
Turanians, see Atlantean Races, (subhead Original Turanians).
Twelve and One, a cosmic grouping 521-522.
Twin feelings, interest and indifference 46, 54.
Twin forces, attraction and repulsion 46, 54.
  — will and imagination 284.
Twofold energy, universal creative force 324.
  — man uses selfishly 285.

- U -

Unbelief, injury from 440.
Upright walk required by ego 86.
Uranus first thrown off sun 258.
  — life on, backward 258.
Union with God 495.
United States, melting pot 305, 306, 315.
Universal Brotherhood 311.
Universe, formation of 324, 325.
  — logic in 440.
  — maintained by God 324.
Unselfishness will release creative force 537.
Urinary system, saves man from early grave 444.

- V -

Vegetables contain very little ash 446.
Vegetarians versus meat-eaters, contests of 459.
Vehicles center at root of nose 292.
  — prayer for 452.
Vehicles, higher, have no specialized organs 75.
  — improved by advanced egos 289.
  — leave body at death 97.
  — must shine to attract teacher 496.
  — of Christ Jesus 377, 406.
  — of each kingdom 73.
  — of new-born 139.
  — of the Trinity 376.
  — positive forces of individual necessary for use of 141.
  — retain ovoid form 255.
  — separate, importance of 58.
  — spiritualization of 124.
Veil of Isis 293.
Veil of Temple rent 407.
Venus, one side always to sun 219.
  — beings of, more evolved than man 271.
  — pole of, points to sun 219.
  — thrown off from sun 263, 272.
Venus, Lords of, see Lords of Venus.
Venus Period, consciousness of man in 419.
  — desire body perfected in 422.
  — divine spirit absorbs life spirit 428.
  — essences of bodies acquired by desire body in 423.
  — globes of, as in Sun Period 199, 200.
  — Initiate of, the Apostle John 502.
  — intellectual soul absorbed by life spirit in 425.
  — life spirit most active in 423.
  — mind creates in 427.
  — minerals, the animals of 428.
  — plants human in 342, 428.
Vesuvius, eruption of 508.
Vibration, atoms have rate of 375.
  — each world has different rate of 187.
  — of pituitary body 479.
  — rhythmic power of 122, 369, 375.
  — varying rates of, determine substance 40.
Vicarious Atonement, see Atonement, vicarious.
Vice shattered by repulsion 47.
Vikings understood spiritual effects of haemolysis 353.
Virgin Mary 378.
Virgin Spirit always gives wise counsel 398.
  — clothed in vehicles 87.
  — man is 398.
  — to acquire soul power and creative mind 189, 429.
  — triple phase of 223.
Virgin Spirits, become unconscious 201.
  — constitute creative hierarchy 326.
  — differentiated within God 188, 216.
  — evolution of depends on adaptability 223.
  — expressing as animals 81.
  — have independent will 189.
  — potentially God 189.
  — seven rays of 246, 438.
  — total number of, saved 231.
  — World of, atomistic stratum of earth corresponds to 507.
Virgin Spirits, World of, ego conscious of God in 189.
  — become unconscious 189, 201.
  — becoming experts in building chemical bodies 222.
  — constitute creative heirarchy 221, 326.
  — have being in 87, 189, 216.
Virgin, zodiacal sign of, on Holy Night 390.
Virtue, built by attraction 47.
  — distinguishable from innocence 282.
Vision, suitable glasses recommended as an aid to faulty 492.
Vital body, absorbs solar energy 63.
  — amputated limbs and pain in 64.
  — anesthetics affect 62.
  — angels work in 283, 349.
  — appears to expand after death 108.
  — belongs to physical world 97.
  — birth of 141-142.
  — blood and glands expressions of 238, 397, 455.
  — builds and restores dense body 60.
  — built by angels 222, 349, 427.
  — causes menstruation and tears 60.
  — Christ's vehicle at Second Coming 381.
  — collapse of, produces sleep 92, 93.
  — color of new-born peach blossom 60, 63, 253.
  — composition of 58-61, 482.
  — congruent with dense body at root of nose 293, 294.
  — constructed of prisms 10.
  — decays with dense body 102, 103.
  — determines shape of dense body60.
  — development of, object of esoteric training 381, 481-482.
  — division of 481.
  — effect of hypnotism upon 62.
  — effect of prayer upon 434, 463.
  — eliminates disease germs 63.
  — embedded in dense body 61.
  — essence of, absorbed in Venus Period 424, 425.
  — ethers of, separated by Initiation 482.
  — expands after death 108.
  — forms particular type of brain 135.
  — function of, to soften and build 455, 456.
  — given by Lords of Wisdom 211.
  — has straightened out 255.
  — immortal part of 482.
  — impressed with pictures of coming life 135.
  — impressed with revenge by desire body 463.
  — in animals 77, 293.
  — in four kingdoms 58.
  — in Jupiter Period absorbs dense body 422.
  — in Jupiter Period man's lowest vehicle 242.
  — in likeness of physical body 240.
  — in medium 62.
  — in ordinary individual interlocked 62, 241.
  — in third stage 75, 76.
  — Initiations affect 404, 405.
  — intuition from 92.
  — looseness of, causes clairvoyance 241.
  — lower ethers active in sleep 482.
  — macrocosmic 139-140, 141.
  — matrix of 137.
  — medium of propagation 283.
  — memory resides in 94.
  — method of purifying 111, 482.
  — molds dense body 60, 137.
  — must conquer desire body 463.
  — next to physical body in organized efficiency 240.
  — now being separated from dense vehicle 242.
  — obtained in Sun Period 211, 212.
  — of Atlantean 293.
  — of different kingdoms 58, 59, 77.
  — of Lemurian woman developed memory 280.
  — of man 60.
  — of woman 60.
  — panorama of life in 91, 135, 397.
  — perfected in Jupiter Period 422.
  — positive, causes menstruation and tears 60.
  — prayer for 462.
  — prepared for Initiation 404, 481.
  — prismatic seed atom of, in solar plexus 10.
  — promotes sex love 397.
  — purification and control of 433-435.
  — radiations of 63.
  — reaction on dense and desire bodies 441.
  — reconstructed in Earth Period 240.
  — reconstructed in Hyperborean Epoch 262, 263.
  — reconstructed in Moon Period 214, 215, 240.
  — Recording Angels mold 135.
  — repetition builds 434.
  — requisite for growth 58.
  — ripening of ethers in 143.
  — rooted in spleen 10, 63.
  — seat of memory 481.
  — seed atom of, withdrawn at death 103.
  — sensation due to separate 505-506.
  — sensitized by prayer 92.
  — separate vehicle 240-241.
  — separation of ethers 481.
  — silver cord, both parts meet in seed atom of 10.
  — spiritualized product amalgamated with life spirit 124.
  — started in Sun Period 422.
  — unhealthy radiations of 63.
  — vehicle of sense perception 94.
  — vehicle of soul flights 482.
  — vibrates dense body 61, 62.
  — victory over desire body 463.
  — war with desire body produces consciousness 455, 456.
  — weighed by scientists 100.
  — will surpass physical vehicle in efficiency 242.
  — withdrawal of, in sleep 93.
  — withdraws at death 97, 100, 102.
Vital force becomes rose-colored 63.
  — carries message to muscles63.
  — comes from sun 62.
  — expels germs 63.
  — stopping of, causes sleep 93.
Vital forces from ethers 35.
Vitality element in Region of Concrete Thought 50.
Voice, vibrations of, form geometrical figures 369, 537.
Volcanic, action, and materialism 508, 511.
  — destroyed Lemuria 291.
  — eruptions and earth's constitution 498-514.
  — nature forces cause 508.
Vulcan Period, consciousness of 421.
  — corresponds to the week 411.
  — corresponds to white containing all colors 413.
  — creative powers in 427, 428.
  — divine spirit strongest in 423.
  — emotional soul absorbed by human spirit 425.
  — essences of bodies incorporated into mind 423.
  — function of man in 428.
  — globes of, as in Saturn Period 200.
  — Initiation of, symbolized by Christ 502.
  — last period of our evolution 411.
  — man perfected in 427.
  — mind becomes purified 422.
  — minerals become human 428.
  — minerals humanity of 342.
  — recapitulations of preceding periods 411.
  — revolution, (seventh) work on Divine Spirit 209.
  — seventh day of creation 366.

- W -

Waking consciousness 74, 83, 300, 415, 420.
Walk, upright, necessary to ego 86.
War, industrial, more destructive than military 393.
War between heart and mind 17, 384, 393.
  — death as result of 118.
  — race spirits instigate 334.
Warm red blood, and indwelling spirit 69, 86, 268, 274.
  — outgoing currents of 69.
Water brings forth life-breathing things 331.
  — changed to wine 169.
  — earthy matter in 444.
  — important in nutrition 446, 449.
  — in Atlantean Epoch 291.
  — lines of force in 27.
Water, distilled, valuable 445, 446.
Wealth, opportunities to serve through 464
  — purpose of 432.
Western peoples, vanguard will offer their bodies as "living sacrifices 316.
World, Western 113, 510, 518, 520, 521, 523, 529.
"Whatsoever a man soweth" 106.
Will, an aspect of God 182, 183.
  — and experience 131.
  — expression of desire body 394.
  — first aspect of God 178, 324.
  — indispensable soul force in propagation 284.
  — male power of, allied to Sun forces 267.
  — man frees himself by 362, 485.
  — office of, in thought 89.
  — power, cultivation of, in Lemuria 281.
  — projects ideas into mind 88.
Wine added to diet 168.
  — counterfeit spirit 169.
  — evolutionary factor 165-172.
  — water changed to 169.
Wisdom, cosmic, in World of Life Spirit 398.
  — an aspect of God 182, 323.
  — Eastern, teachings of, misconstrued 270.
  — human and animal instinct 79, 84.
  — obtained through striving 22.
  — second aspect of God 324.
  — should guide motion 324-325.
Wisdom, Lords of, see Lords of Wisdom.
  — acquired by evolution 282.
Wisdom of Nature, will supersede brain knowledge 363.
Wise men 389.
Wolff, Caspar, his theory of generation 338.
Woman, allied to Lunar forces 267.
  — and Lucifer Spirits 361.
  — and painful parturition 283, 362.
  — developed memory 280.
  — education of, in Lemuria 279.
  — intuition or 92.
  — pioneer in culture 280.
  — positive vital body of 60, 280.
Word, creative, see Creative Word.
Word, aided in creation 374.
  — "Alone Begotten Son," the 374.
  — aspect of Supreme Being 181.
  — highest power in universe 374.
  — lost 363.
  — made flesh 181.
  — spoken, in Jupiter Period 418.
  — spoken, of power in Lemurian 278, 295.
Words, spiritually understood 234.
  — use of, highest human privilege 236.
Work of ego, union with higher self 432.
World, Christ took away sin of 408.
  — has dominion over man 386.
  — unwilling to consider anything "too" selfish 385.
World, Desire 29.
World, each, requires separate vehicle 57, 379.
World globes and chaos 247.
World of Divine Spirit 29.
  — virgin spirits unconscious in 189.
World of God 29.
World of Life Spirit, see Life Spirit, world of (See also 29).
World, Physical, see Physical World (See also 29).
World Savior, humanity led by star to 389.
World Soul crucified 85.
World of Thought, see Thought, World of (See also 29).
World of Virgin Spirits, see Virgin Spirits, World of (See also 29).
World, Western 17, 113, 315, 470, 510, 518, 520, 521, 523, 529.
Worlds, higher, man now creates in 270.
  — higher, at crucifixion 407.
Worlds, called into existence separately 188, 375.
  — denser than ours 233.
  — each of seven, subdivided into seven regions 29.
  — each planet has three 53.
  — each vibrates at different rate 187, 375.
  — evolutionary scheme of 186-188.
  — five, field of man's evolution 87, 188.
  — formation of 187, 375.
  — higher, created first 188.
  — interpenetrate 53, 55, 187, 233.
  — logic safest guide in all 440.
  — man loses touch with 294.
  — seven, vary in density 29, 54, 186-188.
  — three densest, comparatively evanescent 188.
  — universe divided into seven different 29.
  — visible and invisible 24-55, 186-188.

- Y -

Yoga systems used in India 437.

- Z -

Zodiac and rebirth 160.
  — as "clock of destiny" 163.
  — of Denderah 512.
Zodiac, signs of 221.
Zodiac womb of solar system 256.
Zohar written by esotericists 319.

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