Astro-Diagnosis —
A Guide To Healing
Max Heindel and
Augusta Foss Heindel
(Part 10)
Abdomen, prominent, cause of, Mars ruptures peritoneum 403.
Abdominal region 277.
— ruled by Virgo 20, 27.
Abortion 214, 241, 243.
— affects next embodiment 118.
Abscess in frontal bone 85, 86.
— lanced 10, operations 356.
— under the diaphragm 232.
Abuse of generative faculty 251.
Accidents 164, 318, 347.
— Sagittarian liable to 29.
Actinomycosis, disease of cattle 233.
Adenoids and tonsils 119, 236.
Adrenals 206, 375, 377, 378.
— ruled by Libra 27.
Afflictions, planetary, from angles stronger than will of the patient 337.
— from cardinal signs, movable 281.
— from common signs 319, 343.
— from fixed signs 75, 99, 133.
— may not be active in childhood 124.
— results of serious wrongs 251.
— strongest, show part of body damaged 189.
— value of as refiner 339.
— work in squares and oppositions 297.
Ailments, deep seated and chronic 247.
Air, necessary to supply oxygen 421.
Airy signs, many planets in, native requires much air 57.
Ambitious, Aquarians are 25.
Anemia, 288.
— a Gemini affliction 29.
— Pernicious 289.
Anger 114, 167, 169, 200, 266, 271, 345, 378.
Angina pectoris, Leo people subject to 29.
Angle house, more powerful than cadent or succeedent 335.
Ankles, swollen, Aquarian affliction 30.
Antares, nebulous spot in 8 degrees of Sagittarius 57, 58, 202.
Anterior lobe of pituitary body 303.
Antipathy and sympathy 33.
— between planets, should be observed 59.
Anus, ruled by Scorpio 22.
Aorta 19, 27, 126, 284, 422.
— ruled by Leo 19, 27
Apoplexy, a Taurian affliction 29.
Appendicitis, Virgoians subject to 20.
Appetites, abnormal 119, 155, 265, 390, 426
Aquarius, afflicted, causes swollen ankles 30.
— rules ankles 25.
Arches, fallen 295.
Archetypes 254, 339, 343.
— of future body built in this life 254.
Aries, hot, dry, inflammatory 16.
— moral characteristics of 47.
— on the Ascendant, effects of 15, 61.
— parts of body ruled by 15.
— Sun in 57.
Arms and limbs, loss of use of 276.
— and shoulders 298.
— ruled by Gemini 17, 27.
Arrow, aimed at stars by Sagittarius 241.
Arterial blood, ruled by Jupiter 31, 232, 275, 280, 287, 289, 295, 333, 337,
— circulation, afflicted 189, 276, 300, 320
Arteries, carotid, external ruled by Taurus 16, 27.
— internal, ruled by Aries 16, 27.
— hardened 115, 276, 311, 313
— of human body 126.
— thyroid, inferior and superior 127.
Arterio-sclerosis 288, 289, 398, 400.
Arthritic muscular atrophy 350.
Arthritis of the hip joints 352.
Asceli, in 6 degrees of Leo 57, 58, 99.
Ascendant, gives general characteristics 46, 88.
— in fixed signs 322.
— starting point of astro-diagnosis 46.
Aspects, counteracting 402.
— difference of development gives good or bad 168.
— good, minimize evil effects 404.
— interlocking 404.
— progressed alone will not act 73.
— progressed represent hour hand of clock 73.
— to Ascendant and Midheaven not always reliable 56.
Assimilation, interfered with by fretful disposition 116.
— poor 239.
— ruled by Jupiter 382.
Asthma, 164, 264, 309, 421, 424, 425, 429, 432.
— caused by polypi 386
— circulation impaired in cases of 432.
— difficult to diagnose 428.
— Gemini subject to 17, 29.
— hay 428, 430.
— heart, and stomach 428.
Astro-Diagnosis, difference between medical diagnosis and 261.
— flat figure may be used in 183.
— perfect way to diagnose 330.
Astrologer, responsibility of 410, 412, 413.
Astrology 115, 119.
— must be used to help and heal 413.
Atlas, Taurus rules 16, 27.
Atrophy 310.
— caused by Saturn 258.
Aura of child contacted 317.
Auto-intoxication 11, 391.
Average mentality 220.
Babes, accidents to 101, 102.
— afflictions in the lives of 224, 339.
Bath gloves and bath mitts 277, 370.
Bathing 219.
Baths and massage 370, 397, 405.
Bile 288.
Birth, at opportune time 109.
— forced, causes injury to certain nerves and innominate blood vessels 373.
— hurried, through use of instruments 373.
— labored 373.
— neck of child injured at 374.
of child, prepared for under purest conditions 315.
Bladder 22, 28, 31, 190, 201, 213
Blindness 99, 100, 103, 105, 108, 111, 112, 353.
Blood, arterial, disturbed 275.
— obstructed in limbs 337.
— ruled by Jupiter 297
— venous ruled by Venus, 82.
— Ash in 277, 390, 393.
— circulation of, must be normal 285.
— cleansers of 293.
— clogged, sluggish 298, 422.
— contaminated 29, 125, 357.
— corpuscles (white) 19.
— eruptions due to disease of 301.
— excess water in 157.
— fibrin of, ruled by Jupiter 31.
— flow of, excessive 429.
— restricted 128, 200, 276.
— impure, 120, 291, 320, 432.
— in hardened arteries 114.
— inflammation throws poison into 125.
— influenced by dry Mercury 185.
— iron, in, ruled by Mars 31.
— loss of 239.
— Mars fills arteries and veins with 127, 128.
— mineral salts in 328.
— oxygenation of the blood, 172, 288, 295.
— poisoning, a dangerous case 243.
— pressure, high 277, 288.
— purified in the kidneys 156.
— red coloring matter of, ruled by Scorpio 22, 31.
— rush of, to the head 114, 277.
— scrofulous 357.
— tainted 228, 353.
— undergoes filtering process 106.
— undernourished 277, 325.
— unhealthy 295.
— venous and serous, ruled by Venus 275, 295, 434.
— vessels 159, 280.
Bodies, deformed 100.
Bodily disturbances, caused by abuses 217.
Body, adjustment, knowledge of, helpful 261.
— became upright in Lemurian Epoch 138.
— compared to, radio or automobile 87.
— compared to stove 291.
— covered with sores 223.
— fluids of, dried up by Saturn 302.
— from spiritual standpoint 380.
— left at will 112.
— lowered in resistive force 172.
— oils, natural 393.
— removal of part of 357.
— stiff 298.
— strain upon physical 257.
— weak place in, gives way 257, 291.
Bone, bruised by fall; rotted 348.
— building, while we are children 276.
— femur, removal of 348.
Bones, deprived of nourishment 328.
— displaced, adjustment of by Invisible Helpers 165
— caused by Capricorn 24, 30.
— inflammation of marrow 354.
Bony structures and ligaments ruled by Saturn 258.
Bowels, lower, pains across 435.
— must be kept free 277, 300.
— peristaltic action of the 203.
Brain 332.
— and larynx developed when pineal gland drew in head 218.
— unable to function normally 140.
— childlike 141.
— cradle-like bone in 303
— storms 240.
— undeveloped 220.
Breakdown, complete 289.
Breast 439.
Breath, the first 380.
— ruled by Gemini 17, 27, 30.
Breathing difficult 164, 396, 428.
— exercises for psychic development 420.
— laborious, causing spasms 422.
— mouth 128.
— shallow 172, 296.
Bright's disease 21, 30, 154.
Bronchi, ruled by Gemini 17, 27.
Bronchioles 431.
Bronchitis, Gemini people subject to 17, 29.
Bunions, Piscean affliction 30.
Buttermilk 314.
Cancer 233, 345, 433, 436, 439.
— cure for 435.
— sign of, parts of body ruled by 170, 387.
Candy eating, unusual case of indulgence in 438.
Capillaries, ruled by Gemini 17.
Carbon dioxide 172, 295.
Carbonic acid, expulsion obstructed 312.
Cardiac orifice 178, 345.
— ruled by last degree of Gemini or first of Cancer 178.
Cardinal points 35.
— sign aspects 198.
— people, suffer more than others 207.
— sings, favorites of the universe 207.
— impulsive 303.
— on angles, patient cooperates 47.
— react upon another 318.
Carotid arteries 15, 127.
Cartilage, nasal, ruled by Scorpio 31.
Cataracts, cause of 92, 278, 280.
Catarrh 390.
— of intestines 236, 237, 396.
— of stomach 235, 237.
— Virgo, subject to 20.
Cathartic 273.
Cause and effect, law of 101.
Causes, of illness must be removed 38, 219.
— work effects in another embodiment 101.
Cells of the body 293.
Centers of important spiritual activity 206.
Cerebellum, organ of co-ordination of movement 404.
— Taurus rules 16.
Cerebral congestion 29.
— hemisphere, Aries rules 15.
— Mars rules left 31.
— Mercury rules right 30.
Cerebro-spinal system 193.
— ruled by Mercury 31.
Cervical vertebrae, irregularity in region of upper 317.
— ruled by Taurus 16.
Chain, breaks at weakest link 193.
Character, flexible, given by common signs 97.
Cheer, promotes circulation and elimination 311, 312, 314.
Chest, congested and feverish 422.
Child, charge to parents 252.
— should be loved into the world 316.
— unable to bear his weight on his legs 259.
Childbirth 120, 121, 238, 242.
Chills and fever 356.
Chiropodist 115.
Chiropractor 261, 318.
Chocolate creams, ash-producing dainties 111, 389.
Cholera, Virgo people subject to 20, 29.
Chromatic scale of Phythagoras 33.
Chronic disease, finger nails ridged in 64.
— invalidism 215, 276.
Chyle, white fluid ruled by the moon 30, 294.
Chymification, ruled by Cancer 18.
Cigarette habit 406.
Circles, vicious 34.
Circulation 274.
— friction rubs to stimulate 329, 435.
— governed by Venus and Jupiter 30, 423, 424.
— impaired 64, 97, 99, 435, 157, 163, 192, 199, 200, 278, 286, 291, 313,
367, 383, 432, 434.
— obstructed in arms and legs 297.
— restricted in sacral region 322.
— strengthened by walking 99.
Circulatory system 126.
— influenced by Uranus 155.
Coccygeal region, ruled by Sagittarius 23, 335.
Coffee, abnormal desire for 265.
Colic, a Virgo complaint 20, 29.
— painter's 386.
Colon 304, 426.
— ruled by Scorpio 22, 28.
Coma 377.
Common sense in the Rosicrucian method of healing 92.
Common signs, afflicted 109, 310, 429.
— many planets in, show psychic type 65.
— on angles 36, 47, 72, 100.
— on Ascendant 53.
— show lack of will 320.
Concentration, due to Saturn 191.
Congestion in neck or ears 87.
Consequence, Law of 109.
Constipation 91, 201, 280, 438.
— A Virgo complaint 20, 29.
Consumption, and bladder trouble 202.
— Gemini people subject to 17, 29, 423.
Contraction of muscles 179.
Control, lack of 168, 342.
Convulsions 102, 377.
Cooperation of healer and patient 249.
Cosmic keyboard 33.
Cough 145.
Coughs and colds 128, 388, 423, 429.
Cramp, intestinal, caused by Virgo 20.
Cramping, spasmodic action due to Uranus-Neptune affliction 172.
Cranial nerve, origin and function 79.
Craving, abnormal, for foods, due to square of moon and Venus 382.
Creative force used for building brain and larynx 211.
Crisis cannot be predicted from flat figure 215.
— when birth hour is not known 414.
— in illness, necessary to calculate position of planets 366, 383.
— lesson in predicting 70.
— never tell of impending 51.
Critical degrees, planets have greater influence in 57.
Crown of glory must be earned 102.
Cruelty in a previous life, effect of 106.
Crutches 339.
Crystal gazing, bad for the eyes 115.
Crystallization, Capricorn subject to 29.
Cure, time required for 445.
Deafness 79, 86.
Death 169, 172, 185, 349, 410.
— looses the Silver Cord 150.
— not to be predicted 39, 50.
— preparations for 411.
Decomposition 291.
Degeneracy, the cause of leprosy 304.
Delilah, feminine Venus 20.
Desire for drink 349.
— for knowledge, indications of 111.
Desire body destroys 327.
— nature, takes charge in some forms of insanity 416.
Desires, unexpressed, unnatural 219, 290.
Despondency, Capricorn people subject to 24.
Destiny, clock of, registers events 356.
— forces involved in debt of, too powerful for ego 109.
— freedom from destiny through liquidation of debts 375.
— law of, must take its course 109.
— Lords of, time birth 109.
Diseases, chronic, incurable 343.
— made in past lives 99, 105, 109, 122, 134, 155, 221.
Determination, given by fixed signs 48.
— shown by broad nails 64.
Detriment, planet in its 59.
Development, of reproductive organs 217, 418.
— of spiritual faculties 112, 115, 136, 168, 364.
Diabetes 210.
— Libran tendency 21, 30.
— symptoms 203, 205, 207.
Diagnosis, astrological 103, 244.
— by symptoms only 257.
— intuitional or spiritual 317.
— scientific 42, 46, 310.
Diaphragm 425, 426.
— ruled by Cancer 18.
Diarrhea 29.
Diet, effect of sane and rational 95.
— for kidneys 158.
— fruit 193, 357.
— milk 176, 384.
— must be regulated 197, 219, 237, 289.
— of raw vegetables and fruits 173.
— simple and very light to soothe the nerves 361.
— wrong, affected lungs 173.
Dietary treatment, scientific 292.
Digestion in stomach 236.
— trouble in 165, 168, 172, 201, 203, 266, 324.
Digestive fluids, lack of in stomach and intestines 119, 237.
— organs afflicted 155.
— tract, inflammation of 328.
— metabolism of 328.
Diphtheria, Taurus affliction 29.
Dipsomania, a Cancer tendency 29.
Directing, lesson in art 70.
Disease cause of 34, 150, 173, 233, 250, 281, 442.
— chronic 122.
— duration of 70.
— horoscopical indications of location of 126.
— result of breaking laws of nature 38, 39, 92, 221.
— same, may leave different after effects 330.
— similarity and difference of causes of 175, 176, 297, 301.
— turning point of 55.
Dislocation of bones, a Capricorn affliction 30.
Dizziness 288.
— Aries people subject to 15.
Doctors, Scorpio people make good as 22.
Dorsal region, afflicted 248, 317.
— ruled by Leo 27.
Dragon's Tail, saturnine influence 345, 308.
Drink and narcotic habit 41, 360, 408.
— tendency to 26, 265, 360.
Drinking liquids at meals dangerous to some 237.
Dropsical swellings 155, 309.
Dropsy 154, 158, 308.
— Cancer people subject to 18, 29, 30.
Drunkard 255.
Dryness, caused by Capricorn afflictions 29.
Duct, thoracic, Cancer rules 27.
Ductless glands 206, 216, 366, 407.
Duodenum 20, 273.
Dura Mater 374.
Dysentery 29.
Ear, auricle of, ruled by vagus nerve 79.
— nerves and blood vessels stimulated 374.
— ruled by Taurus 16, 27, 31.
— structure of 82.
Earaches 190.
Ears and nerves 76, 85, 190.
Eastern humanity, Yogi teachings safe for 420.
Eclipse, duration of effects of 356.
— Sun conjunction Saturn at 356.
Eczema, Capricorn suffers from 24.
— Libran suffers from 21, 30.
— of neck and face 94.
Effluvia, transmitted in weekly report 445.
Ego, able to modify effect of planetary afflictions 109.
— attracted to parents of nature like its own 254, 315.
— entered into possession of its vehicle 211.
— lessons to be learned by 339.
— strength of will of 109.
— will free itself from outside influences 360.
Egyptians, leprosy common among 304.
Eighth house afflictions give suicidal tendencies 41.
Elder Brothers 165, 440.
Elements that work upon nervous system 219.
— the four 33.
Elimination 99, 144, 201, 203, 309.
— of urine 99.
— organs of 393, 438.
Emotion, effect of, on body 168, 169.
— mastery of 342.
— ruling 113, 154, 377.
— spasmodic 341.
Endolymph, lack of, affects equilibrium of the body 82.
Energy, dissipation of 291.
— surplus, manifests as impulse 198.
Entities, undesirable, attracted by patient 420.
Epilepsy, caused by abnormality of one of ductless glands 219.
— description of attack of 378.
— ruled by the Moon 54.
Equinoctal signs in sympathy 35.
Eruptions on face and breast 437.
Erysipelas, a Capricorn affliction 30.
Esophageal branch of pneumogastric nerve obstructed 345.
Esophagus, ruled by Cancer 31, 79, 345.
Esoteric knowledge, desire for 111, 161, 168, 419.
Ether, in uncooked vegetables 240.
— in fresh cow's milk 240, 310.
— vital 52, 240.
Etheric fluids, Sun rules 19.
Ethers, ruled by Uranus 31.
Excesses indicated by planetary configurations 113.
— by abortions 124.
Excretory organs 293.
Exercise, plentiful, a necessity 323.
— to limber up the spine 361.
— urgent necessity 197.
— walking for 99.
Experience, brings purification and soul growth 339.
Exposure to cold 296.
Eye strain 115.
Eye trouble 58, 80, 92, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110, 111, 112, 202, 280, 288.
— among esoteric students 115.
— Antares 111, 202.
— Asceli 110.
— Saturn in Aquarius 104.
Eyeballs, diseased 95.
Eyelids, granulation of 393.
Eyes, 88, 104, 115, 253, 280.
— cataracts on both 92.
— ruled by Aries 15, 27.
Face, ruled by Aries 15.
Facial paralysis 315.
Faith, in the Rosicrucian method of healing 92.
Fall, indicated by the stars 102, 352.
Fasting 120, 435.
Fate: see Destiny.
Father, represented by tenth house 255.
Fear, a Taurian characteristic 215.
— and worry, 39, 197, 108, 245, 311.
— of childbirth 106, 243.
Feet, ruled by Pisces 26, 28, 30.
Femur, injury to 347.
— Sagittarius rules the 23, 28.
Feverishness, shown by red lines in palm 65.
Fibrin of blood, ruled by Pisces 28.
Fiery signs, planets in, the native requires much sunlight 57.
Finance, Jupiter has great love of 331.
Finger, broken 353.
Finger nails, broad, show determination 64.
— ridged, show chronic disease 64.
— twelve types of 62, 63, 64, 65.
— what their shape indicates 68.
Fingers, long, clawlike, denote supersensitiveness 65.
— materialized by Invisible Helpers 165.
Fire, planets of 167.
Fistula, a Scorpio affliction 22.
Fits 377, 378.
Fixed and dominant signs, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius 106.
Fixed sign people, creatures of habit 47.
Fixed signs, afflictions from 11, 109, 117, 155, 259, 427.
— on angles 109, 160.
Fixed stars, of Mars-Moon nature 114.
— which have influence on disease 57.
Flatulency, Cancer people subject to 18, 29.
Fluids, of body, of glands or organs 140.
— red and white 277.
— restrictions of 82, 119.
— vital, which feed organism, ruled by the sun 30, 327.
— white, ruled by moon 92, 313, 337.
Focusing point of disease 74.
Fetus destroyed 243.
Food, abnormal desires for 119, 142, 181, 265, 291, 320, 330, 389, 395, 399.
— assimilation of 180, 185, 204, 236, 255, 295, 423, 435.
— body stores up excess amount of 438.
— Cancer people fond of starchy 434.
— caution in choice of 203, 289, 291, 296, 346.
— choice of, for child 325, 329.
— difficulty to retain 102.
— distribution and digestion 277, 286, 291, 295, 297.
— elements necessary for nourishment of body 277, 325.
— excess of 79, 91, 124, 265, 290, 291, 333, 396, 433, 438.
— fresh milk as 310.
— highly seasoned 176, 188, 204, 219, 315, 370.
— improper mastication of 344.
— in vegetarian diet 158, 203, 288, 300, 310, 329, 334, 349, 353, 357, 365,
390, 393, 397.
— iron in 203.
— juices necessary for digestion of 438.
— minerals extracted from 276, 277.
— passage of through digestive tract ruled by moon 426.
— right, is natural medicine 444.
— sweet, in moderation 382.
— that works upon liver and kidneys 300.
— uncooked, ether in 281.
— vitamins in 438.
Foods, ruled by Mars 399.
— stimulating 99.
Four elements 32.
Freaks of nature, produced by Uranus 218.
Function, sacred, abused 118.
Functional weakness shown at birth 257.
Gall bladder, bile in 270.
— ruled by Saturn 31, 266.
— duct, leads to duodendum 272.
Galloping consumption 228.
Gallstones 266, 267, 270, 271, 272.
— remedy for 273.
Gas in stomach 178.
Gastric branch 345.
— fevers 403.
— juice, necessary for digestion 170.
— trouble, 172, 360.
— vein, ruled by Cancer 18.
Gemini, afflicted, causes anemia 29.
— characteristics of 62, 63.
General breakdown 191.
Generative organs, abuse of, causes throat trouble 117, 118, 122.
— abuse of, the cause of leprosy 304.
— afflictions to 244.
— connection between brain, larynx and 139.
— function of, interfered with 120.
— ruled by Scorpio 305.
— underdeveloped 236.
Genitals, ruled by Scorpio 28, 31.
Girls, critical period for 150.
Gland, prostate, ruled by Scorpio 28.
Glands, 17, 293.
— awakening of 407.
— of goats and monkeys 216.
— spasmodic function of 325.
— which secrete gastric juice of stomach 325.
Glandular system affected 306.
Glycogen, ruled by Jupiter 31.
Goat's milk 329, 384.
Goitre 126, 128, 130.
— exophtalmic goitre 132.
— eye affected by 132.
Gonorrhea 221, 223, 353.
Gourmand 171, 315.
Gout, a Piscean affliction 26, 30.
Gumboils, an Arian affliction 29.
Gums, lemon water each day for 291.
— eliminating pus 390.
Growths, abnormal 165, 218.
Harmonizing, types of nail 64.
Habit, drink of 213.
Hair, Capricorn rules 24.
Hand injured in accident 352.
Hands and finger nails 61.
— materialized by Invisible Helpers 165.
— ruled by Gemini 17, 27.
Hay fever, caused by polypi 386.
Head, and eyes 95.
— Aries rules 15.
— drawn back over spine 103.
— enlargement of 371.
Headaches 190, 277, 316, 361.
— an Arian affliction 29.
Healer, qualifications for 206, 240, 268, 310, 427.
Healers and helpers of humanity 292.
— knowledge they must have 39, 48, 50, 53, 261.
— under direction of the Elder Brothers 248.
Healer's signs in harmony with those of patient 165, 166.
Healing Department of the Rosicrucian Fellowship 218, 284, 436.
Healing force 442.
— meetings at Headquarters 446.
— Rosicrucian method of 92, 165, 317, 440.
Health, affected by overindulgence 118.
— of native, key to 183.
— sacrificed for worldly success 90.
— the right to 443.
— violations of laws of 188, 443.
Health adjuster, astro-therapeutic 268.
Hearing, loss of 103, 371.
Hemorrhage 145, 228.
— of nose, 316.
Hemorrhoids, internal 91.
— intestinal 392.
— painful 144.
Heart 39, 98, 126, 128, 132, 152, 153, 154, 156, 158, 159, 162, 163, 164,
165, 166, 168, 169, 193, 234, 274, 284, 313, 367, 383, 423, 426, 429.
— affected by pneumogastric nerve 279.
— excess of blood drain to 277.
— flow of blood through, interfered with 284.
— flow of blood through valves of heart 162, 264, 428.
— life in blood feeds 422.
— ruled by Leo 19, 29, 255.
— stimulants 161.
Heart action, enormous range of in exophthalmic goitre, 132.
Hernia, a Scorpio affliction 22.
Hiccough, Cancer people subject to 18.
Hip bone 352.
Hips, ruled by Sagittarius 23, 28.
Horoscope, flat, used when birth hour not known 58.
— strength of will first consideration in judging 249.
— the Clock of Destiny 313.
— value of 129, 146, 329, 426.
Horse, man thrown from 348.
Hospitals and confinement in 59, 400.
— and kindred institutions, ruled by Pisces 145.
House of travel 164.
Hyperemia, ruled by Virgo 29.
Hypochondria, a Capricorn tendency 23.
Hypochondriacs, think too much of self 386.
Hypophysis 303.
Hysteria, exaggerated 340.
Idealism, developed in Libra 21.
Idiocy, caused by rupture between dense and vital bodies 416.
Iliac arteries 335.
Ilium, ruled by Sagittarius 23, 28.
Illness, a starting point of 293.
— crisis in, birth hour necessary to predict 183.
— Taurus and Capricorn brood over 412.
Imagination, morbid 133.
Impulsiveness 108, 195, 256, 344.
— caused by Leo on the Ascendant 19, 28.
Indigestion 174, 280, 315, 415.
— Cancer people subject to 18, 29.
Indulgence of lower nature 118, 144.
Infantile paralysis 323, 325, 326.
Inflammation 16, 28, 120, 132, 175, 180.
Influenza 330, 331, 408.
Injuries, indicated by Mars on the Ascendant 318.
— shown in progressed horoscope 356.
Insanity 177, 198, 340, 360, 410, 414, 415, 416, 417,420.
— ruled by Moon 54.
— should never be predicted 39.
Insomnia 29, 408.
Intestinal disorders 20, 116, 124, 125, 293, 295, 297, 393, 396, 402.
— ruled by Virgo 20, 274, 277, 293.
Invalidism 162, 215, 240, 243, 278, 319, 321, 433.
Invisible Helpers 108, 165, 235, 237, 248, 318, 330, 353, 365, 374, 408,
409, 440.
— aided by favorable planetary aspects 408.
— not permitted to interfere with ripe destiny 155.
— presence of, sensed 165.
— work of, reinforced 95.
Invisible Helpership, aspirant to 150.
Involuntary muscular action 178.
Iron in blood ruled by Mars 31.
Irregular associations with woman friends 213.
Irritability and worry 196.
Ischium, Sagittarius rules 23.
Israelites 304.
Jaw, lower, ruled by Taurus 16.
— swollen and inflamed 233.
— upper ruled by Aries 15.
Jealousy and envy, caused by excess of adrenal fluid 378.
Joints, granulated 322, 393.
— ruled by Capricorn 24.
— stiff 292, 322.
Jugular vein, ruled by Rosicrucian 16.
Jupiter, afflicted 93, 154, 199, 204, 232, 243, 322.
— characteristics of 145, 171, 180, 187, 191, 195, 371, 413.
— connected with signs ruling the appetites 171.
— higher octave of Saturn 60.
— rules adrenals 376.
— rules arterial circulation 82, 95, 153, 163, 184, 189, 230, 232, 234,
243, 275, 280, 287, 295, 368, 389, 396, 399, 404.
— rules glycogen of the liver 287.
— rules liver 204.
Jupiter in the signs of the zodiac:
— Taurus 365, 424, 426, 427.
— Gemini 88, 91, 300, 375, 376.
— Cancer 220, 389, 393.
— Virgo 274, 277, 286, 396, 433, 434.
— Libra 95, 180, 204, 206, 280, 349.
— Scorpio 118.
— Sagittarius 130, 189, 191, 319, 419, 420, 421.
— Capricorn 241, 243.
— Aquarius 313.
— Pisces 184, 226, 375, 421.
Key, to bodily afflictions 399.
— to health, right living 203.
Kidneys, associated with eyes 93, 157.
— chemical laboratory of 156.
— impaired 93, 95, 157, 174, 175, 180, 183, 187, 190, 193, 195, 200, 218,
304, 333, 349, 370, 384.
— Libra rules 21.
— removed 185, 406.
Knees afflicted (Capricorn) 24, 294.
Lankford, Dr. J.S. on pineal gland 217, 219
Laryngitis, Taurians subject to 29.
Larynx and brain 124.
— building of 124, 211.
— ruled by Rosicrucian 16.
Last degree of sign rising 88.
Latent weakness 309.
Law does not permit layman to diagnose 50.
— of Consequence 109.
— of the Vicious Circle 211.
Leg ache, an Aquarian affliction 30.
Leg atrophied 352.
— swollen 356.
Legs numb and cold 200.
Lemon juice 435.
Leo, gives vitality 57, 59.
Leo people subject to angina pectoris 29.
— type of nail 64.
Leprosy 24, 30, 301, 304, 305, 306, 307.
Life, continuity of 339.
— currents feed the nerves 238.
— despaired of at childbirth 236.
— forces, dissipated 393.
— giver, the Sun 308.
— spent in silence and prayer, result of 136.
Ligaments, ruled by Saturn 31.
Lights (sun and moon) afflicted 229.
Limbs 247, 261, 277, 284, 289, 308, 389.
— lower, ruled by Aquarius 25, 28.
Lime 156.
Lines of the palm, what they show about health 65.
Liquids 290, 291, 333.
— craving for 370.
Liquor 219, 361.
Liver, abscess of 264, 429.
— activity abnormal 79, 205, 265.
— and gall bladder 262.
— glycogen of the, ruled by Jupiter 287.
— lower lobe of, ruled by Virgo 20, 27.
— ruled by Jupiter 31, 265.
— upper lobes of, ruled by Cancer 18, 27.
Liver trouble, as indicated by finger nails and palm of hand 64, 65.
Locomotor ataxia, Sagittarian affliction 23, 30.
Lower mind, out of tune with spiritual concepts 163.
— nature, undue attraction to the opposite sex 400, 407.
Lucifer Spirits, work in the blood 59.
Lumbar region ruled by Libra 21, 28.
Lunatics, ruled by the Moon 54.
Lunations 73.
Lungs, 73, 142, 144, 145, 164, 172, 173, 228, 288, 295, 333, 416, 422, 423,
428, 429.
— delivery of venous blood to the 232.
— Gemini rules the 17, 172, 309, 416.
— oxygenation in the 265.
Lymph, deficiency in 380.
— indispensable to assimilation 382.
Lymphatic circulation impaired 189.
Lymphatic, inflamed 293, 294.
— ruled by moon and Venus 31, 293.
Malefic planets 156, 221.
Malefics in fixed signs 282.
— in twelfth and sixth houses 59.
— square of four 98.
Malformation indicated by Saturn square Neptune 178.
Malnutrition 315.
— Virgo people subject to 20, 29.
Mammae, ruled by Cancer 18, 27.
Man, a little lower than the angels 101.
— given dominion over lower kingdoms 100.
— his own executioner 79.
— master of his fate 100, 398.
— must learn to know himself 87.
Mania, religious 420.
Maniac, raving 416.
Manipulation and massage 84, 87, 118, 248, 310, 314.
Marriage 161, 424.
— partner shown by seventh house 269.
Mars, characteristics of 78, 86, 99, 103, 110, 113, 116, 120, 124, 127, 132,
142, 144, 152, 166, 174, 177, 178
180, 194, 195, 196, 197, 202, 221, 222, 228, 238, 241, 247, 253,
262, 264, 267, 271, 282, 293, 297, 299, 300, 303, 322, 327, 341,
343, 347, 351, 373, 384, 386, 391, 400, 402, 406, 414, 421, 434.
— destructive influence of 15, 262.
— fills arteries and veins with blood, 128.
— gives fevers and inflammation 117, 335, 422.
— governs motor nerves 247, 313.
— segment of spinal cord 247.
— influence, examples of 53, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 64, 74, 115.
— rules rectum 438.
— See also Characteristics.
Mars in sign of the zodiac: Aries 157, 253, 394, 439.
— Taurus 81, 113, 127, 132, 207, 221, 263, 264.
— Gemini 137, 144, 421, 423.
— Cancer 187, 189, 269, 315, 333.
— Leo 78, 150, 386.
— Virgo 124, 180, 266, 293, 300, 402.
— Libra 174, 193, 290, 384, 400, 438.
— Scorpio 104, 167, 225, 282, 391, 438.
— Sagittarius 335, 337, 347.
— Capricorn 89, 91, 176, 337, 357.
— Aquarius 116, 228, 305, 367.
— Pisces 173, 337.
Martial energy, not controlled 166.
— temperament 152.
Massage, bath gloves 300, 401.
Mastoid cavity, pus in 190.
— bone operated upon 190.
Mastoiditis 187.
Masturbation 392.
Materialistic conception of life, effect of 151.
Materialization of fingers by Invisible Helpers 248.
— of hands, by Invisible Helpers 318.
Mediumship 41, 208, 364, 419.
Melancholy, caused by Saturn 40, 191.
— Librans subject to 28.
Memory weakened 370.
Meningitis 371.
— spinal, ruled by Leo 29.
Menopause 234, 298, 342.
Menstruation 121, 132, 236, 288.
Mental attitude, causes physical suffering 274, 311.
— caliber of patient should be first consideration 97, 163, 168, 191, 198,
245, 266, 278.
— cases 131, 220, 304, 340, 410.
— disturbance weakens nervous system 90.
— laziness 322.
— qualities shown particularly by Mercury and moon 40, 126, 130, 198, 201,
358, 375.
Mentality, ruled by pineal glad 218.
— signified in horoscope by planet Mercury. See Mercury.
Mercury, characteristics of 145, 152, 226, 251, 300, 400, 402, 414.
— examples of influence of 76, 92, 111, 135, 203, 251.
— functions and organs ruled by:
— hearing 79.
— mentality 126, 176, 198, 201, 238, 340, 412, 424.
— nerves 335, 336.
— small intestines 337.
— speech 336.
— thyroid gland 216, 366.
— ruler of Gemini 150, 421.
— ruler of Virgo 318, 431.
Mercury, in the signs of the Zodiac
— Aries 226, 278, 338, 358, 380.
— Taurus 134, 368.
— Gemini 98, 430.
— Cancer 81.
— Leo 362, 365, 421, 429.
— Virgo 126, 129, 164.
— Scorpio 92, 93, 153, 161, 201, 202, 230.
— Sagittarius 150, 335, 340, 347.
— Capricorn 71, 86.
— Aquarius 102, 107, 209, 264, 418, 429.
Pisces 116, 297, 322.
Mercury, used in the cure of syphilis 185.
Metabolism of entire body 306.
Midheaven and Ascendant, aspects not always reliable 56.
Milk, fresh from cow 147, 240.
Mind 41, 130, 140, 167, 191, 266, 365, 381, 402, 413, 416, 418, 424.
— connected with pineal gland 217.
— higher, ruled by Neptune 340.
— maker of the body 198.
— Moon partial significator of 126, 198, 201, 375.
— religious attitude of, loosened tension of nerves 281.
— steadied by Saturn 198.
— three significators of 191.
Mineral elements 390.
— matter deposited in joints and blood stream 276.
— salts 310.
Miracle performed through spiritual healing 259.
Mono-diet 435.
Moon, characteristic influence of 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 60, 74, 75, 152, 166,
167, 178, 226, 242, 253, 293, 332, 335, 412, 416, 419.
— considered in judging mentality of 20, 40, 126, 130, 198, 201, 238, 375.
— examples of influences of 83, 136, 185, 230, 233, 245, 335, 336, 356,
— mount of the 67.
— parts of body ruled by 82, 150, 189, 217, 247.
— planet of impregnation and parturition 238, 242.
— progressed, considered by predicting crisis 183.
— progresses around horoscope in 28 years 404.
— significator of health for women 145, 247, 308.
Moon's influence of new and full 73, 103, 328, 366.
Moral balance lacking, responsible for physical ailment 303.
— depravity 305.
— nature ruled by Venus and Uranus 302.
Morphine addiction 424, 426.
Mortifying the flesh 136.
Mother 106, 254, 377, 406.
— and babe, life despaired of 373.
Motor nerves, cramping of 337.
— ruled by Mars 31.
Mount of Venus, well developed in Taurians 64.
Mouth-breathing 28, 386.
Mucous membrane 386.
— inflamed 178, 277.
— insufficient 179.
Mucus, lubricating in stomach 325.
Mumps 233.
Murder of unborn babe 243.
Murderer 410.
Muscles and joints, stiff and sore 276.
— in spasmodic torticollis 83.
— locomotor 235.
— overtaxed 284.
Muscular movement, ruled by Mars 31.
Mutual reception defined 209.
— examples of 209, 228, 238, 249, 289, 305, 419.
Narcotics 26,291, 406, 408.
Nasal bones ruled by Scorpio 15, 22, 32.
— catarrh, Scorpio affliction 22.
— passages closed 386.
Nausea 178, 179.
Neck, enlarged veins of 128.
— organs within region of 140.
— pain in shoulders and 115.
— ruled by Taurus 17, 28.
Neglect of physical body 136.
Nephritis, Libran suffers from 21, 30.
Neptune, afflicted, by Mars, gives tendency toward black magic 41.
— afflicted by Uranus, negative psychism 41.
— afflicted causes underdevelopment 172, 236, 324.
— between Venus and Sun gives bulk 368.
— characteristics of 77, 90, 103, 106, 137, 143, 177, 207, 228, 327, 416,
— deals with large corporations 332.
— higher octave of Mercury 41, 77, 141, 217, 218, 227, 238, 253, 335, 340,
358, 366, 377, 420, 431.
— rules drugs 265.
— rules nervous system 431.
— rules pineal gland 141, 217, 366, 377.
— rules spinal canal 247, 250, 251, 335, 377.
— rules spiritual sight of 105.
Neptune in the signs of the zodiac:
— Aries 93, 207, 240, 341, 388.
— Taurus 122, 124, 143, 144, 205, 206, 213, 236, 253, 362, 391.
— Gemini 141, 172, 227, 228, 230, 232, 308, 335, 336, 350, 430, 431.
— Cancer 105, 155, 315, 323, 325, 327, 328, 382.
— Aquarius 90.
— Pisces 161, 168, 318, 398.
— higher octave of Venus 218.
Nerve, fifth lumbar 320.
— force 279.
Nerves, 79, 90, 172, 190, 196, 237, 247, 284, 318, 330, 344, 345, 408.
— motor, overstimulated 317.
Nervous breakdown 193, 237, 330, 332, 334.
— disorders, Aquarians subject to 25, 30.
— Gemini people subject to 17, 28.
— indigestion 390.
— temperament 154.
Nervous system 300.
— and spinal fluids obstructed 336.
— disturbed by transits 83.
— governed by Mars 313.
— Mercury 313, 344.
— helped by celery, onions, parsley, lettuce 219.
— inadequately nourished 332.
— Neptune works largely upon 420.
— shattered by fits of anger 79.
— sympathetic, ruled by Virgo 20.
Neuralgia, Arians subject to 16.
Neuritis 300.
Nose, inflammatory trouble in 386.
Nose bleed, Arians subject to 16.
Nourishment, obtained only from digested food 172.
Numbness in arms and hands, 300.
Nurse, requirements for 193, 201.
— Scorpio people successful as 22.
— Virgos successful as 20.
Obligation of health adjuster 165.
Obsession 362, 365, 378, 417.
Obstruction, Saturn the planet of 308.
Occipital region, Taurus rules 16, 27.
Oesophageal branch of pneumogastric nerve obstructed 345.
Oesophagus, ruled by Cancer 31, 79, 345.
Oils necessary to keep joints in order 295.
Olive oil, treatments with 259, 268, 435.
Operations 93, 103, 108, 121, 123, 125, 135, 179, 180, 247, 357, 372, 379.
— when they should be performed 55.
Opposite signs, effect of afflictions in 140, 215, 313.
Optimism, a magnet for good things 311.
Orb, exceptions to six degree 81.
Organ, abnormal enlargement of 368.
— undersized and atrophied 367.
Organic weakness 183.
Organs, female, unnecessary removal of 123.
— mutual bondage of 318.
— of generation, afflicted 124, 242.
— speech 123, 136, 137, 140.
— undersized and misshapen due to Neptune afflicting Saturn 324.
Orientals, Yogi teachings safe for 420.
Ossifying influences of Neptune 352.
Osteopath 84, 99, 261, 318, 373.
Ouija board 176.
Ovarian tubes removed 214.
Ovaries, effect of removal of 140.
— ruled by the Moon 31.
Overexertion 150.
Oxygen, burned up in lungs 423.
— pure 295.
Oxygenation of the blood 172, 175, 232, 312, 333.
— ruled by Gemini 17, 27.
Painter's colic 386.
Palate, ruled by Taurus 16, 394.
Palpitation of the heart 132, 158, 274, 277.
— when most efficiently treated 56.
Pancreas, ruled by Cancer 18, 27.
Paralysis 261, 288, 308, 311, 319, 321, 322, 326, 333, 334, 348.
Parental blood in child's body 217.
Parents 118, 137, 225, 251, 254, 316, 318, 325, 339, 342, 352, 353, 357,
— need knowledge of astrology 295.
Past life, effects of 106, 140, 159, 240.
Patient, must make effort to overcome planetary conditions 343.
— weekly letter required from 182, 436.
— what thumb of, indicates 57.
Patients encouraged to help themselves 361, 417.
— taught how to live 95.
Peacemakers, trines act as 34.
Pelvic region, weight on 261.
Pepsin, lack of 390.
Perception, sense ruled by Mercury 31.
Peristaltic action 18, 27, 288, 302, 345.
Peritonitis 20, 29, 244, 394, 396.
Pernicious anemia 289.
Pessimism, barrier to healing 163.
Pharynx, ruled by Taurus 16.
Phosphoric acid, in the kidneys 156.
Piles, bleeding 99.
— Scorpio afflicted causes 22.
Pineal Gland 103, 217, 218, 219, 407.
— ruled by Neptune 31.
Pineapple, unrivaled as digestive stimulant 281.
Pituitary body 103, 217, 303, 304, 326, 377, 406.
— ruled by Uranus 31.
— See also Lankford, Dr. J. S.
Planets affect opposite sign 116, 122, 241, 333.
— clock of destiny 136, 366.
— dangerous position for 156.
— expression of, through opposite signs 214.
— in cardinal signs 323.
— in common signs 213, 433.
— in fixed signs 153, 221, 229, 250, 419, 421.
— in last degree of sign 99, 226.
— in Leo and the fifth house 225.
— in mutual reception 249.
— in square of opposition 105, 323.
— major, given eight degree orb 153.
— opposition of, from 12th to 6th houses 156.
— progressed, start afflictions into action 133, 327.
— reflex action of 241.
— retrograde 58, 227.
— rising 88.
— ruling nervous system 217.
— Saturn and Neptune, the two most subtle 122.
— strong in signs of like nature 58.
— sympathy and antipathy of 323.
— transiting 183.
Pleurisy, Gemini people subject to 17, 29.
Pneumogastric nerve, 79, 98, 99, 132, 165, 279, 287, 343, 345.
Pnenumonia 189, 264, 288, 333.
— Gemini people subject to 17, 29.
Poisonous carbon dioxide exhaled 95, 125, 156, 172, 200, 204, 295, 439.
Polypi 384, 386.
— Taurians subject to 17, 29.
Pregnancy 377, 408.
Preliminary steps in diagnosing 46.
Prenatal period 315.
Prevention better than cure 268.
Professional medium 208.
Progressed aspects alone will not act 73.
— good for bringing about cure 314.
Prostate gland, enlarged 370.
— inflammation of 121.
Prostatic stricture 30.
Prostration 309.
Protein, 173, 329.
— excessive heat from too much 393.
Psychism, negative 364.
Psycho-analytic diagnosis 362.
Ptolemy, quotation from 55.
Puberty 84, 121, 154, 217, 236, 374, 383.
Pubic bone, ruled by Scorpio 22.
Pulmonary circulation, ruled by Mercury 30.
Pus, generated in body 232, 233, 356.
Pylorus 176, 179.
Pyorrhea 387, 390, 398.
Pythagoras, teachings of concerning solar system 33.
Quick consumption 228.
Quinsy 125.
— Taurians subject to 17, 29.
Quotation, "Mills of God" 225.
Radical planets show organic weaknesses 183.
Reading horoscopes, three points to consider in 72.
Rebirth and the Law of Consequence 224.
Recovery paid when sun is favorably aspected to Mars 75.
— slow if afflictions are from fixed signs 75.
Rectal elimination 193.
— region, nervous trouble in 202.
Rectum, growth in 386.
— inflammation in 392.
— ruled by Mars 31.
Reflex action 236, 241.
Rejuvenation, through gland grafting 216.
Religious mania 41.
Renal calculi 30, 195, 197.
— circulation 198, 200, 266, 303.
— disorder 333.
— secretions 156.
— stones 267.
Reproduction, ruled by Scorpio 28.
Respiratory system 295, 425, 429, 430.
Restlessness, due to worry 90.
Retrograde planets 58, 161, 187, 207, 251.
Retrospection 165.
Rheumatism 30, 174, 293, 295, 297, 298, 393.
Ribs, upper, ruled by Gemini 17.
Rickets and tetany 327, 329.
Rigg's Disease, Pyorrhea 390.
Rising sign 148, 183, 322, 326, 366.
Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception quotation from 211.
— teachings 136, 221, 254, 377.
Ruler, life afflicted 274, 375.
— of seventh house 236.
— of sixth house indicator of sickness 43.
Rules, when looking for physical ailments 350.
Rupture between mind and spirit 416.
— caused by Scorpio 30.
— of blood vessel 115.
Sacral bones 352.
— nerves 320.
— plexus 261.
— region of spine 23, 335.
Sagittarian, liable to accidents 29.
Sainthood, from savagery to 191.
Samson, symbolic of the Sun 20.
Saturn, afflicted by Neptune 351, 365.
— benefic characteristics of 191, 239, 331, 404.
— destructive influence in angles 262.
— exalted in Libra 20, 40, 53, 56, 57, 59, 73.
— expresses through planet which it afflicts 174.
— general influences of 18, 35, 44, 58, 60, 82, 103, 111, 115, 118, 119,
127, 131, 140, 145, 151, 170, 176, 184, 189, 227, 239, 255, 262,
282, 325, 335, 351, 390, 414.
— malefic characteristics of 82, 119, 131, 140, 145, 184, 189, 262, 344,
— obstructive action of 116, 119, 134, 142, 144, 149, 151, 156, 174, 191,
193, 195, 201, 216, 221, 236, 238, 242, 247, 249, 266, 278, 289,
297, 311, 319, 321, 337, 340, 380, 389, 435.
— planet of destiny, 405.
— rules the bones 355.
— pneumogastric nerve 217.
Saturn in the signs of the zodiac:
— Aries 176, 269, 278, 329.
— Taurus 116, 118, 122, 127, 131, 132, 237, 362, 391.
— Gemini 145, 149, 295, 312, 380.
— Cancer 111, 119, 161, 162, 170, 173, 180, 203, 204, 266, 289, 291, 302, 303,
348, 389, 398, 422, 438, 439.
— Leo 134, 163, 165, 193, 249, 255, 257, 258, 262, 373, 419, 428.
— Virgo 185, 274, 277, 396.
— Libra 33, 85, 93, 156, 189, 195, 197, 205, 210, 297, 298, 333, 386.
— Scorpio 140, 221, 227, 230, 242, 305, 429, 435.
— Sagittarius 115, 260, 308, 335, 358, 361.
— Capricorn 170, 172, 173, 174, 234, 270, 271, 272, 337, 340, 389, 412.
— Aquarius 104, 107, 199, 243, 282.
— Pisces 90, 319, 320.
Sciatic nerve, ruled by Sagittarius 23, 30.
— nerves 261, 335, 361.
Sclerosis, Cancer people subject to 18.
— hardening of the arteries 276.
— of the spinal cord 258.
Scorpio, rules the generative organs 214.
— rules the nose 15.
Scorpio people, characteristics of 48.
Scurvy, a Scorpio affliction 22, 30.
Secret habits 140, 218, 219, 435.
— of doctor's success 38.
Secretions 156, 157, 266, 378.
Sedatives, least effective when Moon increases in light 53.
Sedentary, Venus 31.
Sense perception, ruled by Mercury 31.
Sensory nerves, ruled by Mercury 31, 314.
Serum of blood, ruled by Cancer 18, 27.
Sex 83, 123, 140, 141, 215, 219, 370, 435.
— and voice, proof of connection between 139.
— force, used to build brain and larynx 138, 218.
— of body used by ego changes in each life 123.
— organs and throat 36, 143.
Sexual excesses tire and deplete glands 304.
Shock to nervous system in childhood 239.
Shoulders, ruled by Gemini 17, 27.
Shrinking, Neptune 32.
Sigmoid flexure, ruled by Scorpio 22.
Signs, cardinal affinity of 174.
— respond to afflictions readily 174.
— common 173.
— last degrees of, rising 88.
— of like nature have affinity for one another 174.
— of strong feeling 207.
Silver cord 380.
Sin against the Holy Ghost 251.
Sixth and twelfth houses, houses of sickness 43, 59, 290.
— sense, development of 112.
Skin 157, 295, 300, 304, 390.
— ruled by Capricorn 24, 28.
— ruled by Libra 21.
— sallow, Capricornian subject to 24.
— sensitive, Aquarians subject to 25.
Sleeplessness 200, 382.
Sluggishness of body 243.
Solar forces 19.
— drawn into body through spleen 327.
Soul, attracted to parent of nature like its own 225.
— flights, through use of narcotics 408.
— hunger 208.
— sign of a strong 160.
Spasmodic, Uranus 32.
Speculation, desire for 90, 332.
Speech, impediment in 131, 135, 138.
Spinal canal, ruled by Neptune 103, 338.
— filled with spinal spirit fire 251.
Spinal column 318, 352, 435.
— cord, inflammation of gray matter of 326.
— cord ruled by Leo 19, 255, 374.
— fluid 103, 326, 350, 352, 374.
— meningitis, a Leo affliction 29.
— operations 256.
— trouble, Leo people subject to 19.
Spine 103, 245, 248, 249, 255, 256, 258, 259, 350, 352, 353, 402, 403.
— dorsal region of, ruled by Leo 19, 27.
Spirit control 177, 358, 360, 420, 424.
— fire, obstructed by Saturn and the sum 251.
— linked to bodies 416.
Spirits, Lucifer, aid in maintaining blood heat 59.
Spiritual fire, life emanates from 103.
— healing 235, 444.
— life 169, 307, 309.
— powers, abuse of 103.
— world, activities in 151.
Spiritualism 209, 361, 420.
Spleen disturbances, Leo people subject to 19.
— ruled by the Sun 19, 58, 255.
— ruled by Virgo 20.
Sports, expression through 355.
Squares 34.
Starches and sugars 176, 277, 290, 329, 390.
Stellar script, value of, to physician 121.
Stimulants, when to apply 53, 55, 56.
Stomach 79, 95, 170, 172, 174, 175, 190, 300, 315, 324, 345, 389, 390, 396,
398, 426, 429, 430.
— affected by pneumogastric nerve 279.
— central supply station 387.
— circulatory system of 390.
— digestive fluid in 325, 390, 399.
— gastric juices in 170, 291.
— nerves of, overstimulated 318.
— ruled by Cancer 18, 170, 387.
Stubbornness 16, 48, 229, 249.
Suffering, softens nature 256.
Sugar 218, 219.
Sulphuric acid 156.
Sun, entrance of into cardinal signs 207.
— importance of having correct position of 148.
— influence of, in astro-diagnosis 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 73, 75, 110,
232, 352, 368, 422.
— orb of, larger than that of planets 251.
— rules vital body 255.
— the life giver 95, 145, 150, 184, 234, 238, 249, 253, 333, 338, 375, 414,
— unaspected, limited 257, 278.
Sun baths 329.
Sun in the signs of the zodiac:
— Aries 95, 229, 278, 280, 333, 343.
— Taurus 187, 183.
— Gemini 79, 130, 145, 238, 331.
— Cancer 124, 323, 387, 433.
— Leo 104, 110, 128, 132, 193, 234, 321, 362, 365, 373, 398, 421, 424.
— Virgo 164.
— Libra 201.
— Scorpio 201, 230, 391.
— Sagittarius 335, 340, 350, 376.
— Capricorn 85, 257, 327, 354, 355.
— Aquarius 104, 249, 313, 419.
— Pisces 116, 173, 175, 207, 209, 253, 263, 297, 414, 429.
Supersensitivenss 24.
Suprarenals, ruled by Jupiter 31.
Surgeons, Scorpio people successful as 22.
Swelling 132.
— of legs, an Aquarian affliction 25.
Swollen ankles, an Aquarian affliction 30.
— tonsils 219.
Swooning 378.
Sympathetic nervous system 279.
— ruled by Virgo 20.
Sympathy and antipathy 33.
— between generative organs and throat 215.
— between two planets 309.
Symptoms, according to planetary positions 148, 261, 297, 428.
Synovial fluid 259, 261, 275.
— fluids, ruled by the moon 258, 275, 295.
Syphillis 22, 24, 30, 185, 214.
Talents, latent, indicated by retrograde planets 187, 363.
Talk, boy refused to 135.
Taurus, afflicted, gives tendency to apoplexy 29.
— characteristics of 48.
— parts of body ruled by 16, 63, 64, 67, 394.
Teachings, dangers of Eastern and Esoteric 115, 420.
Teeth, ruled by Saturn 31.
Temper, 15, 79, 98, 115, 128, 153, 154, 167, 195, 238, 270, 322, 341, 378,
400, 401.
Temperament, gives clue to cause of disease 88, 89, 183.
Temperature, Arians run high 16, 57.
Tenacity, fixed sign people show great 48.
Tendencies, erratic 195.
Tetany 329.
Thirst, unquenchable 157.
Thoracic duct 387.
— ruled by Cancer 18, 27.
Thoughts, crystallizing built into new vehicle 151.
Threads of life, cross those of people we have wronged 225.
Throat, 83, 116, 117, 120, 122, 124, 125, 140, 211, 219, 233, 365, 370, 394,
— ruled by Taurus 31, 394.
Thumb, what it indicates 66, 67.
Thymus gland 217, 218, 371, 374.
— ruled by Gemini 17.
— ruled by Venus 31, 217.
Thyroid arteries 127.
Thyroid gland 140, 206, 216, 304, 366, 368, 369, 374.
— ruled by Mercury 218, 368.
— ruled by Taurus 16, 30.
Toes, Pisces rules 26.
Tongue, ruled by Mercury and Taurus 32.
Tonsilitis 17, 29, 365.
Tonsils 117, 121, 125, 126, 128, 214, 219, 233, 236, 362, 365.
— ruled by Taurus 16, 214.
Toothache 361.
Total eclipse in Scorpio 233.
Trachea, nervous contraction of 264.
— ruled by Gemini 17.
Transits 73, 102, 104, 232, 243, 285, 345, 366.
Travel, to far-off planets, ability to 112.
Treatment in sun hour most effective 268.
Triangle, symbol of trine 33.
Trines, act as peacemakers 34.
— harmonious and benefic 33.
Triplicities 33, 34.
Truthfulness, necessity for recovery from illness 280.
Tube drain 232.
Tuberculosis 142, 144, 145, 148, 170, 172, 264, 296, 417, 420.
— not necessarily serious or fatal 145, 148, 149.
— of kidneys 185.
— of pelvic and hip bones 223.
— of spine 253, 255.
Tumor in brain, near cerebellum 379.
Tumors 31.
Twelfth house afflictions most subtle 41.
Typhoid 29, 261, 402.
Ulcers 390, 435.
Uranus, characteristics of 77, 85, 106, 113, 134, 136, 142, 144, 145, 152,
155, 166, 177, 178, 180, 189, 193, 194, 200, 212, 221, 227, 229,
230, 247, 253, 282, 297, 325, 327, 332, 333, 334, 337, 347, 355,
377, 390, 392, 395, 412, 414, 425.
— exalted in Scorpio 230.
— examples of influences of 41, 43, 44, 58, 71, 102, 166, 172, 179, 212,
213, 236, 340, 423.
— higher octave of Venus 154, 217, 302, 374.
— rules pituitary body 217, 374.
Uranus, in twelve signs of the zodiac:
— Aries 278.
— Taurus 110, 166.
— Gemini 164, 189, 209, 334, 395.
— Cancer 360, 414, 416, 424, 426, 429.
— Leo 98, 282, 284, 319, 368.
— Virgo 84, 145, 212, 392, 406.
— Libra 180, 193, 206, 266, 289, 301, 302, 303.
— Scorpio 140, 185, 221, 305, 435.
— Sagittarius 172, 173, 335, 355.
— Capricorn 106, 324, 325.
— Aquarius 134, 152, 257, 343, 383, 423.
— Pisces 134, 136, 224.
Urea 156.
Ureters 190, 298.
— ruled by Libra.
Urethra, ruled by Scorpio 22, 28.
Uric acid deposits 174.
Urine 21, 30, 99, 132, 156, 158, 175, 196, 197, 200, 313.
— elimination of sugar in 204.
— heated by foods 99.
Uterine trouble 234, 236, 237.
— caused by afflicted Scorpio 22.
Uterus, ruled by the moon 31.
Vagina, growth in 386.
Vagus nerve 345.
Varices, caused by interference in Venus circulation 284.
Varicose veins 25, 30, 282.
Vaso-motor system, Libra rules 21.
Vegetables, uncooked, have abundance of ether 240.
— value of 219.
Vegetarian diet, 118, 128, 158, 203, 259, 277, 281, 300, 329, 334, 361, 394,
432, 435.
Vegetative nervous system 217.
Vein, gastric ruled by Cancer 18.
Vena cava, Leo rules 19.
Venereal diseases 214, 225, 230, 231, 305.
Venous circulation afflicted 300.
Venus, characteristics of 142, 226, 227, 238, 371, 413, 416.
— examples of influence of, in progression 73, 74.
— higher octave of Mars 60.
— mount of, large in Taurians 64.
— rules palate 78.
— thymus gland 217, 373.
— venous blood 82, 120, 150, 153, 163, 185, 196, 228, 230, 232, 243,
255, 266, 288, 290, 297, 321, 335, 367, 393, 396, 420.
Venus in the signs of zodiac:
— Aries 315, 318, 380.
— Taurus 205, 217, 255, 256, 269, 319, 367.
— Gemini 358, 434.
— Cancer 79, 142, 143, 290, 323, 332, 362, 394.
— Leo 12, 398, 429.
— Virgo 232, 289.
— Sagittarius 282, 335, 438.
— Pisces 207, 209, 406, 419, 420.
Vertebrae of the spine 259.
Vicious circles 34, 85, 86, 211, 214, 325.
Villi of the intestines 277, 294.
Virgo, a common sign 62, 107, 211, 212, 274.
— on Ascendant produces good nurses 53.
— rules small intestines 180, 236.
Visions, imagination, given by Moon 414.
Vital body 255, 327.
— currents of, turned inward 52.
Vital flow along nerves checked 255, 314, 338.
— fluid ruled by the Sun 30, 58, 238, 327.
— fluids dissipated 219, 220, 251.
— organs 165.
— signs of the zodiac 19, 385.
Vitality 57, 93, 263, 319, 402.
— depleted 17, 57, 116, 150, 184, 234, 255, 256, 262, 322, 332.
Vocal organs 16, 134, 139, 141.
Voice, human, reveals character 140, 141.
Voluntary nervous system ruled by Mercury 279.
Walk, defective 243, 257, 335, 404.
Water 167, 276, 288, 291, 435.
Weeds, poisonous 276.
Weekly letters to healing department 360.
Westerners, Yogi teachings unsuited for 420.
Wheat bread, to give bulk 329.
Will and ambition 85, 92, 100, 111, 138, 144, 162, 180, 183, 223, 249, 322,
354, 364.
Will power, usually shown in Ascendant 16, 43.
Wisdom, friend which saves 87.
Wise man rules his stars 162.
Wishbone instead of Backbone, patient had 198.
Womb trouble, Scorpio afflictions cause 22.
Worms, Virgo afflictions cause 22.
Worry 90, 312.
Wrath, nursing of 268.
Wreck, physical and mental 180.
Reference: Astro-Diagnosis — A Guide To Healing,
by Max Heindel and Augusta Foss Heindel
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