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Complete Index
Max Heindel's Works

— J —

This is an index of
the following edited
online versions of the
works by Max Heindel:

— J —

Jacob, and four wives, symbology of, Questions and Answers, Volume I 317; pronounced blessings on sons, Message of the Stars 8; sons of, represent signs of Zodiac, Christianity Lectures 149, Questions and Answers, Volume I 316
James, see Saint
James, Professor, communication from, Rosicrucian Mysteries 149, 151
Jaundice, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 555-559
Jealousy, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 135, 265; was engendered by Exilir, Mysteries of the Great Operas 151
Jeanne D'Arc, heard voices, Christianity Lectures 38
Jehovah, blew breath into man's nostrils, Cosmo-Conception 345, 350; color of, is red, Questions and Answers, Volume II 265, 268; The Web of Destiny 99; created Adam and Eve, Freemasonry & Catholicism 10, 17, 95; did not put curse on man, Cosmo-Conception 278, 362; direction formation of skeleton, Cosmo-Conception 346; divided mankind into races, Christianity Lectures 150, 264; Cosmo-Conception 347-348, 352, 433; Questions and Answers, Volume I 184; dwells in physical Sun, Gleanings of a Mystic 58; formed man from dust of earth, Questions and Answers, Volume II 88; gave moral laws upon Mr. Sinai, Questions and Answers, Volume I 235; guided man from without, Mysteries of the Great Operas 25; has dominion over form, Cosmo-Conception 346-348; has lowest vehicle of Human Spirit, Cosmo-Conception 380, 404; instilled egoism into humanity, Questions and Answers, Volume II 324; inaugurated war, How Shall We Know Christ at His Coming? 9; instituted law, Cosmo-Conception 395; Letters to Students 58; Questions and Answers, Volume II 234, 253, 268, 286, 322; is author of race religions, Cosmo-Conception 334, 374, 380, 383, 433, 435; Freemasonry & Catholicism 61
Jehovah, is builder of form, Cosmo-Conception 334, 346, 348; is creative Aspect of Trinity, Cosmo-Conception 468; Gleanings of a Mystic 56, 168; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 43; The Web of Destiny 99; is giver of children, Cosmo-Conception 334; Questions and Answers, Volume II 234; is highest Initiate of Moon Period, Christianity Lectures 224; Cosmo-Conception 376; Freemasonry & Catholicism 9; Gleanings of a Mystic 58; How Shall We Know Christ at His Coming? 7; Mysteries of the Great Operas 145; Questions and Answers, Volume II 247, 250, 263, 448; is leader of Angels, Cosmo-Conception 277, 333-334, 352; Mysteries of the Great Operas 36; is lunar God of generation, Cosmo-Conception 360; Freemasonry & Catholicism 11; Mysteries of the Great Operas 146; The Web of Destiny 99; is one of Elohim, Cosmo-Conception 333; is Regent of Moons, Cosmo-Conception 334; Gleanings of a Mystic 58; Questions and Answers, Volume II 252, 352; The Web of Destiny 99; is ruler of satellites, Questions and Answers, Volume II 325; is unable to work through brain, Cosmo-Conception 361; is symbolized by fire on Brazen Altar, Ancient and Modern Initiation 57; originated plan of Temple, Freemasonry & Catholicism 16, 35; outer part of, is cloudlike, Questions and Answers, Volume II 427; reaches man through air, Cosmo-Conception 380; regime of, was marked by common Group Spirit, Cosmo-Conception 351; relation of, to Jews, Cosmo-Conception 334-335; Gleanings of a Mystic 110; ruled earth until 2,000 years ago, Questions and Answers, Volume II 244, 320; separated sexes, Cosmo-Conception 346-347; union with, is possible, Cosmo-Conception 433; was aided by archangels, Cosmo-Conception 404; works in desire body, Cosmo-Conception 395, 404
Jehovah, see also Holy Spirit
Jericho, walls of, fell when keynote sounded, Cosmo-Conception 122; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 165; Questions and Answers, Volume I 315
Jerusalem, meaning of, Ancient and Modern Initiation 87; Christianity Lectures 237; Questions and Answers, Volume I 208; New, Christianity Lectures 93, 237, 239, 290; Cosmo-Conception 116; Questions and Answers, Volume I 208-209, 245; Questions and Answers, Volume II 283; Teachings of an Initiate 196, 198, 202
Jesuits, Christianity Lectures 258
Jesus, baptism of, Freemasonry & Catholicism 49; belongs to our humanity, Christianity Lectures 243, 268; Cosmo-Conception 378; How Shall We Know Christ at His Coming? 8
Jesus, birth of, was foretold, Christianity Lectures 220; body of, Cosmo-Conception 378, 382; The Web of Destiny 30; consented to surrender of vehicles, Christianity Lectures 248; Cosmo-Conception 381-382; Freemasonry & Catholicism 50-55; Mysteries of the Great Operas 20, 25; Questions and Answers, Volume II 237, 244; gathered new vital body after Baptism, Cosmo-Conception 408; genealogy of, Questions and Answers, Volume II 246, 339; guides esoteric organizations, Cosmo-Conception 409; is noblest ideal, Gleanings of a Mystic 170; is our elder Brother, Gleanings of a Mystic 170; is special messenger to sons of Abel, Freemasonry & Catholicism 97; Questions and Answers, Volume II 447; knew his destiny, Christianity Lectures 244; Cosmo-Conception 382; of Egyptian initiation, Cosmo-Conception 379; parents of, Christianity Lectures 243; Cosmo-Conception 378; Gleanings of a Mystic 66, 74; previous incarnations of, Cosmo-Conception 378; Freemasonry & Catholicism 52; Questions and Answers, Volume I 181-182; Questions and Answers, Volume II 237; should be differentiated from Christ Jesus, Cosmo-Conception 374-383; vital body of, Cosmo-Conception 408; Freemasonry & Catholicism 66; Letters to Students 79, 83; Mysteries of the Great Operas 20, 25; Questions and Answers, Volume II 312, 314; was born in Galilee at time stated, Christianity Lectures 243, 336; Cosmo-Conception 379; Gleanings of a Mystic 74; Message of the Stars 25; Questions and Answers, Volume I 194-196; was born of immaculate conception, Cosmo-Conception 378; Questions and Answers, Volume II 339; was disciple of high degree, Ancient and Modern Initiation 13; Christianity Lectures 245; Cosmo-Conception 378, 381; The Web of Destiny 82; was educated and cared for by Essenes, Christianity Lectures 244; Cosmo-Conception 379, 383; was given back seed atom of physical body, Cosmo-Conception 408; Questions and Answers, Volume II 312; was not "the only begotten Son of God," Cosmo-Conception 374; whereabouts of, after Baptism, Questions and Answers, Volume II 326; will be compensated for loss of experience, Questions and Answers, Volume II 318; work of, differs from that of C.R.C., Questions and Answers, Volume II 312; worked with churches, Ancient and Modern Initiation 123; Freemasonry & Catholicism 50, 97; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 30; Questions and Answers, Volume II 300
Jews, Christianity Lectures 149-151, 264, 334-335, 349, 351, 405; Message of the Stars 19; Questions and Answers, Volume I 54-56, 195
Joan of Arc, Questions and Answers, Volume II 330
Job, Story of, Letters to Students 46; Mysteries of the Great Operas 7, 11; Questions and Answers, Volume I 43
John, Saint, see Saint
John, the Baptist, Ancient and Modern Initiation 93; Christianity Lectures 156; Cosmo-Conception 169, 405; Freemasonry & Catholicism 97; Letters to Students 189; Questions and Answers, Volume I 161-163; Questions and Answers, Volume II 89, 334, 450; Rosicrucian Mysteries 45-46; Teachings of an Initiate 48, 55, 185; The Web of Destiny 64
Jonah, and the whale, Questions and Answers, Volume II 338; Teachings of an Initiate 19-20; sign of, Teachings of an Initiate 9
Jordan, the Baptism in, Ancient and Modern Initiation 75
Joseph, father of Jesus, Ancient and Modern Initiation 12-13, 65-66, 70; Christianity Lectures 151; Cosmo-Conception 378; Gleanings of a Mystic 66, 74; The Web of Destiny 82
Josephus, Christianity Lectures 149, 328
Joshua, the son of Nun, Message of the Stars 26
Joy, is a powerful medicine, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 179
Judaism, is a race religion, Christianity Lectures 148, 335; Teachings of an Initiate 55
Judas Iscariot, symbolizes lower nature, Cosmo-Conception 502
Judgment, Sun in Libra, Gleanings of a Mystic 156; Message of the Stars 25; use of, Questions and Answers, Volume II 20
Jupiter, astrological aspects of, Message of the Stars 5, 27, 39-41, 110, 133, 274, 278, 285, 292, 302, 424, 430, 447, 556-559, 570; auric color of, Message of the Stars 42; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 162; Rosicrucian Mysteries 132; gives joy and laughter, Questions and Answers, Volume II 396; has preponderance of light ether, Questions and Answers, Volume II 255; has symbol of soul above matter, Questions and Answers, Volume II 369; Simplified Scientific Astrology 166; inspires us with lofty thoughts, Christianity Lectures 171; is counterpart of Thor, Mysteries of the Great Operas 79; is field of evolution for advanced beings, Cosmo-Conception 259; is great benefit, Questions and Answers, Volume II 375; is planet of law and order, Questions and Answers, Volume II 344; moons of, Cosmo-Conception 259
Jupiter Period, conditions of, Cosmo-Conception 70, 199, 234, 242, 298-299, 418-419, 422, 423, 425, 427-428, 502; Questions and Answers, Volume II 57, 517; humanity of, Cosmo-Conception 70, 240, 242, 342; Letters to Students 96; Message of the Stars 62; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 187; Questions and Answers, Volume I 92; Questions and Answers, Volume II 57
Jupiter Revolution, of Earth Period, Cosmo-Conception 229, 231, 235
Justice, Gleanings of a Mystic 33; Mysteries of the Great Operas 33, 175; Teachings of an Initiate 49, 71
Juvenile Court, Cosmo-Conception 385
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