Instead of using this horoscope for the diagnosis of disease, we will
use it to illustrate the art of directing, and judging the crisis and the duration of the disease.
We find the fixed sign of Leo on the Ascendant, with the cardinal
signs of Aries and Libra on the 10th and 4th cusps respectively; the fixed
signs of Taurus and Scorpio intercepted. In this horoscope we have two
rulers; the ruler of the Ascendant, the Sun, which is in the sign of its
fall in Aquarius and near the cusp of the 7th house; and the dynamic Mars,
which is the ruler of the 10th house, placed on the cusp of the 11th house
in a critical degree of the sign of Gemini. Mars is sextile to Neptune in
the 9th house and trine to the Sun in the 6th house. Therefore we may look
to the Sun and Mars as having the greatest influence on the life of this
Now let us find the afflictions which were responsible for the
sickness which overtook her. We find Jupiter, which has rule over the
arterial blood, in its own sign of Sagittarius in the 5th house, square to
Venus which rules the venous circulation, and which is exalted in the watery
sign of Pisces in the 8th house. Jupiter is in opposition to Uranus in the
sign of Gemini and the 11th house. Venus is also square to Uranus. Now what
do these afflictions from the common signs indicate? We have had similar
indications in the horoscopes of those who were afflicted with tuberculosis
of the lungs. Venus and Jupiter both so strong by sign and afflicted
by Uranus, this last named planet being in Gemini, which has rule over
the lungs, would naturally interfere with oxygenation, also giving a tendency
to coughs and colds.
On January 21, 1909, this woman contracted a heavy cold which
culminated in double pneumonia. The adjusted calculation date (calculated as
taught (click/touch here),The Message of the Stars) is August 16, 1864.
We will now progress the planets from August 16, 1908, which
corresponds to their places in the ephemeris on March 12, 1865. By adding
the distance which the principal planets move in 5 months, we find that in
January 1909 the progressed Sun was in 22-22 of Pisces; the Moon was in 27-
28 of Virgo; Mars was in 21 degrees of Gemini; Jupiter in 27-19 of
Sagittarius; Venus in 7-50 of Taurus; Mercury in 17-16 of Pisces.
Now to judge the kind of sickness we must see what aspects were made
between the progressed and radical planets bearing on the organic weakness of the lungs and poor circulation of the blood as shown in the radix. We first
look for the afflictions of the planets in common signs, and find that the
Sun had progressed to the conjunction of the radical Venus in Pisces, which
made a square to the radical Jupiter. Mars had progressed to the opposition
of the radical Jupiter, and was square to the progressed Sun. We also find
that the progressed Moon was square to the radical Uranus in the sign of
Gemini, indicating the lungs.
The above aspects of the progressed planets to the radical were a
very severe affliction and especially since they were from the common signs.
There are three points to be taken into consideration in reading a
horoscope; the radical chart is as the fact of the clock; the progressed
planets are the hour hand; and the daily transits and the daily transits and
the new and full Moons may be compared to the minute hand which tells the
exact time. The progressed aspects alone will not act; there must be an
exciting factor. The transits act as the match that lights the fuse, and
the transiting Moon with its aspects and its lunations is the time marker.
On January 21, 1909, we find that the Moon was in conjunction with
the Sun, and this was a new Moon in the sign of Aquarius in square aspect to
the radical Saturn, which is in the fourth house in Scorpio. This
lunation marked the day when the woman first contracted the cold which
culminated in pneumonia. Saturn at birth is square to the radical Sun, and
the lunation naturally strengthened this affliction. This of itself would
not have affected the lungs, but we find the progressed Sun in conjunction
with the radical Venus in the 8th house and in the watery sign of Pisces.
Venus is the most adversely situated planet in the horoscope; it is in its
exaltation in Pisces, but is afflicted by a square of Jupiter and Uranus at
birth. The radical Jupiter is receiving assistance from the sextile of the
Moon, and Uranus has a trine from Saturn, which will ameliorate the evil of
these two planets, but Venus is afflicted from both sides and without a
single good aspect to offset the evil. We also find that Venus had
progressed to 7-50 of Taurus in the tenth house and had reached a square of
the radical Sun. The double affliction of the Sun, the effect of which is
of a hot and inflammatory nature, was in this case responsible for the
inflammation which took place in the capillaries of the lungs.
But the question may be asked, Why should this inflammation take place
in the lungs? Why not in the throat or the feet where the afflicting
planets are found? Mars, which is another hot and inflammatory planet had
progressed to 21-00 degrees of Gemini and was then squaring the radical
Venus and progressed Sun. Mars, therefore, was the focusing point of the
We have previously stated that the Moon is the time marker of a
disease and also marks the crisis. We therefore go to the beginning when the
cold was contracted and watch when the Moon came to a square to the place of
the lunation, which was at midnight of Jan. 27, 1909, seven days later.
Medical science counts its critical days by 7, 14, and 21. The Moon has
particular influence over man, and marks the time when recovery is apt to take
Let us follow the transiting Moon on her journey and see her
influence. On the 25th she reached the conjunction of the radical Venus and
progressed Sun, also the opposition to the progressed Moon, which was in
27-28 of Virgo. This did not bring any great change, but on the night of
the 27th and the early morning of the 28th when the transiting Moon
reached the square of the preceding lunation, a conjunction with the
Midheaven, the Dragon's Tail, and the progressed Venus, also an opposition
to the radical Saturn, death was very close. At 1 A.M. of the 28th the woman
passed out of the body. She was able to see herself lying on the bed, and
was fully conscious that death was near when the cries of the nurse who shook
her brought her back to life.
The length of an illness may be known by the signs in which the
planets which caused the illness are found. If in fixed signs, the
recovery is slow; in cardinal signs, the illness is very severe but quickly
over. In all cases it is well to look to the radical aspects of Mars and the
Sun. If these planets are well situated and aspected as in the case of this
woman, (Mars trine to the Sun) and if fixed signs are on the angles it is an
indication that the patient will win out, where many under similar
afflictions would go to the grave.
"It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate;
I am the captain of my soul."
Well may Henley say that man is the captain of his soul. When we look
at this horoscope, we read the message in the planets that this soul had
prepared a wide gate for itself and that the Path should be smooth and full
of sunshine, for we find twenty-four good and but eight evil aspects.
This from an astrologer's point of view should bring good health and
We find the common and earthy sign of Virgo on the Ascendant, with
the Moon and Uranus in conjunction in the first house, forming a sextile
with Venus and a trine with Mercury, which latter is the ruler of the
Ascendant and Midheaven; also a trine to the higher octave of Mercury, the
mystical Neptune. This will give a degree of intellectuality. This woman
should be attracted to the study of dietetics and interested in humanitarian
work, for the humanitarian and advanced Uranus, which is so prominent in
the first —
Birth Chart No. 1A
— house and in conjunction with the Moon, is ruler of the sixth house
which governs the common people, the laboring classes.
The common and earthy sign of Virgo gives a tendency to drift along
the path of least resistance. The people under this sign are not keen to
battle with the tide but prefer to drift and are prone to become victims of
their physical ailments. In the case of this woman we find Mars, the planet
of dynamic energy, posited in Leo in the 12th house, that of self-
undoing. When Mars is in the fixed and fiery sign of Leo, its influence for
good or evil is much greater than elsewhere. We find in this case that Mars
is the chief afflicter, being square and parallel to the life ruler, Mercury,
and square to its higher octave, Neptune. But why should this affliction
be considered important when there are so many good aspects to offset
it? People with Mars in Leo may be likened to a keg of powder: they are apt
to go off at any moment, especially when Mercury and its higher
octave, Neptune, are square to Mars and in the fixed sign of Taurus. These
aspects give an ungovernable temper and indicate one who would hold
We find Venus, the planet ruling the appetite, the palate, and the
pleasures of the table, in the 11th house, friends, in the sign of Cancer,
governing the stomach. Venus is sextile to Mercury and Neptune, both of
which are placed in the home of Venus, the sign ruling the throat, Taurus.
Venus is also sextile to the Moon, the ruler of Cancer, and to Uranus, the
natural ruler of the 11th house. These aspects and positions indicate that
this woman was blessed (or shall we in this case term it afflicted?) with
many friends who invited her to many dinners, and she was ever ready to
respond, for with the Moon and Uranus in conjunction in the first house
she was naturally of a restless nature and ready to go whenever an
invitation arrived. A sextile between Venus in Cancer and the Moon gives
desire for rich pastries and sweets, consequently her stomach was much
abused by excesses. Also her nervous system was shattered by fits of anger.
Thus the vagus, or pneumogastric, nerve was weakened.
This cranial nerve, which has its origin in the fourth ventricle, plays
a prominent part in the functions of the physical body. Its branches extend
to the ear, throat, heart, lungs, and liver, and it surrounds the
esophagus, the tube through which the food passes after it leaves the
mouth, with a network of little nerves. Its branches also surround a large
part of the stomach. An excess of food which dilated and distended the
stomach, brought about by the impacts of the Moon and Uranus on the
Ascendant, and the temper of Mars square Mercury undermined this poor
woman's health so that she became a chronic invalid.
The Sun is in a common sign near the Midheaven and afflicted by a
conjunction with Saturn in the Mercurial sign of Gemini. Mercury, the
life ruler, has rule over the hearing. We naturally look to the place
occupied by the strongest planet for the affliction. This woman was
afflicted with deafness in both ears, for one branch of the vagus nerve
rules the auricle of the ear. She also suffered from a constant pain under
her right shoulder blade, indicating liver trouble, and she was abnormally
Here we may see how man may be his own executioner as indicated in
this horoscope. The ruler of the house of death, the eighth house, is
afflicted in the house of self-undoing, the twelfth. The only remedy for a
patient of this type is to eliminate all sweets and pastries, cut down the
supply of food to one-half, and learn to be still, to relax.
This woman was born on June 22, 1881, at noon. We find the Venusian
sign of Libra on the Ascendant and the Sun on the cusp of the Midheaven. This
is the most powerfully situated planet and therefore the life ruler. The
Sun is sextile to Mars. In The Message of the Stars,(click/touch here), we are told
that a good aspect between these two fiery planets strengthens the
constitution and makes the person able to perform hard tasks and produces a
superabundance of vital energy. As the Sun is accidentally dignified by being
placed in the 10th house and on the cusp of the Midheaven, the native should
have an abundance of will and energy to overcome almost any disease. This
we will touch upon later.
We find here a very strange combination of planets, a blending
of benefics and malefics, all clustered in the 8th house and in the fixed
sign of Taurus, ruling the region of the throat and neck.
We find Mars in Taurus, the sign of Venus where he is in his
detriment, in conjunction with Saturn; this strengthens the malefic tendencies
of —
Birth Chart
No. 1B
— Mars. Some may question the conjunction of Mars 0-31 and Saturn 9-13 as
we have heretofore given six degrees as the orb of the minor planets, but
there are exceptions to this rule. Where we find a cluster of planets placed
in a sign in which their evil tendencies are strong, especially when in a
fixed and also a bestial sign, then the orbs of those planets are greater,
their influence is stronger. Now, with Saturn's evil enhanced by the
martial rays, Saturn will have a strong influence for evil when he is placed
within orb of a conjunction with the Moon and Neptune.
We look for the physical trouble from the above four planets.
These placed in Taurus, the sign ruling the neck, also the glands, nerves, and
arteries within this region of the body which Saturn is afflicting, indicate
atrophy or obstruction. Saturn's influence on Neptune and the Moon would
cause a contraction of the nerves. We find Jupiter and Venus also in
conjunction with the Moon and Neptune and therefore indirectly influenced
by the orb of the afflicting Saturn. So we may conclude that this entire
group of six planets situated in the fixed sign of Taurus and in the 8th house
is under affliction.
Jupiter rules the arterial blood, and Venus the venous blood.
Neptune and the Moon on account of the conjunction with Saturn may be termed
malefic and will restrict the circulation in the carotid artery and interfere
with the various tubes that carry air and fluid to the ear, for the Moon
also rules the white fluids or body oil. As a result of the restriction of
the various fluids, the semi-circular canals of the inner ear are lacking in
the liquid known as endolymph. This liquid acts upon the nerves that run to
the three canals as the acid acts upon the copper plates in an electric
battery. Where this endolymph is lacking, the equilibrium of the body is
disturbed, and, as in the case of this young woman, people so afflicted can
not walk without pitching forward.
With the obstructed circulation of both arterial and venous blood,
she has also suffered with spasmodic torticollis, the twisting of the
cervical muscles. The square of Mercury to Mars would give this nervous
The trouble developed in the fall of 1914 when the progressed Moon
had reached a conjunction with the radical Mercury, the transiting Uranus was
in 8 degrees of Aquarius making a square to Saturn, and the transiting
Saturn was in conjunction with the radical Sun in the Midheaven. These
transits excited the affliction of the progressed Moon, and naturally the
nervous system was disturbed.
It has been said in our astrological diagnosis in the past that the
conjunction of Saturn and Neptune in Scorpio or Taurus may cause
malformation of the generative organs, and in The Message of the Stars a case
was given proving this. The affliction of planets often works in squares
and oppositions. In this case all the planets are in Taurus, which rules
the larynx and throat and is the sign opposite to Scorpio, ruling the
generative organs. Here we find the cause of a disturbance which to some
extent helped to bring about the physical trouble. There was an abnormal
and unnatural sex desire which, not finding expression, excited the flow of
blood to the throat, and this being obstructed caused a disturbance.
Now regarding the sextile of the Sun and Mars and the trine of Uranus
to the various afflicted planets in Taurus, were it not for these good
aspects this young lady would not have grown to womanhood, for great trouble
would have arisen during puberty. But the life-giving Sun, so powerfully
situated in the Midheaven, sextile to Mars, and also within orb of a sextile
to Saturn, saved her much trouble during this period.
If she could come under th care of an experienced osteopathic
physician who understands proper manipulations, this together with a
careful diet would enable her to overcome her physical afflictions.
In this horoscope we will continue with afflictions found in cardinal signs. While they may be in different signs of the cardinal group, yet the effect is similar in all.
In this lesson we have the horoscope of a woman with Virgo on the
Ascendant and common signs on the angles. Two prominent planets, Uranus
and Mars, are in or near the 10th house. While they are retrograde and not
in conjunction, still they are parallel to each other and parallel to the
Sun. Mars being in conjunction with the midheaven, sextile to Neptune, and
trine to the Moon, gives great enthusiasm. Whatever this woman attempts to
do is done under impulse and with great force. With Mars and Uranus so
prominent and the Sun in Capricorn she feels that she must rule at any cost.
Should she be denied this privilege, she would become very resentful and
With Saturn in its sign of exaltation, Libra, square to Mercury in
the Saturnian sign of Capricorn, we meet the vicious circle of the
cardinal signs. The Sun in Capricorn afflicted by a square of Neptune, both
in cardinal signs, together with the parallel of the nervous and excitable
Uranus to the hot and inflammable Mars has caused a succession of abscesses in
the frontal bone, resulting in partial deafness in both ears. Here we find
the previously mentioned circle culminating in the ears. The writer has
found numerous cases of partial deafness resulting from an afflicted
Mercury in —
Birth Chart No. 1C
— Capricorn, conjunction, square, or opposition Saturn especially when
Saturn was in a cardinal sign.
It is not necessary, however, that these afflicted planets should
cause deafness. The planets impel, they excite. But wisdom is ever a
friend which saves; man has but to learn to know himself. If he would be as
zealous in understanding the functions of his own physical body as he is
those of his radio or automobile, then when planetary afflictions became
known to him and the symptoms appeared in the physical body, he would at once
set to work to conquer them just as he would go about repairing the
mechanism of his machine, oiling it, and cleaning it. For instance, if
congestion were felt in the neck or ears, there would most likely be some
discomfort experienced before any damage was done. Then a slight manipulation
should be made about the ears and the frontal bone, up and down the jugular
vein, th back of the neck, and wherever the fingers can find sore spots on
and about the cranium. Frequently a towel wrung out of hot water will
relax the restricted nerve centers in head and neck and regulate the blood
flow to and from the brain. This will keep the congestion down, and all
serious trouble may be avoided.
Male, born March 21, 1847, between 1:00 and 2:00 A.M.
We usually judge the appearance of the native by the ruler of the
Ascendant and the planets on or near the Ascendant, also by the positions of
the Sun and Moon and their aspects. In this case we find there are two
rulers, Capricorn being intercepted in the 1st house. One of the rulers, the
planet Jupiter, is in its detriment in the sign of Gemini, making a square
aspect to the co-ruler Saturn, showing that these two planets are very
active in affecting the personal appearance and also the personality.
Saturn has a tendency to darken the eyes and hair and to make the body and
the features small. This man has the physical appearance of a
Capricornian, is thin-featured and small of body, and very nervous and
restless. It is always necessary to study the temperament of the patient in
order to know how to deal with him, as it often gives a clue to the cause of
disease and also helps to guide us in giving advice.
We find that the man, Uranus, Mercury, and Venus are all in the
martial and energetic sign of Aries, with the Sun making a sextile to
Jupiter and Mars. The last named planet is intercepted in the 1st
house in the —
Birth Chart No. 2A
— saturnine sign of Capricorn and is making a square to Venus and a trine
to the Moon. Mars thus placed in the first house gives a very
materialistic state of mind. This man would sacrifice his health in the
pursuance of success in worldly matters. He craves riches, and worries and
becomes very restless when material matters do not prospect. This would in
time, if continued, undermine his health and cause him to suffer from nervous
Neptune in the sign of Aquarius in square aspect to the Moon in the
worrisome and pessimistic sign of Taurus in the 5th house, the house of
investments, indicates that he expends much energy in speculation. It is
plainly indicated that he has a tendency to become entangled with large
corporations. He wrote to Headquarters several times endeavoring to get us
to advise him regarding his speculations, but was told repeatedly that this
was against our teachings. During the war he invested his all in a large
corporation which was building a submarine boat in which it hoped to interest
the government; but the corporation did not succeed in this, and in
consequence he lost heavily. We find that Saturn in the 2nd house in the
watery sign of Pisces, square to Jupiter in Gemini; also the watery planet
Neptune is in the last degree of Aquarius in the 2nd house, square to the
watery Moon in the 5th house and the second sign, Taurus, all indicating
speculation and loss.
Worry over financial loss aggravated the eye trouble from which he
had suffered for a number of years. He has been an incessant reader and has
put a heavy strain on his eyes. The mental disturbance over his financial
loss weakened the nervous system, causing him to lose the sight of one eye.
We find the Moon in 29 degrees of Taurus conjunction the Pleiades and square
to Neptune; Jupiter is in 10 degrees of Gemini in the 6th house, that of
sickness, in opposition to the fixed star Antares, which is situated in 8
degrees of Sagittarius; also Jupiter is making a square to the obstructing
Saturn, all indicating eye trouble.
We find Mars square to Venus and trine to the Moon in Taurus. This
man has in the past been fond of the "flesh pots of Egypt," and has gone to
excess in drink and good things to eat. The result is constipation and
internal hemorrhoids. We note that with Jupiter square to Saturn he has
also suffered from obstructed arterial circulation. Due to the amount of
food consumed in the past the poor body has been unable to bear the strain.
At present he is fearing the loss of the second eye, which if he is not
more careful in his diet and mode of living may be the case.
This man would be a very hard patient to heal, as Mars in Capricorn
near the Ascendant is a most stubborn influence; he will not take advice
from anyone. It would take great persuasion and diplomacy to get him to
follow the advice of the healer.
The Rosicrucian method of healing is not only one of faith, but it
is faith joined with common sense. We recognize disease, we acknowledge
that it is caused by breaking the laws of nature. Sometimes there is lack
of will. The horoscopes that we will herewith diagnose will show how one
can overcome where another will succumb to almost the same astrological
No. 2B
Female, born December 1, 1862.
Application for healing was made by this woman during the winter of
1918, to assist her during an operation for the removal of cataracts on both
eyes. She had been under the care of the doctor for a number of months. He
concluded that the cataracts had reached a stage where they could be
removed with safety, but the woman felt that she desired the assistance of
our Invisible Helpers during this trying period. She had previously heard of
the wonderful success of our healers from friends who had been benefited.
There were a number of good aspects in the horoscope, which always
make for safety, especially Mars trine the Sun, which gives great
recuperative power. In looking for the afflictions we find Mercury
opposition to the Pleiades in Taurus, and the Sun and Venus conjoined to
Antares. The Pleiades and Antares are fixed stars which have direct
influence over the eyesight; especially is this true when they are
afflicting the Sun and Mercury.
Birth Chart No. 2B
Much of this woman's trouble is due to the afflictions which we find in
the cardinal signs, Aries and Libra, the latter of which has rule over the
kidneys. Jupiter is conjoined to the restricting Saturn which is strong in
Libra, its sign of exaltation, and these two planets, namely, Jupiter and
Saturn, are in opposition to Neptune in Aries, while Mars is also strong in
Aries, being conjoined the Moon. These are danger signals, showing that
through wrong living (Moon conjoined Mars stimulates the appetite) she has
undermined her health by wrong choice of foods and by eating to excess.
These practices have filled the kidneys with poisons, and when the kidneys
suffer the eyes go wrong, for the eyesight is frequently impaired through
the kidneys. However, cataracts are usually due to an excess of sweets,
creams, and very rich foods, and the afflictions in Libra are prone to send
these impurities to the eyes. But since Mars is in good aspect to the Sun
and Venus, and the Sun and Venus are in conjunction, this woman has overcome
the obstacles and been cured, passing successfully through the operation for
removal of cataracts.
No. 2BX
Female, born April 9, 1851.
The chart for this case is the same as 11B, (click/touch here). We here give the outcome of this case in 1919, and earlier stage of which in 1915 is described in No. 11B.
This is the case of a woman afflicted similarly to the one in No. 2B,
but the reverse condition is found as regards the aspects of the planets.
Nothing but adverse aspects exist with the exception of one, Mars trine to
the Moon. We find the Sun, the life giver, in the sign Aries, restricted by
a conjunction of Saturn and in opposition to Jupiter, ruling the arterial
blood, placed in the sign Libra, ruling the kidneys. These three planets
are also square to the Moon in Cancer, the stomach. Here we find the
kidneys (the janitor), the stomach, (the cook), and the head of the home,
Aries, all afflicted, careless, and not doing their work. How can a home be
kept clean and fit to live in if all the workers are on a strike? The dust
will accumulate, an naturally the tenant will be very uncomfortable. We
find the stove full of ashes; it will not burn, and the smoke is escaping
through the doors and windows instead of through the chimney.
In this horoscope we find the same indications as in No. 2B. The
kidneys have not been eliminating properly, and an abundance of food has been
consumed which has not been properly digested. Naturally the body has
become overcharged with poisons, which must find an outlet. We again find
that the weakest place is the head and eyes. When this woman called upon us
she had been operated on by a doctor who claimed that it was necessary to
remove both eyeballs as they had become diseased. The operation had already
been performed upon one of them, which affected the sight of the other. The
result was that our healing was not successful. We were able, however, to
help the patient greatly in the matter of her stomach trouble, it having
seemed almost impossible for her to digest her food. But in her horoscope
we find little encouragement. Mars evidently did not give the assistance
necessary. Mercury, the Sun and Moon are all afflicted. The native had not
the strength of will or mentality to assist nature in a cure of her
blindness as we find Mercury square the Moon and conjunction Saturn.
In order to help such patients it is necessary first to remove the
cause of the disease. We must advise them to live so that the kidneys will be
purified. An entire change of diet is necessary; tea, coffee, meat, and all
starchy foods must be eliminated. Nine patients out of ten will respond to
healing very quickly as soon as you give them a sane and rational diet.
Teach them how to live, and the work of the Invisible Helpers will be
greatly reinforced.
First we judge the mind, by the aspects and position of Mercury and
the Moon. We find that Mercury is in conjunction with the Sun, but not so
close as to be combust; therefore he is in a very good position. We also see
that he is sextile to Jupiter and Neptune and trine to Mars. This gives the
mind considerable energy and brightness and creates an optimistic nature. On
the other hand we find the Moon in conjunction with the planet of
obstruction, Saturn, and square to Venus, which is a testimony in the opposite
direction. Saturn is square to Neptune and Uranus is square to Mars. Thus
all four malefics are afflicting one another, and there can never be any
great cheerfulness where this is the case unless the person can learn
through philosophy or religion to seek a peace that is above earthly
understanding. At the same time it must be understood that all the good
aspects in the present case will help to give the native occasional periods
of optimism and joy, which will break the periods of gloom and despondency.
We find that there are common signs on the angles, which is a
testimony of a flexible character, difficult to rouse from sickness or
trouble into which the native may fall. The Moon in conjunction with Saturn
in Aquarius, the sign which governs the ankles and lower parts of the limbs,
is evidence of a poor circulation; and Uranus in Leo, the sign of the heart,
in opposition to the Moon and Saturn shows that there is a fluttering
of that —
Birth Chart No. 2C
— organ. This condition is much aggravated by the aforementioned square
of the four malefics.
Saturn rules the pneumogastric nerve; if you count four degrees
forward from the position of Neptune to make the exact square with Saturn,
you will find that the point thus reached falls in Taurus, which governs
the lower part of the head and the neck. This shows that there is pressure
upon the pneumogastric nerve where it leaves the head. If this could be
relieved by an osteopathic treatment, much good could be done for this
person. On the other hand, the square of Saturn to Mars in the last degrees
of Libra (which works also upon the first degrees of Scorpio), shows that
there is trouble with the elimination of the urine, a restriction of
account of scalding urine and bleeding piles, for Mars afflicted always
causes heat and eruption.
But the worst affliction in this person's life arises from the fact
that Uranus is in the nebulous spot of the zodiac called Ascelli, which is
centered in Leo 6. Uranus being there an in opposition to Saturn and the
Moon causes blindness, which sad to say cannot be cured by any physical
means, for the afflictions which come from the fixed signs usually indicate a
destiny which we have made for ourselves in past lives and which is now
"ripe." All that we can do for this person is to endeavor to make her as
cheerful as possible under that affliction.
With respect to the poor circulation and the faulty elimination of
waste products a great deal can be done by osteopathic treatments and the
proper kind of food. She should avoid all condiments and stimulating foods
which heat the urine, and she should be taught to walk for exercise so as
to strengthen the circulation in the body.
There are many people who have been afflicted with blindness yet who
have made their mark in the world. "What man has done, man can do." By constantly stimulating her to effort she may be roused from the lethargy indicated by the common signs on the angles so that she will cease to feel her condition as she does at the present time.
If the poor child whose horoscope we are about to diagnose had lived,
he might well have said, "I could have been the master of my fate, but
instead I have become a slave." Freedom of will depends upon the limitations
which the soul has placed for itself in its former lives. It may have placed
obstacles in its way by wrong use of knowledge or by breaking the laws of
nature in some way. Man was made in the likeness of God and God gave him
dominion over the lower kingdoms. Therefore he has no one to interfere with
his freedom of will; he is absolute master of his destiny.
Now, if this is so, why do we find so many who are born with
misshapen and deformed bodies or whose lives have been so unfortunate?
Sometimes through accidents as wee babes they are made to suffer during the
rest of their earth life. A cause set going in one life has its effect in
another embodiment. If it were not so, if the law of cause and effect were not —
Birth Chart No. 2D
— established beyond a doubt, would not God, whom we know is an all-loving
Father, be very cruel and unjust? Could we love and worship such a tyrant?
But He has made man a little lower than the angels and has offered him a
crown of glory. This crown is not given for the asking, however; man must
earn it by a life of purity and unselfishness.
Now let us see what fate we may find in this babe's horoscope:
We find Sagittarius rising, with Venus, Moon, Sun, and Uranus all in
conjunction in the advanced sign of Aquarius, intercepted in the 2nd
house, sextile to the Ascendant. Also the Dragon's Head, which is of a
Jupiterian nature, is in conjunction with the Ascendant. This would have
given the little fellow a most beautiful and charming personality. With Mars
near the Midheaven, trine to Mercury, which is in the mental sign of Aquarius,
he was very bright mentally.
At eleven months of age he could stand alone. On July 12, 1919, at
the age of 17 months, he fell from a balcony, but no serious symptoms
developed. At that time we find the transiting Moon and Mars square to the
radical Mars in the Midheaven; this is a very strong indication of accident.
On July 14th and 15th the boy began to get drowsy, and could not keep food
in his stomach, for on that day the transiting Moon was in Aquarius, making
an opposition to Saturn and Neptune in the eighth house in Leo. On the
morning of the 16th he was taken with convulsions, the transiting Moon having
just passed a conjunction with Venus, Moon, Sun, and Uranus. Uranus
when afflicted causes convulsions. At the third convulsion the child lost
his eyesight, for the transiting Mercury had reached an opposition to the
planets in Aquarius, (especially the lights, the Sun and the Moon),
which brought on total blindness, as indicated in the radical chart by Neptune
in conjunction with fixed stars, the Ascelli, and also in conjunction with
Saturn. On the fifth day of his illness he became unconscious, lost his
hearing and the control of his tongue, and the head was drawn back over
the spine. A number of the most noted doctors were consulted, but none
could diagnose the case. They operated on the head and spine, however, and
the operations failed.
Now, from the astrological diagnosis what do we find? Neptune rules
the spinal canal, that channel of spiritual fire from which all life
emanates. Saturn, the planet of obstruction, the chastener, is found in
conjunction with this esoteric planet, which also has rule over the pineal
gland through which the spiritual faculties first become awakened. Abuse of
the spiritual powers in former lives brings about physical infirmities. From
birth this boy's spine was affected, the spinal fluid obstructed, and total
blindness unavoidable. It is a known fact to astrologers that a child born at
the new or the full of the Moon, if not supported strongly by benefics,
rarely lives. This child was born when the Sun and Moon were in exact
conjunction with the benefic Venus, and Mars, the planet of energy, was
elevated near the cusp of the 10th house, trine to Jupiter and Mercury. These
benefic aspects made it possible for this babe to live for a short time. We
have not the exact date of the child's death. The last letter we received
from the parents stated that he was very low on November 6th, and was not
expected to live. We find on November 14th, 1919, the transiting Sun making a
square to the cluster of planets in Aquarius, and the transiting Moon in
conjunction with the afflicting planets in Leo and making an opposition to
the planets in Aquarius. It would be almost impossible for the babe to pass
these afflictions, and death, no doubt, occurred at that time.
We will here give a lesson on the effect of Saturn, the obstructor,
when in the last decanate of Aquarius. The writer has observed that many
cases of eye trouble may be traced to Saturn when he is posited between the
24th and the 30th degrees of Aquarius, and especially does this affect the
sight of the left eye.
No. 2E
Female, born August 19, 1905.
We will use a flat figure as the hour of birth is missing. We find
the Sun in its own sign of Leo. Saturn is retrograde in its own sign,
Aquarius, and Mars is in Scorpio, the sign in which it is able to exercise
its full strength. These three powerful planets are all in fixed signs and
in opposition or square to one another. Here we find a debt of ripe destiny
facing this soul which it was impossible to avoid. At the age of twelve
this girl was almost entirely blind.
Birth Chart No. 2E
Now let us see if we cannot read the message of the stars and see
why this dreadful affliction should come upon one so young. What is the
debt that she is called upon to pay? Neptune, the planet which rules
spiritual sight, is exalted in the watery sign of Cancer. This esoteric
planet is in opposition to Uranus, which is retrograde and in the saturnine
sign of Capricorn. Uranus stands for clairvoyance and the unseen.
Capricorn is the natural 10th house sign of authority, that of one who rules.
The Sun, Saturn, and Mars, all at home and in fixed and dominant signs and
Mars parallel to both Neptune and Uranus indicate that this poor soul in a
previous life, and in a cruel and dominant manner while occupying a male
body, used his esoteric powers to enslave the opposite sex, thereby causing
many tears to be shed. It is said, "The mills of God grind slowly, but they
grind exceeding small." The Lords of Destiny have brought this Ego, who
caused so many tears to flow in a past life, into the weak body of this
little girl, whose mother, fearing childbirth, shed many tears while
carrying her. The result was a tender, sensitive body with impaired eye
No. 2F
Female, born January 31, 1876, 8:00 P.M.
Here we have Saturn in the 26th degree of Aquarius in conjunction
with Mercury and in the 6th house, the house ruling sickness. The Moon is —
Birth Chart No. 2F
— parallel to and in conjunction with Mars in the sign of Aries. This
indicates emotion and impulse. It shows one who does not reason but jumps
into things thoughtlessly and with fear. Especially is fear indicated when
in addition the sign of Virgo is rising. Sometimes in such cases the
resulting acts of impulse rebound upon the native, causing great suffering as
in the case of this woman. When she began to suffer with eye strain she
permitted the doctors to operate on her eyes on two different occasions.
The first time they removed the right eyeball, and the second time the
operation destroyed the sight of the left eye. From planetary indications,
with the proper care and diet her eyesight might have been saved, but
unfortunately she did not hear of the Invisible Helpers until too late.
We see that in the case of horoscope no. 2E, the native was in the
hands of fate, and she had to pass through the greater part of this life in
darkness, while in the second figure fear and excessive emotion precipitated
total blindness.
This woman has the feminine, earthy, and common sign of Virgo on the
Ascendant. We are taught in the Cosmo-Conception that the Law of Consequence
works in harmony with the planets, and that the spirit is born into the
physical world at that opportune time when these may operate in harmony with
each other. The birth of the Ego is so timed by the Lords of Destiny that
the horoscope, which is the clock of destiny, registers the kind of debts
which the Ego has incurred in its previous lives and the time when these
debts come to fruition, when the harvest from the seeds which have been sown
must be garnered.
However, the law of destiny is not a blind law, for it may be modified
to a certain degree in proportion to the strength of the will of the Ego.
When fixed or cardinal signs are on the angles and the afflictions are from
common signs, then the Ego is often able to modify the effect of planetary
afflictions; but when, as for instance in the horoscope under consideration,
we find a common sign on the Ascendant and the afflictions come from fixed
signs, then it is very probable that the forces involved in the debt of
destiny are too powerful for the Ego and the Law must take its course.
In this horoscope we find the Sun strongly placed in its own sign,
Leo, which is a fixed sign, in conjunction with Venus, square to the
inflammatory Mars, and parallel to Uranus. The fiery planet, the Sun, is
also in conjunction with Ascellus, a fixed star which is in 5-41 of Leo and
has influence over the eyes. We find Uranus in 24-36 Taurus, a fixed
sign, in —
Birth Chart No. 2G
— conjunction with the Pleiades, a group of fixed stars which are in 28-41
of Taurus, also having an afflicting influence upon the eyes. We find the
Moon prominently situated near the Midheaven in 12-29 of Gemini and in
opposition to another fixed star, Antares, which is in 8 degrees and 27
minutes of Sagittarius.
Here we may read from the clock of destiny that blindness was likely
to be the fate of this woman. With the feminine, earthy, and common sign
of Virgo on the Ascendant and the afflictions from fixed signs, what could
be expected but that the will of this soul would not be strong enough to
overcome. Total blindness was the result.
But what did she do to precipitate this? We find Saturn, the planet
of obstruction, in the 10th house in the sign of its fall, Cancer, and
square to Jupiter. Saturn is most evil in this watery sign, the sign of the
stomach, where he can undermine health by denying the stomach the fluids
which are so necessary for digestion. In Cancer Saturn also perverts the
appetite. People with Saturn afflicted in Cancer have strange likes and
dislikes regarding food and are most stubborn about it. Even if they know
that too many chocolate creams and sodas and too much pie, cake, etc., will
undermine their health, they will have them. People with this affliction
frequently suffer from auto-intoxication. The poison which is then
generated by the stomach is mixed with the blood stream, and this very
frequently precipitates blindness.
We find in this horoscope a well aspected Mercury, which is sextile
to Uranus and the Ascendant and trine to Neptune, indicating that the
native had a keen desire for knowledge, especially along esoteric lines, and
did not save her eyes, but very likely read with poor light late at night,
perhaps reading in bed, which is a most dangerous habit and which has caused
many to lose their eyesight. But every cloud has its silver lining, and
although this poor woman has been totally blind for some years, yet she has
developed the sixth sense. With Neptune sextile Uranus and trine Mercury,
she has a wonderful development of the spiritual faculties, making it possible
for her to leave her body at will and she claims to be able to travel to
far-off planets.
Had these afflicting planets and the Ascendant been reversed, with
a fixed sign rising and the afflictions from common signs, even though Saturn
had been in Cancer, the will would have been strong enough to have saved at
least a degree of this woman's eyesight.
"One ship sails east and another sails west
With the self-same winds that blow.
'Tis the set of the sail and not the gale
Which determines the way they go."
This horoscope is minus the hour of birth, therefore we are using a
plain figure with the planets copied from the Ephemeris for noon, Greenwich
Mean Time; but from all indications we believe that this woman has the last
part of Cancer on the Ascendant.
The Sun is in conjunction with Uranus, square to Jupiter, Uranus
being square to Neptune, while Jupiter is in conjunction with Neptune in
Aries. If we take the rising sign to be Cancer, this would bring the Moon
back so that it would be within orb of an opposition to Jupiter and
Neptune and square to Uranus. We have here a configuration of planets which
indicates that excesses and emotions have ruled this woman to a very great
extent, especially as we find the planet of desires, the hot tempered Mars,
in its fall in Taurus. Mars when in Taurus has a tendency to express his
evil side and is prone to cause excesses in food and also in temper. Now,
with Cancer, the sign ruling the stomach, on the Ascendant and with
Uranus, the planet of impulse, in conjunction with the Sun and square to
Jupiter and Neptune, we have a woman who has very little self-control.
Excesses of all kinds have filled her body with toxic matter. The blood
vessels have become clogged and hardened. When a woman at the age of fifty-
five who has had to work hard to support herself and family gives away to
anger, and when as a result the blood bounds through the hardened arteries
bringing an unusual rush of it to the head, we may expect trouble. Let us
see where this may be found:
Birth Chart No. 2H
Mars is in conjunction with the group of fixed stars, called
the Pleiades, which have an evil effect upon the eyes. With Mars in 27-55
of Taurus in conjunction with fixed stars of a Mars-Moon nature, with the
progressed Sun within orb of a square to Mars, and with the progressed
Saturn retrograded back to the opposition of Mars, there is a tendency for the
temper to be aggravated, bringing trouble upon parts of the body which Mars
affects, — in this case the eyes. Saturn has a hardening, ossifying,
restricting influence upon the part of the body corresponding to his position
in the horoscope. We find this planet in 0 degrees and 0 minutes of
Sagittarius in opposition to Mars radical. With these afflictions we may
expect some trouble with the eyes.
In the early part of July, 1923, this woman developed what doctors
called retinitis of the right eye, which is an inflammation of the retina.
This caused a rupture of one of the blood vessels accompanied by severe pains
in the neck and shoulders.
We would not, however, attribute all the damage to temper and
hardened arteries, for the foundation of the trouble had been laid by eye
strain. This woman was employed during the day as a chiropodist, and at
night she spent long hours in reading esotericism and studying astrology. She
had the pernicious habit of reading with a bright light close to the eyes
while lying upon a couch or bed, thereby causing a strain of the muscles of
the eye. With Neptune in opposition to the Moon and Uranus square to both
Neptune and the Moon, there has been a desire to force development. Intensive
gazing at bright objects, such as crystals, etc., which is ignorantly taught
by some esoteric orders, has a most destructive effect upon the eyes and has
caused much eye trouble among esoteric students.
Figure No. 3A has Leo rising, with the ruler, the Sun, in
conjunction with and parallel to Mercury in the 8th house, and in the 12th
house sign of Pisces. This position and aspect of the ruler would deplete
the vitality and create nervousness. The boy would be easily disturbed and
of a fretful nature. This would interfere with the assimilation of food in
the small intestines, for the conjunction of Mercury an the Sun would have an
effect in the opposite sign of Virgo, the intestines. But we find another
affliction which will have a much more evil effect upon the health. Mars,
the planet of dynamic energy, also hot and fiery by nature, is posited in the
airy and nervous sign of Aquarius and in the 6th house, ruling sickness.
Mars afflicted in this saturnine sign shows an evil side. We find him
square to the obstructive Saturn in the 9th house and in the sign of
Taurus, ruling the throat and the tonsils. Wherever we find Saturn,
especially when afflicted, we may expect restriction, crystallization, and
lack of fluids, and with a square aspect to Mars, the planet causing fevers
and inflammation, what can we expect but a disturbed condition
of the throat, —
Birth Chart No. 3A
— a swelling of the tonsils? The affliction coming from fixed signs,
and Mars being in the 6th house, sickness, the trouble will be somewhat
difficult to overcome, for this physical weakness was brought over from
a former life in which the soul had broken the laws of nature. A case of this
kind is often the result of abuses of the most sacred function of the body,
that of the generative organs. The results of abortions, or abuses of like
nature, are often brought back into the next embodiment producing weakened
This boy could be helped greatly by manipulation and massage to keep
the circulation normal. The Piscean Sun, conjunction Mercury, requires a
quiet and harmonious environment which we fear he will not have. Jupiter in
Scorpio supplies good food and plenty of it which, however, he should not
indulge in to excess. A simple vegetarian diet will be most necessary for
him. Saturn in Taurus would indicate that one of the parents will be apt to
interfere with his freedom too much. A Leo can be ruined by the "don'ts" of a
saturnine parent, and the boy would suffer in health as a result of this
restriction by one parent and overindulgence of the other.
No. 3B
Female, born May 22, 1915, 3:22 A.M.
Horoscope No. 3B is that of a little girl who suffered from the same
illness as in the case of 3A, vis., the swelling of tonsils, adenoids,
etc., but with very different astrological afflictions. This shows how
invaluable the study of astrology would be to the physician in his diagnosis
and that it is absolutely dangerous to treat each case alike. What will
heal one might be dangerous to another.
Here we have another fixed sign on the Ascendant, Taurus, ruling
the throat, with its ruler, Venus, near the cusp of the 1st house and sextile
to Saturn, but square to Neptune and in conjunction with Mars. The
symptoms would be very similar to those of 3A, but the trouble is from a
different source.
We find Saturn, the planet of obstruction, in the sign of Cancer,
the stomach. Although this planet is not afflicted, yet wherever he is
placed, or whatever organ he rules over, there we may find a lack of fluids.
Saturn "dries up" and when he is in Cancer the appetite is abnormal and
digestive fluid is lacking. He craves the things that are detrimental and
refuses those which the body needs, and is very apt to gourmandize when the
palate is tickled with pie, cake, candy, etc. The result is that the body
becomes clogged like a stream dammed up: the material must find an outlet
somewhere. In this case Mars, the planet of energy, is in conjunction
with Venus, the planet ruling the venous blood. This indicates the section
of the body that will be affected. The blood becomes impure, causing
swelling and inflammation in the throat. To manipulate this afflicted
region would —
Birth Chart No. 3B
— cause more inflammation. The remedy here would be to discontinue all
food for a day or two and give the girl only pineapple juice, putting the feet
in hot water with cold cloths on head and throat, in order to draw the
surplus blood to the lower extremities. This would give instant relief.
Can we wonder, after comparing two horoscopes of this kind, why
the medical man often fails in his treatment and feels that the only cure is
the removal of the inflamed parts? If he could read the stellar script,
he would make few failures and would then not be so apt to ruin the life of
the child by an operation. He little realizes that a removal of the tonsils
or an operation upon the throat interferes with the function of the
generative organs. A child who has been operated upon will suffer as a
result when it reaches puberty. Painful menstruation and trouble in
childbirth are likely to affect the life of the woman who has been thus
operated upon in childhood. Inflammation of the prostate gland in the man,
and various other physical weaknesses are often the result of an operation
upon the throat.
Here is given the horoscope of a man with the cardinal sign of Libra
on the Ascendant, and the ruler, Venus, in the fixed sign of Leo in the
11th house, square and parallel to both the malefics, Saturn and Neptune.
The last two planets we find in the fixed sign of Taurus and in the 8th
house. This at the start is a very serious affliction, indicating that this
man came into life facing a heavy debt of destiny.
Now let us see if we can find the cause of the condition and why
this soul has been restricted even from birth. Leo and Taurus are both
fixed signs, stubborn and immovable, therefore they are also the signs which
bring chronic and incurable illnesses; and where the afflictions come from
two of the most subtle planets, both slow in their motion, one may expect
that the disease is of a nature which the soul has attracted to itself as a
debt of destiny by the breaking of nature's laws in past lives, and not so
much on account of misdeeds in this embodiment.
Planets often work in opposite signs. Afflictions as in this
horoscope, in the fixed sign of Taurus governing the throat, may have been
brought about by the abuse of the generative function (Scorpio) in one life,
causing a weakness of the throat or larynx in the next life, or vice versa.
The unnecessary removal of the female organs in one life may cause the Ego,
who changes sex in each life, to be born in a male body with the afflicted
planets in the opposite sign, Taurus, as in the case of this man who was
born with underdeveloped organs of voice and throat.
Birth Chart No. 3C
The above statement does not mean that all women who have been
operated on will have these afflictions. Often through childbirth, or
neglect of nurse or doctors, the poor woman is forced to undergo an
operation. These are conditions for which she is not held accountable; but
should she on account of excesses or abortions have weakened the organs
of sex, which would make it necessary for their removal, such sins will
bring their reaction in restrictions of some kind, usually of the throat
which is under the rule of Taurus, the opposite sign to Scorpio, which rules
the generative organs. In fact the larynx and brain were developed in
primitive man by the sacrifice of one half of the creative faculty.
Afflictions may not be active in the body in childhood, and with a
knowledge of the planets and a strict adherence to the rules of right
living, man may pass through life with but little inconvenience; but
whenever the laws are broken, when abuses are allowed, then it is that the
afflicted parts give way, for as it is said, the chain is only as strong as
its weakest link.
We find the Sun in Cancer, which is the sign of the stomach, sextile
to Neptune in Taurus, the throat and palate, also sextile to Uranus which
is the ruler of the 5th house, the house of pleasures. Venus is sextile to
Jupiter. All these facts show that this man has been very popular with his
women friends, who have entertained him lavishly, and the pleasures of the
table have helped in his undoing.
The planet which helps to bring about physical ailments, the
inflammatory Mars, is in the sign of the intestines, Virgo, square to the Moon
in Gemini, showing that the intestines suffered first from an excess of food
and drink. When the small intestines are inflamed, as they would be in this
case, they are unable to assimilate food properly. This
inflammation throws considerable poison into the blood, which seeks an
outlet in the weakest spot. Saturn conjunct Neptune in Taurus indicates
that the throat received the poison. This man has had his throat lanced
twice for what the doctors termed quinsy, an inflammation of the tonsils. He
has had pieces taken from the tonsils, showing that the blood was
contaminated, causing suppuration in the tonsils.
We will consider here the horoscope of a girl with Virgo on the
Ascendant. Virgo people have somewhat less resistance to disease than the
average, especially when common signs occupy the four angles and Mercury and
the Moon, which rule the mentality, are also in common signs and in
opposition to each other. The three strongest planets, namely, the Sun,
Saturn, and Mars, are in fixed signs. We may expect that these planets will
indicate in what part of the body the disease will show itself.
The sign of Taurus, we are told, in "The Message of the Stars,"(click/touch here), has rule over the neck, throat, tonsils, the carotid arteries, etc.
From this we may infer that Taurus also has rule over the veins and
arteries which serve the organs located in the throat; likewise it has rule
over the lower part of the occipital region of the jaw. The arteries of the
human body have their beginning in a common center. The aorta is to the
circulatory system what the trunk is to the tree. All main arteries and veins
have a connection with the great human engine, the heart. The aorta is the
main trunk line, from which many branches carry the blood to all parts of
the body, after which the veins carry it back to the heart. These branches
feed the various parts of the body. The branch in which we are most
interested in this lesson is the carotid artery, from which branch off the
thyroid arteries, two in number, the superior and the inferior.
In this horoscope we have the inflammatory Mars in Taurus. Mars
focuses heat, and wherever this planet is placed we find an abundance of
blood. Mars here is in the sign ruling the neck and afflicted by the
conjunction of —
Birth Chart No. 3D
— Saturn, the planet of obstruction. Saturn has a drying-up effect upon
the parts which he influences. The effect of these two malefic planets may
be pictured by filling a rubber tube with water and closing both ends,
then pinching one end of the tube and forcing the water into the other end.
We may expect this to be the condition of the blood in the arteries and
veins of this girl's neck. Mars fills them full of blood, and Saturn with his
restricting influence holds the blood in one part, obstructing its flow and
resulting in enlarged veins of the neck, goitre, swollen tonsils, etc. Saturn
and Mars are afflicted by a square from the life-giving Sun. The Sun is
strong in its own home, Leo, which rules the vena cava, the aorta, and the
At the age of eleven years this young girl suffered with goitre and
swollen tonsils, having constant trouble with the throat and a tendency
to coughs and colds. One important fact will be found in the case of
most children with a tendency to throat trouble, namely, that they formed
the habit when tiny babies of breathing through the mouth. In nine cases out
of ten of children who are suffering with diseased tonsils and throat
afflictions they have not been taught to breathe through the nose. Parents
should at all times watch small children, and if they show a tendency to
mouth breathing while asleep, they should be given a solid rubber nipple,
minus the opening. This will force the breath through the nostrils and
thereby save the child much suffering in later years.
With the Sun in Leo, square to Saturn and Mars, this girl has a
latent tendency to valvular heart trouble. This may not develop until
later in life when the Mars-conjunction-Saturn-in-Taurus temper has been
permitted to do its damage, and Mercury in Virgo in opposition to the Moon,
in the 12th and 6th houses, the latter ruling the health, have made themselves
There is great hope in this horoscope, however, due to Saturn being
in trine aspect to Mercury and sextile to the Moon. This will give balance
and also persistence to the mind, which will help to stave off any illness
and save the girl much suffering in later life.
As we have no birth hour, the signs are entered on the houses in
numerical order so that Aries occupies the first house, Taurus the second,
Gemini the third, etc. and the noon positions of the planets are used just
as they are given in the ephemeris.
We will first note that the progressed position of the Sun in 1916 is
Leo 23-27, and that of Mercury is Leo 26-27, retrograde.
The aspects which particularly concern us are: Moon parallel
Neptune, square Jupiter, the Sun and Mercury; Jupiter opposition the Sun and
Mercury; Saturn parallel and conjunction Mars, squared by the progressed Sun
and Mercury.
We will first acquaint ourselves with the condition of the mind of
this woman. Gemini and Sagittarius are the signs ruling mind. Mercury is
essentially dignified in Gemini, and Jupiter in Sagittarius. The Sun also is
favorably situated in the Mercurial sign Gemini. So far so good, but
Mercury, our significator of the mind, follows the Sun and is too close to
this luminary; furthermore, Jupiter is in opposition to the Sun and Mercury.
Add to this that the Moon, the other significator of the mind, is square to
Jupiter, the Sun, and Mercury, and it will be apparent that the mental state
of the native is not a very happy or auspicious one.
Saturn is in Taurus, the sign of the throat. He is the planet of
obstruction and has always an inimical influence on whatever part of the body
he occupies by sign. We may therefore judge that the throat will be —
Birth Chart No. 3E
— obstructed, causing hoarseness of speech; and we may also be sure that
Saturn has an effect in the opposite sign Scorpio, which governs the
generative and eliminative organs. Saturn is cold, clammy, and moist. Mars
is hot and and dry. He is posited in the sign Taurus, closely conjoined and
parallel with Saturn, giving a tendency to inflammation and swelling. In the
region governed by the opposite sign he would produce scaling urine and
copious menses.
Thus to inimical forces of opposite natures have been at war in the
region of the throat from birth on, but the case did not become really acute
until 1914. Then the Moon by progression reached the opposition of the
radical Sun and Mercury, and at the same time the Sun by progression came
within orb of a square to Saturn and Mars from the sign Leo, which governs
the heart. The keynote of Saturn is obstruction, and in Taurus he is
particularly powerful with respect to the heart action for he governs the
pneumogastric nerve which produces cardiac inhibition. On the other hand,
when the dynamic energy of Mars is directed by a square to the progressed
Sun in Leo violent palpitation is bound to be the effect. Thus the enormous
range of heart action attendant upon exophthalmic goitre is produced in this
case. We also find that Saturn is near a conjunction with the Pleiades
located in Taurus 29, and his square to the progressed Sun has an effect upon
the eyes, which protrude in people affected with exophthalmic goitre.
The configurations of the significators of mind previously
mentioned couples with the absence of radical squares and oppositions to
Saturn and Mars indicate that the basic cause of the patient's condition
is mental. The diagnosis is further confirmed by the fact that the acute
condition was brought about by the above noted progressed positions of the
Sun and Mercury. As this affliction is from a fixed sign there is danger
that the condition may become chronic. If the person, however, is placed
in a quiet, cheerful environment and if she can be taught to wean herself from
her morbid imagination, there is a good chance of a permanent cure being
accomplished when the Sun gets out of orb of its square to Saturn and Mars,
particularly if the proper diet is adopted.
"The tissue of the life to be
We weave with colors all our own,
And in the field of destiny
We reap as we have sown." — Whittier
This is truly so in the life of the soul whose horoscope we are to
study here.
With the fixed, Saturnine sign of Aquarius on the Ascendant and the
second ruler of Aquarius, the inspirational and advanced Uranus, in Pisces,
intercepted in the first house, we may say that there are really two rulers of
this horoscope: Saturn, which is in its fall in the seventh house in Leo,
and Uranus, which is strong in the esoteric sign of Pisces in the first house.
Planets in angles have a greater influence on the life of the native
than when they are in cadent or succedent houses. Planets which are in
fixed signs and afflicted also bring with them a debt of destiny, which is
usually most difficult to overcome.
In this horoscope we find Mercury in the fixed sign of Taurus, square
to the obstinate and obstructive planet, Saturn, which is in Leo, a fixed
sign, and in the seventh house angle.
Saturn being one of the life rulers, though in the sign of its fall,
will have the post powerful rule over the life, and when Mercury and Saturn
are afflicting each other from bestial signs, namely, Taurus and Leo, we
may look for an impediment in the speech.
Birth Chart No. 3F
This boy at the age of five years refused to talk. He is able to
speak, but will do so only when the greatest persuasion is used.
Doctors have operated on him twice for water on the brain but have
failed to find anything wrong, and what the effect of these operations may
have upon the organism in the future remains to be seen. Up to the present
time, however, the health of the boy has been normal.
He will repeat only the sentences which are suggested to him, but if
the parents are persistent they may in time help him to overcome his weakness.
(Click/touch here) In theCosmo-Conception we are told: "What we are, what
we have, all our good qualities are the result of our own actions in the
past. What we lack in physical, moral, or mental excellence may yet be ours in
the future."
This boy has truly taken up his life where he laid it down in a
previous one. The planets are the clock of destiny, which shows when each
soul must needs learn certain lessons, when it must reap from the seeds which
it has sown in its past lives.
We learn in the Rosicrucian teachings that we are in this life here
on earth preparing to build the archetype of the body which we are to use
in our next life. In the case of this poor soul as we look back into his
past, we see where in his keen desire for spiritual development he neglected
to build his physical body by mortifying the flesh and neglected to use the
organs of speech, being a member of a silent Brotherhood. In which the life
was spent in silence and prayer. In this extremely one-sided life he
developed the spiritual faculties at the expense of the physical senses.
We see here the mystical Uranus is in the sign of Pisces, in the
first house, trine to the Moon, which is in its own sign of Cancer. Neptune,
another spiritual planet, is parallel to Mercury and sextile to Mars and the
Sun, indicating a soul who is highly developed along spiritual lines, but
one who is lacking in the ability to use his development in this life on
account of the lack of desire to use the organs of speech.
This child may, however, be assisted by the parents in developing
this desire, but it will require great patience, as the mentality, on account
of Mercury square Saturn, will be slow to respond, and the boy will be
very stubborn, because of this aspect being from fixed signs. Mars,
however, which is in the Mercurial sign of Gemini, will lend its assistance
in overcoming the influence of Saturn to some extent.
The young man whose horoscope we will analyze here has the cardinal
and airy sign of Libra on the Ascendant. Physically he expresses the sign
of Libra, being six feet in height, splendidly developed and with
beautiful blue eyes. People with cardinal or fixed signs on the angles
have more power of resistance than others. The will is stronger than that
of common signs. In the case of this young man, however, we find an
affliction active before he reached the age where he could be of assistance to
the healers.
In the Cosmo-Conception we are told that in the latter part of
the Lemurian Epoch man's body became upright, this being necessary before
he would become an indwelling, self-conscious being, and certain changes
then had to take place in the bodily structure in order that the Ego might
express itself through its vehicles. When the Ego entered within its
vehicles, it was necessary that part of the sex force be used to build the
brain and larynx, for it was destined that man should henceforth learn to do
his own thinking, and the voice was necessary that he might make himself
understood and thereby communicate with others. To accomplish this a part of
his sex force had to be used. So a part of the creative organ remained with
the upper portion of the body, and was gradually converted into what
now constitutes the brain and larynx. Thus we may see that there must of
necessity be a close connection between these organs, namely, the generative
organs, larynx, and brain.
It is interesting to note through astrology how this works out. We
find Scorpio, —
Birth Chart No. 3G
— the sign ruling sex, in opposition to Taurus, which has rule
over the throat and larynx. Proof of the above close connection may also
be found in the boy whose voice changes at puberty; also in the woman who
has had her ovaries removed and whose voice becomes deep and harsh.
In the horoscope under consideration we find Saturn, the planet of
atrophy, in the sign of Scorpio. Saturn is in conjunction with Uranus.
These two planets are unaspected save by the conjunction with each other
and a semi-sextile to the Sun. And this we must consider as a condition
which had its beginning in a past life. When we find Uranus and Saturn in
conjunction in Scorpio and afflicted by other planets, we look for perversion
or abnormal sex expression. But in reading these two planets we go into the
past life for the abuses which have weakened the organs, causing the poor soul
to come into this life with the larynx and brain each unable to function
With Saturn conjunction Uranus in Scorpio we may look for its effect
in the opposite sign of Taurus, the throat. Saturn then has a tendency to
retard or restrict the secretion of the fluids of the glands or organs within
the region of the neck, for instance, the thyroid, which is placed astride
the windpipe at the front of the neck, and which may truly be called the
balance necessary for the proper functioning of the mind. The thyroid also
regulates all the other ductless glands, and every drop of blood in the
circulation in the upper part of the body passes back and forth through
it. Excesses or perversions of sex deplete the fluids of the thyroid
gland. What a telltale the human voice is! How the misuse of sex will make
the male voice effeminate and the female voice masculine!
In this horoscope we have the story of a man who at birth had a
voice, but after the age of four years he would not make a sound, nor has he
spoken a word since. The organs ruling the voice in this case have been
weakened by the dissipation of the sex fluids in a former life. We find
Neptune, the higher octave of Mercury, the planet ruling the pineal gland, in
the mercurial sign of Gemini, in conjunction with the Moon and Mars, and in
opposition to the Sun. Neptune has rule over the pineal gland and the
spinal spirit fire. The brain in this case has remained childlike. The
young man dresses himself but he will not speak, and he spends his entire
time turning the leaves of books.
Truly, the spirit encased in this limited vehicle is learning some
remarkable lessons — lessons which are likely to bring it back in its next
embodiment as a childlike, virtuous woman.
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